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Everything posted by Francois424

  1. Having problems with ground scatter since 0.25. Some places look worse than 0.24.2. But yeah, grass looks good, to bad it ate all the trees, and I don't see them no more.
  2. I don't plan efficiently, whatever I fancy. I'm working on a Delta-II rocket that being said, and so far it's not that bad but a bit underpowered (and it should as it's meant to bring payload to LKO). 3 stages gets a light Mun lander there and back. Other than that I have an "Hercules" launcher for heavy payload which I use for almost everything. 15 double orange+mainsails, 8 stages in all, the 9th being payload, so 9 or more as soon as I leave LKO most of he times... So voted 9+
  3. Finished putting Ion Satellites around Eve, Gilly, and Moho. That wraps up this 5-satellite carrier. That leaves Dres, Eeloo, and 3 moons of Jool and my satellite network is done.
  4. Messed around with Remote tech so that I could include the flight computer (only thing I wanted from the mod, really, too bad not available alone) and not have to bother with dish ranges... took about 1-2h of tweaking but I've got it. So now my ion probes are doing their burs while I browse the web or post here ! I launched a ~1000 part ship containing my 5 satellites to Kerban's orbit (my poor, poor computer), and started putting sending them to their destination. 2 for Mun/Minmus (doing it's burn now), then Before going to bed, will send the interplanetary transport to eve for Eve/Gilly. Tomorrow the last one will go to Moho. It's progressing (And fun) !
  5. Heck if it would be an option, I would make my KSP on EVE (of all places). Second option would be on Laythe for the Joolian settings (like alternis kerbol). Then for the fun of it, Minmus or Pol... but free launches aren't really my style. If only on Kerbin, then I'd go Antarctica. That would be a Cool place to try (pun intended)
  6. Got the poles biomes with my rover truck on Minmus. Heading back to southern latitudes for great/greater flats and others. Can't wait for ScienceAlert mod to be updated... lost the habit of checking biomes every minutes
  7. Been playing a year and didn't even visit all the planet yet or do a grand tour (to me a grand tour is no refueling the main ship tho). I prefer roving with rovers (and will with electric propeller planes if/when they get in game) rather than flying my rocket from biomes to biomes. I once sent Jeb in a solar orbit and let the game at max speed for a whole night. didn't revert either and my game is showing year -232 now. Odd stuff.. oh and poor Jeb. I later killed the mission and he showed back up, but I kept the weird date as a reminder of what not to do. I let the poor kerbals asking to be saved die in orbit (career missions). Hey it was their space agency's fault, not mine ! I farm money by putting satellites around each moon/planet and doing quick 0.0 point science. I am a completitionnist and will send a Kerbal into a 6year mission for a couple of 0.1 science gain somewhere on Dres or worse. I never run difficulty mods (DRE, FAR, supplies, etc) but will install a mod for ONE piece (ie: M27 cockpit from B9, COSMOS for the large solar panels, ditto for for future tech). I modify stock parts to meet my need (Rapier? Check, Ion? Check)... hey that 2 thrust is trying my patience (bumped to 5), but I am thinking about flight computer just to do these burns precisely while doing something else in RL. What's a 90min burn if the CPU does it for me. I keep promising my Kerbals they'll go to Duna, Laythe, or other fun places... Only for them to always end-up on Minmus or Moon stuck in rovers for god knows long. I use part clipping to make small landers, and beautiful things. I prefer beauty over efficiency, making odd design choices sometimes. I keep posting everywhere that I want Stock Electric propellers (gah! sinned again)
  8. Haha. I was thinking the same thing. It's fun tho to run science for the heck of it and notice it... I was like... what what ? Biomes here ? Oh another there... it's all over the place. Nice touch. Well If I run into something I didn't complete, I'll do it even or 0.2% most of the time I have the lab anyways so it's trivial to finish
  9. Continued to explore Minmus with my science truck. Got lesser flats and lowlands while heading to the poles. More to follow later I am sure... man finding all biomes is hard without maps. I know I am missing "greater flats" but can't seem to find it. And that's keeping it interesting
  10. The only one in the list I use is Kerbal Engineer. But in all seriousness, I'd rather have them put electric propellers in-game... Good for exploration and would fit well with new biomes.
