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Everything posted by Francois424

  1. @GigaG: your first scene makes me think of that scene at movie theaters when we see the Wright bro's plane, then biplane, then P51 mustang, then F18, Shuttle, and finally an interstellar ship. And it's a good Idea, except this time with KSP versions, brilliant. Good Ideas all around =)
  2. Time to try my B-52 stratofortress again in 1.0 then. Never was able to make a jet that brings a full orange to space, might be the time now =)
  3. I would be fine with it being changed... I am also fine with it NOT being changed. The beauty of KSP in that regards is that editing the .cfg file is so easy that if I feel something has no practical value in game, or is redundant and is never used, I can easily go in, modify the said engine, and test. I never touched the LV-N tho, mainly because every engine in KSP uses 2 resources or fuel. Unless the game is modified to handle a lone fuel-type, I cannot modify it to use only LF (or Kethane as I thought doing). I did buff the ION-Engines to 5 thrust, long before the Devs "buffed" it to 2, mainly because it was too boring. I also tweaked the Rapier to combine the ramjet power/isp with the Poodle power to make it a used engine. Otherwise I stuck with jets and something else. Either way, I wouldn't mind a game modification to add/remove as many fuel type to engines, and making LV-N use whatever they will use. It makes way for me to modify a part to act as an electric propeller too if this is done. It would be a good thing afterall... but I don't think it's something they'll do in 1.0. I'm half-expecting 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.05 to be that "Balance pass on all existing technos" patch. Time will tell.
  4. I will usually disable SAS to do long turns and stuff, note that with pilots now I don't really have to, unless the overturn by 50%. But flying all the time without it ? No way. That's a recipe for major boom !
  5. Thank you so much for this. Most of my questions where answered. The only one I got a fuzzy response to was the propellers. Someday I will have my electric drone/plane. (stock)
  6. I'll say 0.23, even tho I don't really have a favorite. I joined in 0.23, didn't have any mods or knew they even existed... so I had ample ram and no frequent crashes. Plus everything was fresh and new to explore. Took me forever to figure inter-planetary transfer, but each accomplishment was extremely satisfying. 0.24.2 added much stability and playing options... also fixed odd craft disassemblies while lifting-off, and also negated some weird wobble. Plus it had x64 that was as stable if not more stable than 0.90. 0.25 didn't leave an impression, and I kept adding mods, and finally discovered why ppl where complaining about wanting x64 so much. I also stopped playing here for a long time. I booted up 0.90 for the first time yesterday... why the long wait ? Well... I was against Kerbal experience from the get go, and didn't like that probe piloting capabilities didn't scale with technology instead of with part. But playing a Science game where Jeb starts as a 5-star pilot made things really fun. Plus my x64 session didn't crash once since it's beginning. So gotta give credit where it is due, 0.90 is pretty sturdy and still very much fun. Was kinda bummed there was no Astronomer's pack or stuff like that for 0.90 tho... most places I check it only says : 0.24/0.25... And Firespitter is acting-up and buggy now, so no electric propellers anymore (see why I want them so much). Looking forward to 1.0, controversy and all... But my next favorite update will have electric props and 64 bits support (if ever).
  7. I use it all the time. To me this is a very important part of all my ships. At one point I used the liquid fuel RCS and I loved them better! Less of them for same force = less part count... until I noticed it caused asymmetric consumption of fuel between my different boosters (a fatal problem with almost all launches, and not fixed with a both-way fuel line) So back to regular RCS.
  8. I think it's hard enough as it is to make Polished, beautiful space planes as it is, if the jet engines get the nerf-bat, we might as well forget it. Oh there's the rapier, which is worse in Vacuum and worse in the air. If anything nerf the jets, but buff the rapier to where the jets are right now, at least for atmo.
  9. I started a new game in 0.90 64-bits version (windows). After 2 solid hours, no crashes. If this keeps up, I'll try adding a few mods/parts and test that,
  10. Also, if there are obstacles right behind the nozzle of your engine(s) thrust will not happen... Oh it will eat your fuel, but not give thrust. Something to watch for with odd ships at times.
