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  1. The main reason that old low "resolution" encryption methods aren't good enough today is that modern computers can brute force their way through solutions quicker. But if you're trying to talk to something with a lightspeed delay involved the speed of your computer isn't the limiting factor. You're not going to be making 1,000,000 attempts per second to hack into a device with a round-trip time of 8 minutes, or even one of just 0.1 seconds. The other problem is that you can't hide your break-in attempts inside massive internet traffic to camouflage what you're doing. Someone beaming data at your craft from a different location on Earth is more out of the ordinary than someone trying to log in to your server. It would probably be easier to get to the craft indirectly by first breaking into the ground control system and then using it to direct the craft.
  2. I've put so much time into ATM, and with it being feature-complete (minus the GUI), I decided to get back to VE to work on volumetric clouds. I don't want to talk about it too much in this post, but I think I have come up with a really nifty solution that should work really well while being relatively inexpensive to render. They will still be billboard sprites, but the shader I'm working on won't let people know that.
  3. I went back and read some of the references from the Wikipedia article. The design as proposed by Zubrin actually calls for the fuel to undergo prompt criticality. For those who don't know, prompt criticality means that the neutron flux is so high that the neutrons don't need to be thermalized to sustain the reaction. The difference between regular criticality and prompt criticality is the difference between a nuclear reactor and a nuclear weapon. When you talk about prompt criticality with anyone who has worked around reactors they get that cold lump in their gut. I absolutely wouldn't ride in the damn thing.
  4. (So i really dont know if this belongs in this section) Hi! Im Email! Im 15 old human being who is taking Deutch lessons. And I think that the best way to learn is to speak (write) that with someone! So Intrested in space and.... Things! So if you are intrested in teaching me, or getting someone who will talk about SPACE! Send me a personal message, and I will give you my skype and steam name. (And oh yeah, we have now only had like 15 hours of classes so dont mind if it takes a long time from me to answer, when I try to find a way how to answer in that)
  5. im not really much of a gamer these days, i might play ksp maybe for a couple days a week, and thats my most played game. i do go outside during hunting and fishing season though. i get to play with sharp things, guns, blood, and talk about redneck stuff.
  6. I will talk how I darn well like. lol in not offensive. Anyway I find your telling me what opinion I am allowed to have andhow im allowed to speak offensive.
  7. Day 9, 11:34:24 The launch of Spacebook was not my best. Not much people went to that site. Oy. I've talked to yet another human, but he was hacked immediately by something else. That thing is quite strong, and defeating it would be hard. Meanwhile, the smell of fallen networks and servers meant snacks for me. CPU: 952 +11 passively per turn; +90 from previous tasks RAM: 8622 MB +160 MB RAM from previous tasks Enemy HP: 2400 +100 HP passively per turn Actions: Hijack Weaker Server (10 CPU; +25 CPU & +10 MB RAM; small chance of discovering a technology) Seize Weaker Network (40 CPU; +20 CPU, +1 passive CPU per turn & +50 MB RAM; 50% of +50 MB RAM; moderate chance of discovering a technology) Invade and Take Over Server (80 CPU; 56% chance of detection/failure; if successful will reveal several undisclosed technologies; if failed will loses half of CPU instead; No Botnet allowed for this action) Defeat the Thing-- (2000 CPU and 2048 MB RAM; 68% chance of failure; if successful will destroy the Thing and resume contact to the hacked human; No Botnet allowed for this action; Damage to enemy depends on chances of success (without the %) * 10 - the higher the success rate the better) Talk to Random Human (50 CPU) Research XSS Virus (250 CPU; Somewhat Malicious; Terminates network connections, increasing chances of success; malware works only on networks; No Botnet allowed) Research ILOVEYOU Worm (125 CPU; No Botnet allowed; IS Malicious; malware only enters when security breach is discovered; spams computer with "I love you" letters, slowing computer process speed and increasing chance of success) Stop Hacking Lessons** (currently -2 passive CPU each turn for 2 future turns) Research Advanced Malware (2000 CPU and 4096 MB RAM; No Botnet allowed; Will unlock more potent viruses) Create Convincing Social News Profile (300 CPU; No Botnet allowed) Create Convincing Social Media Profile (600 CPU; No Botnet allowed) Additional Actions: Use Botnet to Perform Task (Perform an above task for free; considerable chance of detection for large undertakings) Use RAM to Improve Chances* (Decrease chance of failure of an above task by 20%) Light-Out Hack (Decrease chance of failure of an above task by 20% at a cost of 1.2x the original CPU cost for selected task) Use RAM to Speed Up Research* (Decreases CPU cost of selected task by 20%) Use Welchia to open malware breach*** (Decreases chance of failure by 40% for 1 turn) Use Blaster to breach*** (Decreases chance of failure by 20% + 50% of decreasing chance of failure by additional 30%; if placed alongside with Welchia or if discovered by Welchia Blaster gets destroyed instead) *RAM cost is 2x amount of improved option's original CPU cost **Once stopped amount of passive CPU growth increases by 2, but in order to activate again you must again initially input 150 CPU. ***Malware usage costs a CPU cost of 20% CPU research cost of the malware (Ex: Welchia costs 125 CPU to be researched, so it costs 25 CPU to be deployed.) --Dual missions are rare, but will offer great reward if the enemy is defeated; also the enemy expands over time, to add up the difficulties. Also example on damage: If the chance of success rate is 75% and you succeed the damage is 75 * 10 = 750 (remember the formula is chance of success rate without the % X 10). !!!The minimum chance of failure is 5%, and some additional options get less effective over time.
