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Everything posted by allista

  1. R.I.P KerbalStuff It was wonderful to work with you!
  2. As far as it is physically possible, yes. In this scenario I would temporarily set some of the tugs' engines to Maneuver role and some to Main, depending on the way you're going. This will provide both standard main throttle control over the propulsion and increased control authority when thrusting to maintain attitude.
  3. Thanks! I assume the reason you couldn't get to such speed is the drag. Hovercrafts are innately slower than planes, cause they have to divide their thrust between lift and linear propulsion, and the more they pitch to accelerate, the more drag they experience. That's why helicopters are often have their propellers tilted forward, so they themselves don't have to. The fps problem is strange though; there's nothing special about 200m/s, and I haven't had any problems with fps connected with speed O.O As for the engines that don't start: are they airbreathing? If so, they might be in the flameout state due to the lack of air intake. It happens when TCA sets thrust limits to zero upon landing. I've tried to work around it, but with little success.
  4. I've tried to account for lateral engines to provide faster acceleration in goto/waypoint navigation. Could you test it with your scenario and, if it's not too much trouble, with some hover-only crafts? https://www.dropbox.com/s/rnrur5gpv6sfkwx/ThrottleControlledAvionics-v2.3.0.37-fast_accel-test.zip?dl=0
  5. No, currently there's no way to type in the lat-lon coordinates for a waypoint. The only two ways to add a waypoint is to directly click on a surface (in map view or in flight) or select a target vessel and add it as a waypoint. I'll think about adding this feature. As for the cruise control, there's the Fly macro that does exactly the thing: you can type in the bearing in degrees and the needed speed in m/s. Aside from that, in cruise control mode the needed speed is controlled by pitching and direction by turning the nose of the vessel.
  6. v37 2016.02.15 This is a Release build, meaning there's no color debug lines protruding from each vessel and much less spam in logs.
  7. Slow acceleration is intentional and its rate is configurable through TCA.glob file. The prime reason is aerodynamics of hover-only crafts (like the ones in my videos, without aft engines). To accelerate, they need to pitch, but pitching changes the lifting force; in particular, incoming airstream starts to push the craft downward. If it pitches too low trying to accelerate faster, it may become uncontrollable and even flip over, depending on the current speed. And in a navigation to the target scenario there's also a matter of slowing down near the destination: the closer you are too it, the slower you should go to brake in time. I'll try to figure out how to correct this behavior in the aft-engines case without decreasing the robustness of autopiloting.
  8. Thank you for your report. I've found the problem in the code and, hopefully, fixed it. Will include it in the next beta.
  9. TCA3 BETA v36 2015.12.12 This is a Release build, meaning there's no color debug lines protruding from each vessel and much less spam in logs.
  10. The equation for stationary state is indeed simple: Sum(torque) = needed-torque AND Sum(thrust) = needed-thrust (for hover = -Mgr) The problem with stationary states, though, is that they don't take into account the time it takes for the system to reach them. To put it simply, at each moment I can know exactly what thrust each engine should provide. The question is: will they comply? With rocket engines the answer is "yes, almost instantly". But with jets and the likes it's "yes, but only asymptotically; and the error will become acceptable only after some time." But if you (or SAS, or any other autopilot) change the right side of the equations, the system is out of stationary again. Suppose you're trying to rotate. You say to TCA: provide me the torque of 50kN/m in that direction, please. OK, says TCA, and translates your request into the proper thrust limits. But the engines are lazy beasts and give you the requested torque slowly in a timespan of ~10s. But during that time the ship has already turned enough, and you yell: "stop, stop, give me the zero torque!", and after a few seconds, because the roll had already went to far: "ooh no, not zero, but 100kN/m in the opposite direction!". But the engines still flipping you over... So, in order to manage slow engines TCA needs not only to calculate the needed thrust limits, but also to predict your actions. And for that there's no equations. In TCA3 I have solved this issue to some extent by changing the thing you request to be not the torque, but the needed direction. This way TCA can calculate when to start to change engines' thrust to stop the rotation when needed. But the intrinsic sluggishness of the system as a whole cannot be decreased.
  11. @smjjames, thank you so much for the support here at the forum that you provided this whole time! It's awsome About docking port, yea, I'll be looking into it.
  12. Thanks) The hot key is still a weak thing, as it relies on the OS-specific Unity functionality. I've tried to workaround this, but on Win7 not all keys work. Letters should work everywhere, though, so it's strange. Have you tried other keys? The "guidelines" are for debugging. I'll post a release version with them disabled. Have you tried to set the engines to Balanced thrust mode? This will require additional maneuver thrusters/reaction wheels/RCS, but may work more reliably. Also, try to grab the latest beta from the Google spreadsheet with test results (look for the link on previous page). P
  13. Sure, TCA should be very helpful there, but you have to design your crane carefully with respect to TWR-on-the-Mun, as too high TWR is hard to handle, with TCA or not. Aside from Hover I would use Stop or Anchor to deal with horizontal speed. (I'm referring to beta version here)
  14. Hi everyone. I apologise for my absence for so long. My mom got into a car crash and I had my plate full with all the consequences. Fortunately, nothing major with her health, but still. Now I'll try to process the forum at least twice a week and will resume the work on TCA3, but I estimate my spare time for it as ~12h/week, so don't expect a release soon. Sorry
  15. I've made a new poll for you to decide how the new TCA3 should behave with respect to gameplay: TCA3 Gameplay Poll
  16. Do you have ModuleManager installed? It is required by TCA to add its modes to engines.
  17. Are you using stable or beta? In stable there's a button near the "Enable/Disable" button at the top of the TCA window that indicates currently selected button and allows to change it. In beta that button is moved to the "advanced" settings pane.
  18. BETA version (v36, 2015.12.12) Older ChangeLog Entries Note: this is a debug version which will show CPS and AutoLander state vectors.
  19. Yep. And there's even newer version at the top of the linked google-spreadsheet.
  20. Here's the next BETA version Note: this is a debug version which will show CPS and AutoLander state vectors.
  21. Oh, sorry, I forgot to disable autoretraction in waypoint navigator. Will do. And slow gear is indeed a problem. I'll try to figure something to account for such cases...
  22. There is the "advanced" button on TCA window's titlebar that opens more settings; in particular, there is checkbox that enables/disables VTOL Assist function that is responsible for landing gear automation. If you don't see this button, download the latest beta: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l68z8zhspw4k0wp/ThrottleControlledAvionics-v2.3.0.25-debug.zip?dl=0
  23. It's the 'turn the nose to' direction; I've separated it from the needed horizontal velocity to be able to correct course with lateral engines.
  24. Is it reproducible with stock parts, or with KWR only? Also, there are no exceptions in the log when this happens, are there?
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