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Posts posted by sashan

  1. On 22.02.2016 at 0:17 AM, LORDPrometheus said:

    ll my weapons are built to real world dimensions +/- 5% ish... I'm Human. But that is how it looks and i have no idea how to make a new category

    Stock BDA weapons don't have any cathegory assigned - and BDA plugin takes care of that by checking their part modules.
    On a side note - will you update missiles to use new Baha's particle FX presets? They look really good - and you'll also save some RAM that way.

  2. 8 hours ago, blackrack said:
    9 hours ago, sashan said:

    Would you eventually fix Eve? It's atmo is messed up somewhat - its upper edge is knife sharp. Other planets are fine.

    I gave it a try recently but couldn't fix it unless I made the atmosphere super thin... which isn't really what I'm going for with Eve. If it doesn't bother you you can generate a new config with the config tool.

    Maybe you can make it end higher? It's super dense, and extending it up to 60 km would IMO be good.


  3. 7 hours ago, Rareden said:

    A depth buffer is a image that shows how far things are from the camera, black is close white is distant. As you can see from the screen shot theres a problem with mine for some reason, its getting these odd slices in it and it will disappear if the camera gets to a normal distance from your craft.

    I've got shadow of my craft dissapearing as it gets closer - and it happens at the same distance where you have that white curve. It then appears again, where that curve ends in your pic - and it has much higher resolution suddenly. IMO these problems are related. I'm using dx11 btw.

  4. On 17.02.2016 at 4:17 AM, Yarbrough08 said:

    I understand that KerbalStuff has collapsed (or rather that it is no longer being maintained). I will have ckan updated and a new manual download link added within a couple days..


    I hate the fact that we lost KerbalStuff, it was the perfect mod repository. I never wanted to use Curse myself, and as an uploader KerbalStuff was a great tool to leverage. I am saddened by the loss..

    Spacedock.info is the new KerbalStuff - it uses the same code as original and is slowly filling up. Everyone uses it.

  5. 7 hours ago, blackrack said:

    In a way this is wrong as it treats the clouds as if they were at the ground level, but I find the end results looks pleasing and more homegeneous.

    I think that you can actually assume clouds to be at the ground level - at least in RSS. They are quite low actually IRL - most of the atmo is above them.

  6. 3 hours ago, blackrack said:

    I didn't actually remove them (though I didn't like them either) so not sure what's going on, could be because of the new method to disable the ocean, if that's the case it's safe to say they aren't coming back unless you want the performance hit back.

    What happened is that you've changed draw order of ocean in relation to particles - they are in the same layer now. This made smoke and others look much better near the ocean but splash FX is almost always a bit lower than actual ocean surface - so it's invisible.

  7. Just now, V8jester said:

    You know.... Your at absolutely right :) I'll remember that for next time. I really haven't played with RP yet but I've seen it before.

    It's simply awesome.

    On-topic: Would it be possible to make water splash horizontal particles to be drawn on top of water again? They are completely invisible now.

  8. Just now, jakeb1993 said:

    Just checked, it mentioned it couldn't find the texture, as i had stupidly renamed it. I have named it back and it hasnt appeared yet. Going to go and look again at the logs

    I had model set up improperly in Unity once. It exported but KSP couldn't read it.

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