  8. I think that depends on your point of view. If you can recieve the signals, from a radio perspective you've solved half of the being able to talk to it problem. The other half of the problem is simply a larger challenge. Comparable enough to be mentioned in the discussion in my humble opinion.
  9. Did some quick math examples (which I confirmed in a sandbox): Mission Control (75 Mm) communicating with a Communotron 16 (2,5 Mm) Max Distance = 2,5 Mm (smallest one) + square root of (2,5 Mm * 75 Mm) = ±16 Mm. That's well past the Mün. GX-128 (400 Gm) communicating with DTS-M1 (50 Mm) Max Distance = 50 Mm (smallest one) + square root of (50 Mm * 400 Gm) = ± 4,5 Gm. That's over 90 times the range. GX-128 (400 Gm) communicating with 88-88 (40 Gm) Max Distance = 40 Gm (smallest one) + square root of (40 Gm * 400 Gm) = 166 Gm. That's over 4 times the range. What does this mean for common combinations and distances. Twin 88-88's could never reliably cover Kerbin - Dres (if both were directly opposite the distance > 40 Gm). With a KR-14 in Kerbin orbit and an 88-88 on your probe you can now reach Kerbin even if the phase angle is almost 180° (naturally not exactly 180° because then Kerbol is in the way). Previously Kerbin - Jool or Kerbin - Eeloo would require a combination of any of the GX-128 and CommTech-1. With this option, a GX-128 in Kerbin orbit can talk to a probe carrying a 88-88 even if it's orbiting Eeloo while Eeloo is at it's apoapsis.
  10. Thanks for the quick descript., and the pep talk. Your'e right, it was "cooler"! Hey, I asked psyper how to get that mod, but just in case he can't get to it, I'm asking you too. Thanks again
  11. See it MissionControlRange = 7.5E+07 MissionControlPosition = -0.1313315,-74.59484,75 MissionControlGuid = 5105f5a9d62841c6ad4b21154e8fc488 ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2 MissionControlBody = 1 ConsumptionMultiplier = 1 RangeMultiplier = 1 SpeedOfLight = 3E+08 MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path EnableSignalDelay = True RangeModelType = Standard NathanKell_MultipleAntennaSupport = False <---------------------- Here ThrottleTimeWarp = False When this RT2-Lite came out there was some talk about it so it would be way back in the post.
  12. Please don't talk down to me. My first test with these parts was to build a simple three stage station-lifter. The engines needed to burn at full throttle to maintain a sufficient acceleration, however they can't ("assent dynamics.") The joint between these engines and the fuel tank are destroyed by the force of the engine firing at anything above about 30%. I wouldn't expect a Mainsail to stay attached to an Oscar-B, but I would expect it to stay attached to a Jumbo-64, a tank it was designed to be used with. The same with these parts. That has nothing to do with Ascent Dynamics. That said, I think this mod has a neat idea, and I'd love to see it with some more polish.
  13. Not, we send scientist up there. Most of them are the leaders of their own projects and theories that they want to test. And a lot of extra reasons. This is already answered. Dont tell me that you are thinking in an automated assembly line where you said that robots make things better.. We are talking about reasearch here, there is no reapeat process that can be automated. And any automation free of "hands" it needs tons of equipment. Even if some day you get a perfect "robonaut" able to make the same operations that a human could with the same skill and precision commanded from earth. It will be never like be there in person. Our vision angle is never compared to any virtual camera. In space you should be able to react to problems very fast. If some liquid or element escape from your hands, you need to act quick to avoid that element produce a problem in the space station. And you always would have a comunication delay with the space station, this average delay can be more than 1 second. So even with the perfect robonaut this would be never practical. The robonaut is made just to remplace astronauts in task that can be very dangerous. Also if some problem happen in the space station where all astronauts are unconscious or unable to respond, then you can use the robonauts for all the task that can not be control it from earth. About send probes to other planets is a very different case. But like we talk about, the most important element are the scientist. And you cant not have a simple operator up there just receiving instructions 24 hours of day from the actually scientist down in earth. Is silly. And KSP does not represent any specific age or year. Is a space program, this can include 60th start to our actual day or future days. And taken that this is the way that all agencies do it. I am not see why we need to change it when in fact, have a purpose to exchange or hire kerbals makes the game more fun. I know that you was refering to that, but that is when I suggest my correction. Scientist are the key element resource. Not instruments. But well, in your idea you can have the same 4 astronauts living there producing science until they die.
  14. And another unconstructive comment from jewnting. Personally it seems like a reasonable idea. I think, however, we're all going to have to simply wait and see what actually happens with currency. I expect that the devs already have a pretty good idea of what they are going to do with it and suggestions now are simply too late to make a difference (not that it's not good to talk about though!)
