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  1. As a returning player, I seem to have forgotten all the numbers except to make your gravity turn at around 10km. Now I think even that has changed due to the new aerodynamics so now I'm completely lost. I didn't even play 0.9! So I'm wondering, what are all the new numbers; gravity turn altitude, maximum speed you should have during liftoff to avoid wasting fuel, dV to orbit Kerbin, the mun, the furthest planet, what engines are good for what etc etc. Perhaps people can post they're data and new things to know about 1.0 below for noobs and returning players in one spot. Much thanks!
  2. Orion Trial By Fire NASA latest and greatest achivement for manned spaceflight. The Kerbals have taken up the challenge of trying to beat NASA by racing them with their own Orion space flight, like NASA this test flight is not manned but it is Kerballed well their much tougher than Humans. Join Jeb Bill and Bob as they test the Orion spacecraft and talk about the mission. There is also a thanks to NASA at the end of this video, thank you for inspiring us and pushing back the boundaries of science and spaceflight. Check out NASA's Orion mission here: http://www.nasa.gov/orion/
  3. Useless time! You have two options: (The latter is preferred) I will start by writing (My computer, for some reason, does not have a mic input). (Based on this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/18229-We-are-probes-Talk-in-SSTV)
  4. This may be the most important thread you will read all day :Y the virginan opossum is one of the few known north American marsupials and have many unique anatomical properties, including: hands with opposable thumbs feet with opposable thumbs a large ratlike tail resistance to all kinds of snake venom and rabies pouches that give them the nickname "clockbellies" (ill let ya work that one out ;P) large mouselike ears big pink noses I love these ratty lil garbage babies and id like to know if anyone else has some cute possum pictures or perhaps a pet opossum my favorite repository for all things opossum -->http://www.opossummypossum.com/
  5. There have been a number of smaller threads addressing this tangentially, but to me this is the most under-developed element in the game at the moment. I've had some scattered ideas about how to fix it and wanted to try to consolidate discussion here. Some broad strokes: Cross-Training: This is a big one that I've seen people in one way or another request. Really I think this comes down to being able to drive a kerbal's development as a user, deciding which kerbals take on which roles, and deciding which swath of skills each kerbal will need. The problem with this is how do people feel encouraged to specialize and mount multi-kerbal missions rather than just training up a super-jeb to run all their missions with? My prefered solution was a simple Elder-scrolls like skill tree. Each new recruit starts as a blank slate Cadet with no skills. Perhaps Jeb, Bill and Bob could arrive with one free level in their respective fields. After that, new exploration will reward kerbals with Experience Badges, 3 of which will earn one level-up. The trick is that though you can level up in any one field, each skill levels linearly, so gaining access to higher level skills will encourage a large degree of specialization. Cadet (LVL0) / | \ Pilot I - SAS Pilot II - Prograde, Antigrade - Normal, Antinormal, - Radial in, Radial out Pilot III - Toward Target, Away from Target - Toward Maneuver, Away from Maneuver Pilot IV - Hold on Horizon - Maintain Velocity - Conics factor drag Pilot V - Hold Position X, Y, and Z - Circularize orbit - Advanced Flight Data Or: Engineer I - Repack chutes Engineer II - Repair Wheels, Legs, Solar Panels - Pump resources around vessel Engineer III - Repair damaged or overheated engines - Remaining Delta-V visible - Split/equalize fuel flow Engineer IV - Place Struts and Fuel lines in flight - Maintain COM via fuel redistribution - Operate Drilling Rig (after ISRU) Engineer V - Place/Remove small Panels, Sensors, Engines, RCS etc (KAS) Or: Scientist I - Collect Surface Sample Scientist II - Transmission Value +10% - EVA Report +10% - Sensors glow blue when near uncollected science Scientist III - Operate Science Lab - Process data to 50% of total recovered value - Take Core Sample from ground-scatter and Surface Features (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107825-Surface-features) Scientist IV - "Collect Data" button gathers all available science from sensors without EVA - Load samples into Materials Bay from Science Lab (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/108153-Science-it-s-boring-how-can-it-be-made-more-fun) - Process data to 75% of total recovered value Scientist V - Place sensor for impact experiment - Perform resource richness test on surface samples for ISRU - Can Process data to 100% of total recovered value This way there's a strong incentive to get higher in a tree so you have the capability to drill for resources or do