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Everything posted by Francois424

  1. I had that before in 0.25 I think. Never could fix it and It was freaking annoying. I was not using any of the Mods you are using tho. Very curious to what the Devs will reply on that issue.
  2. All we need is a few themes. Personally, the only part of this whole thing that would be white is the square where you type your posts in. Everything else needs to be darker. Also the double line jump when typing needs to go, it's annoying, lol. Umm seems to be when I do an "Enter" to skip a line... Let me try notepad + Cut/paste This is a test.... [enter] next line is this ! Welp I know how I'm going to post from now on.
  3. This thing is as much contrast as Tylo is to Minmus... Going the have to re-learn how to get used to it.
  4. I was thinking the same thing, a darker tone one, or at least a starry black background around the posting area instead of sand-grey
  5. Did we lose a lot of content or is the display more per pages than before ?
  6. [quote name='Archgeek']Oh man, that thing just makes my day. It reminds me of the symmetry-glitch party that was my XenonStorm Mk3, just with over twice the delta-v (probably in part because I had 24 engines due to said symmetry glitch clipping insanity, and my very very dumb early attempt at high-density xenon storage). How the heck did you get that many gigantors in parallel at those angles? ...Are those tail connectors?[/QUOTE] Sorry for the (very) late reply... I can see the forums from the job, but cannot post. Yes, tail connectors with each 3 panels (one on the tip, on flipped 90 degrees front, the other backwards), the rest are attached to the fuselage and other parts. The tail connectors themselves are attached to that part that gives a triangular 3-point attachment, and are reinforced with 3 struts each. Extremely sturdy vessel, and on return the part containing the 12 science packages separates from the engine section via decoupler and the thing could land and remain steady-upwards even on the water (but land still preferred). My original Jool-5 (no landings) with this craft netted me something like 2.5k science. I've often tried improving the design but I always ran out of patience. The new version will be manned by a scientist to reset experiments (and a remote control pod) allowing me cut down on quite a lot of weight, and parts too since we have 5k Xe containers. I'll post it on the forums when I do :)
  7. My Solar Cruiser... back from 0.23 (or 0.22? can't remember exactly) First 15k dV ship I ever made... But man those 45-80 minutes burns... Ouch. ( Price to pay for having 3 Ion engines ) Will redesign it soon with the new 5k xenon containers, but It wont be quite as beautiful I am sure.
  8. [quote name='I_Killed_Jeb']this thread is a classic example of the dunning-kruger effect[/QUOTE] Well everything is pure speculation afterall. The real goodie will be at Christmas or in January.
  9. In between the lines, I am expecting a 20% performance increase overall @Hobbes Novakoff : if we ever get 4x-5x more parts improvement and say 64-bits support, then U5 will have exceeded my expectations. I was hoping for at most 50% more parts increase, which unfortunately would mean I am getting back to parts performance I was getting in 0.24.2 (lost a lot of multiple part performances with recent updates, even with me getting a brand new rig).
  10. I cheat. Yup that's right. I simply increase the thrust of the engines to something like 5 (instead of 2). If not they are simply to obnoxious to use consistently except for small probes. In 1.1 tho I am going to try and find bigger ion engines. I would not mind have beside the current 2kn-0.625m one, some 10kn(1.25m)-25kn(2.5m)-100kn(3.75m) Ion engines. They only need more thrust, not any more or any less efficiency. I don't use many Ion Drive Ships... And I ever only "Mod my game" when I have the full tech tree unlocked anyways. Have to admit tho, if we'd have 25kn ions by the time the first nuke is unlocked, I might finally use different engines for interplanetary
  11. Finally found some rare RL time to refuel my Jool-5 ship. First time I destroyed it (I now know 4.5m/s is too fast with the claw), but the 2nd time it went like a charm. Unfortunately, the Main ship pulling the lander an an extra 14400 tank to refuel the lander is very taxing on it's 10k dV and it only has about 5k (lander has the same thing too but cannot refuel). With all the maneuvering around Jool and Moons, I am not sure this design will make to complete "5" in Jool-5. Don't want to build bigger as it's already 240 parts and at the limit of "fun-play" can be, before it turns into annoying low-frames. I'll say this for stock KSP, it is not parts-friendly. I should've went with procedural parts. Oh well, keep you guys posted if I get this mission ongoing.
