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Everything posted by allista

  1. CKAN is not yet supported as the new version uses a utility library that is not yet published on the CKAN. I'm working on it right now, but a couple of days will pass until CKAN machinery will accept my metadata. Meanwhile, download the mod from Spacedock.info (see the link in the OP) and install manually, including the 000_AT_Utils folder with the library.
  2. If so this is definitely a regression. Could you provide me with a test craft that shows the symptoms and depends only on stock+RO+RSS? When I return I will test with it and try to figure what went wrong... BTW, are you referring to the standard attitude cues in space (prograde, radial, etc.), or planetary autopilots also won't work?
  3. So TCA is installed manually from Spacedock, but you don't see the toolbar button anywhere; not in the editor, nor in KSC, right? Then, first of all, check that the KSP is 1.1.3, and that ModuleManager is installed (haven't I suggested they already?). If all is ok, open/create the GameData/ThrottleControlledAvionics/ThrottleControlledAvionics.user file in a text editor and add the UseStockAppLauncher = true option there. Oh, and post the logs at last
  4. It seems impossible. Just imagine how it would be to parse all the posts after two weeks! Besides, after 8 hours of archeological museum my mind need something simple to relax on But I promise, won't misuse it; I have the perfect guardian by my side who won't let me
  5. If I could sometime harness the power of procedural fairings... But it is so much harder technically than simple model resizing!
  6. Not serious, but I really don't see the point. It's a matter of habit, really. BTW, to easily fit a Hangar to a ship in editor, I would recommend the following procedure: Made the Hangar much bigger then the ship; add the ship. Gradually resize the Hangar until the ship is pushed to the Unfit list. Make one step back and re-add the ship from the list.
  7. No, the names of the controls are hard-coded. Have you tried to launched that ship from the fairings right at the launchpad, without going into space? And in Kerbin orbit? Unfortunately, due to all the Krakensbane thing spawning a vessel in different orbits around different planets cannot be done in the same way. And since 0.90 this mechanics probably changed much.
  8. Does it just say "Low control authority", or is it actually unable to control the ship? Low does not mean absent; and the calculation of that flag has changed since 3.1. Aside from that, Attitude Control is one of the most complex and fine tuned parts of TCA; yet it is far from being flawless. Different ships with different engines have to be controlled very differently, corresponding PID controllers should be tuned for particular situation, and all this tuning is automated through accounting for a tone of ship's and planet's parameters in real-time. No wonder it breaks in one case or another. So I am and will continue to improve and rewrite it. Still, I've never tried neither the RO nor RSS. And I won't officially support either, becaus if they change something so drastically that countless TSA's adaptation mechanisms unable to handle it, than they virtually constitute a different game. But I simply don't have the resources to support yet another plugin.
  9. It may be a conflict with Toolbar. Try to delete or rename the GameData/toolbar.dat file.
  10. Then it has to be a bug. But I don't know how it is possible: literally, the only thing that is checked when that button is drawn is if the vessel has a target and that target is a vessel. And that is a KSP code, not mine: I only check the value of the vessel.targetObject and then call the vessel.targetObject.GetVessel(). Could you experiment a little with other vessels and other targets? Also, what does the tooltip of the inactive button say?
  11. From Spacedock, to be precise. All links in this thread point there. CKAN, for that matter, downloads the archive also from there. It just filters the content afterwards, removing any additional plugins not mentioned in the manifest. Hm... either the target was not actually set, or you're playing career and have some unsatisfied module dependencies. Open the "advanced" pane and find the Rendezvous module in the list. It should be said there what modules are needed for Rendezvous to be active.
  12. Indeed so! Just don't change masses too much: they were calculated from volumes and areas of part models (which you may guess from the comments)
  13. No, part names are intact. Radial SABRE is one of the parts i removed to accelerate the development. This MM patch is just a leftover. As for the temperature (and other part characteristics), I haven't got to this yet, so if you feel like it, you can correct what you deem necessary and send me the changes later. I haven't wrote it in this thread yet, but I'm on vacation starting today till 24th, so you have plenty of time
  14. lol No, because the reason why I ended up making them is still there: stock modules do not support multiple animations; in particular, multiple animations with the same name. Also, as time was off the essence here, it was actually quicker to adapt my modules to the new API than to rewrite configs.
  15. I doubt it. These KSP versions have incompatible API.
  16. Thanks for the report. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about it right now. For one thing, I'm riding to the airport right now and won't be near my working place till 24th. Athens are waiting Aside from that, AT_Utils is in beta now and I dare not release it as standalone library publicly. The reason is, It was an integrated part of the Hangar until now.
  17. Hangar- for KSP-1.1.3 Please, help me to get this mod up and running again! Test it! Bugs are abundant, so everyone gets a share
  18. Yep. Several man-months of development and the Golden Key is ours!
  19. That's an interesting idea. Like a temporary dry dock for repairs. But I would badly want to have an animation of this (which is not that hard by itself); and I would want to demand the docking. And the fragility of the thing should be somehow implemented; the destruction of the outer shell should not destroy the ship inside... With the current hangar technology, however, it is not possible, at least in a stright way: the hangar module relies on some specific properties of the part's model. But I'll definitly will think about implementation of that concept. After I manage to make a stable release of the mod as it is now, of course.
  20. This would definitely be cool for the hangar-fairings usecase which is currently implemented as a special resizable hangar. And I will try to get to it using the stock dynamic fairings one day. But to use such mechanism in space is, IMHO, against the KSP concept which, as I perseive it, is "realism and challange". I mean, each time I hear such proposition (this forum contains several of them), I try to imagine, how it could be implemented in reality: "Should several dozens of kerbals swarm out of the station and crawl around the docked ships like ants, covering it with the plating? Should there be some huge automated factory that hastly produces the fairings of appropriate size? And what with the previous plates, how to recycle them?" You see
  21. Alas, the radial SABRE will be left out of the next Hangar beta (which will come later today) for the sake of development speed. Once the mod is on track again, I'll add it back; it needs to be reconfigured for KSP-1.1.3 anyway.
  22. TCA v3.2.1.1 for KSP 1.1.3 (2016.07.11) ChangeLog:
  23. For those of you who are testing things from time to time. And for all the others who may find it a little bit frustrating to skip through KSP start screen every time. AutoLoadGame
  24. Long and narrow? You mean that "piglet" (a codename my wife gave it) with six legs and four/eight radial double-nozzle engines? Hmm... I'm not sure I can explain "what" it is. It's just the simplest design I've come up with when I first started testing TCA (big Mk3 fuel tank, probe core, engines, legs... you saw it all). I simply stuck with it somehow. The engines are from my other mod -- the Hangar -- which I'm currently trying to reanimate (using voodoo, yea). By the way...
  25. Well, a little bit But I understand it's inevitable -- a developer is unable to circumvent subconscious defence against bumping into his or her own bugs. We know how to use the product so that it would work; how to create "test" crafts in this case. And of course there's only so much time for testing when your main task is to write the code. It was the same when @smjjames first started to test the newly created Navpoint Navigation and the whole follow the leader thing Thank You for the testing, it is a great help indeed. And please, take your time and heal properly. (I may confess: being married to a doctor (albeit a veterinarian) teaches one to take one's health seriously ) Anyway, I'll be on vacation from 11th to 24th, so I guess I'll publish the last version tomorrow as stable and reap the fruits of the large-scale "testing" when I return
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