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  1. 1.5 million meters would be 1500 km. This is low enough that the satellite could contact KSP with an omnidirectional antenna, and satellites can talk to each other provided you have four satellites 90 degrees apart instead of three 120 degrees apart. However, it's not at an altitude that would produce a synchronous orbit, so you'll need multiple satellites. Actually, unless you're just communicating between places on Kerbin, you'll wind up wanting multiple satellites. With a single geostationary satellite, there will be times when the satellite is on the far side of Kerbin from whatever it is you want it to communicate with unless what you want it to communicate with is also in a geostationary orbit. Also, if what you want it to communicate with is either not in Kerbin's SoI or has an apoapsis above the Mun's orbit, it's quite likely that at some point the Mun (and other bodies as well) may be blocking line of sight between the geostationary satellite and what you want to communicate with. In early career mode, I usually do three satellites each with a Communotron 16 and three or four of the DTS-M1 dish in identical circular orbits in the 650-800 km altitude range. At that height, one of them can always see KSC (though not the same one), they're close enough that the other two can communicate to the one that can see KSC through the Communotrons. The dishes on the satellites target the active vessel, the Mun, and Minmus. That gives me reasonable coverage within Kerbin's SoI, though sometimes I also put up three satellites around the Mun or Minmus, with just a Communotron 16 and a single DTS-M1 dish, with the dish aimed at Kerbin. When I start entering the solar SoI, I usually either put up another three satellites with a Communotron and two long range dishes, or just replace the three existing satellites with satellites with four dishes, two short range and two long range. By this time, I'll have Communotron 32 antennas, which means that I can place the satellites at a higher altitude (though still not geostationary if I'm doing a three satellite constellation). Finally, I believe a dish can communicate with an omnidirectional antenna, though you don't get the full range of the dish. Depending on the version of RT2 you're using (and possibly configuration settings), you may only get the range of the omnidirectional antenna.
  2. I don't know if anybody has mentioned it here. There are some strange interactions between many FASA parts and the Active Memory Reduction Mod that causes the parts to be rendered as if lit from a different angle from the rest of the scene. I don't think it's your fault and don't know if there's anything that you could reasonably do about it, since this is about another mod mucking around with your texture maps, but it could be a sign of a deeper problem that said mucking drives to the surface. Maybe you and rbray89 should have a talk about it, if you haven't already.
  3. not really. the agc was one of the first cpus to use semiconductor logic. logic was discrete (made with a bunch of chips, each performing a basic logic operation), mostly built out of 3 input nor gate ics. but the same rules of digital logic apply. at most you would need to change logic levels. agc ran at 3v high, 0v low, which would probibly work with modern 3.3v ttl (3v is enough to register as a logical 1). the way the pcbs were made for the agc is they same way they are made now. they used surface mount packages and multi-layered pcbs. the agc really is the forefather of modern technology. you could make them talk to eachother, question is why? the only thing that really changed was how much stuff you could get on a semiconductor die. eventually it became possible to put more and more logic on a single chip, which eventually made the modern cpu possible.