cooler science experiments, but you have the ability to give say, a level 5 scientist at least the ability to control SAS or do basic engineering tasks. Gaining Experience: I think a lot of people have found the current paradigm kind of frustrating and there's been a lot of grind planting flags. Many have been thinking of ways gaining experience could be directly linked to doing things that are in the field of that skill. I like the idea, but I think most people have agreed that there are very few non-grindy ways of doing that. Personally, I think rewarding Kerbals simply for exploration is the way to go. In my view, making things simple and visually clear in-flight would be a huge help because you could see at a glance what you had and what you are going for. I imagine rewards being distributed this way, with badges being rewarded for the first time a kerbal completes each one of these tasks. Once 3 new badges have been earned, a kerbal may level-up in-flight without having to return to Kerbin. This is pretty critical for sending Kerbals on Jool 5 missions without feeling like you have to experience grind before leaving. Liftoff! - 1 Badge Landed on Kerbin - 1 Badge Escape the Atmosphere - 1 Badge Kerbin Orbit - 1 Badge Munar Orbit - 1 Badge Landed on the Mun - 2 Badges Minmus Orbit - 1 Badge Landed on Minmus - 1 Badge (If a Kerbal has done all of the above, they would have earned 3 levels. I think this seems fair.) Kerbol Orbit - 1 Badge Visit an Asteroid - 1 Badge Claw an Asteroid - 1 Badge Duna Orbit - 1 Badge Landed on Duna - 2 Badges Landed on Ike - 1 Badges (Having completed everything in Kerbin SOI and Landing on Duna will earn 4 Levels, but not 5.) Dres Orbit - 1 Badge Landed on Dres - 2 Badges Moho Orbit - 2 Badges Landed on Moho - 1 Badge Eve Orbit - 1 Badge Landed on Eve - 4 Badges Landed on Gilly - 1 Badge Jool Orbit - 2 Badges Laythe Orbit - 1 Badge Landed on Laythe - 2 Badges Vall Orbit - 1 Badge Landed on Vall - 1 Badge Tylo Orbit - 1 Badge Landed on Tylo - 3 Badges Landed on Pol - 1 Badge Landed on Bop - 1 Badge (A Kerbal who's completed a Jool-5 will have earned 5 levels. Given how hard this is I think this is also still fair.) Eeloo Orbit - 2 Badges Landed on Eeloo - 2 Badges This is set up to make getting a Kerbal to level 5 in all 3 disciplines technically possible, but one would need to visit every planet and moon in the game and claw an asteroid to get there. To my thinking if you've done this, you're a boss and have well earned a maxed kerbal. The other nice thing about the badges is they could be a nice and clear kind of experience record of where that kerbal has been and what he/she has accomplished. Anyhoo this is long but I leave it up for debate. As I said I'd love to see a more nuanced experience system, this is just my best crack at it.
  6. I got a big gripe with KSP and that is performance. Actually it is my biggest issue with the game, period. As some of you may have noticed, my rockets and ships tend to lean on the larger side with hundreds of parts being used. I created an entire setup of how I would use stations as waypoints for an interplanetary mission but I never manage to realize it because as soon as my (giant) station and my (humongous) ship come into reach of each other, the game freezes to a halt. 5-6 fps or even less are what I experience daily. I have tried using Active Texture Management. I removed the clouds mod which I love and which added so much atmosphere (pun intended) to the game. Now at least the game doesn't crash every 5 minutes but it is still almost unbearable. I don't know about all of you, but all the things the devs did in the updates of the past months did not alleviate these problems. We got more parts (which I like), we got contracts (which I don't care much about, I spend 90% of my time in Sandbox) and we are getting better aerodynamics (which are discussed elsewhere). But what about performance? I feel like there could be a lot more Squad could do in that department. Am I missing something? Am I the only one with this complaint? Because I don't see it voiced a lot...
  7. Click here to read. This is going to be sweeeeet!!
  8. This guy here With the exception of the Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3 and the Fl A10 adapter, the Rockomaxâ„¢ Brand Adapter is one of the few adapters that does not carry fuel as an integral part of its design. It boggles my mind because there are so many possible designs that could have been had with this fairly mediocre piece of hardware. If you'd still want to use it as a nosecone, it'll be easy enough to simply drain all the fuel out instead. Compared to the MK3 adapters and C7 adapters which all have fuel, it feels like the odd one out. I for one would like to see this little nosecone that could, get some fuel capacity. Would you? Edit: Made some editing errors to the 'No' part of the poll. Is there a way I can edit it? If not, don't worry I will acknowledge the editing mistake as my own. The proper list is "No, I would NOT like to see it have fuel capacity."
