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Everything posted by Francois424

  1. First landing, not crash ? It was for a Opportunity/Spirit rover look-alike. I had found a way to encase it in between 2 fuel tanks, each with 2 radial engines (the white ones). The platform was powerful enough and stable enough to land very well, also had quite enough fuel. Took me a while to figure that following the anti-prograde was how to do it. Once I did I was quite happy. I roved on the moon for quite some time before moving on to other things (Like Duna !) All and all it must've take me a few days to get everything right. (those where 8h/day kinda days) Back in 0.22
  2. I usually edit my craft files after completed, to replace Oxidizer by LF. I will continue to do so until I either start using a mod (Procedural fuel tanks ? or was it Procedural Fuels?) or until Squad gives me pure LF tanks. Until then I will not accept this tempering with fuel tanks as 'cheating' But yeah, LV-N still pretty useful =)
  3. I'd like to add... don't let haters get to you Squad. Yes there are things ppl aren't happy about, yes there are whiners and some pretty verbal ones at that. But if they didn't like your game and your patches up to that point, they would not be on the forums. Ppl like different things, and when something you like gets nerfed, you tend to take it personally and whine about it. I have a few... irritants... that cropped in 1.0 which most likely would make me edit some engine parts and make my game "Non-Stock" anymore. I hate having to do that. But I love the game. Again, don't let the whines get to you and give up. just keep at it. I am very much looking forward to more development and especially Unity5. Thank you for such a good game.
  4. Oh, that's awesome ! It really adds a sense of urgency to the missions! (As long as one like that doesn't pop in a crash course to Eeloo, then that's fine, haha)
  5. I agree that with KSP 64 bits, the Outer Planets Mod is first on my list (so was Kethane, but it's kinda made stock, more or less, and KAS). Hopefully, the expert behind RSS can take these extra additions turn them into Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (Plus moons). Then RSS will be next on my list as well with these maximum, 8megs textures for everything ! Doesn't change the fact that more stock (cannon) planets would be nice. And saying no adding them because most ppl don't go beyond Minmus and Mun would be like saying you're not putting flights to Australia and Japan because the usual person never goes further than Las Vegas, California or Florida. But it's their game, they do what they want.
  6. While I do enjoy the new Atmosphere (well 1.0's, didn't have time to play with 1.0.2 yet due to lack of time) I preferred the old one. I'm sure in a few months I won't be saying this tho... A lot of it has to be just from getting used to it again. Still, there was a reason why I never used far and Deadly Re-entry... Now Far has been shoved down my throat and there is no toggle to pick the old one back (most likely from all the engine changes). I was weary of the new atmo from day one it was announced, and most of my fears happened. I still love 1.0, and I have 0.90 backed up if that should ever change. Too much good stuff in 1,0 to ignore it. Still I really hate it when my rockets backflips while taking off... the worst part is, I was already doing textbook launches (following the prograde marker) in .24.2 yet in this new areo they still go crazy. Will have to try 1.02 tho, I heard the atmosphere is more "soupy" than 1.0, maybe it helps with that. For me the fun is in space, not spending 463 tries to get that damn rocket/payload off Kerban. Like I said, will most likely get better in the coming months.
  7. Well I do not know if this is normal or not. But yesterday I made a ship with a Nerva. I put 4 airbrakes on my capsule (I read somewhere on main forums that it was good for evacuating heat). I ran long stretch of burns with it and it never even initiated the overheat bar near the engine's icon. I'm going to have to test more powerful ships to see, but so far with that trick, no problems.
  8. Thanks for your hard work on this Touzenesmy, much appreciated. I will however insists that the tread remains open. I've got nothing against mods (except ram limit until Unity5), but I really want this stock. What happens if/when you stop supporting the mod and it becomes not compatible with a future patch ? It will suck. Still your work is awesome, I'll prolly give it a try when I get to Laythe exploration in a few weeks !
  9. I wonder if one could transfer the necessary files from interstellar to 1.0 and "adapt" the code to serve such a purpose ? If so it could be an easy fix. (or I should say... an easier fix). +1 for the Idea about having stock ones tho.
  10. I was hoping you guys where going to pop-in after the little change the tech tree has gotten so far. Hopefully with the supposedly easy-to-mod tree, we'll get a starshaped tree or something like that. Personally, I do not like that they put Rapiers and Ions so late in the tech tree. Ions used to be a nice substitute for Neva and orange tanks, now I really will almost never use them O.o;;
  11. Well there are 2 easy solutions to this IMHO. #1- When the Interstellar mod is patched for 1.0 simply copy the necessary radiator files to your game and use these. I plan on trying that myself eventually, unless we get stock ones. #2- Edit the .cfg file for the Nerva, and reduce the amount of heat it generates to manageable levels. Barring good radiators this is the easiest solution. I plan to try the trick with the airbrakes because they are small enough and stick almost anywhere. If the stock solutions doesn't work, I'll customize my game to make it fun again.
