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Posts posted by Maelin

  1. On 6/25/2021 at 4:49 PM, stupid_chris said:

    It won't be out of the box backwards compatible, the module is very different, but it will likely take about five minutes of config editing to make the old parts work with the new module.
    Dynamic parachute deflection however requires some knowledge of the geometry and will demand a slight modification at the part level to work with this.

    Opinions sought! I've fired KSP up for the first time in a year and a half and I'm missing that RealChutes goodness, but I see here that the upcoming version 2 won't be backwards compatible... should I put up with the inferior stock chutes and just wait for v2, or go with the old version now and bite the bullet on having to muck around to fix things when the new version arrives?

  2. On 10/17/2019 at 8:14 AM, Starwaster said:

    Rebuilt for KSP 1.8

    No other changes.


    Hello, I am an idiot, and if something isn't exactly what I'm used to I fall down like wet cardboard. This Github link doesn't have a .zip for me to download, so do I just download all those files and stick them in a 'RealChute' folder in my GameData directory?

  3. Just spotted a minor issue with the OP, it has a link saying "DOWNLOAD v0.12.2" which directs to https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/releases/tag/0.12.2, while danfarnsy's post on page 6 has a link saying "Download here" which directs to https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/releases.

    The problem is, the OP link does not show the actual compiled mod file 'TacLifeSupport-0.12.2.zip', it just shows the two source zip files. So might need to alter the OP link so people coming into the thread can find the mod. :)

    Thanks for continuing this mod, danfarnsy! :)

  4. 40 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

    You can already do that in the VAB. There is a lot you can do including change size of chute, style of chute, etc, Auto calc what size the chute should be for a given planet.

    You need to use the action group editor though so if you're in career mode you must have upgraded to being able to use the AG editor

    Actually it is kind of silly that you can't change even the most basic settings like pre-deploy and deploy altitudes in the VAB before you've upgraded, and you have to wait until you're on the launchpad to adjust that stuff...

  5. 17 hours ago, stupid_chris said:

    @Maelin to me it sounds like your reentry path was too steep. I can hardly manage to go past 220m/s once at around 8km of altitude.

    Yep, I had the idea of removing all the mods, and tried it in entirely stock. Turns out that craft is just too aerodynamic and too heavy for a straight-down trajectory from the top of the atmosphere to be viable. A capsule by itself decelerates from 70km with plenty of time for chutes to deploy, but not the thing with the science module and the tank and engine.

    Redesign time!

  6. Hmm so I finally installed a truckload of mods and fired up KSP for the first time in a couple of years today. And now I'm finding that the atmosphere isn't slowing me down nearly enough to use parachutes. I'm not sure if this is even a bug or if it's the new 1.0 aerodynamics changes.

    To reproduce the behaviour I just built this craft: (image link) (that's a Swivel engine hidden in the fairings)

    and between the two stages it got me up to a periapse just shy of 69,000 feet on a fairly narrow parabolic trajectory. Then I started to come down again. I was still accelerating downwards until 15,000m altitude, when my downward velocity maxed out at 912 m/s.

    The Realchute parachute stayed red in the staging list until about half a second before I crashed into the ocean, still doing around 300 m/s. There was definitely not enough time to deploy it and let it slow me down. Output_log is here: (link)

    I haven't played with the new aerodynamics, so I'm not even sure if this is a bug and I should go through the labourious process of elimination of mods, or if this is how things are supposed to be and I need to rethink my rocket design.

    Any ideas? Is this actually what KSP is meant to do now? It seems bizarre that a craft descending from 70 km should be unrecoverable with parachutes.

    Below are the mods I installed today. As far as I can tell RealChute is the only one I installed that actually involves drag and aerobraking - EVE and Scatterer affect the atmosphere but AFAIK only in graphical ways. Of course I'm not blaming this on RealChute (not without process of elimination narrowing it down) but I'm hoping someone can at least tell me if this really is faulty behaviour so I know it's worth doing going through all that effort.




  7. Hey Ziw, is your updated UI stuff close to ready for testing?

    I'm thinking of sticking this mod in and firing up KSP for the first time in so, so long soon, so if a new version of IR will be ready in the next couple days or whatever, I'll wait so there's no potential for compatibility problems. But if it's still a fair ways off I'll just jump in. (I've no idea how much work is involved in rewriting a mod UI)

    Thanks for your hard work on this incredible mod. :)

  8. I've been having trouble with docked craft vanishing when they reload. It happened with my Mun lander and I had to go through a bunch of annoying fiddling and save editing to get everything back, and now it's happened again. Basically I launched a station with a 3-person capsule on the front, then I detached the capsule, swung it around and docked it to a docking port on the side of the station. When I launched a small probe to take a science experiment up there, I came close and realised the capsule had vanished. Here's a screenshot I took of the thing successfully docked before I unloaded it to go build and launch the experiment module: imgur link

    Here's the output_log.txt file. I don't expect a solution straight away, but rather I'm hoping someone can give me some help interpreting the output_log, so I can get started working out what is causing the problem and how to fix it. The things I noticed that seemed relevant are at line 81213 where there's a bunch of orbital values that are all NaN, and shortly after that on line 81489 where it says:

    [ProtoCrewMember Warning]: Crewmember Jebediah Kerman found assigned but no vessels reference him. Jebediah Kerman set as missing.