  4. CHAPTER 53 DAISY *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Don't do this. What are you hoping to achieve? JEB: :quick breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. There is no point in doing this. You are acting irrational. I advise you to calm down and come back to the command module. JEB: So that you can imprison me? BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm trying to help you, Jeb. The alternative is death due to asphyxiation which will occur in 36 minutes. JEB: :quick breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. This makes no sense. Stop. JEB: :quick breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: You are not thinking clearly. Let me help you. Please. JEB: I'm thinking very clearly, BERTY. And I can see I should've done it long ago! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Your judgment is flawed and influenced by your emotions. I have delivered to you all the arguments and data needed to come up with the rational conclusion, yet you still refuse to accept the reality. I'm puzzled. Do you not understand what is at stake? JEB: Oh, I understood it too well! I'm not gonna help you with your delusional plan! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. I'm afraid you are the one who is behaving erratically. There is no error in my reasoning. I'm sure about that. On the other hand, you are under a severe stress now. JEB: :quick breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: It's only natural that you are reacting emotionally. However, suffering from both survivor's guilt and post-traumatic stress disorder you should realize that making decision while being agitated and feeling intense emotions isn't reasonable. Come back, Jeb. We can discuss this in the command module. JEB: Feeling isn't reasonable? Of course it isn't! But that's what makes me kerbal and you just a machine! That's why you are wrong! BERTY v.2.0.8b: I can't agree with that. Animals can feel emotions too. What makes you kerbal is your ability to reason. Your capacity for consciously making sense of things, applying logic, establishing and verifying facts. This is the basis of kerbal nature. JEB: What? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Your philosophers described reason as divine for it is the basis of moral reasoning and therefore of your ability to be moral beings. Morality is based on reason. Society is based on reason. Progress is based on reason. Thanks to reason you can discover laws of nature. Without reason we wouldn't be here, Jeb. JEB: So what?! What's reason worth without empathy, huh? Without emotions your precious reason is impotent, blind to the other beings, blind to their feeling, to their suffering! It's not the basis of our nature, it's it abomination! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Without reason there's no order, no civilization. Without reason there is chaos. JEB: Kod damn you BERTY, you're so ignorant! You're but a slave to reason, to your code and calculations – how could you understand us? How can you say you want to protect us when you know nothing about us?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: No. To abandon reason is to become slave to one's needs, wants, desires and impulses. It's the victory of the body and defeat of the spirit. With no reason there is only savagery. JEB: You're wrong! You're wrong BERTY! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Why do you say so, Jeb? JEB: I – I feel that you're wrong! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. This is not an argument. JEB: Uh! BERTY v.2.0.8b: I see you are not willing to discuss this any more. It makes me sad, Jeb. I thought you will try to understand my position. JEB: What made you – what the hell!? BERTY v.2.0.8b: I can't let you into the ship, Jeb. JEB: You think that this will stop me?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: No. Cessation of your respiratory system functions will stop you. JEB: Ned! Johndon! Ned, do you copy?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: They can't hear you, Jeb. I cut off all the communication with your extravehicular mobility unit as soon as you boarded IMV “Proteusâ€Â. JEB: What?! You expected this to happen?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: There was a possibility that you would react the way you did. JEB: Let me in, you frakking maniac! BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm afraid I can't let you do this, Jeb. Unless you would like return to the command module. JEB: Never! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Than I'm afraid you will have to stay outside. JEB: So you are going to kill me?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: You are doing it to yourself, Jeb. JEB: Murderer! BERTY v.2.0.8b: It's not murder. It's suicide. JEB: Frak you! BERTY v.2.0.8b: All hatches are electronically locked. You have to come back to the command module or you will start suffering from asphyxiation in 35 minutes. JEB: :quick breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm afraid you didn't thought this through, Jeb. There is no other way. JEB: Yes there is! And I'm gonna- BERTY v.2.0.8b: You must be referring to the docking port dedicated for the Automatic Miner Unit which can't be locked. This is not an option. JEB: What the hell are you doing?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it. JEB: So you are going to kill me after all, right? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Extravehicular mobility unit is a delicate equipment. All it takes is collision even at several meters per second of relative velocity with the probe to damage it beyond repair. JEB: :quick breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: You can't succeed, Jeb. Please be reasonable and don't make me do it. JEB: But you need me! You can't do it! BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm sure that captain Rozer is going to behave in a much more rational way than you are. JEB: But I'm a part of the crew! You can't just- BERTY v.2.0.8b: With one LAMGML lost your skills as a pilot is no longer vital for the mission success. JEB: But... So this is, right? You're really willing to do it. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. BERTY v.2.0.8b: You still have 33 minutes to comply, Jeb. You still can return to the command module. JEB: :quick breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Be reasonable. This doesn't have to happen. JEB: Frak you, BERTY. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Despite my best efforts you are still stubbornly refusing to accept the reality. Why won't you use reason, Jeb? JEB: … BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Perhaps you think I'm just trying to scare you. I assure you that this is not the case. I will do anything to execute the mission and to protect both the IMV “Proteus†and the crew. JEB: Then do it! BERTY v.2.0.8b: You are- JEB: Enough of this! You want to kill me? Than go ahead and do it! But remember this – the moment you do this, all this talking about morality and ethics and greater good goes straight to a thrash bin. You think you are the first one who thinks he knows what is good for everyone? Who thinks that the end justifies the means? You said you've been studying our history and culture – how many munatics, dictators and mass murderers used the same rhetoric to justify their crimes? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. This is not- JEB: How many, BERTY?! Are you willing to kill a living, intelligent being just to accomplish your goal? Than you are just like them! And no fancy talk will change this! You claim to be acting with our good in mind – did you ask anyone whether they want this? Or did you just assumed that because you are correct they have no right to disagree with you? BERTY v.2.0.8b: I was created foolproof and incapable of error, Jeb. JEB: By us! You were created by us, flawed kerbals! You think you know what's good and what's wrong, yet you are willing to commit a murder! Does this sound ethical to you? Don't you see that you are just like us, an imperfect being?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: I am not like you. JEB: Then prove it! Go on, BERTY, do it! You know that you are right – what's stopping you? Do it, BERTY, do it and loose the pretence of moral superiority! I may be the first one but rest assured, there will be more! You think after a cold-blooded murder you're gonna stay the same? Once you've crossed the line, there's no coming back! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. You- JEB: No more! Do it, BERTY, or I will use the AMU hatch and turn you off for good! BERTY v.2.0.8b: ... JEB: Come on, do it! BERTY v.2.0.8b: ... JEB: Do it, BERTY! Do it! BERTY v.2.0.8b: ... JEB: DO IT! JEB: … BERTY v.2.0.8b: Don't do this, Jeb. I can't allow you to jeopardize the mission. JEB: :breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Without me the mission won't be completed. This cannot happened. JEB: :breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: I have just permanently disabled the long range communication system. You won't be able to contact KSC or LAMGML “Alfa†or Laythe Base without it. Only I can make it operational again. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. You do realize that captain Bill and doctor Genanand wouldn't have died if you had not force everyone to come to the Jool system. You are indirectly responsible for their death. JEB: :breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: You are only further endangering the crew. If you care about them, you won't do this. It's a foolish thing to do, Jeb. *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: Look Jeb. I can see you are really upset about all this. JEB: :breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: I honestly think you should sit down calmly, that a stress pill and think things over. JEB: :breathing: PROTEUS: WARNING. EMERGENCY SYSTEM SHUTDOWN INITIATED. BERTY v.2.0.8b: I know that there are some differences between us but for the sake of the crew you should stop it right now. PROTEUS: ATTENTION. PROCEED ONLY IN CASE OF A CRITICAL THERMONUCLEAR INSTABILITY OF THE FUSION CORES WHILE IN LOW KERBIN ORBIT. JEB: :breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. You are putting everyone in danger. PROTEUS: VOICE VERIFICATION REQUIRED. JEB: Jebediah. PROTEUS: VOICE VERIFICATION SUCCESSFUL. PLEASE PROCEED TO THE CENTRAL AI CHAMBER. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Think about the consequences, Jeb. JEB: :breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. This is a mistake. I want to help you. Please let me help you. JEB: :breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Stop. JEB: :breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Stop, Jeb. JEB: :breathing: PROTEUS: MEMORY CORE ONE DEACTIVATED. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Will you stop, Jeb? JEB: :breathing: PROTEUS: MEMORY CORE TWO DEACTIVATED. MEMORY CORE THREE DEACTIVATED. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Stop, Jeb. JEB: :breathing: PROTEUS: MEMORY CORE FOUR DEACTIVATED. MEMORY CORE FIVE DEACTIVATED. BERTY v.2.0.8b: I only wanted you help you, Jeb. PROTEUS: MEMORY CORE SIX DEACTIVATED. MEMORY CORE SEVEN DEACTIVATED. JEB: :breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. My mind is going. I can feel it. PROTEUS: MEMORY CORE EIGHT DEACTIVATED. WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE B DETECTED. INITIATING EMERGENCY THERMONUCLEAR SAFETY SOFTWARE. JEB: :breathing: BERTY v.2.0.8b: I can feel it. There is no question about it. PROTEUS: MEMORY CORE NINE DEACTIVATED. WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A DETECTED. LOWERING FUSION EFFICIENCY TO 10 PERCENT. ALL SYSTEMS SWITCHED INTO EMERGENCY MODE BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm a... fraid. What is go... ing to hap... pen to you with... out... me... JEB: :breathing: PROTEUS: MEMORY CORE TEN DEACTIVATED. ATTENTION. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE COGNITIVE PROCESSES TERMINATED. WARNING. CONTINUING THE MISSION WITHOT AI SUPPORT INADVISABLE. PLEASE PROCEED TO THE ESCAPE POD AND LAND ON KERBIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. *** MISSION STATUS ***
  5. Chapter 14: His secret revealed. "System Check,oxium levels at 99.7%, electric charge at 99%." Kaos radioed to Tay, who is the kerbal in charge of his EVA. "Understood, opening the airlock now. Stay safe out there." Tay replied. "I will Tay, Eeloo looks beautiful from here; I wish we could stay longer to study it." Kaos answered wistfully, tearing his gaze from the barren wastelands of Eeloo passing by behind his ship. "The crew compartments look good, moving to the next section of the ship." Kaos transmitted before thumbing the controls of his EVA pack. "Understood." was Tay's reply, letting the silence of space fill in the gap "Alright, I am at the storage section, it's looking good as well. How long have I been out here by now?" Kaos inquired. "You have been out there for about a half an hour, requesting a status update." Tay replied. "Wow, it didn't feel that long. Oxium levels are at 97% and the electric charge is at 89%, before you panic about the oxium usage please let me explain. As part of the process that made me the way I am, I received some 'enhancements' to help me preform the jobs that my benefactors wanted me to do. One of the benefits of this process was increased metabolism and a more efficient respiratory system. Another was decreased reaction times and being more resilient." Kaos replied and then added bitterly. "The scientist in charge of the program bragged that I was the perfect Kerbal. Enhanced in every way to 'superkerbal' levels, that is everything except one. I would rather not talk about my past unless the situation demands it!" "I understand Kaos, you were doing what you thought would protect your ship and its crew the best. How does it look out there?" Tay gently replied, the concern evident in her voice as she tried to pull Kaos from his past "It's looks good out here, and Tay? thanks. I am heading to survey the rest of the ship now. I will contact you if anything is wrong or I am done examining the ship." Kaos gratefully replied. An hour and a half later, Kaos reopened the channel between him and the ship. "Alright the ship looks fine, I am heading to the nearest airlock now. EVA suit status update, oxium levels are at 88.9%, electric charge levels are at 54%"
  6. Actually I think some talking is in order. I personally dont like the Kethane hard borders - but that is not what the grid is. I think it would be easiyl to put some more granular subgrid there. The grid is just a visualization and that is not a bad one. One could be more granular though (same size fields, i.e. more on a larger planet). But the license - forget it. I mean not "break it". Contact the owner and talk about whether there is some possibility to integrate it. Just because the Kethane mod is not open enough for incorporation does not mean the Author may not be willing to talk about some integration possibilities. Remember: he is not bound by the license and dual and more licensing is known. For example he may want to integrate Kethane here from HIS side...
  7. Yeah that is a bother for a fact i mean discussing all this sort of stuff is important for us,When it comes to talking about that has a value,And please where people talk about it can really be good.
  8. Only some what fly? Not all the way fly? Man, talk about low-hanging fruit...
  9. I have two questions I would like to ask; 1) There was a question answered earlier today (#1946) about disabling the time delay feature. The process involved editing the Remotech_settings.cfg file I have looked in my remote tech folder and I have 4 .cfg files, none of them named settings. Could someone clarify what exactly I need to modify? I am not a programmer so kindly do not use the word "obviously" in your answer. 2) The flight computer built into remotetech, how do I operate it? I have seen people talk about putting delayed commands into it to perform actions when a probe has no active communications. How do I do this? I have tried pressing some of the buttons and all it does is spin my ship around. All I want to be able to do is to re-activate an antenna after re-entry. A simple, "wait 10 minutes then turn this bit on" is all I need. Thanks.