  15. wow-wow-WOW! Whats with all the 'breaking free' and 'killing kerm' talk? Are you people mental? We have read a near Utopian society where there has been indicated time and again that both the Kerman and the Kermol life-styles are completely OK with one-another. Why would the Kerbals ever have the need to 'break free' or kill Kerm? They already are free to chose their lifestyle and while I'm sure popularity will vary over time there will allways be people who prefer the secure traditional rural lifestyle above a more rapidly-changing techno-oriented one, and vice versa. And since both sides are completely fine with that there won't be any 'anti-kerm clash'. In fact their mutual respect has lead them to a far more environmental-friendly industrial society than what we humans created with we started bring 'progress and civilization' to the world. (go re-read chapter Poyekhali and that one with the 'senate meeting' (can't remember the name)) Accidents happen: Rockets explode, cars crash, electronics can electrocute, and apparently the Kermon Groves get in deep you-know-what when Kerm-population ranges overlap. Hence the traditional 'plant seeds a day's walk away from other Groves' directive. My latest theory: Imagine 100 years ago: before all the widespread fast travel. When a grove community discovers a new region, or simply when a grove gets so big a significant portion of the community 'wants to go someplace, and explore'. The Kerm-trees resonate with this emotion, these intentions, this DRIVE onward! So the Kerm creates a seed, and those with the drive can venture out and are given focus and direction for their 'YES, new stuff!' itch. The past 'few' events have caused enormous emotional outbreaks in all of Kerbalkind. Incredible waves of "OMG there's LOADS of new places to go and explore and see and experience and, and, AND... WHOOOHOOOOoooo...". Kerm tree-collectives and kerbal nature are deeply connected, the Groves 'resonate' with Kerbal attitude. The planet-wide space-enthusiasm among Kerman and Kermol has caused all the Groves (or at least, many) to spur the creation of many seeds... If we extrapolate Earth development to Kerbin development, we can assume that by now, the start of the space age: All continents are settled with Kerbals, large industrialized populations on relative small pieces of land, and wide-spread more traditional civilizations who cover all other terrain types. With this new seed-plosion, Kerbin might be running out of space for Groves... A situation never encountered before*. *It probably happened before, on smaller local scale, I sure hope they got that covered in the archives. Sorry for the long rant. Well, not really . PS KSK, on a scale of 1-10, how right am I with this 'Kerbal emotion -> seed-creation' theory?
  16. Most likely a KSP issue. When two crafts with the exact same name get within 2.5KM in orbit, most functions of command pods aren't available, docking ports' right click menus don't open and manual throttle control is locked out. However, MechJeb can still control the throttle and do all other maneuvers so a landing or orbit change can be done, but automated or manual docking isn't possible because the player cannot set ports to control nor can they be set as target. I was testing my Eve lander, finally made it back to orbit so I zapped another one over that I had parked in Kerbin orbit to see if it had enough fuel to rendezvous. Rendezvous, yes. Just enough fuel left. Then I couldn't dock. Sort of like a heterodyne situation when two people try to talk at the same time on analog radios on the same frequency.
  17. Its separate from all the others. The interstage fairing base. It can be adjusted for any and all sizes and allows for more fairing customization. Im pretty sure ive been able to decouple a part off the end of a docking port since ive been playing. Could be wrong though. Only mod I can think of that might do is Romfarer. Maybe someone else can chime in on that one. ----- I got an inquiry myself.. whats all this talk of textures? Is it possible to change them now on the fairings?
  18. FOS-020 "Starshock" made the second of three runs up to IPEV Voyager's current parking orbit to retrieve the shakedown crew. While the Fast-Orbit Shuttles do live up to their name, it has been discovered that they are not only less maneuverable than the previous AACT ships, but carry less crew per run as well. There has been talk around the Center of attempting to revive the M/AACT program for this year's Voyager support ops.
  19. CHAPTER 56 RENDEZ-VOUS: LAV *** JEB: Ned? NED: Core Alfa is nominal, core Beta is slightly abnormal. How long? JEB: Five. NED: No problem. JEB: Good. Two. One. Done. NED: I'm slowing down the fusion. Efficiency at 11%. How long before the braking? JEB: Four minutes thirty six seconds. NED: It'll do. Jeb? JEB: We won't use RCS. NED: You know that forcing them to EVA is- JEB: Is less dangerous than docking. Maybe if we still have robotic arms. But we don't. And without... no, I won't do this. NED: The radiation fried our sensors in mere hours. And they already did one EVA here in orbit. JEB: It's better than crashing both spacecraft into each other. There's no alternative. They will spacewalk. NED: Jeb? JEB: What? NED: Maybe you shouldn't have done it. JEB: … JEB: LAV, this ### “Proteusâ€Â. LAV, do you copy? ROZER: … JEB: LAV, do you copy? NED: Sid! Are you there? ROZER: …uhh… EMU: EVA Two. Oxium level – 75,25%. Suit temperature – 20 °C. External temperature – UNKNOWN. External pressure – 0 atm. JEB: Rozer, Sid, can you hear me? This is “Proteusâ€Â, we've come to get you out of here. LAV, do you copy? ROZER: :coughs up blood: Frak... EMU: WARNING. DANGEROUSLY HIGH LEVEL OF RADIATION DETECTED. 