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Posts posted by Proot

  1. That would probably break everything in the game. Also, flying close to the surface would be a jarring nightmare of things coming up and down the whole time.

    Edited: Well, it looks like I'm going to give up on the ocean shaders for now.

    Maybe this a unorthodox idea but I'm gonna put a bit of lateral thinking: have you tried to make "dissapear" the stock ocean with wip-EVE?. I mean, you can use an empty texture in EVE for the ocean. Could be worth it?

  2. I love this mod, take your time. :kiss:

    I have some questions (suggestions?):

    - Are you aware about the fluctuation of the lighting in the hugest scales? At least with me, this starts with stock lighting values, then the bodies get your lighting after a pair of orbits... and all works fine from there, but if you uses warp speed at max you can clearly see how the lighting goes from stock to your mod look, again and again.

    - Would be possible, now or in the future, to get the shadows of the eclipses (over other bodies) with this? (In this way: http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~pogge/Ast161/Images/mir1999.jpg)

    - Would be possible, now or in the future, to provoke "brighter" nights in the nearest bodies with visible full moon?

  3. Firstly, Proot, you sir are a bad man :D

    Onto bus i ness..

    Not sure if this helps or hinders but I was messing around with my son today, I walk away from the computer and my KSP looks like this.


    All kinds of pretty.

    He takes a screenshot of launch to show me.


    All looks good.

    Then whilst making a cuppa tea he does something and takes a screeny for me.








    I have no idea what he did, neither does he.

    I know that they are not perfect but I have never had clouds with Scatterer before.

    I got something similar since a little time. If is not a new atmo config (like in my case -these are my latest tests-) your son probably have touched the menu transparency. ;)

    My test atmo is pretty higher than the default ("finish" at 15000m limit at 69000m), and still you can see some mountains piercing the sky. I like that effect (pretty realistic for me), but I'm still working to tune it and, of course, to get a much more credible atmo overall.



  4. I admit, that's a bit discouraging. I really have no interest in going back to the female Kerbals of old and I doubt I'm the only one. Thanks for your efforts, but honestly if it is work you don't want to do, that's cool. Just don't do it at all because I have to ask, are you actually shaw? Shaw didn't take that stance on the mod pre-1.0. His commitment to making it work is what made it the awesome mod that it has been. Something about the community member who said, "Universe replacer is broken and I think I can do better, much better." And then did better, and blew all our expectations out of the water. I admit that just doesn't sound like the same person who is posting today.

    I bet that you only want to encourage to Shaw, but sorry, your last comment doesn't sound really well.

    Shaw was only expressing the pain in his ass caused by the last changes... that will force him, at short and mid term, to do much more changes in the mod of the expectable. Just that.

    I bet he is more than capable to get the substitution of female textures... but 1.0 is out since 2 days. And yet, with all the changes in the new version, he give us now an update ready to be used. With a perfect usable solution until he have a complete contol over the changes.

    We can demand more? I think that absolutely not. We must remember always: our fun with all this mods around, is fun with (and thanks) to the time and selfless work of other people.

    We should practice this everyday:

    • To be thankful is "conditio sine qua non".

    • To be supportive is mandatory.
    • Any of our demands must be, first of all, constructive.

  5. In the meantime, EVE seems to be functional in 1.0, and I've just added Proot's config files to it. All seems to work OK, so we can have the cloud setup while we wait. Haven't tried the sunflare yet, though - figured the sharedassets file has probably changed a bit. I'll try it later.

    As DOE and PlanetShine also appear to be functioning in 1.0, things are looking good. Have to wait for Texture Replacer to update for Proo'ts part textures, though...

    Caution with the old sharedassets. My recomendation is to not use the old ones with the new versions.

    Anyways, I'm pretty sure you gonna love the new sunflare... :cool:

  6. Wait until it works with everyhting in the game you guys, plus it reflects the sky and the sun, has adjustable color, wind speed, waves and foam so in theory it should be possible to adjust it to make convincing mercury oceans on EVE or something like that.

    I made this with wip-EVE...

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    I wish so much the compatibility... (no pressures) ;)
  7. Wau that water. How you did this ? That water is fantastic. Hope Proot will have something simmilar in his mod.

    Thanks, but my stuff is completely dependant on mods like this, EVE (by Rbray89) or TR (by Shaw), RSS (by NathanKell) and so on...

    I'm just an artist, an esthete, obsessed by the detail.

    So none of my achievements is even possible without people like blackrack or all them.

    All praise to the "essential mods" creators. ;)

  8. Those clouds sure look good from orbit, I haven't tried them myself, but do they get colored over by the postprocessing? And in this case, do they look completely horrible from the ground?

    I haven't run into that exact issue but 200km altitude is when I did the camera planes switching so things still get wonky around there but I have something in mind for later.

    I will fix the sunglare in due time, I haven't really put any work into it except for that abrupt switch.

    I plan to make new scaledSpace objects for the planets with new/retouched textures and their own scattering shader which works only from orbit. I could fade to this once out of PQS view and it wouldn't look completely different like the current scaledspace objects. This is still just an idea but I estimate it should look like the image on the right


    Once that's done that should be the effect you see in map view, and it will also support EVE clouds since it won't be postprocessing-based.

    Those are clouds from wip-EVE. Sadly the scattering fully cover the clouds. You can only see them at a few meters of distance, and the post processing overlays the horizon over the clouds (which spoils the travel among clouds, lol) .

    The only reaso why you can se a few clouds there is because I use more than one layer of clouds, and that ones are at 5000-6000 meters of altitude aprox...

    The day that you can make this fully compatible with the achievements of Rbray89... well then, literally, this game will have become absolutely epic.

  9. My first ride:

    - All looks a bit better (even more!) and runs much, much more smoothly (without "addition" effect). Looks much more natural.

