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Everything posted by Raven.

  1. I second the part on the terrain scatter. Now I like the ambience of Duna as it is, as it fits. But it would be nice to have more jagged terrain scatter for Duna to make it seem a little bit more inhospitable.
  2. Alright, this got my attention. Very good looking craft and very impressive!
  3. Congratulations on discovering Thermodynamics. Also, has people have mentioned, this is extremely bad for your system. This will cause condensation, which short circuit and corrode your computer. This could also cause various hot metal components to expand and contract quicker than they should (read, causing cracks), not to mention the damage done to both your screen and your battery. Exactly. Computers will shut themselves down to protect themselves from overheating. The OP correctly identified the problem of the system overheating. But the solution doesn't work. The OP really needs to either: 1) Clean the dust out of the system. 2) Replace the system fan if it's no longer spinning. 3) Reseat and re-grease the heat sink. I hate to burst your bubble, but it's really not that clever. Dell computers did this a few years ago by having Delphi inc. (the Mopar of General Motors) design a full radiator unit for the Dell XPS 720 H2C edition, combined with a low wattage thermal electric cooling unit and a liquid coolant, the details of which Dell is extremely protective of. By the way, cooling a CPU down below ambient temperature causes condensation. There are actually gaps in the CPU and the CPU socket in which condensation can form; these things are not designed to be cooled that way.
  4. I have a suggestion, it came as a result of me having about thirty somewhat designs in the SPH, most which are because I have two or three variants of one particular ship. It would be extremely nice and very helpful, if when we go to open a ship design in either the SPH or the VAB, that there was a way to create "folders" within the select ship dialogue. So if there are three variants of the P-1 "Snowy Owl,: such as a P-1, P-1A, and a P-1C, that we had the option to put all three within a folder that we could name "P-1 and variants." Another suggestion that I have is for the menu where we keep sub-assemblies. It would nice we could also use folders here as well. Another thing that I've noticed in 0.23 is that there are no scroll bars or next/back arrows in the sub-assembly menu that I've noticed, so if you have an absurd amount of sub-assemblies, you would not be able to view them all.
  5. I have a hard time with this, why add a planet such as Laythe and not add any kind of boat parts? It makes more sense to have boats, especially carriers on Kerbin. Anyways, I was browsing the forums yesterday when I found this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54907-Some-of-my-crafts-%28cars-sea-ships-realistic-train-war-machines-and-more%29-many-pics
  6. Yup, right click on the fuel tank and click on the green arrow button. It will change to the same icon except with a red slash through it. That will stop the fuel flow from that tank. Also check out this if you don't mind mods, this mod has fuel control parts. Depends. I think some people will throw their stations in the 300-500 km range depending on the purpose of the station. I typically throw mine up at 120 km.
  7. If methane does react with nitrogen, then it won't be a combustion reaction. Now a much heavier Alkane, or the right mixture, might be a different story. And yes, there are ways to produce nitric acid outside of water, one way is from nitric oxide. In his case, if you want to get nitric acid, then the nitrogen has to react with the oxygen first in order to form nitric oxide, which will then react with oxygen to form nitric acid. But that's two reactions, not one. The reason I mentioned water is because water forces the ions to disassociate, which makes forming ionic compounds very easy.
  8. Methane, along with every other Alkane, will always combust into CO2 gas and water. Anything else that results is a byproduct of something else mixed in with the methane, not the methane itself. Here: CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O The reason is does not produce a deadly cloud of HNO3 is because CO2 and water are being produced instead. In addition, HNO3 is an ionic compound, methane is not. HNO3 needs to be formed from two other ionic compounds in a solution such as an aqueous (in water) solution, so your equation is impossible. The nitrogen in your equation will also never react. Source: Currently enrolled in engineering chemistry; we're required to know the combustion of the first ten alkanes, which includes methane.
  9. My girlfriend actually introduced me to the game. For the longest time I wouldn't play the game because it never really peaked my interest. Then I got bored one day while at her apartment, and then I played KSP on her computer, and eight hours later, she was trying to get her computer back. She ended up buying me a copy. Thus far, I have logged 600 hours in the game. I can't kill a Kerbal, because if I do, she gets mad at me and says "but they're cute." Yup.
  10. Everyone here has suggested breaking the station up into smaller pieces. This is an extremely good idea, even for things that are not stations. This: 1) Allows you use a smaller launch vessel (easier to design and fly) 2) Allows you to modularize the design of the space station. 3) Allows for the construction of a much larger station, given enough time and effort.
