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Everything posted by allista

  1. It seems totally impossible from TCA side. But I need to look at FMEU configs to see what's happening. Anyway, you better copy that report to their thread as well.
  2. I've reuploaded the correct version. The version number stays the same, so You need to reinstall, if you have updated already. I'm terribly sorry about this mess! @secretly_asian, thanks a lot for the report!!! I knew I would screw something up today with that migraine And I need to update my release-building scripts to ensure this will never happen again.
  3. You may use some service like Dropbox/GoogleDrive, and it's best to zip it to save bandwidth. Alternatively, you may use the http://pastebin.com/ But I think I understand where I made a mistake. I'll post the updated TCA .dll in a bit... Here, try this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7eqoavk6tpkumom/ThrottleControlledAvionics.dll?dl=0 Replace with it the GameData/ThrottleControlledAvionics/Plugins/ThrottleControlledAvionics.dll
  4. It's a pain to maintain code in separate libraries Logs are: Windows (32-bit): {KSP}\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Windows (64-bit): {KSP}\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log. Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log
  5. Please, share the logs; the most likely cause is improper installation. Have you installed the AT_Utils bundled within the archive?
  6. TCA v3.2.2 for KSP 1.1.3 (2016.08.16) ChangeLog:
  7. It is possible. (I assume you're using the latest version of TCA). For that you need to create a user configuration file: GameData/000_AT_Utils.user And add the following there, changing colors accordingly: StylesConfig { //available colors: normal (meaning white), grey, red, dark_red, green, dark_green, yellow, dark_yellow, cyan, magenta EnabledButtonColor = green ActiveButtonColor = yellow InactiveButtonColor = grey ConfirmButtonColor = green AddButtonColor = green CloseButtonColor = red DangerButtonColor = red } Do note, that due to a bug in AT_Utils this file have to be located directly in the GameData folder. In the next release* I'll fix that and the file will have to be moved inside the 000_AT_Utils folder, where it belongs.
  8. Yea, that's just the "debug lines" I mention from time to time. TCA modules are full of them when the code is compiled in Debug mode; I enable them from time to time to better understand how algorithms really work. And you haven't seen the Radar's raycast visualization yet; that's a real laser show! As for the wind, that's strange. I mean, if you're using the VTOL Control mode, even jet-based VTOLs become as smooth and responsive as you see in this video; I hardly touched the keyboard while I was capturing it. The landing gear is controlled by VTOL Assist: it deploys gear when a ship goes down, 5 seconds from the surface; so if you're hovering or ascending, the gear is retracted. The Assist may be disabled altogether; alternatively, you may just forbid TCA to ever touch gear control. Both switches are in "advanced" pane.
  9. Well... yes and no: From the Unity's point of view, although the ground and the buildings are different kinds of objects, they share the same Layer -- "Local Scenery". This means that a raycast cannot discriminate them. The algorithm that decides where to land does a series of raycasts and calculates local curvature of the surface patches around the ship. So for that algorithm buildings are just peculiar hills of strange shape. Thus, in principle, TCA can auto-land on a roof, but for that the roof should be flat and wide enough, and located below the ship, so that the first check is positive; because if the landing algorithm starts to search, the probability that the raycasts lay on "that roof over there" in the right manner is too low. Besides, the lander tries to land on the nearest patch that is flat enough, not on the flattest one. To put it another way: autolander made to be safe and robust; but landing on a building is not safe and requires a skilled pilot instead of a stupid machine To demonstrate my point:
  10. The culprit of this "bug" is this hack in the SolverEngines plugin which is used by RO. I've created an issue on their tracker, so maybe they'll fix it someday. Meanwhile I've added a workaround for it to TCA; it will be included into the nearest update.
  11. Which is the last one, as I recall. Strange... Could you also post the log?
  12. Thank you for the report. Nothing has changed for gimballed engines in the last version, so I'm not sure the TCA is at fault here; but you can post the logs after that black screen happens and I'll see through it to be certain. Sorry for the delay. You probably have an old ModuleManager (or none MM at all?). At least that's what was the cause the last time someone had this problem.
  13. Thanks for the report. The culprit is probably the "Flight Stabilizer" in "advanced" pane. This autopilot kicks in when ship's attitude is not controlled by any other autopilot, SAS or a user. So you need to disable it or enable SAS. To prevent this from happening without the need to disable it I will need to think of an additional boundary condition for its trigger; right now it simply detects uncontrollable rotation.
  14. TCA is not designed for this. Many-engines-in-all-directions crafts are rarely practical (especially in this game) and are seldom used. For this to work you need different kind of control system than we have in KSP: engines should be treated differently depending on their current orientation with respect to gravity; and correspondingly, they should respond to different controls -- hovering and translation. It is possible to do, but I really don't see the need for it in KSP.
  15. Then you probably just need to update it.
  16. Have you opened the blizzy-Toolbar's preferences and checked the hangar's button for it to be displayed in the toolbar? Like this (see the left window in the screenshot): Thanks for the report. I'll look at what's happening here.
  17. Are you playing in sandbox? If not, you need to get TCA in R&D (and I need to add a status page into the manual). If yes, I see two separate bugs: the interface should be available in flight in sandbox; if and only if you have engines/rcs. In that case, please, post the logs.
  18. What open button? Hangars are controlled through a separate GUI window which is summoned by a toolbar button.
  19. Alas, I currently don't have much time for programming, so the fixes go slowly. But in the meantime I do some 3D modelling to relax (while PCR is cycling) and ponder on the idea of a pressurized inflatable hangar...
  20. Thanks for the report. The second screenshot tells much about the bug involved! All the previous versions are available at SpaceDock.
  21. It did show the right version, but it was unable to install it correctly, which led to many reports on the last pages of the thread: it removed the 000_AT_Utils from the archive and as a result TCA did not work. Now AT_Utils are also on CKAN and are marked as a requirement, so CKAN should install it along with TCA.
  22. Now CKAN should work again, but I will appreciate if someone tests it and posts here, as I don't have a KSP installation with me
  23. For those who are waiting for CKAN support: here's my poll request in their repo. As soon as it is merged, CKAN will work again. https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/4411
  24. I've encountered this problem myself a week ago, and now I'm working on the solution. Unfortunately, nothing can be done right now. What happens is this: on start TCA calls part.force_activate() to activate the OnModulesFixedUpdate routine of the Part which updates all the modules inside the part, but only when the part is ACTIVE. The alternative would be to use the Unity's FixedUpdate message directly, rather than to act as a standard module. The caveat is that modules are updated strictly after the part itself and the vessel were updated; but using the FixedUpdate directly will disrupt this chain and TCA will be updated independently. I cannot trace all possible consequences of that, so the transition from the OnFixedUpdate to the FixedUpdate has to be thoroughly tested.
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