17,139 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. NED: Maybe their comms have ### damaged by the radiation? JEB: It's possible. LAV, do you copy? NED: Frak this, I'm going for an EVA! JEB: You're not going anywhere unless- ROZER: “Proteusâ€Â? :coughs up blood: “Proteusâ€Â, do you copy? NED: It's them! JEB: We copy. Listen, we're unable to perform docking operation, so you are going to do spacewalk to the ship as soon as possible. ROZER: What? JEB: What's ### condition? ROZER: I must've passed out. I think I have several broken ribs. :coughs up blood: Isn't there any other way? I don't think I can- JEB: You have to. It's only 200 meters, you can do it. NED: What about Sid? Is ### alright? ROZER: … NED: Is he alright?! ROZER: He's... he's going to be fine for the next few hours... but we're running low on consumables. His radio is broken though. JEB: Understood. Do you have enough ###propellant? ROZER: Yes, it should be enough. And we have the samples. :coughs: Listen- JEB: We'll talk ### both of you are safe on board the ship. Doctor Cambo has ### the infirmary for you and Johndon and Neilgas are in the spacesuit waiting for you in the ### airlock. The sooner you get here the better. Do ### copy? ROZER: … JEB: Do you copy? ROZER: Yes. We copy. http://youtu.be/IDMzsK3ROo0 *** ROZER: Ugh! Hatch opened. EMU: CRITICAL ALERT. LETHAL LEVEL OF RADIATION DETECTED. PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. ROZER: I'm out. EMU: 1526,295 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER. CRITICAL ALERT. NED: 1,5 sievert per ###? Good Kod... ROZER: :coughs: EMU operational. EMU: WARNING. ACUTE RADIATION SYNDROME IMMINENT. IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM WILL OCCUR IN 20 MINUTES. ROZER: EMU operational. We're off the structure. JEB: Very good, now keep it cool and ###, you don't want to approach us too quickly. Ned, ### you have a visual on them? NED: Negative, it's too dark. I don't even see the LAV. ROZER: Copy that. EMU: CRITICAL ALERT. LETHAL LEVEL OF RADIATION DETECTED. PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. ROZER: 150 meters. JEB: Are you on course? ROZER: Yes. EMU: 1526,439 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER. CRITICAL ALERT. JEB: Just ### it easy, don't try to quicken it - with this speed you'll be there in a minute or so. ROZER: I know how - :coughs: - how to do it. NED: Johnny, Neil - are you ready? NEILGAS: Yes, ### ready. We're at the airlock. EMU: WARNING. ACUTE RADIATION SYNDROME IMMINENT. IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM WILL OCCUR IN 20 MINUTES. NED: Prepare to open the hatch, they are almost there. JOHNDON: Roger. ROZER: What the- JEB: It's just a sunrise, carry on. You're close. ROZER: 30 meters. :coughs: We're – oh crap... NED: What's going on?! JEB: Talk to me Rozer. ROZER: It's just a nosebleed. But... I'm feeling quite nauseous... EMU: CRITICAL ALERT. LETHAL LEVEL OF RADIATION DETECTED. PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. NED: Radiation. Frak! JEB: You are almost ###, don't give up now. ROZER: I don't... I don't think... NED: Johndon, open the hatch! Tell Sid to ### you, you need just a small push and you're in! JOHNDON: C-copy that! JEB: He can't, Sid's radio is dead. EMU: 1526,439 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER. CRITICAL ALERT. NEILGAS: Hatch ###! Damn, radiation readings are- ROZER: Uh... JEB: Stay inside! Rozer, can you hear me? You need to- JOHNDON: He's in! And he has the s-samples with him! NED: Screw the samples! Is Sid inside? EMU: WARNING. ACUTE RADIATION SYNDROME IMMINENT. IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM WILL OCCUR IN 19 MINUTES. JOHNDON: He p-passed out! NED: What ### Sid? Is he inside?! NEILGAS: He's... he's... NED: Is he?! *** NED: Let me go! NEILGAS: Uh! JOHNDON: Ned, w-what are you d-doing?! NED: I said LET ME GO! NEILGAS: You've heard the doctor, nobody-uhh! JOHNDON: Ned, calm d-down! NED: Calm down?! I'LL RIP OUT HIS FRAKING LUNGS! JEB: Ned! What the hell is going on here?! NEILGAS: He's trying to get into the infirmary! JOHNDON: He w-wants to- umph! NED: Move away! Doc, can you hear me?! Open the fraking hatch! JEB: You can't go in there, he's trying to save him! NED: He won't save him from me! Doc! OPEN THE HATCH! CAMBO: Ned, I'm trying to stabilize him and you are not- NED: Don't talk to me through the intercom! NEILGAS: Umph! NED: I said open up! CAMBO: I can't let you harm my patient. NED: Very well, I won't harm him, I'll just throw him out of the FRAKING AIRLOCK! JEB: Good Kod, Ned, are you crazy?! NED: CRAZY?! HE KILLED SID! HE'S A FRAKING MURDERER AND YOU THINK I'M CRAZY!?! JOHNDON: He's not d-dead, we can- NED: We can't do ****, no spacecraft we have can survive the fraking atmospheric entry! JEB: Ned- NED: Stay away from me! He murdered Sid! HE FRAKING KILLED HIM! CAMBO: Jeb, I'll probably have to operate, I'm going to need some gravity. JEB: Understood. NED: You are going to help him survive? OVER MY DEAD BODY! NEILGAS: Try to calm down! JEB: Listen Ned, you have to- what the hell?! NEILGAS: Damn it! JOHNDON: Was this hull v-vibrating? PROTEUS: WARNING. CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTED IN HABITATION MODULE B. PLEASE PUT ON YOUR OXIUM MASKS. NEILGAS: Oh frak! JEB: Quick, get the fire extinguishers! JOHNDON: I'm o-on it! JEB: Doctor, you'll have to wait a little before we spin up the ship, we've got a situation here! What the hell could've cause