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Posts posted by Proot

  1. The DDS Loader squad implements makes all textures unreadable, so the main texture must be PNG (or ATM must be used) to ensure it will load as readable for volumetric clouds.

    The only thing I rly miss are your cloud shadows. I use "DetailDist = 0" to create fake procedural clouds, so your shadows disappears.

    Would be amazing to have shadows casted from the detail texture ("cuted" by the main texture, of course).

  2. Can we get a work in progress version of the stuff that is working already? The game is just too plain without this beautification.

    Sadly not yet. The new version of EVE is yet in development, Scatterer too. And I'm still porting the RSS configs to Kopernicus... So Kerbin looks well, but this have a lot of bugs yet, and the rest of the bodies are in a mid term of development...

    But we are making progress: http://imgur.com/a/niokn ;)

  3. Javascript is disabled. View full album

    Wonderful, wondelful job Blackrack.

    Some notes: dx9, win 8.1, core to quad

    - This is a mix of the actual state of KSPRC (wip-EVE, DOE, PS & TR) + lattest scatterer. Without fine tunning yet.

    - Pink textures solved with your tip

    - Atmo is working in map view, clouds are visible but the surface of the planet not (sometimes this view show the wrong flare -the inside atmo one, instead the stock one-, sometimes the atmo appears behind the planet or a bit displaced from it).

    - Clouds are visible now, yes, but the scattering still overlaps the clouds layers if you look them in the horizon. This same problem appeared in the first stages of development of wip-EVE, so probably Rbray89 knows a solution for that.

    This and EVE should be brethren mods.

  4. I've just done my first ride with the last version... I'm not a very reliable tester, since I'm working with a dx9 card and I use some other mods (PS, DOE, wip-EVE and TR)... but... but...


    Just wait to see my incoming imgur album... Yeah, yeah, this still has bugs and so on... But it's going in the right direction and the combo of this with the next EVE version will be mindblowing for the KSP players.

  5. Hey could you post some screens? I always thought cloud shadows would add a lot to the game.


    You can find that "feature" by default, since lot, lot time ago, in KSPRC (EVE 7-4 plugin, right now). Anyways Rbray's wip-EVE has a "clouds cast shadows" system (works by default, unless you set the cloud detail in 0 -as only thing visible-), works much better and is much prettier.

  6. Hi Proot, the source is uploaded on github, it's in the OP. Just download it as a huge zip file, extract it, download any unity version and open monodevelop (development environment included with unity), then just open a project with it and browse to the scatterer source and have fun pulling your hair out.

    The thing is, the config tool doesn't just write to the .xml file, it generates new precomputed scattering tables (those .raw files) which contain most of the important scattering information like color. You can change some of the settings in the .xml file but most of them will give you weird results if they don't match what's in the .raw files. The tool only works in dx11 right now because it uses a special kind of shaders called compute shaders (these do parallel computations on the GPU) to generate the precomputed tables. These tables could be made to be computed on the CPU instead but I have zero experience with this sort of thing and it'd probably take me way too long to figure it out and do it.

    Thanks for the quick answer Blackrack. Good to know!

    A little question more (sorry, haha). Can the config tool generate the files even if you can't view the result in the config tool due to a lack of dx11?

  7. Blackrack, may I know how to compile (or get functionally) the source, to review the cloud compatibility? Don't worry if it's a pain in the ass, of course I can wait.

    And another question: for the moment I don't have a dx11 card available for me and I can't use the config tool. So I mod the xml config files by hand. Works perfectly in Kerbin. But if I try a config for Duna or Eve all settings appears applied except the atmo color, wich remains always in "Kerbin values". Is this a bug, or a consecuence of not to use the config tool?

  8. Oh haha! I misspelled compatibility. I'll post pictures when I next can. I'm away from my PC currently. The issue is that whenever you load up a save game, the KSC main screen starts zoomed in on the SPH and no buildings can be clicked on. I was running with -force-OpenGL so that may have been an issue. I haven't tested plain. I'm running full resolution on Windows 8.1. I'll post pictures when I next can.

    That is a stock bug, I think. I got it pretty often, since 0.90. With or without mods, but seem to happen often if are mods present.

    - - - Updated - - -


    This wasn't supposed to happen (not supposed to be an eclipse) but it looked neat.

    Anybody know how to grab the sunCorona object?

    The stock one? Must be inside the assets, no?. Unity assets explorer. :blush:

    EDIT: Blackrack, there is a doubt that I have since some time ago. May I ask for what is used the black texture?

  9. An installer is not just 1 installer. Must be 3 to be fair: Win, Linux, OSX.

    The actual install method is just "grab a folder and drag it into another one". 3 seconds approx. And works in any OS. lol

    You gonna spend more time and effort pushing "Accept, Accept, Accept..." in an installer.

    I'm more interested in seek a way to update the core plugins via CKAN. But I don't know yet if this is possible.