  12. Right now in Sandbox. My first rocket (a DeltaII look-alike) was ale to get to space with fuel to spare, and drop a satellite in a 500km orbit of Kerban. I didn't tumble or crash or anything. But true that in Sandbox I had the big ASAS ring + a 2.5meter computer to keep my rocket straight. I also build a Delta-shaped plane with 2 Turbojets... That was fun except the highest I was able to get to was about 45k, looks like I wont waste time making SSTO unless I have the rapiers (which are at the end of the tech tree unfortunately). Didn't have time to do anything else, but so far the game is performing well.
  13. Now that 1.0 is due out really soon, I hope they focus efforts into making KSP in U5 a thing. Even if there is ZERO improvement over the current version (and as long as it doesn't make it WORSE), That is totally worth it for the mods you'll be able to run. I'm dying for that as the next, major update
  14. #1- Took me forever to get staging right. I finally found Scott Manley's vids and even tho they weren't tutorials, gave me enough clues how to make this work. #2- I kept crashing on the Mun real hard. I couldn't land properly. Until I found out that the circle with the "X" in it to cancel my momentum properly. Then it was only 1-2 tries until I figured how to land. #3- Couldn't build good Mun rovers. With the help of this forums for nifty tricks (wider weel base, low center of mass, disabling breaks on forward wheels, etc) I made 2 very nice Mun rovers, one heavy for science, and one light for speed. Having a Delta-V calculator (Kerbal Engineering) was a game changer for me tho, it made Inter-planetary possible and easy. The rest really came naturally as I was playing along... Docking wasn't that hard for me (and I don't even use the docking mode that is provided in-game). I still transfer without transfer windows, because when I want to get somewhere I go somewhere, and I don't feel like installing the (excellent) mod for that. I also optimized my launches quite a lot thanks to 5th Horseman's videos, cutting dV for orbit by at least a grand (sometimes more). But really, once I had gotten point 1-3 correctly I was all set. All and All must've took 1 month for these all things considered. A friend that I had over when I was 3 weeks old in KSP came back at one point last xmast and his reaction was "Wow, you really improved, you need to teach me stuff) Fun to know you're getting better =)
  15. I could've called in sick... ... ... Except I WAS really sick and was in Sick-leave for nearly 2 months. So can't justify it, monetary or otherwise. Gotta make that money.
  16. Best Overall Channel: 5th Horseman. Lots of videos and some really fun/interesting ones ! Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/5fhHorseman/ @KanadianCerbal : you do know that HOCGaming, even if he has made really good KSP videos in the past, has stated that he was abandoning KSP videos some 3 months ago right ? Now I do not know if that weights at all in the balance, but something to keep in mind. Source:
  17. The only 2 mods I install all the time when they are updated: Kerbal Engineer and Clouds. probably Sandbox for a few hours to design my launchers, then Science all the way. I'll prolly do a career later, but I hate upgrading buildings.
  18. I just bring my boys home. Oh and it's already been done. I just launched a bunch of RIP (Rescue Ion Probes) everywhere to get them. So I guess that puts an end to my 200 years space program (about time too, was running out of memory almost around every corner). Fresh start in 1.0
  19. I wish someone would make a video about landing there on Youtube. Not good with coordinates, but been thinking about a Mun base since 0.24.2 and that is exactly the spot I want. Thanks for the tip, I at least have a rough Idea of where to look.
  20. Man, Tayler Raiz will have fun trying to land his OV-X and other re-usable launchers now... Looking forward to those dozens of explosions trying to create a new reliable one. It will make it easier to test rovers tho, no need to drive for 5-15min to reach rough terrain. - - - - Really looking forward to this update. It's almost perfect. Let's assume the fairings are fixed, and most of the mem leaks too. In which case it's only missing Unity5 and electric propellers and any other development would be superfluous for me. (well, ok, and the rest of our solar system analogs as planets... but even that is not that important as there is a good mod for it atm)
  21. I usually put these ones... And will often put 2 of them, one on top of the other. It looks less elegant but for some reason with the other type of Decouplers, engines always slams into my craft, destroying it. Unless this is fixed in 1.0, I don't see myself changing habits.
  22. It would be nice if LV-N used some other kind of fuel, and that fuel would only be available from 1-2 placed in the Kerbal System. Places where no one ever goes or only goes once (Dress and Eeloo comes to mind). - - - - However with the advent of ressources, Stock HUGE solar system becomes an interesting prospect. Imagine is Jool is Jupiter and you "enlarge" the Kerbal system to include FAR OFF planets like our system. Then the resources becomes an interesting part of your travels. Right now most ppl can get anywhere in the system with chemical rockets, with LV-N or Ions(if you're patient) it's even easier. If the system was 7,5 as large (as Pluto is 7.5 times as far as Jupiter), forget your puny chemical rockets man... the real show is beginning. The foundations have been set for a future expansion at any rate.
  23. Was about to suggest NASA myself... Already suggested
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