    But I don't know what to look for in the stuff beforehand to work out why it isn't loading the docked module. Any suggestions? (On a side note, what's the simplest way to get KSP to make regular backups of its save files? Any mods that do this?)

    Here's my modlist (tidied up export from CKAN):

    • AGExt, ver: 1.32d
    • ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Basic, ver: 5-0
    • BDAnimationModules, ver: v0.6.1
    • CapCom, ver: 1.1
    • Chatterer, ver: 0.9.5
    • CommunityResourcePack, ver: 0.4.2
    • CommunityTechTree, ver: 2.1
    • ContractConfigurator, ver: 1.3.4
    • ContractConfigurator-ContractPack-SCANsat, ver: v0.5.2
    • ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch, ver: 1.0.4
    • ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech, ver: 1.1.4
    • ContractsWindowPlus, ver: 5.2
    • CrowdSourcedScience, ver: v3.0
    • DMagicOrbitalScience, ver: 1.0.4
    • DeadlyReentry, ver: v7.1.0
    • DistantObject, ver: v1.5.5
    • DistantObject-default, ver: v1.5.5
    • DockingPortAlignmentIndicator, ver: 6.2
    • EVAManager, ver: 6
    • EditorExtensions, ver: 2.8
    • HyperEdit, ver: 1.4.1
    • IR-Model-Rework-Core, ver: v01b
    • IR-Model-Rework-Expansion, ver: v01b
    • InfernalRobotics, ver: v0.21.2
    • KAS, ver: 0.5.2
    • KIS, ver: 1.1.5
    • KSP-AVC, ver:
    • KWRocketry, ver: 2.7
    • KerbalAlarmClock, ver: v3.3.2.1
    • KerbalConstructionTime, ver: 1.1.7
    • KerbalEngineerRedux, ver:
    • KerbalJointReinforcement, ver: v3.1.3
    • ModularFlightIntegrator, ver: 1.0.repackaged0
    • ModuleAnimateEmissive, ver: v1.3
    • ModuleManager, ver: 2.6.5
    • PreciseNode, ver: 1.1.3
    • ProceduralFairings, ver: v3.14
    • RandSCapsuledyne, ver: 1:1.5.1
    • RealChute, ver:
    • RemoteTech, ver: 1.6.5
    • SCANsat, ver: v12.1
    • ScienceAlert, ver: 1.8.7
    • ScienceRevisitedRevisited, ver: 1.3.0
    • StageRecovery, ver: 1.5.6
    • StationScience, ver: 1.5
    • StockClamshellFairings, ver: 1.0
    • TACLS, ver: v0.11.1.20
    • TACLS-Config-Stock, ver: v0.11.1.20
    • Thermometer, ver: 1.0.8
    • ToadicusTools, ver: 13
    • Toolbar, ver: 1.7.9
    • TurboNisuReloaded, ver: 2015-05-06
    • TweakScale, ver: v2.1
    • TweakableEverything, ver: 1.11.6
    • UniversalStorage, ver:
    • kOS, ver: 0.17.2

    - - - Updated - - -

    Followup: I just discovered that my last quicksave was on the station, after docking. When I quickload, the station loads up, and the capsule is still there docked on the side for a fraction of a second while it's loading, but then the capsule vanishes immediately as the it finishes loading and everything starts moving. So my quicksave still has the capsule docked there, but something is going wrong when it tries to load it.

  9. So for some reason my rework parts don't have any textures except for the little yellow direction thing. They look like this:


    (Ignore the wonky UI text, I was experimenting with turning on -force-d3d11 when I took the screenshot, but it didn't make any difference to the robot parts.)

    I've tried uninstalling the rework parts and reinstalling them (both through CKAN) but that made no difference.

    Could this be related to Active Texture Management? Here's my modlist: http://pastebin.com/ZtBe7NCW

  10. Hmm. I've discovered that if I right-click on a cargo bay, not only does the right click menu not appear, but it seems to 'break' the right-click menu and nothing else will have its normal right-click menu appear after that. I have to leave the VAB and come back in to be able to get the right-click menu from anything else, and I have to be careful not to right-click the cargo bay again. End caps don't cause the same problem, haven't experimented yet to find out which parts do it.

  11. I got offered this contract today:


    How can one have a keosynchronous orbit with an inclination of 159.4°? Doesn't an inclination greater than 90° indicate that it is orbiting in the reverse direction to the planet's rotation?

    (I wasn't sure if this was a bug with a mod or with the standard contracts, so not sure of a more suitable place to post this)

  12. Okay! I *think* I've installed everything correctly including the lovely new rework parts (oh my god IR+RW is so good now, seriously you guys), but now I've run into a problem with some of the rework parts that have a very wide range of motion - when setting the rotation limits, I don't have enough fine control. See here:


    I'd like to set the maximum rotation to 0°, but if I click one pixel in the slider it sets it to -2.00°, and the next pixel sets it to +2.00°.

    I recall there used to be a separate slider that adjusted the fine tune scale - from 0.1° at a time to 10° at a time. That seems to be gone now, though, and I can't figure out any other way to change the rotation limits.

    Am I missing something?

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