  11. I agree that we need more planets. I also agree I want Unity5 for 64-bits and more memory to manage these things I also believe unloading the textures when you leave an SOI to be an excellent idea, that way we can have even better textures. Hopefully we'll get them of professional quality too. This would be an Ideal thing for a DLC in the future IMHO,
  12. I'm genuinely impressed. Amazing work.
  13. I chose Eeloo. I mean of all the places, it's the furthest away, and with Moho, the only place I've only visited ONCE. Establishing a long-term full-pledged outpost/base there would be cool to try. Plus the gravity isn't too bad. Getting supplies might be a problem tho, Careful planning is a must, especially with Life Support or Snacks! With the full solar system in kerbal size (1/10th RSS), I'd probably go to Uranus or even Pluto. Throw in Comets, and I'd try to make a base on Halley's comet. Why ? I don't have to move, my base gets very low dV costs to everywhere, given time.
  14. I restart when a new version is out and I want to play with it's features. Or when I run out of memory... which happens too frequently now since 0.25.
  15. Perfect ? No parts lag limits (or something like 5k) and 100% stable 64 bits (gotta have that ram for mods and stuff) A huge star system with 10-12 planets and 5-6 comets (Kinda like our own) Easy to use Solar system creator/editor... I want to make Gliese 581 and my version of Alpha Centauri Electric Propellers and solar coating film to put on surfaces (mostly wings). Pick a tank form, pick a tank size, pick a texture/color, then set what it carries... Real US Space shuttle parts ? I really like the look, I think it's the most beautiful craft NASA ever launched. More non-annoying music, maybe themes or each of the planets. Tech tree editor. Parts editor (ok I can edit text files fine, but sometimes having an interface to do it is really cool) And obviously some kind of Multi-player to share it with friends. The rest, the game really has everything I want already.
  16. Out of your choices : "More part's that improve existing features" --> Electric Propellers / solar panel wings (or solar panel coating aka 'film' to coat surfaces with) And you're right about Unity5. Mostly because that will benefit me tremendously.
  17. Very well, I still think that Unity5 needs to be done asap... as soon as you can after 1.0 is done, that is fine with me. As for 1.0 stuff ONLY, quoting the perfect answer thus far :
  18. Thanks for asking our input. Obviously this is where I ask for the Mun (pun intended) no ? I'll keep it short, don't worry #1 - IMHO, we need unity 5 support asap. why ? 64 bits support, and help with laggy ships+stations. I had the chance to try x64 in 0.24.2 and the performace increase was easy to feel... even a modless install with only kerbal engineer was awesome. #2 - I agree with poster above (at the time of writing this, "TheBrisbyMouse") about Optimization > Stability > Balance > Content... which incidentally kinda fit into my #1 here. There are also many other fixes for that, such as longer fuel tanks or maybe have some way to tell the engine that our 2x Orange tank +1 engine +2 ASAS +1 RCS tank + 1 Nosecone (in one cylinder) = 1 part. That way my 15x engines super-duty launcher will count like 15 part instead of 105 (well, beside the RCS port, struts, fuelines and lights, but still). #3 - (the for myself suggestion) IMHO, we need an electric propeller or 3 (small/medium/large, with possibility to toggle push/pull), and solar wing or solar panel coating (a film of sorts) that we can put on surfaces (especially wings/canard). It will help tremendously with exploration and will be very fun to do. Oh and please make the Piloting "Automatic aiming" be more precise, if only for a 5-star pilot and top-of-the-line remote controller... case and point: Mechjeb or Remotetech flight computer. <-- this is a nice to have, not priority. Your game is awesome, and will definitely get better. Great Job !
  19. I have tried making one, and most of my RL friends where impressed by it... but it never made it into space. And I'm a stickler for perfection. Unless I install/debug the mod that includes the shuttleparts, or that KSP makes some stock (that would rock to have the Space shuttle "lego-set" if only for the wings and the engine!), then I'm not really wasting time making one. It was fun trying tho.