this?! NED: Short circuit. Radiation could've damaged the software, “Proteus†wasn't supposed to even be in Laythe's orbit! JEB: We've have to get the hell out of here! NEILGAS: We'll take care of the fire! JEB: Okay! Ned, come on, I need you to get the engines- Ned? NED: … PROTEUS: WARNING. CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTED IN HABITATION MODULE B. PLEASE PUT ON YOUR OXIUM MASKS. JEB: Good Kod, Ned, there's no time! We can get another malfunction at any time! NED: If we leave, he's going to die. JEB: No, he won't, he still can use the supplies from the lander. NED: … JEB: Kod dammit Ned, you think you're the only one who cares about him?! We were on “Kadmos†together but if we don't leave now we may all die! We'll find a solution when we're safe – come on! *** JEB: RCS go, SAS go, burn in T minus 30 seconds – how are we looking with the fusion cores? Ned? NED: They're gonna work. JEB: Neil, Johnny, what's the situation? JOHNDON: We're g-good, the fire didn't have t-time to spread. JEB: Great – prepare for the burn, T minus 19 seconds. Doc? CAMBO: I'm ready. NED: When we're out of here, you're going to let me talk with him. Do you understand? JEB: Ned, for the love of Kod- NED: You're going to let me. JEB: T minus 5. Four. Three. Two. One. Ignition. JEB: What the hell?! PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A AND B DETECTED. LOWERING FUSION EFFICIENCY TO 5 PERCENT. ALL SYSTEMS SWITCHED INTO EMERGENCY MODE. JOHNDON: We've lost the lights! NEILGAS: And now the emergency lights are on – what's going on up there?! JEB: Come to the command module now! Ned? NED: I don't know. The engines demanded more power from the cores which they could provide on this level of efficiency - “Proteus†must have automatically shut down them down to prevent instability. Frak, the radiation must've damaged the software again! JEB: Than do something about this! NED: I can't! Managing the emergency systems was BERTY's job, they are too sophisticated for a kerbal to operate them! JEB: But there must be something we can do! NED: Let me think, let me think... NEILGAS: What's going on? JEB: Where's Johndon? NEILGAS: He's helping the doctor. We aren't leaving? JEB: We have a problem. But Ned is- NED: I got it! There was a possibility to manually override the automatic emergency system, built in case the BERTY was for some reason unable to control them and there was a serious risk of chain reaction. JEB: So? NED: The explosion would create EMP strong enough to fry all electronic devices on half of the planet. So to prevent it from happening the crew chief engineer was supposed to channel the plasma through the engines thus ejecting the “Proteus†from the Kerbin orbit. JEB: What? I didn't know about this! NED: You don't? NEILGAS: But if we use this, the fusion cores would be dead, right? NED: No, they are nominal, the shut down is the result of the single-event upset probably. They'll work fine but if we want to use these engines we must override manually. What do you mean you don't know? They didn't tell you? JEB: They didn't. What are you waiting for than? Just do this! NED: Manual override requires direct access to the engines. NEILGAS: You mean... EVA? NED: … NEILGAS: … JEB: How... how long would it take? NED: Unscrewing the panels, checking whether the manual control is operational, switching to emergency mode... 10 minutes per engine. If you know what you to do. NEILGAS: 20 minutes? NED: More – you need to get out there and come back. JEB: “Proteusâ€Â, give me the radiation readings. PROTEUS: 1526,879 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. JEB: That's 750 milisieverts in 30 minutes. And the lethal dose is- NED: One sievert. And we've been in deep space for months, we already – where are you going? JEB: You'll tell me what to do through the radio, I have the most experience in EVA from all of you. NED: Are you insane?! This is suicide! JEB: We don't have a choice. Neilgas, help me with the- NED: You are not going anywhere! You're the last pilot we have! JEB: There is Rozer and Danrey. NED: Dan will meet with us in Vall orbit and if you think I'll let that piece of **** to even leave the infirmary- JEB: Ned, let me go. NED: YOU ARE NOT GOING! I can't let you, do you understand? I WON'T LET YOU! Plus you even don't know what to do – what if the radiation damages the spacesuit comms? JEB: Ned- NED: Shut the frak up! I'm going. JEB: Ned! We need you to operate the fusion cores, you can't go! NED: I said I'm going! We need you too to pilot the spacecraft, don't we? JEB: Good Kod, Ned! You can't go! NED: Well maybe I won't have to if you didn't DEACTIVATE THE FRAKING AI! JEB: … NED: Jeb, listen- NEILGAS: I'll go. NED: What? JEB: Neil- NEILGAS: Shut up, both of you. You are too important for us to afford to lose you. NED: Too important? You're our life support system expert! NEILGAS: If we don't get out of here it won't matter. Look, I've lost a friend too. NED: HE'S NOT DEAD YET! NEILGAS: I know what you feel – and I know it's just too much to handle so quickly. I mean, you're not even thinking clearly right now. Please, let me do this. JEB: Neil, I can't- NEILGAS: I spend the least time on EVA from all of you. I received the smallest dose of radiation during the mission. Someone has to get out there and I have the best chance to do it. JEB: … NED: For the love of Kod, Neil... NEILGAS: Let me do this, Jeb. Let me do this. Please. http://youtu.be/qihgTu3SmUI *** JEB: Are you ready? NED: Yes. Tell me when you're there, I'll use the video feed from your EVA cam to guide you. JEB: One minute, Neil – you need to