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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. This mod makes no sense. the rockets arent strong enough to deal with 10x planets. they are requiring 5 minute burns just to get into parking. unless someone mods fuel tanks to actually carry human like amounts of fuel and enough for the long burns its impossible
  2. also, is there a way to see all the science you have gained before you recover the craft at end of mission?
  3. oh my, so me thinking to close the doors for reentry was a good idea is simply not gonna work....lol ok, burn the matierials to cinders it is!
  4. So i have a problem. it used to be in 22 that you could spam transmissions and do a number of different experiments in one flight. example: mat bay, goo, eva, crew rep, and at the recovery page you would see a list and all the science you gained. well now lately and im assuming its due to 23, i go up open mat bay, window tells me for example 25 sci, i hit clipboard, manually close {reset} bay and safely land. when i go to recover it shows the only return in science being the recovery of the craft.....mat bay never got reported. same with goo. yes i am hitting the green clipboard. also it seems that something as low rewarding as a crew report can overwrite a mat bay study without any kind of warning. is there a limit to how many experiments you can log now? also, is there a way to see all the science you have gained before you recover the craft at end of mission?
  5. having serious issues with this mod. when i click moon and auto rendevous, it just crashes me into the planet. landing dosent work wither....not sure what the problem is
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