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Everything posted by allista

  1. @Daveroski in any case, I'd love to get a craft file from you to address this issue properly
  2. @wkwied please refer to SpaceDock's ChangeLog section of GC page and find the version built for you KSP version: https://spacedock.info/mod/1123/Ground Construction
  3. Exceptions in your screenshot are from MiniAVC mod. But I can tell more from Player.log file.
  4. Ah, I see. So what we actually need is either an option to set maximum deviation from prograde (currently it is hard-coded to 10°), or an option to offset the start of the gravity turn to lower dynamic pressure. Or maybe I could just made the former dependant on the latter. Could you, please, share the craft file, or, better, make something pure-stock that'll have the same problem?
  5. You can manually set time to ApA to big enough value. Try 2-3 minutes. Problems with drag usually mean low TWR.
  6. It's just too inconvenient to have to use two autopilot systems at once. Then again, I don't know how MJ looks now, but as I remember it, it was quite different from TCA in approach.
  7. I'm planning to gradually develop a set of orbital maneuver autopilots. Here's a document where I started to describe some of the programs along with their boundary conditions (read options) that came to mind. Anyone who want to participate is welcome to comment: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19iExnuWOuXae8uUk7ZM9llTNy0aD42fuzuRq6LJ0A_4/edit?usp=drivesdk
  8. Crowd QA in action Thanks a lot folks! Tracker issue: https://github.com/allista/ConfigurableContainers/issues/39
  9. In your logs I don't see any problems with CC or GC, so this is even more bizarre. In any case I don't recommend using dlls not built for each other. CC-2.6.0 should be used with AT_Utils-1.9.5, and everything else should also be built for this version.
  10. @pmborg ok, this is very strange, I never saw such exceptions: It seems like there's an incompatibility with KSP-1.10.1
  11. This looks like the wrong file, since none of my mods are listed in "Mod dlls found" section at the beginning. UPD: the Player.log that is. Checking KSP.log now...
  12. You have the same problem: AT_Utils-1.9.6+CC-2.6.1 doesn't work with KSP-1.9.1 The exception you show only occurs with these versions.
  13. Unfortunately there's no way to mark it but to make another release with the next version number. SpaceDock+CKAN work that way. Thanks, I'll check this out when I'm back.
  14. Thanks for the report and the research! I'll check it out.
  15. Hmmm... I cannot look at the logs right now -- on vacation and in the middle of nowhere. But could you try to install from spacedock or GitHub? I have a feeling CKAN is messed up somehow...
  16. Your installation should have been messed up somehow. What you describe looks like incompatible dll versions. As always, Player.log will tell for sure.
  17. @JadeOfMaar is awesome beyond measure and has already made the patches for Tundra, which you can obtain from master branch on github: https://github.com/damonvv/TundraExploration They need to be tested, though, before they could be released. So we kindly ask you to try them out.
  18. The problem is with testing. KSP loads so slow that checking everything on more than one version is beyond my capacity and available time. I really wish I could have some QA automation, some smoke tests that would at least check that everything loads without errors in the log. But not with 3D games...
  19. Alas, it seems the 2.6.1 isn't compatible with KSP 1.9.1 after all due to API changes I had no idea about. And KSP 1.10.1 is already released
  20. This is a strange bug that appears and disappears from time to time without any apparent reason. There is a trigger collide added to the center of the bay, as well as an invisible mesh that delineates the internal space. But both shouldn't be raycast targets. Anyways, thanks for the report. I'll check this out when I'm back from the vacation after 9th...
  21. Unfortunately even with Dropbox app I cannot download your files. Please, zip them.
  22. Hm... Good point! There's no way, and no confirmation, for that matter. I'll add them in the next release. Doubt it. Everything is purely KSP/Unity code; basic stuff like transform scales work everywhere. I'll debug your issue after the vacation.
  23. v0.2.1.1 allista released this now Compiled against AT_Utils-1.9.6 Project maintenance and minor fixes Assets3 CargoAccelerators- 814 KB Source code(zip) Source code(tar.gz)
  24. Version 3.6.2 for Kerbal Space Program 1.10.0 Released on 2020-07-30 Improved Procedural Adapter behaviour in Editor Fixed lag in Editor when opening PAW of hangars in symmetry group Download (30.24 MiB)
  25. Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.10.0 Released on 2020-07-30 Fixed Part Printer and Replicator converters in Assembly Lines broken by Squad in KSP-1.10 Download (15.85 MiB)
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