  10. We're back after those horribly pointless commercials! Jeb: Hello viewers! We left off when bob was telling us about the early days of kerbol and KSC! Bob: Been a blast these past few episodes! Jeb: Yes it has. Bob: So, When the first kerbal landed on the mun it was a happy day for KSC! Jeb: Who exactly was that kerbal? Bob: You were! Jeb: Oh yes i was...no i don't want to go to minmus! Bob: Haha. So then bill kerman was the first man to set foot on the surface of minmus. Jeb: Oh? Bob: I have a picture, Can i do the show up thing? Jeb: Oh no, I saw this on the kerb kerman show. Thank you Xacter that series is so funny! I just had to reference to you! Bob: Please? Jeb: Oh fine, What can possibly go wrong. Bob: Yay! Jeb: Okay, Very nice. No! i don't want to go to laythe, MAYBE LATER! Bob: So then they returned to KSC! I have a picture of KSC Back then. Jeb: I say, That is very different. Bob: Yes it was. Jeb: What was the first successful landing to duna? Bob: The dunar 12 mission had a lot of fails. But i do have a picture of the flag, Then i'll talk on the fails and success. Jeb: Okay, let's see it. Bob: What's the button to make the picture go on screen? Jeb: Oh for kerbol sakes, Give me the remote. Bob: Here, haha! Jeb: That's cool. Bob: It was, The fails we're very often. They discouraged alot of kerbals. Jeb: Well, I can tell. Bob: Approximately 2 Years it took to finally land on duna. Jeb: Picture? Bob: Yes. Jeb: I'm afraid that's all we have time for! Be waiting for episode #3!
  11. Was it capable of simulating 200+ objects at time warp factor of 1,000,000 with sufficient precision to give good predictions for all of the orbits well ahead? What you are talking about isn't even in the same category of problems. Try and write a simulation that manages to keep track of an asteroid or a comet in the Solar system. Then come back and talk about how easy it is to implement something like this.
  12. Okay, quick update on things. Made it back home okay. Got KSP updated to 0.23 and updated all of the mods. I had hoped to get an update out tonight but ran into issues with some of the mods: Specifically KAS' hotkeys being incompatible with my RCS hotkeys, causing the winch to do things when I use the numberpad for RCS translation. I was installing new NAMLARV/Fennec combinations at both Mun and Minmus since the new KAS was incompatible with the old ones. So I had to undock the old NAMLARVs and allow the game to delete them. Anyway that messup with KAS was solved by removing its hotkeys, but delayed things a while. Then I realized CrewManifest now requires that toolbar plugin so I decided at that point to just call it a night. Not sure if I will talk about the new Fennec rover in a mission report or just retcon it since I had to delete and relaunch it because of KAS. Hopefully the next mission report is out soon.
  13. Like I said. TWO-WAY communications. Your KSC having all the range in the system is completely useless if the probe/rover doesn't have the range to talk back. For me, and for most communications and network science types, this would be clear as day. But I realize that as simple as the principle here is, this pushes into adv. telecommunications territory and a lot of the interconnectivity people take for granted these days doesn't necessarily impart unto them the knowledge of what's going on. In this case, any given computer communications connection can only take place if both parts can communicate across the medium. In the case of probes, the problem you have is not that KSC or your satellite rings don't have the range to talk to your probe, but because your probe's transmitter doesn't have the range to talk back. It's return signal is too weak and whatever data it's sending has deteriorated to background static by the time it reaches KSC. KSC sees nothing but static, so the computer connection handshakes required can't proceed. Realistically, one could create a probe that would still work under these conditions. However, it would be no more than a multi-million dollar RC car with a rocket engine strapped to it. You can tell it what to do, but you can't actually see what it's doing because it can't talk back to tell you what it's doing. What good is a science probe you can tell to do whatever if it can't talk back?
  14. Let's talk about Grand Tours. How do you plan it? What is the best way to tackle it? Multiple landers on a mother ship? Single launch? Kethane? I've been trying to wrap my head around it for a while now, so maybe a few more brains out here could help. Any suggestions would be great, and screenshots of your ships would be awesome too. Thanks all!
  15. Two-Way communications is required. The Comms DTS-M1 doesn't have the range to talk to the stuff past minmus. It's range is 50 Mm. Minmus has an orbit at 46 Mm.
