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Everything posted by YNM

  1. I personally still think that there are going to be subtle nuances which wouldn't work in instant translation. Languages evolves in each of their own ways, and we'll often miss things because it's just not obvious or it's only recent. Then again automated/machine translators are a helping tool since pronounciations can be incredibly difficult. The problem shifts to "how well can they emulate them".
  2. Smartphone ? Lock screen button + home button. Eh, mostly JICA stuff or MLIT stuff or other stuff from Japan. Or this forum and the other forum. YouTube as well, music and such.
  3. Wildfires rarely happens on Java, but it does happen on the east coast of Sumatra and Borneo, where the peat bogs are. Also, official report from the national electricity company has been released (in Indonesian because that's where they operate). It basically confirms my suspicion that one out of three (one more was under maintenance) of the main transmission line was tripped - in this case, by an overly tall tree which grounded the conductor through a spark - which resulted in overcapacity of the two remaining available transmission lines, which results in the transmission lines being downed, which results in overdemand and subsequent downing of all generating stations, which shuts down electricity to almost 80 million people for at least 5 hrs; and further disruptions for the rest of the day, and the following day after, as they inspected everything. I'm just glad this only required an easy fix, and the loads involved weren't much more saturated. It could've been worse.
  4. We already sent things off before them sending us anything.
  5. Our disasters are usually more of the landslide/flooding/eruption/earthquake/tsunami kinda stuff, which honestly is really bad. Java Island is home to 150 million people as well, with densities averaged on the whole island reaching 1,100 people/sq km, so it doesn't help much... Not sure where to store a generator in our 15x9 m plot !
  6. Apparently the one main east-west transmission line of Java Island was cut off somewhere in Central Java, and the resulting load imbalance on the western half of the network has tripped most (if not all) of the generating stations in the western half of the island (I kept hearing them referring to "damaged ground steel wire" which I assume is the equivalent of fuses for smaller installations*). Took them some time to figure things out since everything falls out of the sky and coordination was extremely difficult (really amusing to hear radio people kept failing to call anyone they wanted to have a word from !), but in the end starting from 17.00 UTC+7 yesterday some localized network has had power restored (I heard on the radio Bandung was among the first to be restored by that time). They managed to put some of the largest coal power plants back on by then. As of now everything has returned back on. Let's hope there wasn't much that was damaged. Disruptions seems to be likely to continue as they inspect and repair the damages. Honestly, now I keep thinking of the fact "there wasn't a natural disaster, imagine if there was one !". * EDIT : Upon further reading, "ground steel wire" is the 'neutral' return wire on transmission lines. So apparently that got disrupted and it leads to far more disruptions. Still, it's chilling to think about if the disruption was caused by some terible natural disaster... we'd be going on days by now.
  7. Well, so this happens today... https://english.kontan.co.id/news/indonesia-capital-neighboring-provinces-in-java-hit-by-major-power-blackout Has been going on since 11.50 UTC+7 (now as I am composing this post it's 16.10 UTC+7). Western half of Java seems to have been in near-total blackout, from West Java province to DKI Jakarta and Banten province, along with western parts of Central Java province. Took me a fortune to be able to post this. Telephone lines are disrupted, mobile networks are almost entirely down, electric trains stopped, traffic lights shut down, tollbooths (which now uses ETC) disrupted. And I'm guessing very well we never have backups for this since it has been down for 4 hours. Great. UPDATE : Power has thankfully been restored to where I live as of 18.30 UTC+7.
  8. Well, niches are always going to exist... the question is whether you can find them or not, and that can sometime takes a considerable amount of effort (and pain if you happen to encounter stuff you actually don't quite like). Me ? I'm not sure, really - sometimes I find good things, but next day I might find something else being better (or at least as good). But I know I like good instruments that sees a lot of action or just soothing in general.
  9. Yeah... Alternatively you can try to differ vertical and horizontal scale - most civil engineers would've known about the disparity when you're talking vertical alignment. ... I think someone is overexpecting things.
  10. ... right. Well, maybe put a slip out to the police in the local area. Wouldn't probably change much, but just to let them know. Is the first one a railway or a road or something ? You could represent it in a few segments. Also I guess the 2nd one they're just trying to see the river line. Though honestly I don't get why you wouldn't use a CAD 3D model these days. (I definitely need to learn about them).
  11. FYI, that song is one of the OST used in this film - in the "escalation" section at the start (about 1/3 in). The other one is used right at the beginning. Guess most people would've known this one (which is also made by the same guys) : But honestly, it's not as cheerful (so not exactly something you can hear over and over XD) EDIT : And actually I'm trying to find similarly cheerful stuff. Apparently listening to some of them does energize you up. Still trying to pace myself faster.
  12. Well, how do you control them ? It needs to be sustainable. Also, to the best of my knowledge, such energy release isn't possible - the energy released are reflected as the difference in mass of the nucleus, and so far I don't see how the binding force would ever contribute to a quarter of the mass-energy. Such an isotope would be terribly, terribly unstable. Unless you're saying neutron stars, in which case, bad news : they are so immense that they're bonded by something else.
  13. The two existing 10m telescopes can achieve resolutions higher than Hubble through lucky imaging, without the fuss of trying to make something you can't service afterwards. So the answer is no. Regardless of how reusable your rocket is, creating a 30-m diameter mirror in space is still a larger PITA than making one on the ground - yeah you don't have to counter gravity, and you don't have to be worried about the ground moving about or the air blew you off, but you also don't require stationkeeping, and space manufacturing and assembly is still in it's earliest stage. If those last two were to change, then we might really see things shifting; but even then they'd have less proven experience than doing them on the ground. A much more promising view would be on the increased availability of wavelengths that simply doesn't reach the ground - gamma rays, x rays, UV, Infrared, Microwave and such.
  14. ... maybe we should try not putting too much out ? Also they're living on symbiotic algae... so perhaps they're ever so slightly sucking out the CO2. Isn't that where the carbonate comes from ?
  15. Are you limiting this to just games or all applications ? Because there are definitely applications that works for mobile users (and works much better for mobile users due to their mobility).
  16. Yes it is a panorama photo. No I wouldn't be able to take this with a single lens. But they look cool IMO, just a "fortunate accident" if you like (I intended to take other things). Here's a funny-looking traveler.
  17. By that standard then many "hotels" here wouldn't have internet. Well they're more lodgings really. Still, good news that now you have good ones.
  18. Shouldn't this be on Science & Spaceflight ? This is good science. I honestly didn't know, despite living among the whole lot of them !
  19. Yeah, but like, would a motel count ? idk, here most if not all proper hotels have good internet, esp. if they're well-known. No need to pay extra or anything. Either their internet is good, or it's just our general internet that's bad (third-world country still, what else can I say).
  20. We should test them with these. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Shavehaircut.ogg
  21. Well as long as it's progressing it's all fine ? I mean, heck, to us it's not even affordable in the first place. Our yearly national budget is only 10x of the costs SLS has incurred so far. If it were to happen here then yes it'd be much more worrying. But compared to your yearly budget it's peanuts.
  22. Anything that successfully go to space, and anything in preparation for that, is a progress I guess.
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