  10. Wait, in map view? There is now way PlanetShine is affecting anything in map view currently

    Maybe I don't explained properly this bug before. Excuse my english... :blush:

    In the current release, if you are in mapview and goes to max warp speeds you can see how the shine of the bodies goes into a loop, from the configured and expected results to a much more saturated and bright result (seems that the tone of the saturation have some relation to the color asigned to the bodie in DOE & PS).

    Anyways what I was wondering is if DOE could be affecting to PS (latest versions of DOE are just maintenance, without new work around, I think).

  11. This is intended for other modders who need to access/change/replace the celestial bodies settings of PlanetShine:

    I'm going to change the way it's handled so you will be able to update it through Module Manager. However I realized that I was using the same structure as Distant Objects Enhancement: I will therefore need to rename my nodes and break compatibility with the old CelestialBodies.cfg

    Great! Maybe that is the origin of the problem with the wrong lighting at warp speed in map view?

    As long as you let us any other type of config file/GUI, sounds perfect for me.

  12. So I have been through a heap of pages on here but can't see anything about my question.

    Is this compatible with 1.02 KSP?

    The thread title have the response for that: "[0.90] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.2] (18-04-15)" :wink:

    So no, is not (fully) compatible with 1.02 (for the momment).

    Anyways, you can get it partially working by updating (yourself) the core mods. But you will miss some features (as example, new RSS mod is not ready yet) and you can't, of course, use the assets from previous versions on 1.02

  13. Technically I could do that, but I don't think it's realistic. Well, it could make sense with EVE's city lights because those are very bright :)

    Playing with all those bright and less bright light sources is very tricky, because what the dynamic range of light that the human eye can see is hard to represent on a computer screen which has a much smaller dynamic range.

    We are able to see clearly during full moon night, and that's because our eye can adapt to it, but sadly KSP does not handle HDR, so I need to kind of balance everything to keep something visually believable.

    Currently the blue light reflected by the day side of Kerbin is already subtle, and in theory city lights should be something like 1% of that, however even 10% wouldn't be visible in the game.

    I'm thinking about increasing sunlight on the ship to counterbalance that, this would result in a more contrasted rendering, with the rendering of the sunlit part of the ship getting "burnt" and losing details because of parts becoming 100% white.

    The first feature I want to focus on is having light coming from multiple distant bodies, such as munlight when you are on Kerbin.

    I will release a testing version with several options along those lines to try different settings and get some feedback.

    Smart, true and fair response, thanks! You are completely right, I forgot that HDR ranges are necessary to get something similar.

    EDIT: Focus on your plans and forgive my nonsenses, lol. Don't do unnecessary work, the standar light can be changed easely just now with RSS. ;)

  14. Yeah, I have a feeling it's going to become one of the major mods that a lot of people use, if it eventually supports the other planets with atmospheres and gets more features, it'll probably be one I don't want to play without.

    Visible clouds and multiple planets are the next features announced by Blackrack. So I guess Scattered will be, very soon, as important as TR or EVE. Huge step on in KSP graphics.

  15. i like the real solar system atmo http://i.imgur.com/a9YPV1n.jpg

    - - - Updated - - -

    i like real solar system atmo ;.;i really like it i dont want Scatterer mod ;.;


    That is exactly the same configuration, but without the atmospheric scattering. And it's wip-EVE, not RSS. The only reason why you don't like the scattering is because the clouds are not fully visible (yet).

    But believe me, scatterer is a glorious mod.


  16. Just a suggestion for Proot:

    Why not a customizable installer to let user decide what to install? For example yes/no revamped parts, yes/no enviromental pack etc...

    I have not so much time, sorry.

    Hey Proot,

    Seeing as how KittopiaTech seems to be dead these days and e.g. Outer Planets Mod has switched to using Kopernicus, are you planning to switch to Kopernicus for Jool's rings?

    Next version comes with Kopernicus (not only for the rings).

    And now a little update:

    The work with WIP-EVE is almost done for the moment. I'm doing my first rides tunning scatterer.


  17. So the clouds are now visible in the sky (low-res pics because I'm on a laptop):


    A few issues:


    When the clouds pass in front of the sun, the ugly stock sunglare and sky shines through them. Since I disabled the stock sky, this is either a really weird bug or rbray implemented clouds this way to make the sun shine through them.


    They also generally look out of place I think because they don't receive light and generally look off.


    Keep in mind that postprocessing still draws over them, this will take more work and I will do it another day.

    EDIT: I'm absolutely in love with the shining effect through clouds. That is a feature, not a bug! :sticktongue:

  18. hey Proot can I request a metropolitan area here?


    It's where my capital of Kerbolopolis is located, I chose it for similarity to Manhattan Island

    The main map for city lights it's done. But I'll try to add that.

    Anyways I must warn all about the aesthetics of the cities: I hate every result on the "day time" textures. Kerbin is too small for our standards, so the "day time" city textures always seems absurdly huge and/or too ugly from orbit. Doesn't matter how much detail and love you put on them. lol

    So I'm thinking in use the "day time" texture detail to add some "signs of civilization" and more natural details in the ground, instead a regular city texture.

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