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Everything posted by pincushionman

  1. What happens when you do this in any other game or program? This may not be unique to KSP.
  2. Ninja’d! But anyway, in your case, your a (semi-major axis) is (85,000 + 2 x 600,000 + -200,000) / 2 = 542,500 and your r is 85,000 + 600,000 = 685,000. GM for Kerbin can be found on the wiki. Put those values in and you’ll get your speed at apoaspsis. Calculate again with both values 685000 and that will be your circular orbit speed; the difference between those numbers is the delta-V of your circularization maneuver.
  3. Hack gravity in the debug menu? ...you may also want to look and see if there's some kind of out-of-game viewer in Tools and Applications that might serve your purposes better than that, even if it does work.
  4. Whatever pet shop sold you your lizard should be able to provide you proper care information, and be able to recommend local veterinarians that can treat it. If they can’t, then don’t shop there anymore and find someplace that can.
  5. Given that the compass heading for north is 0° and east is 90°, then your heading h = (90 - a), where a is your desired angle from@OhioBob‘s equation, and is a positive number for heading northwards and a negative number heading south. Do note, however, once your vessel gets more than a few degrees north or south of the equator (that is, your position is), don’t bother trying to match the navball heading anymore and focus on getting to orbit, as your actual heading throughout a great circle route (which all orbits are) changes continuously. You should be close and any orbital correction later on should be cheap. You’ll need to convert from -180<h<180 to 0<h<360 as appropriate, but when you need to do that it should be obvious.
  6. If I understand you correctly, you’re saying that somewhere it says “all biomes have life,” and you’re extending that statement because all bodies have “biomes” (if it instead actually says all bodies have life, a screenie would help convince me)? If that’s so, remember that at one time only Kerbin had “biomes” per se, and it may have been that the statement was true then and never updated. I do agree with the other posters; “biomes” is not really accurate in this context. I actually blame Minecraft for this. I’d never heard of biomes in a game world before they used the term (though their use of it isn’t unreasonable).
  7. Not a real short video, but Scott Manley’s Tony Probe relied on: RCS thrust scaling by lever arm length, lack of shock heating, bad drag model, non-blocked thrust, true massless parts, and Stayputniks having reaction wheels. And it was glorious. EDIT: Why is this in Gameplay Q’s?
  8. Like @Aegolius13 has mentioned, you should only need the starter parachute on the 0.625 m node. As for the drag on the back of the capsule, in the Advanced Rocketry node (which has the Terrier) there is a 1.25-1.875m adaptor (FL-A151S), and in General Construction there is the TD-18 decoupler for that size. You’ll want those two parts to effectively use that pod.
  9. Now, I know that multi-docking is still a valid thing, but asking for 8 to work right is maybe a tad optimistic.
  10. Any time there is an issue with aerodynamics that could have been sorted out beforehand in the wind tunnel the KSC mini-biomes say we have but we don’t have a scene for.
  11. Tip (not pro tip, I can’t claim that): Don’t do this. SAS makes a really bad autopilot, and you’re much better off learing how to use trim (alt+control) and fine control mode to fine-tune your plane in flight.
  12. I am also interested in what that means. Does he mean to say no periapsis kicking (that is, all escapes and captures are performed in a single maneuver instead of multiple burns over multiple orbits)? Otherwise, there is getting the job done, or failing the mission. You said this came from Reddit, so surely there is a post you can link us to?
  13. You learn something every day. Still would like to see the airplane.
  14. I’d like to see what this plane is that’s giving you trouble. I can think of no planes in real life that use a ramp. …other than being another word for the apron, which is the paved area immediately in front of the hangar. But that’s not what you’re asking about!
  15. I haven’t had any such problems with the pods; only when I try to get fancy and return stuff that can carry passengers. Are you on a fresh install?
  16. I made asuggestion on this very thing just the other day. it already fell off the first page, but I’m glad I’m not the only one who has this problem. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/182587-include-part-node-sizes-in-the-displayed-statistics/
  17. Why not? You’ll end up with three sats on the same orbit, spaced by 2 hours out of 6.
  18. ...by which I mean in the stat block with mass and stress/temperature tolerances. And I dare say it should be the first entry in the block, the very first line you read. I've been playing for a long time so I'm already familiar with the sizes of tanks (in particular) that have been in the game since forever like the Kerbodyne and FL-T-series tanks, but I only now got into 1.875m parts in my career game...and I'm terribly confused which if any tanks or engines come in that size except the two tanks which I already had when I unlocked the Terrier. I do know there is that 1m size scale in the pictures, but since it's oriented with the part length, it's actually not that helpful for me and they basically all look the same since the thumbnails are scaled to be the same size on-screen. I also know about the part filters and sorting, plus you can always pull one into the scene and see immediately whether it fits. So I can work around the limitations this causes in the editors. Some of the parts (e.g. decouplers) have names which describe their size, and some have it in the description text, but they're the exception rather than the rule, and most importantly it's not consistent among all parts. But where the info on node sizes is really needed is in the tech tree screen. You can't filter the parts shown in each node by size, and once you pick a node, you're committed. Whether or not the parts in that node are compatible with the parts you already have in your inventory. It would be enormously helpful to mouse-over the Mk 2 Command Pod in the Advanced Flight Control node and see "Attachment: 0.625, 1.875" or "Attachment: Size 0, Size 1.5" in the part listing. How did we survive so long without having this data?
  19. All pilots have the basic “hold direction” mode when they start; no other kerbals unlock any modes ever.
  20. You’re looking for Stability Assist System (SAS), and the default key to turn it on is “T”. EDIT: I didn’t read the question correctly, and I apologize for that. But you’re probably using the search right, it’s just that SAS is rarely referred to as “autopilot” on these fora; we tend to use the actual name. So don’t feel bad about that.
  21. Are they actually decouplers? It’s been forever since I played with PF, but I sort of remember the answer being no at the time.
  22. Version 0.3 is now available. Patched-conic propagation of orbits is now implemented for escape trajectories (but encounters with other bodies in the same SOI is not). See the changelog for other details.
  23. We can’t even get great imteractive performance from thin clients at work, and we’re on the same campus as the servers. There is no substitute for an appropriately-specced local device/rig/workstation.
  24. Okay, now I understand. You should be able to copy the downloaded files into the GameData\Squad folder (I think) in the steam install. You can get there by right-clicking the game in your Steam library andselecting “properties.” There will be a link there.
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