  11. Most air intakes with take in .20 units of air at sea level per air intake. So if you have 6 intakes on your SSTO, it will take in about 1.20 units of air. The amount of air drawn in decreases as you gain altitude. For the most part, you're going to get 60% to 90% air for most altitudes below 10,000 meters. for 10 to 20 km, the amount of air drops rather quickly. Anything above 20 km, and you will not get enough air to drive your jets (it takes at least .10 units of air to drive a jet regardless of how many jet engines you have on the plane), provided that you're traveling at sub-sonic speeds. At super sonic and hyper sonic speeds, you might get away with .09 units, or .08 units.
  12. The landing gear is most likely buckling; the craft is most likely too heavy and is buckling from its own weight. There's two solutions: 1) add more landing gear and 2) lighten the craft. I got one heavy lifter that has six landing gear just in the back in order to support its weight.
  13. The intake and cockpit is from this very promising mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67747-Parts-WIP-ACI-Aeropod-Pre-Release-3-%2831-01-13%29
  14. I tend to disagree. I think it'll be updated. There are a lot of reasons as to why bac9 has not updated it yet, such as real life commitments. Yup. Even then, I do not think that 0.24, with the features the devs have announced, will influence B9 like the 0.23 update did. What broke most things was the tweakables feature being introduced. In fact, it's a possibility that bac9 is waiting for the 0.24 update to roll out, since the joint reinforcement feature in 0.24 might be the fix for the landing gear issues that everyone has been having. Could you post a screenie of the craft? One my game, the landing gear wobble has been nipped in the bud. I only have one craft that has a tendency to wobble, and it does the same thing even with the stock landing gear because the craft is too heavy, thus causing the landing gear to buckle. Great looking SSTOs. Here's another photo of a test machine that I threw together last night. By the way, those are working landing gears (no wobble) and a working Sabre engine in 0.23.
  15. Took the cockpit for a spin. Goes nice with the B9 set. There was one bug that I noticed in career mode. The mkIc cockpit is accidentally named the mkIb, which means that it is not unlockable in career mode since, in that case, the mkIb cockpit already exists. Correcting the name in the part.cfg file corrects the bug.
  16. I don't intend on touching the Mun or Minmus, as I am of the same opinion and I actually like those two particular biome maps. Well, now I know that I'm not the only one who noticed the big smiley face. I thought I was going crazy when I noticed it. That is exactly my goal in this mod, add more depth and more exploration possibilities. As for the science, I'm not sure if the science points divide up between the biomes. I could be wrong, but my current understanding of the science points is they are determined by a value in the Sciencedefs.cfg file, and a multiplier is applied based on which celestial body you're performing the experiment on, provided that you're recovering the craft.
  17. Well, you're absolutely correct, and it is something that I have thought of. As of yet, I have not decided as to what direction that I'm going to take in regards to balancing the large amount of science points, and I'm definitely open to ideas. One thing that will definitely influence this decision is how much interest there exists in a mod such as this; if there's enough interest, then later on I will also add a large variety of biomes to other celestial bodies, such for example, Eve and Duna. Actually, I just might, as that'll make balancing the science tree easier.
  18. This is the development thread for Kerbin Science Initiative. For the release thread and download information, go here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88605-WIP-Kerbin-Science-Initiative-140-Biomes-for-Kerbin?p=1313061#post1313061 Kerbin Science Initiative the Kerbin Science Initiative is a mod that is planned to add approx. 