  12. Thanks for the notes 5th. Missing your KSP videos btw... finish Fallout4 quickly :sticktongue:
  13. It feels worse than before. I used to be able to go in the 450 parts range before slowing down (ie: 1 sec takes 2.5 sec of real time). Since then I have an upgraded computer and it starts slowing around 250 parts. Really cant wait for 1.1
  14. When I brought my "Ring interplaneary ship" fully loaded with fuel it cost me about 4.5k But when I send up Apollo-style rockets it takes more like 3500. So I always plan 4500 and I use the rest to refuel my space station and stuff if I have any left-overs.
  15. [quote name='Majorjim']This. Why squad are avoiding creating prop parts is puzzling. I only see positives, they would be really good fun, something this game should be adding more of.[/QUOTE] Especially since they implemented reverse thrust in last update... so you could have pusher props or puller props. I feel electric props with speeds between 75-150m/s is enough... Back when I was toying with FireSpitter to mod myself a proper electric prop, I was shooting for 100m/s as my target, and on Kerbin I was capped to around 6km altitude. Flying rockets to quickly go from point A to point B was still far more preferable (so where jets back then, I mean 1600m/s@20k was entirely possible without blowing up). But as a means of exploration, the prop was the best thing. Nowadays I guess you can build a jumping rocket with ISRU, and it can be as big as you want. But if someone wants to take their time (and not to much time with wheeled rovers/boats) the electric prop light plane is the best thing. Everything in my suggestion's list can be obtained from mods... one part here, another part there... But I felt these where the most missing ones for stock.
  16. [quote name='Renegrade']Probodobodyne RoveMate 2.0! Initial draft! [code] // Probodobodyne RoveMate :: Squad/Parts/Utility/roverBody/roverBody.cfg @PART[roverBody] { //@TechRequired = fieldScience //@category = Structural //mass = 0.15 //cost = 800 CoMOffset = 0, -0.1, 0.0 // (SHOULD) lower the CoM in default orientation @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { // a battery of 0.15 mass should have 3k charge, but I'm leaving some out. @amount = 2000 @maxAmount = 2000 } // can store science results: MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Stored Data storeActionName = Store Experiments evaOnlyStorage = True storageRange = 2.0 } } [/code] Would that make the RoveMate suck less? ;)[/QUOTE] I would love something like that ! Might modify mine for 1.1 now that someone did the "programming" already.
  17. If this finds it's way on youtube let us know. I always like series like that (that gets further away than Kerbin/Moon/Minmus) Edit: Q. The GN mod includes several systems that only include stars, with no planets to land on. Should those be simply skipped, and if we should go there, what should we do in a solar system with no planets in it? R. Just send a probe and set it to orbit the star... That will make Astrophysicists back home happy as they get to collect good data !
  18. I started this on page 2009 of this thread. Now I finally have an interplanetary tug (or mothership) to pull my lander and my extra fuel tank all the way to Jool and begin the Jool-5 proper. All that is needed is to refuel it and I'm ready to go. Only 2 flaws with the mothership; the radius of the "Ring" is too small for some fat/large payloads, and it only has about 7.8k delta-V with the current cargo (without getting said cargo's fuel). It's going to have to do tho, thank god I was able to import and fix the old FTmN-280 Nuclear Engine from "Kommit Nucleonic" mod of 0.25, it cut parts down by a lot for the engines. Here it is : [img]http://i.imgur.com/MMGEaTq.png[/img]
  19. Flying at eve without having to make a ISRU monster... Same for Laythe. Just having a drone/small plane that can go on indefinitely is very interesting to me... you just have to lad for the night. Also the 0.625 ones would be great for ships which do not need as much power... I always felt that was a part that was missing, and at the same time I understood why it was not included (low priority because of the reason you brought up). To each his own style I guess.
