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Everything posted by LarryWallwart

  1. I'm gonna call this thread answered. (don't know how to change it) I am assuming the RCS port must have somehow been obstructing the ring.
  2. I sent 3 more identical ships ( they are arms to my station ) they all docked fine. The only problem I had was with the second one. I did have a light and an RCS port attached to the end of the arm on the second ship that I removed on ships 3 4 and 5, but it was nowhere near the ring. As you can see the lights are still on arm 1.
  3. Not sure if this is my biggest, but it's my latest. Mission to Duna. Got into Kerbin orbit and had some of my Asparagus stage still attached. Decided it would be a good time to refuel for the trip to Duna. Sent up an almost identical ship sans some dead weight, the second ship was unmanned. Refueled without too much trouble. As I decoupled there was a minor collision. Didn't notice any damage to the main ship. Went to Duna. Left lower stage in orbit while lander landed got science and returned to Duna orbit running on fumes. I was trying to rendezvous with the lower stage so I could refuel my lander. Managed to sync orbits and bounce off the docking ring a few times. After it didn't connect I took a closer look. Apparently during my minor collision with the Kerbin refuel I knocked off the docking ring. Doh. So THAT is what exploded. I guess when I get home tonight I'll be sending a rescue ship to recover my Kerbal and my science.
  4. I finally rescued him from being stranded on Mun. He is now piloting my Kerbin Space Station.
  5. they were both on the dark side of Kerbin and it was hard to get a good screenshot
  6. the other reason I know it works is it went into orbit docked to another part.
  7. They are correct because the first piece worked. The flat sides face each other. The second arm is exactly like the first arm, I didn't change the docking rings.
  8. OK so I decided to build a space station. Center hub in orbit. First arm docked. Second arm ( a copy of the first) in orbit. I have literally bumped docking rings over 100 times in the last 3 hours. They won't latch. I've tried spinning. Going slow, going fast. Nothing works. Using mech jeb, not using mech jeb. I can float them inches apart. The magnets don't seem to be working. Help!!!!!!!!
  9. I was drinking coffee when I read that part. Ouch.
  10. Failed to rescue Jebediah from Mun. :-( As of now he is stuck on Mun without enough fuel to return.
  11. I was afraid he had been lost in a terrible accident, but last night I discovered he was residing on Mun. He had made a successful landing, but there was not enough fuel to return. Therefore I decided he needed to be returned. So I started a mission to bring him back. However my multi-seat rescue lander was under designed and didn't make a successful landing. Later I discovered I already had a lander orbiting Mun that is more than capable of landing and returning, so that is my mission tonight. Bring home Jebediah.
  12. I keep leaving the lights on and draining my batteries during warp thus not allowing Mechjeb to execute the next node.
  13. is there a way to activate all solar panels at the same time?
  14. I could use that idea to turn over the rovers that are always flipping on me.
  15. All your dead Astronauts have been resurrected! It's a miracle.
  16. Last night I flew to Eeloo only to run out of fuel 3/4 into my retro orbit. Argggggggg
  17. I am well aware of how to build a very elaborate asparagus system. What kills me is figuring out how many tanks to put above each engine, especially the final center engine. I can get past 20,000 but then that final engine doesn't have enough oomph to push me into orbit. I am assuming I am stacking too many tanks on the center section. Is there a standard tanks per engine reference?
  18. Considering I am new to KSP, an old post is just as informative as a new post. regarding the bad design, asparagus will easily lift itself and a capsule, but if you have much more in an upper stage it requires major tweaks.
  19. For any kind of load at all (like if I want to have enough fuel to return from another planet) I use a modified asparagus. I have found that with a true asparagus as a lower stage, once it sheds all the outer stages the remaining center engine (or center cluster) doesn't have the thrust to get the payload into orbit. Shedding weight is good, but you are also shedding engines. What I have ended up doing is allowing the final outside stage share fuel (both ways, 2 lines) with the center tank. This leaves me some additional engines to get into orbit.
  20. I believe once you crossed that plane of SOI, you would continue going farther away. I believe if you wanted to stay just inches outside the SOI, you would have to do a retro maneuver after you left SOI. So in essence you are wasting a LOT of thrust if you go the wrong way.
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