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Everything posted by Shasol

  1. I have this weird issue. I have 2 construction ports, both have the identical settings but for some reason, thay dock slightly off axis. I'll post some pictures when i have them
  2. Was just playing around with the various reflector dishes, when I came across this little oddity. The RFL-100 Giant Dish Reflector seems to be slightly out of alignment.
  3. The part models and textures are Bobcat's and as such he alone can give permission to use them. I only handle the code.
  4. It's the module, that prioritizes one tank over the other, in ECLSS, it tell where to draw resources from first and in what order.
  5. Well Development of ECLSS, as resumed. First on the list is solar panel's, The code need a total rewrite, to take the new way solar panel's function into account. Next up is a reworking of the GUI, making it more streamlined and integrate it with the app launcher.
  6. Sorry for the Long away time. But here is a Dev release of ECLSS for KSP 1.0.5. https://bitbucket.org/Shasol/asmis-eclss/downloads/ECLSS_DevB1.0.2_KSP1.0.5.zip
  7. As stated in the release notes for the Dev build, most of the GUI are disabled, do to it being broken. But are working on a new release with a new updated GUI and toolbar integration.
  8. Well as promised here is a 1.0.2 compatible build of ECLSS. There are a new folder structure and renaming of files, please remember to delete any old ECLSS installations from your GameData folder. List of changes: Some of the UI have been disabled do to they need a major rewrite to function as intended. Renaming of the LifeSupport.dll to ECLSS.dll on request. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ECLSS will be going trough some changes the coming months, but rl is taking alot of my time a the moment, but are planing to release the 1.1 update to ECLSS within the next 3 weeks, if everything goes as planed. Happy flying everyone. Download the build her
  9. Good news everyone. Expect a working but striped down version of ECLSS, this week. The 1.0 update hav have broken large amounts of the realtime module and guiframework module and therefore need a large overhaul in order to function properly. I do apologise for the long waiting time, but rl is getting in the way.
  10. Thanks for the input Paul. I did make a roadmap for the mod some time ago, and one of the items on the list was to make ECLSS partless, and let other people with better modelling skills do the job of making the models and textures for the mod.
  11. Added a small poll to the thread, would like to hear peoples ideas for the future of ECLSS
  12. as some of you guy's may know, i'm a programmer not a model maker, so i'm looking for some one to help me make some new models and textures for ECLSS. I'm now particularly happy with the current state of the models in ECLSS and would like to have some new and much improved models.
  13. The update to 1.0.x will take some time. But the update will come, don't worry
  14. Yes, some time Soon [tm] Sure no problem. I'll change the dll name, on the next update circle.
  15. Just a quick update, after my long absences, ECLSS 1.0.19 is compatibal with KSP 0.90
  16. I'm hard at work on ECLSS 2.0, but have run into sevral severe problems but are working on fixing them and have a release ready (soonâ„¢)
  17. Great start, will be interesting to see, what you will come op with.
  18. The idea behind the 2 day limit and the CO2 scrubbers: If you don't run the scrubbers you will only have 2 days worth of O2, but with the scrubbers running you will be able to extend that to a full 3 day's. You will on the other hand, if you run the recycler be able to extend it even further at the cost of EU's and increased vessel mass.
  19. 1. The CO2 scrubbers will be a slightly modified version of the existing regenerator code, and configurable through a CFG. 2. Paul's rebalancer mod will need to be updated to comply with the upcoming versions of ECLSS, but that should not be a major problem. 3. The first thing is Toolbar integration and the addition of food, solid waste, potable water and waste water.
  20. In the next release of ECLSS I'll be integrating a slightly different version of Paul's rebalancing mod into ECLSS, giving you 2 day's worth of life support to alleviate the dual .CFG file problem's. I will also be integrating some form of CO2 scrubbers in to the capsules, to make a less EU hungry, but not so efficient CO2 recycling system. Any feedback is appreciated.
  21. If you like I can send you the link for the ECLSS 2.0 dev version. As to make sure everything plays nice.
  22. Just a small update on the progress of ECLSS 2.0. Most new features are in place and seem to be working as intended. Next on the list is toolbar and part modifications.
  23. Glad you found the solution, was afraid that i had broken something in my quest to kill the kraken
  24. That is really strange, I have no such issue on my end.
  25. Try this one https://bitbucket.org/Shasol/asmis-eclss/downloads/LifeSupport_Dev.zip do a clean install of ECLSS again... sorry
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