  20. Well, if at least you could say to the game: Treat these 3 Huge white LFO tanks and that 4 nozzle engine attached to them as ONE BOOSTER... even if you don't stretch it and it has part white/part yellow in some cases, at least you save a lot on processing and part count. One of my heavy-duty launcher uses 15x2 orange tanks in a 4 steps asparagus staging... If we just think engines/tanks I would save 30 parts right there. Or 15 for just the tanks alone. But I've been in favor of this with ability to change colors of said tanks too for a very long time. So +1 even tho the devs said at some point thy wouldn't do that because it goes against their vision of a Lego-like building game...
  21. +1 for the pipes/connectors points/stock attachment system Don't know how 1.0 will shape up, but in case I vote for this.
  22. I'm pretty sure the scaling in difficulty can be done eventually with new planets/moons or reworking the current Kerbol System. Most of the ships I have build on Kerbin and launched had about 8k dV. If I tried really hard, I could do 15-18k, but my system would lag and I hate lag. Ramp difficulty up, I had to learn to Dock and refuel. Still, we need destinations that makes Moho a joke. I mean REALLY far stuff that would warrant using Jool as gravity assist or serious ship engineering to pull off. Case and Point : Jupiter is 778.547.200 km from the sun, the Earth is 151.000 km. Saturn 1.433.449.370 km Uranus 2.870.671.400 km Neptune 4.498.542.600 km Pluto 5.874.000.000 km Now if Jool is 68.773.560 km, then the next planets could be : 126.629.803 253.592.879 397.397.756 518.904.593 the farthest one is ~7,5 times further away than Jool. If we say 3k dV for single trip to Jool, it becomes 22'500 dV for a simple go at that farthest planet. It makes up for an interesting challenge (especially I you make that last planet have 5 moons like Pluto, that makes stuff to do once there). Add in solar panels being ~56 times less efficient (distance exponent 2), even if you do not play with Life Support, that's quite the challenge. And that's just a logistic challenge. Don't forget EVE for now... it's hard, and doesn't get much love as a result. Now if our "future Pluto" is a large planet with 5 tough moons to get to (weird inclination, super dense atmosphere, etc)... imaging a tougher Jool-5 but with the above difficulties. And don't get me started about having a "Halley's Comet" that orbits closer than Moho and slightly less far than our to-be Neptune analog. That would also pose quite the challenge to intercept and land. And it would be fun ! well, these where my thoughts on the subject, enjoy =)
  23. I feel the game is simply outstanding and breathtaking. Nothing ever came close as a space game/simulation is concerned. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone, It's just that fun and good ! However, I cannot vote yes on the question. There are crucial things that are, IMHO, missing from the game to make it good enough for 1.0. Some can be done by Squad, others are more unity-based, but still. What's missing ? To be honest, not that much since some is coming next update. - I mean the space part is A-OK, no need to tweak anything there (except I would make the automatic Kerbal maneuvers be more precise like either Mechjeb or the computer functions of Remote Tech) - Electric Propellers and solar "Coating" (or film) you can put on surfaces. Exploration is the name of the game, it NEEDs that (again this is *MY* opinion). - In-game Kerbal engineer with at least TRW, Stage/Total dV, High/Low orbit indicator, Atmospheric efficiency, and burn time remaining based on fuel left and current throttle. Stage/Total dV should be displayed during vessel construction too. - The game really needs full x64 support. * I KNOW* it's not up to Squad, at least not fully. But it doesn't change the fact. Things of notes the game needs which are making their way in. Reworked soup-o-sphere ? Next Update Re-entry heating ? Next Update (Man I hope it's lenient enough or easily adjustable). Resources Mining ? Next Update Updated Tech Tree ? Next Update The rest can be added later... and there's a lot of "the rest" but it's not as important (to *me*) as the stuff I have listed. Stuff like more engines, better wings, a USA Space Shuttle parts set(it's kinda important and iconic), spherical tanks, god you name it, lol.
  24. I tried RSS 1/10th once. Couldn't load all the nice textures in KSP(x32) because of memory limits. So I put it out for the future where x64 will be stable enough to be used. When that day comes, I am SO playing that !
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