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Everything posted by Ferratus

  1. Waiting happily to be able to use these in current game again.
  2. B9 seems to be one mod that was well made and it keeps ticking while some other mods had a hiccup with the new DLC.
  3. Hello All, I've been having an issue with the Karibou rover in that if I leave it and come back to it, it gets stuck in a strange way. Going forward, it goes very slow and tries to climb an invisible slope, and if I retract the gear it floats in the air. Going backwards it again tries to back up a slope. the only solution to get it back workings seems to be to connect it to something, aka flex tube or js-1 port from KIS, and then uncouple it.
  4. Coredumpster...I was having the same problem this morning and found the unBlur solved it. Mind you, it took me a couple of hours and reinstalling several files.
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