  9. The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn:
  10. Basically, you make an image with your text with it and turn it into a SSTV sound. Then the user below you had to decode the sound, and make a sound for the other user to decode! I will start: http://snd.sc/RlT1xw Use TX mode Robot 36. Good luck decoding it!
  11. Our very own Calisker and NASA's Robert Jacobs recently sat down with Red Thomas from MMORPG.com to DISCUSS Kerbal Space Program: Asteroid Redirect Mission. Here's a short excerpt where they talk about the development of ARM. Ricoxg: What was it like around the office at Squad? Holztman: It started [as an idea] on Twitter, and it soon expanded to a conversation with Squad’s owners, Adrian Goya and Ezequiel Ayarza. Ultimately, we were communicating with the team at NASA almost daily to make sure we were doing their work justice. A lot of credit has to be given to Felipe Falanghe, KSP creator and lead developer, as well as our technical artist and developer, Chad Jenkins, and our QA director Ted Everett. The entire team crushed it but these three worked some seriously brutal hours to make this update the biggest the game has seen. Ricoxg: Can you tell me a little about the development process? What were some obstacles, and where did the ideas for things like the tracking station/asteroid capture come from? Holztman: The team wanted to combine the real Asteroid Redirect Mission with the game as much as possible. The tracking station is intended to emulate real life, as NASA is working hard to evaluate all of the asteroids out there that pose a threat to Earth. Where the team took some liberty was the Advance Grabbing Unit, otherwise known as “The Claw,†that is used to redirect asteroids. It can actually grab other things too so if you want to redirect Kerbals, go for it – but please be careful!
  12. Space planes look cool. Really cool. Really really cool. On that point alone I will eventually build and fly them myself. What I'm more interested in here is the practical benefits of space planes over rockets. I know that real-life space programs are moving more toward them, and it seems that KSP players have a similar inclination towards them; the latter could just be because they're cool, but I'm pretty sure the former wouldn't be moving that way if there weren't something there. Surely there's more to space planes than just looking cool, right? Also, in a similar vein, any tips for how to fly them in KSP? So far my only flight ended in the tragic death of that unforgettable, brave Kerbal, ...uh... What's-His-Face. (Ironically, despite my ignorance of jet engines cutting out at very high altitudes due to no air and that resulting in an asymmetric flame out and flat spin, I managed to regain control only to crash horrifically when attempting my landing.) I'm sure there's some practice to be done, but are there tips or tricks in the controls or basic flight practices that a newb Kerbal pilot such as myself should know?
  13. Did the devs finally add asteroids or is all this talk of asteroids just mods? Thanks for replies in advanced!
  14. THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION The [JungC] is in BETA. Jungfaha Corporation [JungC] About us: The Jungfaha Corporation is a place where people from all over the world have the opportunity to get together, using modern communication tools, and enjoy some good clean fun. Our core values, or Code of Honor, (Love, Honor, Respect, Diligence, Discipline, Moderation, Self-Evaluation, Humility, Meekness, and Reasonableness) guide us across boundaries that would otherwise divide us. We live by a high moral standard and try our best every day to follow the Code of Honor. We are always looking for others who share our core values to join. It isn’t always easy, but if you are patient, persistent, and willing to give it a try, you can apply to Join The Team[JungC] Websites, Groups, and Vocal Chat Software: Main Website: Jungfaha Corporation[JungC] Main Page: Steam Group[JungC] Chat Software: Raidcall Group [JungC] Team Rules: The "Jungfaha Corporation [JungC] & WILL NOT TOLORATE those who cannot follow the following code: LOVE, HONOR, RESPECT, DILIGENCE, DISCIPLINE, MODERATION, SELF-EVALUATION, HUMBLE, TEAM ORIENTED, COMMUNICATION, MEEK, IMPARTIAL, & REASONABLENESS. TEAM rules are: 1) No foul language. 2) English, & French speaking ONLY 3) Follow the TEAM MOTTO aka code of HONOR 4) DO NOT ever joke or talk about the sexual parts of the human body! Ever! 6) Max font size you may use is Normal, in any chat room. 7) Follow the code of Honor at all cost! 8) Follow all of our/your team regulations 9) We recommend everyone to be 'Open minded and Frank' 10) We follow to the best of our ability the KSP Rules & Regulations. The Members: Total of 70 & + members, between ages 6-57 years old. How to become a member in the [JungC]: - Join us on raidcall talk with us get to know the team. - Min. age 5, & Max. age 1005. (Anyone older then 1005 is to old sry, anyone younger then 12 are requested to have their parents speak with one of our CEOs or Admins.) "We reserve the right to be unimpressed if you can not follow these simple instructions"
  15. C7studios helped kick off our GDC festivities yesterday with a talk on modular design. What is modular design and how does it affect the development of KSP? Charlie Hall from Polygon helps to answer those questions with a thorough RECAP of yesterday's festivities.