  20. Not speaking of mods that adds stuff (such as KAS, life support, and so on) but rather without modifying the stock game, what parts you feel are missing ? Try and keep the list short, I'm going to try and do the same thing. Let's see : - Bigger fixed solar panels (say 2x2 or 3x3... that would correctly attach on wings) and the huge ones from FutureSolar. - Electric Propellers (I'd say 3 sizes: 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5 to fit existing fuel tanks) - Bigger Nukes (at least a 250 Kn 2.5m) - Bigger Ions (again, a 1.25/2.5m of maybe 25/100 Kn) - Bigger RTG ( say an inline 1.25m RTG instead of 4-8+ RTGs on crafts or carrying fuel tank(s) + generator ) - a Nuclear Reactor. That works on Plutonium (only obtainable from KSC so at launch) with very long operating time on a full Plutonium load (Reactor holds maybe 4k PL units and could supply a lot of electricity for very long). - A 2 man V-shaped 1.25m capsule. - Maybe a big spherical tank for LF only (Something about 3.5m wide across both vertical/horizontal, with 6 attachment points (N-S-E-W-Up-Down)... More practical (space-wise) than stacking bricks of 10k LF from plane parts. \--> Don't know how to do maths and calculate how much LF they would hold, but I would use them lots. So 2+3+1+2+1+1+1+1 = 12 new parts. Not bad and it kinda takes care of everything I am missing in stock game and constantly need to mod for when a new clean version comes up. What are your essentials ? [Edit] On google I found a site that could calculate how many liters a 3.75m sphere could hold... It's 27'611. Considering the 3.75m cylindrical tank (10m height?) only holds 14'400 I feel this is too much for KSP. Oh well.
  21. It begs the question about what I'd spend money on for a DLC. So many free mods which are mostly bugless and that will work even better with 1.1 once it's out and fixed. RSS ? Check (even 1/10th rss which is what I would use as I like the KSP scale) Outer planets ? Check. Although I might buy an official version DLC as long as it's worth it (Ie: enough stuff visit on the new planets/moon). Extra parts ? Check. I'm the type of guy that download a mod for the part looks and mod it to fit my needs. What would a DLC have to offer that mods do not? unsure. If there was a QoL (Quality of Life) DLC, I might get that. Then again, mods already cover most of this (KAS, MechJeb, Procedural parts/fuels, part reducing items (such as ONE 2.5m nuke replacing 4 of the stock ones, and so on). I think I'd buy the stock "expanded" Kerbol system if it continued to feature RL analogs (Halley's comet, Pluto and Moons, Uranus and Moon <-- my fav of our System) and maybe even some Oot Cloud objects to visit.
  22. Don't imitate Scott Manley... - Make Jool-5 videos - Outer Planets Mod videos, - Drive a science truck on the Mun getting all the science from all the Biomes (maybe not only that, but a small 5min x8 timelaspse per episode then chain with something else). - Take Brontoro's(sp? sorry man) Colonizing Laythe mission report and make a youtube series of it... with new buoyancy it should be even more doable. - Make a grand tour video; start by building ships and putting them in orbit then assemble everything and let's go.. (not a 20 parts probe that goes everywhere, too many ppl have done it before) - Build a Dres/Eeloo/Moho colony (places where no one hardly ever go in stock)... Eeloo might be interesting because of the challenge of distance and no easy solar power. Do stuff that will make your channel good and post it here so we can try you out when ready. I listed stuff I almost never see on Youtube. Scott is Scott, but I miss his oldtypes of series like "Eve or Bust" or "Re-usable space program"... Just posting my 2 cents worth :)
  23. Just watched the whole series. Amazing work. OPM is so high on my 1.1 paythru it's not even funny. Jool-5 ship here, 11k dV for the puller-engine-section + 5.2k lander = 385 parts and much lag already (1sec = 2.5sec). You pulled a good one with a ~225 part ship with 13k dV and a couple of accessories/landers. Then again I do not have the Procedural part mod, would've helped. Thanks for making these. Now going to find another OPM youtube series, but not having much luck (read as: "quality content / narrated / 15-20episode series).
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