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Everything posted by SpenSpaceCorp

  1. The design I use is stackable as well as part count friendly: I use an Oscar-B fuel tank, a Rockomax 48-7S (the tiny orange engine) and a tiny decoupler. You can repeat this design to stack it for however many you may need. You can optionally add a tiny probe core for control, or a structural part to increase the penetrating force (giggity ) This design allows for semi rapid firing of torpedos whilst staying in a low part count budget (good if you have 2 vessels with 50 torpedos on each lol)
  2. make sure the engines have a gimbal or some other significant control mechanism (such as control surfaces) on the second stage AFTER the boosters.
  3. I found out about the f5 and f9 functions in a video but i never knew they were THAT unknown XD
  4. Alternatively, you can build the satellite say, on top of the shuttle, or below under an engine attached through the center of the shuttle (as if the satellite were simply an extension to the vessel). The idea being you can completely build the satellite with all the symmetry and such and then move it to the cargo bay. It is similar to using sub assemblies but you need not worry about the part "not being attachable".
  5. all you need is MOAR BOOSTERS (and some super wheels that are impervious to weight, along with an unbreakable chassis) XD
  6. The trick (for me at least) is in the launch: you want to line up with the asteroid's hyperbolic trajectory as best as you can and in the correct direction. After orbit has been established, match the inclination, and burn somewhere around where the periapse of the asteroid is closest to your orbit (use maneuver nodes to tweak what angle will be optimal. The second trick is in the timing of the burn - you want to match up with it as close as possible as you expand your orbit outwards towards the asteroid's path.
  7. My ship disassembled quite a few times whilst timewarping (not physics warp) while attached to an asteroid. Damn you asteroid kraken!
  8. Rendezvousing with objects in Kerbol orbit is basically the same as rendezvousing with say a space station in Kerbin Orbit, it is just tougher because there is more space to traverse, but the principles are the same. I suggest escaping Kerbin first, then setting the asteroid as a target and rendezvousing as you normally would (on a larger scale of course) from there. Or alternatively, you can timewarp ahead until an asteroid enters Kerbin's sphere of influence and go from there. It is just tougher manipulating the maneuver nodes from orbit around Kerbin as there is no sphere of influence to work off of, and as such, instead of a few hundred or thousand kilometers radius of a sphere, you have maybe a hundred meters or less with an asteroid. Hope that helped!
  9. As practice, I landed a class C then a class A after that. sadly, I probably accidentally recovered the asteroid as I was recovering the debris near it :/ I still am trying to maneuver a class D, which already is a much larger challenge, I probably need moar boosters!
  10. You should be able to configure the keys to assign rotations, such as "W" as up and "S" as down, rather than the inverted default, in which "W" is down and "S" is up.
  11. PVP is allowed, which is battling with other players. Griefing is destroying another player's build, such as their house. PVP is allowed everywhere except the spawn, and griefing is not allowed anywhere. Grief is rolled back and fixed, and griefers are banned.
  12. Novuscraft IP: MC-NC.CO What makes us special! - Anti-Grief: All of your great builds will always be protected! We have staff online at all times ready to help and rollback any griefs at a moments notice! We will be able to see who the culprit was and punish them! - Take PVP to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL with SUPERNATURALS: Everyone starts out as a human but the possibilities are endless! You can become a Mage, Rogue, Brute and more each with different perks and abilities. Some classes move super quick but have lower health, some are great at spells and magic and some are slow but deal out massive damage and can take tons of hits! You get to level up each class to unlock more classes and more powers and abilities! We are always adding new features like different leveled wands and better classes! - Custom Plugins! On NovusCraft we have tons of custom plugins! We have plugins like Supernaturals which lets you craft wands and become a different class that levels up and gains more health, speed and food levels and others like Daily Rewards that reward you for coming back every day! ELCHILEN0, the server owner, has many of his plugins on Bukkit and his plugins are in the TOP 20 of ALL TIME! We are constantly adding new features and are soon to unveil new classes and an awesome questing feature that lets you take Minecraft to a whole new level! - Build ANYWHERE! On this server we welcome everyone! We encourage great builds and reward the best builders with special builder or donator ranks! If you are having trouble building in survival simply claim a plot in our creative world and experiment with your builds in an awesome Plot World with massive 100x100 plots! - Many Plugins! Even though we have a bunch of custom plugins like Supernaturals and Daily Rewards we also feature some of the more popular plugins like Jobs, mcMMO and Factions. We are actually working on a whole new plugin called Alliances that will turn the Factions experience to a whole new level and merge features like clans, factions, towns and empires into one big plugin! Ranks! Starter (Default): Everyone starts out as a starter! You start with a small number of locks and as you join a job and save up money you can unlock higher ranks that have more locks to protect your valuables! Higher Buyable Ranks: Squire, Knight and Duke! By the time you are Duke you will be able to lock up to EIGHT double chests to store all of your precious diamonds! T-Mod: These are mods in training who have limited abilities but are able to help each and every one of you! They are disallowed from PVPing unless you want to take them on and they will always return your items! They are here to catch Griefers and make sure you have a great time on the server! Moderator: These are the promoted versions of T-Mods and have slightly more permissions! They are here to help you in any way they can! SuperMod: SuperMods have access to WorldEdit and will flatten land for you so that you can build villages, towns or even cities! HeadMod: We have 1 HeadMod at a time. These are in charge of managing promotions of T-Mods and making sure everyone is doing their job! Admin: This is to the most trusted players. Most of these players have a lot of experience with the server. Most have played on the server for several years and are a great part of the community! Stuff that can get you in trouble: - Griefing, Spamming or Caps Raging, Disrespecting other players on the server or trolling. We want to keep the server as friendly as we can and encourage everyone to have a great time with one another! Some great friendships have taken place on the server and some even consider one another family through the great bonds that are formed! Helpful Commands: Teleportation: /warp (warp), /sethome, /home, /tpa (player), /tpahere (player), /spawn Creative: /plotme auto, /plotme home, /plotme add (player), /plotme remove (player) Supernaturals: /sn tut, /sn classes, /sn abilities (class), /sn powers (class), /sn evolve (class), /sn devolve Daily Rewards: /rewards claim So once again our IP is mc-nc.com and we cant wait to see how you like our server! Website: http://novuscraft.org Here are some preview pics of the server:
  13. Hmmmm, maybe I should do it the true Kerbal way- putting an explosion under a Kerbal!
  14. Thanks for the compliment and you're welcome!
  15. Here is your "Kerbalshopped" picture Thomas988, with a few different backgrounds I put in! Hope you enjoy!
  16. Hello, I will be taking requests for some "expert photoshop" (paint.net lol) done on your favorite screenshot! What I am doing is adding stunning backgrounds to screenshots of KSP. This is not professional work, more of a fun thing I want to try. If you would like me to add a stunning background to a screenshot of yours, just submit your screenshot you want altered and a photo of the background you would like me to add to the screenshot, or criteria for a background you would like me to use. Note: -This is not the HIGHEST quality, as I lack the programs to do so, but I will give it my best shot! -Backgrounds used are not of my own creation, they are from the internet, unless you submit one you would like me to implement. -I will try my best to keep up with the demand (if any lol) Here are some samples of my work:
  17. Busdriver Jeb is stuck bussing Kerbals to and from the airport and different sections of the colony on the surface of Laythe, while Bill and Bob get to fly cool SSTOs
  18. I find surface refueling works the best and easiest when there is a separate fuel reserve with docking ports for a rover to dock with it, also comparable with docking with the lander by simply driving it into it (slowly, not Jeb-like ). The rover would need fuel tanks to transfer fuel. This way though, landings do not need to be as precise. Alternatively, you could just put rover wheels on the fuel reserve itself and make it dock-compatible with the lander. (this can be used when part count really is a limiting factor). On a side note, I am working on a fairly large base/resort on Laythe, with SSTOs, comms, residence, etc. I am trying something new, because for me, part count IS a limiting factor. So, I have my runway/airport about 2.5 km East of my main resort, my fuel reserve and maintenance things 2.5 km South, and comms station 2.5 km North. The idea here is that a huge base can work, just with sectors placed out of render distance of each other, with a bus shipping Kerbals to and from, and SSTOs from the surface to orbit and back etc. Its actually working out great and is a great way to have a large base with minimal lag.
  19. If it is the case that you keep over burning and "jumping up" as you are about to land, try to use less powerful engines. They may slow you down slower, but you generally want a low-medium powered engine for landing on the Mun. For example, a mainsail or skipper is probably too powerful, while an LV-909 or something similar is probably more suited to the task.
  20. Congradulations Kasuha http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/83982-Kasuha on creating the shortest vessel able to attain orbit! The Kerbals are proud of your achievement!
  21. Ill send you a private message as I don't want to spoil it for other users.
  22. It tells the beings who made it when snack time is XD
  23. I recently sent a small lander to land next to Vall's stonehenge in an attempt to decipher what it could mean. So far my theory is that the 5 pyramids represent Jool's Moons. I am not sure what the rectangular stones represent. However, focusing on the 5 pyramids, they grow increasingly smaller, largest in the center to the smallest; the farthest. During high noon, the shadow of the innermost (largest) casts its shadow upon the next one, the second largest, so on and so forth to the smallest (see picture(s) below). So I thought when they cast their shadows upon the others behind the preceding pyramid, I thought what if it represents the moons lining up and eclipsing each other? On this thought of the moons lining up to eclipse each other, I also observed the orbital paths and every moon seems to relatively be on the same orbital plane, except for Bop and Pol, which have slightly more inclined orbits. HOWEVER, they both intersect as a single point which also intersects the orbital planes of all the other moons of Jool. My theory is that if an all moon eclipse were to occur, it would during a maximum of twice (or 4, depending on if the moons eclipse in front of or behind Jool) every Jovian year, as there are two points where the orbital plane intersection points could line up with the sun to do this: <a href="http://imgur.com/1VPBgjB"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/1VPBgjB.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a> Focusing again on the pyramids, my possible theory is that the central one represents Laythe, and each successive pyramid represents each successively farther moon of Jool. <a href="http://imgur.com/ULhBHND"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/ULhBHND.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a> Another worthy note on the stone henge is that when viewed from a certain angle, all the pyramid peaks line up and form a line, except for the second one from the center (could represent Vall, the moon where the henge lies). The second pyramid is slightly shorter (image below) than the imaginary line running through each pyramid's peaks. The second pyramid is highlighted in red: <a href="http://imgur.com/KiBGoU9"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/KiBGoU9.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a> One more note: Another way of ordering the stonehedges is in order of size in relation to the sizes of Jool's moons. If they are ordered like this (closest moon to the sun to the farthest), in eclipsed form, the largest (Tylo) casts its shadow upon the second largest (Laythe) and so on. Thus, the order the moons line up goes as follows: Tylo, Laythe, Vall, Bop, Pol, as seen in this image below: So what do you guys think, and what are some of your theories?
  24. Entries are now CLOSED as of midnight tonight (Mountain Standard Time) and judging will occur sometime in the near future (I am extremely busy with diploma prep and diplomas, reviews, etc so please be patient
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