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Everything posted by kasperhangard

  1. Ah, i was afraid that would be the answer. 'aight i'm just gonna force him to study hard on the TWR, ÃŽâ€V and more! how is your progression with the release? is it "realistic"? (I really should go to bed before the puns take over!)
  2. I am really sorry if this has already been asked, but is it possible to play this with rss, just without the superduper large bodies? i mean, can you make the planets "kerbal size" and then reduce thrust and all of these parametres to balance it, or would it ruin the experience? i am asking on behalf of a friend, who really wants to use this pack, but just isn't comfortable that he has the patience, for everything to take like 10x longer because of the larger bodies. hopefully i am understandable in this, i don't really know how to explain it!
  3. Hey, how close are you to release? Really looking forward to it! Thanks for the time you take to bring us this awesome masterpiece!
  4. Do you know if this is compatible with Active texture management ? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-7-Active-Memory-Reduction-Mod this would be really helpful i think, with all of the mods required for this realism madness!
  5. Ah that sounds awesome! really looking forward to it! how is your progress with updating the pack? (sorry, couldn't stop myself)
  6. Maybe even making a system, which gave different science amounts, according to your location. IE lunar, orbital planetary etc. just like using the science jr. in orbit, on mun, on jool etc. also, i think it would be cool if it required several heavy parts, forcing people to build big bases, instead of just a science part with a cockpit.
  7. THIS. i would love, having to send TAC life support care packages up to the crew, performing the experiment. then having to have a rover up there to go and grab it. this would make a purpose for actual space bases! Also, i'm sure you've seen this, but just to be sure i wanna say that AIES has been updated to 0.23!
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