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Everything posted by justidutch

  1. It's quite simple: they are robots. They can't even act autonomously!
  2. How big can the bus stop get before it's classed as a bus station?
  3. Curious: the orbital energy that is lost, what happens to it? Turned into another kind of energy? I read the wiki on frame dragging but it's over (or is it orbiting) my head. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame-dragging
  4. Are there any Dutch engineers aboard?
  5. Agent Kay: Completely relevant except for that last little bit...
  6. This is, by far, those most interesting thing I've typed on my keyboard all day.
  7. If pi was a pie, then what kind of pie would pi be?
  8. Instead of birds or dragons, why not fish? First up could be: Muskellunge
  9. I read a headline today stating that Finland is now the happiest country in the world. Immediately my head started with Monty Python's song...
  10. As a Winnipegger who owns an electric car, I can truthfully say that operating an electric at those temperatures is completely fine. Yes, the range is reduced, but as long as you account for that in planning when you plug in, then there's no problem. Of course, take that with a grain of salt snow, as my daily commute is never more than 40km. I own a Mistubishi I-miev. Other owners of this car have done the math and according to them (I'll find the source if I have to), after 7 years of operation you start 'making money'. No maintenance costs, no belts, only fluids are for the mechanical brakes (which are hardly used anyways because of regenerative braking). Plus I live in a place where all electricity is hydro, so it's quite cheap. I am lucky. Just wanted to say I absolutely love the car, and while I understand there's some of negatives regarding the production and use of the things, I like believing that early-adoption has enough benefits to outweigh those.
  11. Lawn (regolith) darts. 21-pin bowling? I wonder if any ice-based sports would work. Skating rink in low-g? Hockey would be great, but back to sports where you can do them with a drink in your hand, give me curling anytime. cable-toss (or small-people-toss). Actually, maybe we could switch that up: small people tossing the big ones! Long distance axe throwing pole vault would be completely awesome
  12. Probably ask her/him/it if "42" meant anything to them.
  13. Reading this thread has been the most interesting thing about my day so far. Methinks I need to get out more...
  14. If there's absolutely no sunlight, then life on Europa wouldn't look like anything.
  15. …and watches. And glasses, and neural implants, and bicycles, and skateboards, jetpacks, and anything else we can imagine to be quite-near-future that could in some way use an internet connection.
  16. Bear with me here, and be advised that my thoughts here are in their infancy, and probably half-baked. Therefore, it will not come to any surprise of mine that this thread be short-lived. That being said, here we go. I must start with a true story of my waking up this morning… I woke up this morning with thoughts of an ex-girlfriend in my head. I can truthfully say that this doesn't happen often, I haven't thought of her in months. No big deal though, we had some good moments. Oddly enough, however, I have found myself today deluded with various emails from her. This also hasn't happened for a few months. My immediate thought was: it's a (weird) coincidence. Just a few minutes ago, I started thinking about it though, as I don't feel like doing much of my work at the moment. Don't tell the boss. Plus, some more emails came in. But I digress… So my new thought is, could this be something other than coincidence? Can there be a reason that I start thinking about this person around the same time as she (obviously) is thinking about me? Out of nowhere (other than the fact I lurk these forums continuously) I came up with the notion that this could be a form of quantum entanglement. If person A shakes the hand of person B, some cells are transferred, no? If a kiss or more intimate action were involved, then definitely so. Could it be, therefore, that one or some of the particles that comprise person A, and are now in a very small way part of person B (and vice-versa), 'quantumly-entangled'? If such was the case even to the tiniest degree, it might explain some things. My experience this morning, other deja-vu type of experiences, perhaps other phenomena. If nothing else, it's an interesting idea, perhaps one that could be explored by authors of fiction. I am not one of those, so feel free to take this idea and run with it! Oh, and discuss here if you will!
  17. Here's some more interesting articles; I've been interested in this for a while now. My overall take is that once we figure out how to manufacture/create sheets of buckminsterfullerene, structures in space will become way more feasible. http://www.nss.org/settlement/ColoniesInSpace/index.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_Ring_(habitat) http://www.iase.cc/openair.htm http://www.zyvex.com/nanotech/nano4/mckendreePaper.html
  18. Yeah, that made me giggle like a bugblatter beast not looking at his next meal
  19. My boss has specifically stated that all of us in his office need to watch the launch, he's got a 30" monitor set up and tuned in. Sometimes work is good!
  20. The transformation of a normal regular next-door-neighbor sort of human being into a superhero by means of being subjected to 'radiation'; this is something that has always irked me. Spiderman is the most obvious example, but there are others...
  21. Don't even get me started an Abrahms. Ruined both Star Wars and Star Trek for me...
  22. Hmmm. I can see rogue programmers making a lot of quick cash in your universe!
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