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Everything posted by JonnyMonroe

  1. With regards to physics, would it be possible to just disable physics on modules which are firmly on the ground? call it something like an anchor mode or what have you. I don't think reducing part count would be a solution since people will just use that as an excuse to take more parts with them. Quick question regarding the new Proxy Logistics functionality: will this still be self sustaining across a separated colony? the way you describe it, it sounds like you would need to move parts manually to the storage units in order for other storage units to pull from them.
  2. I've warped at a few different rates depending on what I was doing (drilling my mineral supplies back up, waiting on conParts, etc). Whilst some warps have indeed been over 50x, I genuinely cannot remember if I ever did a full night below 50x. I'm about to load up so I'll check now. Your post is the first I've read of TAC messing with warp resource values but I've read all of 0 documentation about TAC so I'll take your word for it.
  3. I've not found energy to be quite such a problem on my Mun colony. Granted I'm only running 6 modules full time right now (7 if you include the PDU), but my 140k energy storage lasts a full munar night. That's with Terraformer running both it's modules, Greenhouse running, Kerbitat running both it's modules, Hub and Constructor all running. Update on the power bug I was having: it seems to happen with a few modules. When I first bring them online after transfering in 750 conParts they just drain out all my energy. Switching to the space center then back to the colony seems to fix the problem though. Only mods I'm running are Kethane, KAS, MKS, chatterer and Hyperedit. Conflict doesn't seem likely but I wouldn't rule it out. Yeah, I've not been able to get Proxy Logistics working yet either. My base is starting to get a pretty high part count and I can see the kraken on the horizon, moving closer with every new addition.
  4. Fair enough, although after setting up my first colony it feels like it'd be way easier to take the secondary materials up myself (Construction parts, enriched soil, etc). Also is it intended that the composter module in the kerbitat drains all my power instantly when activated? I have 12 large solar arrays and a few smaller panels around my colony and 140k power storage and it all goes nearly instantly on the composter.
  5. I don't know if this is something you've left in on purpose in the pre-release, but you might want to consider disabling the context menu in the VAB for your modules. Being able to load a storage unit up with 5k water+substrate before I even launch it kinda defeats the point of finding those resources when looking for a base location. Other than that great mod so far though, really looking forward to seeing how it goes in version 1 and beyond.
  6. What you have to remember about probes is that even with the transmit penalty, they will provide a much better cost to science ratio than manned missions. Less equipment needed, and no return fuel/parts needed. Saving a small amount on your payload can save you tons on fuel for your initial launch. Judging it before budgets exist is silly.
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