  16. Welcome to Kerbal Tourism Talk. We can discuss about tourism in the game and share some ships. Up until now all I did was a few rockets that take tens (up to 192) tourist into space, so that they can have a better view of the stars/galaxies/planets/space-things and experience 0G. My rockets might not orbit Kerbin, but I thought it was enough for them to reach a very high altitude and land back on Kerbin (safely). You can take a look at my rockets here: I know I didn't land them completely safe, but I didn't want to repeat the take-off. I guess my pc is a bit slow for KSP So I usually take too long to build an interesting rocket and modify it (all those tanks that drop off in a certain order, etc.). Anyway, those were kind of some conceptual designs and I might extend some of those designs and improve them and see what I can come up with. What are you guys planning to do? Build a tourism agency on another planet and take lots of kerbals there and back? A tourism space-station?
  17. Okay, first of all I've had a few drinks today but I want to share this story with you despite my drunkiness. I love space and the exploration thereof. I receive the SpotTheStation notifications about 12 hours preceding the fly over. And today was such a day, it was the best day for a ISS flyover since I was working on a open air festival in my hometown Harderwijk Because of open air we had to end the music at 23:30. And there was a fly over at 23:46. I like to share the beauty of the ISS with my fellow men so I told security not to clean the terrain till 23:55. So we sat there... With maybe 20 people staring upwards.. Till some guest yelled "That one moves!" I started yelling, more people started watching... And from this little local festival, at least 200 people where looking upwards at the miracle called the ISS. Ive got a few photos made by hipsters where the ISS trail is al shaken and stuff, when I receive them I'll share them . But this was my first space talk exprience. I had a lot of people asking me simple questions about orbital mechanics and life support, and I was happy answering them... But how about you? Do you share space with others?
  18. Since Twitch has been having so many problems, and since for many people reading an article is easier than watching a video, can we get a written summary/synopsis of the feature-complete talk on the forums please?
  19. Im sure many of you have heard of Siri Heres examples of the game. Player1 siri what time is it. Player2 the Time is 12:00 Heres some rules No derailment No side conversations No MLP content or related content Forum rules apply. I will start Siri where is france?
  20. Hello i just want to see what are the problems and why no one replies to me? Some of my posts are deleted. I have only views, but not replies? Why? And i know, you won't reply. And... Look at this! All my posts are ... and i don't know if posted this in the correct section
  21. I saw this posted on a different board, about a totally different subject, but it fit so well with how I design and fly rockets, I had to steal it "It isn't what you'd normally call air-worthy. It would be flaming wreckage at the end of every runway if it weren't for the avionics computer constantly going; "left... left... RIGHTRIGHTRIGHT.. hold... holBACKLEFT,OH********, OK got it, JESUS!RIGHTRIGHT!!"
  22. I need to spin the hell out of a glass vessel with fluid inside. So far I have gotten an erlenmeyer flask up to 2400 rpm with water inside before it shatters. It seems to pick up some kind of vibration which shatters the glass. The setup seems fairly balanced up to that point and I suspect the fluid inside has a self balancing effect on the entire apparatus. ultimately, I'd like to push the vessel up to 13000 rpm but I need to kill this vibration in order to do it. So who knows stuff about spinning things? I have since removed the driveshaft bushing. That did reduce the vibrations but not enough. I am also starting to suspect that a vaccuum is not necessary.
  23. Here's a 12 minute video: While Taylor's concept allows for dumping the critical elements of a fission core into a neutron absorbing pit in the event of "out of tolerance" performance (yes, its a molten salt and gas design; rejoice thorium fans), he proposes (but does not detail) a NERVA version. For propulsion, its primary use is understandably for transfer stages (and possibly for use at destination for power generation). For a NERVA in nil-G conditions, its not clear how the dump function might work. Perhaps utilizing neutron moderating rods instead?
  24. so... whats your main fandom? what fandoms you are in(except KSP, of course)? my main: MLP, as you can see from my signature other fandoms im in: avatar, the series MC HP TF2 limbo(the game) amanita studio i have many more, but thats what i found instantly..
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