  11. Fixed most of my 0.24 crafts that had parts changed during the update. All you need to do is Copy the folder of the pieces you wanted into their old spots (ie: squad/parts/aero) and It works I know it's minor, but I'm so happy... my Spirit/Opportunity rover now looks the part back ! !
  12. Actually, I found out you cannot edit the part names inside the craft files... I'm open to suggestions, how do I repair my old crafts so they point to another folder ? ( I can import the parts I want from .24, I just need a way to fix my old crafts) If anyone can help, be my guess. Never thought it'd be that much of a problem. EDIT: Or not. I just copied over the 3 folders I wanted from the 0.24, and BAM it is fixed. Don't know why, but not gonna complain. Nevermind all of this I guess. Mods can lock this thread.
  13. Hey all, Just trying to "repair" my old planes in 0.25 I am planning to re-overwrite the new parts with their 0.24 counterparts (then re-add the .25 parts renamed, so they don't erase .24 again) I need help figuring which is which. Anyone has the list of all the changes ? I know someone posted them the 1rst day, but I can't find it anymore. Any help would be welcomed. Thanks.
  14. Well as soon as you get the first one, Science alert would not alert you of any other gain with the same biome Nothing prevents you from taking more reading in different pods if you want... I know it can be done. unless I am mis-understanding ? Anyways the checkbox would be optional so ppl that wants multiple notifications per biomes can leave it unchecked.
  15. Well I think I'll be OK once I set it to ignore < 1 science gains. A suggestion would be as follow: If I already have a sample stored on my craft (say flying at Kerbin's Shores), no matter what is left, do not alert me again. Not sure if doable, but that would be a great tool. I can set it to bug me all it wants, even for 0.1 science. But as soon as I have a sample of the place in question, no matter how much is left and what I have the alert set to, do not bother me again... at least for this mission or unless I dump the sample. Your mod is great tho, I love it
  16. In the meantime, do not use it if you feel it is overpowered. Or abuse it like crazy for now, because for sure it'll get fixed
  17. Actually, scratch my previous suggestions... I want ONE thing in 0.26... Electric propellers ( small / medium and large, for all type of rovers/planes ) Reason: we have none of this in stock, none of the parts have a fuel-free propellers or whatever for planes. So not asking for a duplicate of existing pieces (unless you count mods, which I am not) The only thing that comes close are Ions but that doesn't work nearly as well, and my land rovers are (usually) faster. And (I think, but I am no engineer) that they could work in any atmosphere as the blades push the "air" and the pressure under the wings keeps it afloat... so Eve would be prime candidate, so is Laythe, Kerbin, Duna, and maybe some others I am forgetting. Seriously... this is the ONLY thing I need (which is possible/doable without braking the bank and the time bank, and with the means at hand)
  18. 0.22, or about a month before they added science
  19. Ok, I guess it makes sense. I still had 0.1 left and it was popping up because I did tell it to pop if no maxxed. I guess the way I was trying to set it up is to NOT notify me if I already took a sample on THIS mission, but to DO notify me in case I come across something not completed yet. I do want to complete these last 0.1 tho (why not, I mean I'm there and I have a lab) Thanks for the answer !
  20. Just came to check... Was doing my usual roving and noticed not getting the "Ble-Blop" sound anymore, and then I notice it's gone from the toolbar. Then I remembered, "Oh right, 0.25 happened." I'll be waiting. One question: will this new version check into your stored experiments to see if you already have it before constantly reminding you that you can run the experiment ? Example: Fly over kerbin's shores. I do all the science and go back in. 3sec later "Ble-Blop" sound, for Kerbin's shore again. Thanks for this mod, 5th horseman made me discover it and it's insanely good !
  21. 2.5 here. I wont go space plane or bother landing at the KSC. I just land wherever the wind takes me. I have put kerbal engineer and never play without it now tho. And I am beginning to be able to build much smaller than I was before. My launches are at least 3x more efficient now than they where 1y ago when I started. But I get no satisfaction from wasting my time getting a spaceplane into orbit if I can do it less efficiently with un-reusable rockets and in a quarter of the time
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