100 biomes to the planet Kerbin in order to provide science opportunities for each, unique geological feature. Every ocean, every major island, every river, and every mountain will net their own results for science experiments and evas. This mod essentially provides a new biome map for the planet Kerbin, very meticulously done by hand in the Gimp in great detail. As a consequence, this mod also names the continents, oceans, and other geographic detail in order to provide a sense of immersion. This is easier said than done. One thing that I ask from the community is to look over the names that I have come with to see if they match with the Kerbal universe, and even to submit names they would like to see in the mod. Feedback is the way I tell if a name for a specific region is good or not. For example, when I first started this project, I spammed the crap out of names that started with the letter 'K.' Since people complained about there being too many Ks, I went back and renamed some of the regions so that there were less Ks. If a name is no good, tell me! I take no offense to someone coming and saying that the names are crap, because I want the names to not be crap. And always feel free to suggest names. One critical part of this mod will be a new sciencedefs.cfg file. Of course, this brings the possibility of the planet Kerbin having too much science yield early on in a career game. I do not foresee this being a problem for low altitude science experiments, as players would have to put in quite a significant amount of work in order to gain access to those science points. However, I am looking into a way of limiting some of the biomes for high altitude flight, that way an orbiting ship doesn't gain access to a large amount of science early in the game. So far, the scope of this mod is extremely wide. It is very likely that I will find out if there's a limit on the number of biomes (maybe a dev can comment on this?). If this limit is hit, or if the large number of biomes begin to cause issues, then the mod will have to be scaled back. EDIT: A release is pretty close. The first release will consist of 146 biomes that are implemented. 20 of those biomes will have the string in place for customized science reports. The 126 biomes will receive science reports through periodic updates as I can write them. In addition, I will be taking a look at the contracts system to see what is possible, and if they would be a good feature for KSI. The idea is to implement contracts, such as setting up seismometers across different, specific mountain ranges and even setting up arctic bases. Provided that the contract system will allow for those kind of contracts. Progress Updates: 2/8/2014: Tested a working, custom biome with working experiments. 2/9/2014: Began implementing the ocean biomes. 2/12/2014: Requested permission from Saik0 to utilize his map data in creating the biome maps. 2/12/2014: Renamed some biomes; some people complained about there being too many Ks. There's less K's now. 2/25/2014: Biome map for first continent is complete. 3/18/2014: Special thank to Trueborn for releasing Custom Biomes 1.5, which will ease the difficulty of development greatly. 3/24/2014: Posted names for most of continent #3. Continent #3 is still not complete. 4/4/2014: Continent #1 is nearing completion. The biome map for continent #1 is done and the science experiment results are at about 50% complete. 5/7/2014: The biome map for Continet #1 and #2 are both 100% complete! Now on to Continent 3# and writing science experiments. 6/18/2014: Biome map for Continent #3 is complete! This means, science experiments put aside, that we're on a downhill slide. I am currently assembling a release schedule for alpha builds. 6/19/2014: First iteration goes into testing today. This is a test map with 22 of the 120 planned biomes implemented. 6/19/2014: First set of biomes tested out fine. Moving on to implementing the next 20. 7/14/2014: Still working on science reports, which is the most tedious part of this. Thus far, it appears as if there will be about 146 biomes that will be included in the mod. 7/28/2014: Version 0.1 released. Planned Biomes: Approx. coordinates are given. List will grow over time. Starstrider42 has created a very excellent map with some of the locations listed. East Kulge (KSC continent): East Kulge Grasslands East Kulge Highlands East Kulge Desert (needs name) Booster Bay (thanks to PlonioFludrasco) Booster Islands (Runway island) Overwatch Mountains (0, -79.4) Overwatch Foothills Anvil Mountains (12.3, -69.9) Anvil Foothills Cloud Peak (13.0, -86.5) Cloud Peak Foothills Green Coast (thanks to Starstrider42, peninsula that's surrounded by the Kulge Sea) Great Ridge Mountains (28.1, -44.6) Great Ridge Foothills Neglected Mountains (34.1, -79.1) Neglected Foothills Lance River (28, -39) Lance River Delta Kulge Sea (water between West & East Kulge) Kulge Strait West Kulge (KSC 2 continent, 31 biomes) West Kulge Grasslands West Kulge Highlands West Kulge Midland Mountains West Kulge Tundra Great Kulge Desert Mamba River Delta Kraken Bay (Crater area) Island of Worms (west crater island) Kraken Island (center crater island) Crescent Mountain Range (crater mountains) Crescent Foothills Misc. Island (Needs name, -19.8, -141.8) Misc. Cape (Needs name, 10.9, -97.3) Misc. Cape (Needs name, -18.5, -171.4) Kheysa Mountain Range (KSC 