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Everything posted by allista

  1. I'm not sure about the update, will check it. As for the double button: each module has its own, so if you haven't removed previous one, both will be working and adding a button.
  2. @Lucas Kerman, I'm also sorry. Still, strange as it may sound, CC actually does the same thing, namely, dynamically builds tank's configuration if it detects that it was installed in midflight. Even more, MM patches that install CC do not apply to parts where IFS module is present. Considering that CC code have not been changed in a while, the probability of a regression seems low. So either the KSP resource framework has changed drastically with 1.7 and broken the code in one particular scenario; or this was a manifestation of a serious problem with the game+mods setup. @Lucas Kerman IFS and CC are not, and cannot be made compatible, as they do the same thing with the same parts completely differently. One can use both as plugins providing core functionality for dedicated parts, but not as complete mods with patches. You have to choose one over the other based on your gameplay and requirements of other mods.
  3. These patches are a part of MKS, not GC. I didn't make them, so I don't know how they're meant to be, sorry. Write to MKS support thread, maybe someone there will have an answer.
  4. output_log.txt, please Technically it's possible, not to ignore, but to build a special hangar that has bigger-on-the-inside (think TARDIS) storage and the HangarGateway module with a gateway mesh being a single quad, so that it doesn't impose any size limitations. That way your balloons will be spawned outside of the hangar part. Oh, and to balance the almost infinite storage you may set it to single (or simple) mode, so that only one vessel could be stored at a time.
  5. I'm not sure; I've never downloaded the 1.6. But I'd try the latest: chances are that 1.7 is more backward compatible with 1.6 than 1.4 is forward compatible with it
  6. Yep, all is well! It's mostly the work that got me *and the little hacker of a daughter who tries to code alongside me each time I seat at the keyboard
  7. Version 2.3.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.7.0 Released on 2019-04-28 Compatible with KSP-1.7 Added "Add Part" option to create kit from a single part. Download
  8. Version 2.4.4 for Kerbal Space Program 1.7.0 Released on 2019-04-28 Compatible with KSP-1.7 Fixed MM Warnings (multiple NEEDS) Fixed in-editor part cloning/symmetry bug (issue #31) Download
  9. Version 3.3.5 for Kerbal Space Program 1.7.0 Released on 2019-04-28 Compatible with KSP-1.7 Added ability to add single parts to a Hangar in editor. Several bugfixes Download
  10. Glad to hear! But as all my mods depend on AT_Utils library, I update ALL of them once I made some serious changes in it. Just to be on the safe side.
  11. Thanks for the report. Although 1.5.1 is not officially supported yet, I'll test this when I'll be upgrading everything.
  12. Need to look at output_log.txt to know what's happening.
  13. There's a problem with the installation: Could not load file or assembly '001_AnisotropicPartResizer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. So the AT_Utils install is incomplete. I'll check distributions for errors, but meanwhile you can just download AT_Utils here and install it to fix the problem.
  14. Strange The door should close automatically when you load a new kit and start the assembly. But on the screenshot it's open, yet has a built-but-not-spawned kit inside, which hides the "Open/Close" button. I don't understand how it's possible to come to this state... except that if there was an exception during the kit loading phase; then the close animation may have been not triggered. I would love to see the logs (output_log.txt [win] or Player.log [mac/linux]), but it's likely that you've restarted the game, so the logs were overwritten. Anyways, try to finalize the kit once more and then share the logs, please.
  15. In space you could probably make the inflatable hanar bigger than the Spaceport. But it's still meant for spaceships -- long and narrow. Or you could... well... use one of the ground hangars, attaching it to the station? The reason the Spaceport is not resizeable is the that it has internals, and if you resize the outer model, internals will be left hanging in the middle of it somewhere. Not pretty; believe me, I've tried
  16. I've recently answered this (pretty frequent question, as you can guess), but can't find it, so: IFS and CC both manage part resources dynamically, but do it differently, and cannot be made to cooperate (or even be aware of each other). So if you have one part with IFS and another with CC, it's alright. The problem is when MM adds both IFS and CC to the same part. And that's exactly what happens, because both mods included MM patches to modify stock fuel tanks (and many other as well). So you can use IFS/CC dlls to add their functionality to dedicate parts. But you can't install both complete mods.
  17. Version 2.2 - In-place Construction for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.5 Released on 2018-10-16 Added ability to construct kits inside assembly spaces. Named docking ports in Dockable Kit Container. Only works with the newly created containers. Old ones will still have stock docking ports. Added display of additional resources required for the vessel in a kit. Available in the interface of any workshop and via part menu of containers. Deployment Hint may be activated in Editor (and in flight) via part menu of a container. Deployment speed is inverse-proportional to the kit mass, so as not to break everything with a too heavy deploying kit. Spread parts along the Tech Tree more evenly: Deployable Kit Container to Specialized Construction Ground Assembly Line to Advanced Metalworks Orbital Assembly Line/Space to Meta Materials Download
  18. Version 3.5.3 for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.5 Released on 2018-10-16 Added TCA grouping to facilitate docking/undocking with retaining of configurations Added the ability to manually activate any TCA instance of the vessel to have, e.g. different TCA Modules enabled. Various bugfixes (including Conditions, @MonsieurPatateuh). Download
  19. Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.5 Released on 2018-10-16 Moved Box Fairings to Survivability node on the Tech Tree Moved Procedural Adapter to General Construction node Corrected Tech required for the heavy 5-way RCS Download
  20. Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.5 Released on 2018-10-16 Updated AT_Utils Download
  21. Sorry about that. Am missing things that are not saved as github issues: https://github.com/allista/ThrottleControlledAvionics/issues/61
  22. Need to say this out loud... I've just spend some time working with the Tech Tree in career mode to fix some "disappeared" parts from the Hangar mod and to balance things a little in GC (beware! ). And it came to me that I'm missing so bloody much not actually playing this game! Seriously, since I've started to make TCA-3 and then CC and GC I've simply stopped playing. "Not enough spare time" -- I thought -- "for both modding and playing". Yet I play a lot of other games these days. Yea, little at a time, and they're all really different from KSP, so there's diversity... but I've just forgot how much fun it is to play this one! Also, it should be really awkward to... I don't know... to make surfing boards while living on Luna and not seeing an ocean once
  23. Unfortunately, this mechanism is actually broken; a bug that I've discovered (with the help of the fx-pain) just two days ago. I'm working on a release tonight that has a fix for that (aside from some cool new features ).
  24. Alternatively, you can do this: make your satellite into subassembly, then make a rig with enough stack nodes on the sides to attach your satellites, then combine it all into a single vessel (like grapes). This contraption may be stored in the fairing, then launched, then you can deploy satellites one by one.
  25. The fairing is a single-use-only hangar. It can store just one ship, once (for obvious reasons). If you need to deploy many satellites, use inline hangar and launch with the "push out" option enabled.
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