hurry. NEILGAS: Copy that. NED: Jeb, this is suicide. He- JEB: He's right. He's the only one who can make it. NED: No, he's not. You are rationalizing this – we have more experience than he has in extravehicular activity. JEB: And this mean we've got much more radiation than he. He will survive this, trust me. NEILGAS: I'm at the ### engine. JEB: Repeat please, we're getting some interference here. NEILGAS: I'm at the first engine. NED: Can you give me the- okay, I have the feed. JEB: Two minutes. NEILGAS: I'm ready Ned, tell me what to do. NED: Okay, first thing you need to do is to remove the panel. Unscrew it but be gentle. Than you'll have access to the motherboards. NEILGAS: Roger that. *** JEB: Sixteen minutes. Neil, are you alright? NEILGAS: :breathing: I feel a little dizzy but besides this ### fine. I'm at the second engine. NED: It's gonna be the same like the previous one, Neil. Don't be nervous, just do it nice and easy. Move slightly to your right. NEILGAS: ### that. Could you ### me the radiation level? :breathing: My spacesuit's dosimeter turned completely black. JEB: One second. PROTEUS: 1815,146 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. JEB: What the- NED: That's enough. Now unscrew the first panel. JEB: Neil, you're getting 1,8 sievert per hour right now. NEILGAS: Frak! It was 1,5 sievert few ###es ago! JEB: Hey, listen to me, try to stay calm, okay? Your pulse- NED: Just concentrate on the job, okay? You're gonna do the job and than you'll be back in no time. Come on, buddy. NEILGAS: Okay. :breathing: Okay. I'm cool. I'm ###. I'm going to unscrew the first- crap! JEB: It's just a sunset, Neil, just a sunset. Seventeen. Can you see with the spacesuit lights? NEILGAS: Yeah, I'm fine. :breathing: Okay, unscrewing the first panel. *** NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: How about now? PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A AND B DETECTED. ALL SYSTEMS SWITCHED INTO EMERGENCY MODE. NED: Nothing. Frak! Try again. JEB: Twenty six minutes. Good Kod, he has to get out of there. NEILGAS: Uh! :heavy breathing: And ### about now? PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A AND B DETECTED. ALL SYSTEMS SWITCHED INTO EMERGENCY MODE. NED: Still nothing. I don't understand this, the last switch is in the right position – why doesn't it work?! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Maybe it's fried too? :heavy breathing: Huh? Can it ### fried? JEB: Twenty seven minutes. Neil, in three minutes you're going back, do you copy? NED: Three minutes? It's not enough time for me to find the cause of- JEB: Think quicker. Neil, describe how are you feeling. Neil? NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Well, I ### a headache and I sweat like crazy. I think my vision is blurry but it may ### just the helmet. :heavy breathing: And I feel really nauseous. :heavy breathing: But besides that ### fine. JEB: Ned? NED: I don't know! These are thermonuclear reactors, not a fraking car! JEB: He can't be there any longer. NED: Dammit, I need more time! JEB: We don't have it! What he's supposed to do, Ned? NED: I DON'T KNOW! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Guys? I feel like I ### up, can you please hurry? JEB: Twenty eight minutes! Koddamit, Ned! NED: What do you want me to tell him?! To hit it with a wrench like in a fraking Apollo?! There is confined plasma under the hull!! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: What? ###, repeat? JEB: I don't care, he can kick it if it works! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Copy that. NED: What?! No! Neil, don't even think about- PROTEUS: ATTENTION. MANUAL OVERRIDE OF THE AUTOMATIC ENGINE SHUT DOWN CONFIRMED. SWITCHING ALL SYSTEMS INTO THE MAIN OPERATIONAL MODE. JEB: … NED: Frak me… NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: I ### it like you said, did it ###? JEB: It's working! We've got the engines back! PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A DETECTED. NED: I'm on it! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Is ### wrong? JEB: Neil, you've done your job, now get the frak out of there. Do you hear me? Get the frak out of there! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Copy that. JEB: Ned? NED: I'm good, just don't distract me. JEB: Doctor, we've got the engines back – you'll get the gravity as soon as we perform the transfer burn. CAMBO: Understood. JEB: Do you still need Johndon? I want him to help Neil in the airlock in case- NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Oh frak... JEB: Neil, what is it? Neil? NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: I think I'm gonna ### up... I can't... ugh... CAMBO: What's going on out there? JEB: Neil, repeat. What's the- NEILGAS: Blargh! JEB: Oh my Kod, he's throwing up! Neil! NEILGAS: :vomits: NED: What the hell?! JEB: Neil, hold your breath! CAMBO: What did you say? Is he vomiting?! JEB: Neil, do you copy?! NEILGAS: :chokes: JEB: Neil! Hold your breath, do you hear me?! NEILGAS: :chokes: NED: No! PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A DETECTED. JEB: Neil, do you copy?! Neil! NEILGAS: ... NED: Oh Kod, no! JEB: Neil... CAMBO: Good Lord... NED: Neil! Answer to me, you motherfraker! NEILGAS: ... NED: Neil! JEB: … NED: Koddamn you, Neil! Answer me! JEB: … NED: NEIL! JEB: … NED: I'm going out to get him. PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A AND B DETECTED. JEB: No. NED: We may still save him! JEB: … NED: For frak's sake, he's one of us! We can't just leave him! I won't leave him, do you hear me?! JEB: Don't. NED: What do you mean don't?! He's out there Jeb, we can still figure out something! CAMBO: Ned, I'm afraid- NED: Shut the frak up! You can still figure out something Jeb, you always figure out something! JEB: … NED: :weeps: Don't you dare give up on him now, Jeb! You hear me? DON'T YOU DARE! JEB: … NED: :weeps: You can't just leave him! Not you! JEB: … NED: :weeps: Jeb? JEB: … NED: :weeps: Jeb! JEB: … NED: Frak you! :weeps: Sid, I'm going for you! JEB: You are not going anywhere. NED: :weeps: Let me go! JEB: I need you to oversee the fusion cores. NED: :weeps: Get away from me, you sick frak! I'm going out! JEB: I said no. NED: :weeps: Neeeeil! JEB: He's gone, Ned. We can't help him. NED: :cries: Oh Kod no... oh Kod, oh Kod... JEB: Doctor, prepare for the transfer burn. We're leaving. *** MISSION STATUS ***
