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Everything posted by allista

  1. Version 3.7.2 for Kerbal Space Program 1.10.0 Released on 2020-07-30 Taking aerodynamic forces into account when balancing engines in vertical speed controller in altitude controller Improved Deorbit and Ballistic Jump autopilots Improved performance in Editor no more FPS drop when TCA GUI is closed better performance when dragging a new part over the ship UI Vertical Flight HUD made more compact improved formatting of altitude and velocities HUD panels are showed when TCA is uncontrollable Fix: Info Panel unlocks controls when it is cleared Download (584.12 KiB)
  2. Version 2.6.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.10.0 Released on 2020-07-30 Parts Hangar: allow surface attachment of all the containers Fixed CC behaviour in symmetry groups Fixed resource amount update when tank volume is changed (by APR or TweakScale) Fixed part cloning when the part is resized by TweakScale Fixed UI not showing when the VolumeConfigs.user file is absent Using bundle shipped with AT_Utils Download (320.19 KiB)
  3. Teasing a bit before release * for some reason the recording has actually started several seconds later than it seemed to, so the introduction words were lost, sorry.
  4. To be fair, the OP wasn't updated that much and, aside from the videos, doesn't describe recent features. But the videos do describe them in detail. Sorry, my English speaking is rusty at best; have literally no practice aside from these videos This is quite old. GC does have orbital construction and de-novo kit production now. Rare resources are still an issue, though. No plutonium from material kits for you
  5. This is the minimalistic demo of the creation of kits. It's old, so now you'll have more functionality, but the basics are the same: assembly line + assembly space + resources + kerbals = kits
  6. Replace the OrbitalAssemblyLine.cfg with this one
  7. Thanks! I'll contact Jade then. He already made CC patches for OPT, so we'll probably manage to do it.
  8. Ok, found what is wrong and worked around by re-configuring the converters. Thanks again for the report!
  9. They're configs are a complicated webwork of MM patches that fine-tune features with numerous custom B9 tank types. Converting it to CC without upsetting the balance would be an enormous, if not impossible undertaking. For one, I doubt tanks masses (and hence TWR) could be made the same. @damonvv if you're interested, I'd be glad to help, or get help from someone from tundra world. If not, I really don't see the big reason for this.
  10. Anyways, I can confirm this; which means you've found yet another regression bug in squad's codebase, since nothing has changed in ModuleResourceConverter configuration since 1.9
  11. https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/LogFiles.html The Player section
  12. Tried to release yesterday, but during final checks found a nasty issue with symmetry counterparts. So let's say, if all goes well, then tonight. If not, tomorrow night, bugs or not; because then I'll be absent for two weeks...
  13. This is old, but it shows the process of landing from orbit. Starting from 11:12 There's not much setup, except that you need deorbit autopilot module and it's dependencies installed in TCA GUI in Editor. It would work for a simple rocket with some axial engine, if it has enough torque in reaction wheels and RCS.
  14. Wow This looks bizarre. Part Printer resource converter is not configured to produce machinery at all, let alone in this quantity. Could you share your OrbitalAssemblyLine.cfg and the Player.log?
  15. Found and fixed both issues. Thanks a lot!
  16. Indeed. Anyways, I hope to release the fix today.
  17. It's just a name. It's a text file with the content described above. There's no extensions, not anymore. Dots are just characters of the file name.
  18. These are actually pretty common, but I never saw any correlation of the NaNs from PatchedConicSolver with observable issues. Sure thing!
  19. This is actually a second release for 1.10 Sounds frightening. But I've not encountered anything like it. A save file with reproducible issue would help a lot with debugging.
  20. This is exactly how it works now: https://www.github.com/allista/AT_Utils/tree/master/GameData%2F000_AT_Utils%2FTankConfigs.cfg These are non-deletable, non-editable presets provided by users and included into distribution as MM patches.
  21. Couple of hours! The tests were completely automated I was sleeping at the time, since they were running from about 3 till 9 AM. The test is simple: pick random surface target and land. Log the success/failure along with the final error and fuel used. I was checking if my fixes are working for wider set of situations than the one I used for manual testing. Yes, I used TCA with MJ maneuver planner many times. You obviously shouldn't use both at the same time to control ship's attitude, engines and such (e.g. to execute a maneuver node). But enabled and idle TCA won't interfere.
  22. This looks fishy indeed. I'll look through the full log tomorrow. But paths are created using Path.Combine, so the separator is os-specific. What is strange is that the KSPUtil.ApllicationRootPath (the part before ..) has non-native separators. Anyways, double check that the file is named correctly and located where it is searched for.
  23. Hm... Maybe there are several issues involved? Look for the log for Player.log according to this: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/LogFiles.html
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