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    - Sadly, after the night of my first orbit the look was like this (200.000m altitude):


    Anyways, my graphic cards seems to not have the best shader support, so maybe I'm not the best person for this tests. :P

    Obviated this last issue, this version seems a breakthrough.

    Things that (imho) can be improved:

    - The sun glare replacement fading is maybe too abrupt for my taste. Maybe should be more dilated in time while the ascent goes on? I don't know... it's just a personal appreciation.

    - For me, the atmo still seems a bit dense in the distance.

    - I still miss the effect on map view, but I know that you need to finish with this issues before to even think on it. Anyways, will be possible a "switch" in, in the future, to allow the effect in the map view?

    Thanks fo this, blackrack. Is fun and glorious. We cannot demand more.

    EDIT: I've just seen that ocean... and well...

  10. Thanks to Thomas P. I was able to keep the PQS active longer, but I have to admit the postprocessing is really underwhelming here and there are some artifacts.

    But at least now I can play with the settings and maybe fade it out until I find something better.


    Great step on!

    I wish I could give you more rep...

  11. The problem is, the scaled space planet has no height/depth whatsoever, it's a flat texture on a sphere and it cheats at lighting and shadows by using what I assume is a bump map or something similar. So applying postprocessing to it will return nothing but a flat-looking ocean planet, making the postprocessing transparent will just make it look like this



    These are old pics from when I was just applying transparency to that blue sphere that used to cover kerbin after the 160km altitude but the result should look exactly the same, it's basically just a blue overlay painted on top of the planet.


    I'll try both after lunch, thanks a lot! I hope this works.

    As long as the transition remain smooth, that looks like a pretty decent temporary solution -for me- (maybe a little less of transparecy and a bit more of light/contrast...). But I'm pretty sure that the solution you want is much better deal... so don't take this too much on count, lol.

    Lately I use this as a kind of visual reference: https://www.google.es/maps/@9.9219692,7.9093048,23003639m/data=!3m1!1e3

  12. For the sunglare I only know a way: RealSolarSystem.

    With Texture Replacer you can turn to black the glare, but that will be only a dimming of the texture.

    EDIT: I'm pretty eager to use the tool on any computer. Laythe looks amazing.

    EDIT2: Anyway, stock Jool isn't full of detail, precisely... :P

  13. Do you have a directx-11 capable card? Try adding the -force-d3d11 command line

    No way to get it running. I must be doing something wrong, but I don't know what... Right now I'm trying in W7 with a GT540M (DirectX 11 GPU, Shader Model 5.0 support). The first run worked, but stopped trying to generate a new configuration. So I updated the drivers (all fine) and now this says that shaders are not supported.

    ...? :confused:

  14. I love this mod, but to be honest I haven't installed it because it's not on CKAN.

    If it were on ckan just as a mod bundle that installed all the dependencies, then you had to manually install your files I'd even be good with that, because ask pjf on #ckan, but I'm pretty sure CKAN can't do overwriting

    Sorry, I'm pretty outdated right now, specially with this CKAN thing.

    But I wold try to include that posibility for the next version.

  15. I'm the only one having issues with the config tool?

    I've tried it in two different PC (both with NVIDIA cards and updated drivers, one Windows 7 other 8.1), but both says that plattaform can't handle shaders (wich is not true). I'm doing something wrong? :(

    The mod works perfectly well. :confused:

  16. I bet you love waiting on the bug reports to roll in when you release a new version huh Proot?

    0.2 somehow seems to break the shapes of the moons Ovok and Wal in the Outer Planets Mod. They are both completely round now and the textures on Wal are all fubar :(

    Didn't see this before, sorry. But I'm afraid that is not a problem with KSPRC: EVE and RSS configs remains as in the previous version. Must be another thing.

    The weird effect on moon shapes and textures with mods like OPM being addressed? Or maybe it's some simple fix I can check into with a cfg file or something?

    I don't know what are you talking about. At least show me a screen, please, I don't have many time lately to play... so I'm not familiarized with the actual planets extensions mods. But, again, my environmental confirgs remains as in previous versions, so I'm suspecting that is not a KSPRC issue.

    Sorry for doing a few large constructive posts in a row, but when I first started using texture and environment enhancing packs, I combined elements of Astronomers' pack into your Renaissance pack because it had a few things that where more state of the art then Renaissance had at the time.

    Namely I found Kerbin's cloud textures more intrusive then I wanted, so I replaced them with the clouds from Astronomers. Astronomers pack had cloud textures without hurricanes and Renaissance did. I used Astronomers clouds because I wanted them to be more accurate to the state of the game (no weather in KSP so far). - the other thing I tried to do was add the multi-layered coronas that Astronomers pack had, but I had no luck.

    IMO the way you did Moho's ablation is far superior to the way Astronomers did it, and over all your planet colors are far better.

    If I have any more comments about what I liked about Astronomers and Renaissance and what I personally like the most (just my opinion), I'll keep you posted. Oh! And if I wanted to make the yellow hand rails from your redone part textures, would it be easy for me to do so? I would if I could. :wink:

    EDIT: I'll upload an updated album of things in the hour.

    Thanks for your criticism, very appreciated. But, please, stay away from the AVP(or any other pack) vs KSPRC topic ;)

    No so much time ago, all we were in the EVE and TR threads, improving all this together, step by step. I have great memories from that days and I appreciate and respect every one of the modders & users. Their efforts allways adds something to this game, and this deserves our full respect.

    Still remember when clouds were only a plain texture over kerbin. My first pack of clouds just added a fake shadow effect to that idea.

    Look what we build thogether, finally, thanks to people like Shaw or Rbray89.

    Trial and error, experimentation, education. That is the basis of science, and that path leads us always to our best achievements. :)

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