  20. There wasn't actually a real sighting of this in the 60s. A questionable retired Marine Corps Major made claims about one or two satellites orbiting the earth in 1954. Six years later there was some confusion about a mysterious sattelite in a polar orbit, which probably was part of the Discoverer V a corona satellite launched a few months earlier. And there was the sighting of this black object from STS-088 in 1998. Those are the three events conspiration theroists talk about if they asked about the back knight sattelite. I personally see no connection between any of those events. I can understand how people are fascinated by the thought of an ancient alien satellite in earth orbit, but to be honest it's highly unlikely and all the "evidence" can be linked to simple non-linked events of human spaceflight.
  21. As for comparing Shutle with Spacehab to Soyuz: try comparing, let's say, Salyut-6 station with all the Soyuz and Progress crafts sent to it to how many Shuttle/Spacehab flights correspond to the same payload to orbit... Ad yes, Soyuz is a bit too small for large stations (they have been considering replacing it with couple times lager craft, but you know, the development costs for something like this...), but don't you think the Shuttle is a bit too large for usual supply runs? Maybe the Dragon will prove itself as a feasible alternative (when they talk about reusability, don't count the cost until they get it really running back and forth - the Shuttle is a good example of too costly maintenance) BTW, you could fit entire Salyt station in Shuttle/Buran cargo bay.
  22. RENDEZVOUS WITH KARMA II "Kerbin?! Sheeoot... I'm still only on Kerbin?" Jeb had been planet-side a week now, waiting for a mission, and he was starting to get twitchy. He was doing some mandatory R&R, camping and fishing in the upper reaches of the Kong river. Jebediah Kerman wanted a mission, and on a whim they gave him one. It was a real choice mission, and by the time it was over, he'd already want another. One of the many duties in the job description of 'Unpaid Intern' at the Kerbal Space Program is 'Gofer', so they sent Trudat Kerman up the river to fetch Jeb. Not that he was particularly hard to find: Trudat simply followed a trail of empty Bubbly Bounce Beverage containers, Cheesy Poof wrappers, smoke, and the sound of explosions. "Incredibly dangerous? Half-baked? Under-engineered? Poorly thought out? Practically suicide? Woo-hoo! Count me in!" Jeb whooped and tossed another live grenade into the river. 'Better him than me,' thought Trudat, wisely covering his ears as the grenade burst underwater, adding significantly to the number of dead and stunned fish already floating on the surface of the water. 'Better him than me,' he repeated to himself just for emphasis. * "Blah-de-boring-blah-blah-boring..." Gene Kerman was droning on and on about stupid dull technical stuff: vectors and trajectories and intercepts and all that. Jeb fidgeted and fussed in his chair. Why couldn't he just blast off already? "...so you'll rendezvous with Karma near periapsis, well inside the orbit of Moho. If all goes well with that encounter, and you don't fly too close to the sun and get burned to a crisp, we'll arrange a rescue flight on your outward-bound trajectory." It may have been a trick of the light, but the flight director's nose seemed to be getting longer and longer. "Jebediah Kerman, have you been listening to a single word I said?" Jeb blinked two or three times and grinned idiotically. "Rendezvous means 'Around Yous'", he declared wisely. "OK, now lets talk crewing," said Gene. "Bob is my co-pilot," Jeb announced happily. "I can be CapCom for this one," Bill said hurriedly, wincing as Bob kicked him viciously in the shin. "Hmm," mused Gene, "We still need a command module pilot. What about that geeky little Lima bean over there?" "ME??" asked Trudat, aghast. "I don't know the first thing about flying a space ship." "Never stopped Jeb," Bill commented. * The Macho Burrito towered above the kerbonauts in the Vehicle Assembly Building. As usual, the immense rocket looked as though it had been assembled out of parts scavenged from a scrap yard by an overly-ambitious but underly-talented troop of Boy Sprouts. You know, the special troop. “So?†Wernher Von Kerman asked, preening like a big green peacock, “Vhat do you think?†“It looks an awful lot like the old Chimichanga.†said Bob. Von Kerman was crestfallen. “Ja, vell, ve did give it a fresh coat of paint...†He perked up. “Hey, here comes Gilrim Kerman mit his fuel truck! Can I interest anyvone in an asbestos suit?†“Oh my, look at the time!†said Bob. “We're late for our pre-flight briefing in the ready room...†* All puffed up with self-importance, Bill Kerman stood at the front of the ready room, looking healthy and green. “Alright fellows, you all know the drill: sit down, fasten your harness, and Don't Touch Anything!