2 mountain, named in honor of Kheysa, a Soviet rocket launch site) Kheysa Foothills Mamba Mountains (27.7, -132.5, close to mouth of Mamba River) Mamba Foothills Silverstone Mountains (55.3, -131) Silverstone Foothills Goldstone Mountains (61, 180) Goldstone Foothills Fool's Mountain (46, -173) Fool's Foothills Fang Mountains (38.1, -174.8) Fang Foothills Volk Mountains (73.2, -127.8) Volk Foothills Volk Tundra Desert Area Mount Ka (close to desert temple, -6.3, -142) Ka Foothills East Kairo Mountains (7.3, -110.6) North Kairo Mountains (15.5, -137.8) West Kairo Mountains (5.4, -150.4) Kairo Foothills Gulf of Iro (0, -122) (Thanks to Starstrider42) Anubis Mountains (16, -158) Anubis Foothills Caldera Mountains (21, -116) Caldera Foothills Gnosis (Continent #3) Crater Region: The Eye (thanks to Starstrider42, 8.17, 30.67) Oracle Mountains Oracle Foothills Valley of the Ancients (valley surrounding "The Eye") Oracle River Delta Central Mountain Ranges South Vulcan Range ( 13.36, 50.10) North Vulcan Range ( 19.34, 50.10 ) Valeon Highlands (highlands at 15.47, 52.65) Tyr Mountains (33.31, 70.22) Tyr Foothills Kvasir Mountains (18.63, 70.14) Kvasir Foothills Valkyrie Mountains (41.75, 82.53) Valkyrie Foothills The Dagda (16.1, 83.7) The Dagda Foothills Badlands The Badlands (traditional KSP badlands location) The Pretty Good Lands Praetorian Mountains (surrounds Praetorian Lake and Serpent's hole, may be split up later on) Praetorian Highlands (surrounds Praetorian Lake and Serpent's hole) Praetorian Lake (-28.04, 77.87) Praetorian River (feeds from Serpent hole to Praetorian Lake) Devil's Mountain (-11.29, 51.99) Devil's Foothills The Devil's Doorstep (Valley near Devil's Mountain) Rapier Mountains (-41, 56) Rapier Foothills Stilleto Lake & River area (Lake is at -37.97, 44.03, river feeds from lake to the Undersea) Serpent's Hole (Lake, -18.5, 65.96) Wormhole Lake (7, 80) Diablo Lake (4, 71) The End of the World (-32, 50) The Valiant Highlands (-29, 33) Northern Range (Alexis Strip/Range), this may need to be part of continent #2 instead Terror Mountains (highest Kerbin elevation, 63.54, 46.14) Terror Foothills Valhalla Mountains (65.48, 101.69) Valhalla Foothills Zacharov Peninsula (Peninsula directly south of the West Zacharov Mountains) West Zacharov Mountains (42.98, 135.18) East Zacharov Mountains (52.47, 151.96) Zacharov Highlands (surrounding foothills of the Zacharov ranges) Medved Mountains (78, 139) Medved Foothills Eastern Range Bulge Mountains (-9, 100) Southern Bulge Mountains (-21, 121) Bulge Highlands Bulge Lowlands Worm's Strait (-10.20, 150.91) The Maw (Peninsula at -38, 105) Great Divide Peninsula (southern peninsula) Great Divide Lake (-43, 116) The Wall (northern peninsula) Bulge Bay (located between the Wall and the Gnosis mainland) Southern Range, South Gnosis Spectre Mountains (-10, 7.5) Spectre Foothills Poltergeist Mountains (-31, -12) Poltergeist Foothills Ghost Mountains (-58, -17) Ghost Foothills Wraith Mountains (-73, -28) Wraith Foothills Wraith Tundra Mirror Mountain (-33, -39) Mirror Foothills Mystic Lake (-60, -42) Oceans & other bodies of water Kulge Sea Arrowhead Ocean The Undersea Ocean of Smiles (thanks to PlonioFludrasco) Sea of Worms Flattop Island (6.0, -62.1) Seagull Roost (30, 11) Bamboo Islands (strip at -52, -135) The Northern Twin (-11, -42) The Southern Twin (-17, -38) Worm's Straight - East Island (-11, 155) Worm's Straight - West Island (-9, 147) The Underworld (large island at -61, 35, includes foothills and mountain range biome)
  19. It'll fly. Given enough beer, effort and time, virtually anything can fly.
  20. The space shuttle in the screenshot below crash landed and killed both pilots.
  21. Depends not just on the size, but also if whatever you're putting up in orbit is balanced in regards to the RCS ports.
  22. I personally do not use MechJeb, as I prefer to be the pilot. For me, the piloting is part of the game; there's a since of achievement when you've assembled that space station without the aid of MechJeb. Even then, MechJeb has a tendency to do poorly with craft that operate outside the bounds of the normal game, for example, helicopter, boats, etc, all of which I use heavily in my very heavily modded game.
  23. Awesome, thank you. What I plan on is a complete replacement, so that would not be a problem.
  24. Trueborn, how do the custom biomes work for Planet Kerbin itself? The reason I'm asking is because I would like to look into developing much more detailed, custom biomes for the planet Kerbin, such as a separate biomes for individual mountain ranges and islands.
  25. Finally got the "VTOL" working. Also updated the craft album, as the craft has had a major rework.
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