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Josh Hawley

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Everything posted by Josh Hawley

  1. That sounds cool! Building a base of any size seems to attract the krakken. Perhaps instead of 50m to a rover, there is a very small sized building that houses a rover (a rover bay/garage). That would make the base into smaller clusters of buildings connected by rovers. Also, rovers tend to have quite a few parts on them. By the time you have 5 buildings, you might have as many as 8 rovers. Seems like FPS will go down in a hurry. Even the best of computers has trouble in the 1000+ part range.
  2. Did you ever upload this part somewhere? I really want to try it out.
  3. Big kudos on this. Recovering the stages is impressive. I didn't think the Dragon had any engines on it though?
  4. That is a thing of beauty. I wonder if you can make it de-orbit as a second stage automatically too?
  5. Captain's Jeb's Log (Kerbin - Day 0): I'm really excited to be going to Duna. My training is complete. The mission plan takes me into a long wide Kerbol orbit to intersect with Duna, Land on Duna, and then return home. RND tells me that I won't need much fuel because I can aerobrake using Duna's atmosphere, and then land using the parachute. Captain's Jeb's Log (Kerbin Orbit - Day 1): One of the decouplers fired too soon (cough), but I was able to ride the rest of that stage up anyways by balancing my craft on it until it flamed out (BOOYAH!) Looking forward to the interplanetary burn tomorrow. Captain's Jeb's Log (Duna Trajectory - Day 2): The interplanetary burn went ok. It took more fuel that was accounted for though. Something went wrong with my controls during the burn and I ended up anti-normal by half a degree. I'm sure its fine, its only half a degree... Captain's Jeb's Log (Duna Trajectory - Day 3): Now it's a waiting game... 88 days until Duna. Time to watch some Kerb Trek I guess. Captain's Jeb's Log (Duna Trajectory - Day 91.0): Wow! That time went by really fast! It feels like it was only a minute or two... Captain's Jeb's Log (Duna Trajectory - Day 91.1): Something is not right... According to my calculations, we are not going to touch the atmosphere at all... Recalculating retrograde burn. Captain's Jeb's Log (Duna Trajectory - Day 91.3): I did some refiguring, and The best I can do is get into orbit. This far along the trajectory and I don't have the fuel for that much delta V. Captain's Jeb's Log (Duna Orbit - Day 91.6): Retrograde burn complete. Entering into a polar orbit around Duna. It is not exactly what I wanted, but at least I'm not on an interstellar trajectory forever... Captain's Jeb's Log (Duna/Ike Ejection Trajectory - Day 91.18): I forgot to check on Ike! My duna orbit will have Ike do a gravdic assist that ejects me from the Kerbol system! Not much fuel left. What do I do now? Captain's Jeb's Log (Ike Ejection Trajectory - Day 91.21): I'm going to use up the remainder of my fuel on an retrograde burn at Ike periapsis. Hopefully this will put me in orbit around Ike. Captain's Jeb's Log (Ike Orbit - Day 91.22): Well It worked. I have about 10% of the fuel left in this lander, but I'm in orbit of Ike at about 21km. Radioed KSC, hope they can send Bill. Captain's Jeb's Log (Ike Orbit - Day 95): Bill is busy. Apparently he is taking a job pumping gas? He always was kind of odd... KSC has put me on hold... At least the hold music isn't that guy singing "KumaKuma" anymore, now it's a song called "Never gonna give you up" by Rick Kerman. Captain's Jeb's Log (Ike Orbit - Day 124): I've been in orbit of Ike for 32 days now. Starting to get kind of bored. I have done all the science that I was sent to do, and sent the results to KSC. Still on hold, and it's still Rick Kerman... Captain's Jeb's Log (Ike Orbit - Day 173): I picked up some transmissions from Mission control. It sounds like the fuel station project is going well. I sure could use a fuel station out here... I'm starting to hate Rick...
  6. This is a really neat way to show off what you have accomplished in KSP. Thanks for all your work on the generator.
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