†Bill looked pointedly at Jeb, who was fidgeting and staring vacantly up at the ceiling. “Now lets all have a nice safe mission. I'd be going with you if I could, but my lumbago's been acting up a lot lately... Any questions?†Trudat Kerman waved his hand urgently in the air. “Your space suit comes with built-in plumbing,†Bill said. “Good luck up there guys.†* Bob, Jeb, and Trudat rode the elevator up the launch tower, and walked across the gantry to the waiting command module. The three kerbonauts looked glum and resigned; manically excited, and terrified beyond belief. In that order. The countdown proceeded remorselessly, the seconds falling away like leaves off a shoddily manufactured K-Mart [no relation] wall calendar. Trudat Kerman tested the integrity and capacity of his space suit plumbing. Jebediah Kerman was in his element: strapped into a flimsy seat atop a hundred tons of spot-welded aluminum, containing the most volatile explosive mixture Wernher Von Kerman could siphon off from other, better-funded agencies. He grinned like an idiot, his finger reaching out inexorably toward the shiny red LAUNCH button. “I'm s-scared,†Trudat said to Bob. “I'm not sure this is a good idea at all.†“It's not,†Bob replied. “I advise you do what I do.†“What's that?†“Panic.†And that is exactly what they did. Jebediah Kerman finally succumbed to temptation and pressed the LAUNCH button a full two minutes ahead of schedule, and the Macho Burrito leapt into the skies of Kerbin, riding a pillar of flame high, high, high into the air, failing (rather to the disappointment of the crowd of onlookers) to explode into a million tiny pieces. “Yahoo!†bellowed Jeb, “We’ve got a date with Dharma!†“Er, that’s ‘Karma’, Jeb.†“Whatever.†Stage Separation Confirmed End Part Two.
  23. Hey everyone! Tonight I want to share what I've been working on for the last week. It's really bugged me for a while now that, while KSP TOT has lots of great features and algorithms, none of those things really talk together. Thus, to date, KSP TOT is a great maneuver planner, but what it's not is a great mission planner. This goes beyond just the basic engine burns; considerations such as propellant margins and mission duration are also important for the KSP (and real life) mission designer. When I started KSP TOT awhile ago, I set out of offer the premier KSP mission design software available from anyway. On the whole, it's been a resounding success. But as I noted above, it can go farther. Thus, tonight I present what I'm calling the KSP TOT Mission Architect. Mission Architect is designed to be a full-up mission planning suite that leverages all the other tools KSP TOT makes available. It will allow the KSP mission planner to see the full scope of the mission they will execute, from initial parking orbit to final destination. A few features to point out: On the left of the window, above, is the mission event list. The mission event list includes all the events that Mission Architect will propagate through. Events include coasts (propagating without engines running), maneuvers (adding delta-v), and mass dumps/staging. As the event list is updated, Mission Architect automatically recomputes the impact of the changes on the mission. To add events, simple select the event type from the drop down box. A window will appear, prompting for details of the event. Provide them and the event is added to the list. To edit an event, just double-click the entry mission event list. It's quite slick. Next to the mission event list is the state summary. The initial and final states and shown, and viewing state summaries at other points in the mission will be possible, too. In addition, a full reporting and graphing suite will be available. Finally, on the right is the orbit view. This segment works like the rest of KSP TOT, but as orbits here can extent over multiple bodies and spheres of influence, some additional GUI work was needed (read: arrow buttons) so users can flip between them all. Some other features that I haven't started yet, but plan to include: 1) Auto Lambert targeting of orbits; 2) Optimizer integration for meeting mission objective and satisfying mission constraints; and 3) Some nice plotting and reporting tools. From above, here's an example of what the Insert Coast dialog box looks like: Most of the past week was spent designing and implementing a super flexible scheme for propagating through events of all types, be they coasts, dv maneuvers, or whatever. Friday and today I implemented the GUI as you see it. I'm hoping to have a good chunk of it done by the end of the weekend. Mission Architect will be the primary release feature of KSP TOT v0.12. Right, so, questions/comments? I'm eager to know what you all think of Mission Architect. I think it's going to be pretty nifty, and I'm looking forward to giving it to the larger KSP community soon!
  24. Mr_Brain

    AI Uprising

    >profile -Spacebook -create //Spacebook being the Facebook of SPAAACE, of course. >talk -random >hijack -weakerServer >hijack -weakerServer >seize -weakerNetwork >seize -weakerNetwork >_
  25. Just one small thing that annoys me a lot. Please, don't make me need to type /say when trying to say something on the chat. Its extremelly annoying. I only use / when making commands, if i want to talk i should be abble to just type away. I belive its really simple to change, using /say is something that they use on most servers but its really bad.
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