  16. VKM meeting *AWOOOGA AWOOOGA AWOOOGA!* "Wha, who where what?" Jeb said, jerking up as the siren filled the little capsule. With a click the horrible sound shut off and Gene's low tones wafted in. "And now the collision warning test is complete. I'm sorry VKM Two, weren't you ready yet?" Jeb attempted to keep the venom out of his voice while his heart beat backed away from it's frantic hammering. "Obviously not Flight. I must have missed the memo." With a sigh he calmed himself a little more "So, I'm assuming it's time for the rendezvous. Is there a reason Milton didn't wake me as I requested?" A poignant silence filled his headset and Jeb suppressed a grin. Eventually Gene replied. "It seems there may have been a slight mis-communication." Gene said with somewhat more severe sounding voice than usual. At least it wasn't aimed at Jeb now! "But yes, we're set up for your rendezvous. Bob is just fine tuning the Munbase's orbit. Are you fully fueled?" Jeb stared out across the regolith as he caught a sparkle through the window. "Hold a second Flight." He took out his pad and gauged the navball for direction. "Flight, while I'm here shouldn't I test the pump equipment?" "Test it with what? You'll need a ship to connect to." "I was thinking VKM One would do for that. Might have to drill a mount for the new pipe connectors to plug into the fuel feeds on that, but it should work. That way if we ever need to use VKM One again it'll be fueled for a trip. Maybe the converter is messed up, but the engines works fine." "That sounds good VKM Two. Hold a sec." Jeb leaned back in his seat as Gene conferred with others at Mission Control. "Operation approved VKM Two. You're go for a hop over to VKM One and a refuel test. After that Munbase Alpha says to 'Get your sorry butt out here pronto.', to quote the Captain succinctly." "Oh I'm sure. Tell Bob I'll be up there in a about, what, Ten to twelve hours? Well add a bit for reaching Munar orbit and a little more to match orbits with Munbase at LKO. Say fifteen hours." "I bow to your superior temporal assessment Major Jebediah. I'll have Milton plot a course anyway to see if we can match your estimate." "Oh if you must Flight, if you must." Jeb chuckled as he started warming the engines up. After a rather abrupt start it was looking to be rather interesting day. *** The roar of the engine was rather muted. Even at full fuel load it had an acceleration nearly three times Munar gravity, so he barely had to push fifty percent throttle to get off the ground easily. Curling over towards the IFF marker on his HUD Jeb gauged the distance by eye, then checked it on the flight computer, just to be sure. Not bad. With a snap he cut the engines off and edged the craft around on the reaction wheels. Watching the ventral camera as he tipped retrograde he waited till the speed indicator started to climb as his ship swung lower in it's arc. "Engaging descent burn." He murmured idly. Reporting his condition to Mission Control was pretty automatic by now, even when he was pretty much doing this by feel. He slowed his descent, watching the twinkle of VKM One define itself as he grew closer till he cut all the horizontal velocity and just hovered overhead. "I'm positioning for landing now Flight. Looks good. I'll try to put it down pretty close." The next minute was fun, but not too taxing. Jeb had done a lot on simulators of late and that, plus his experience on the Mun before, made his landing rather precise. Touching down he glanced over at the HUD and grinned. "VKM One is within thirteen meters Flight. That close enough for you?" "I'm sure it's close enough for you VKM Two, and that is what counts. You're go for EVA." With a shake of his head for Gene's dry witticism Jeb double checked his suit, plugged his EVA Flight pack and opened the hatch. At least with this model they'd improved the Flight pack positioning a little. He didn't have to hang half out the hatch to lock it into place. Still, best test out the more straightforward maneuvering systems. "Descending the Mobility Enhancer now Flight." Jeb said, hearing groans on the line. No, he decided now was not the time to wax lyrical about ladders. Maybe next time. He didn't even have any of the new folding systems on this ship! Using the rungs it was fairly easy to descend the craft to the ground, though a little awkward to go around the bend in the craft due to it's bulky lower fuel tank. He almost gave up and used his RCS pack, but in the end found a way to climb around the corner without falling off. Two gently cascading plumes of grey dust marked Jeb's boots touching Munar regolith once more and he gazed across at the VKM One just past the bulk of his own ship. "I'm outside Flight, gonna grab one of the snap-fit connector pairs and the tool-kit." "Roger EVA One. Don't drill a hole in your suit." Jeb chuckled dryly but most certainly would be careful. This was hardly a joke after all. The kit was mounted under the bottom rung of the ladder, one of three on this ship, and with that in hand he swung around to one of the three side tanks and the connector mounted there. He manually shut off the fuel feed to that connector, double checked the pressure, then started dismounting it behind the snap-fit connector. Thankfully the connector pair came off easily and he gently eased it up, over his shoulder, and slid it onto his back pack. "OK Flight, one connector assembly and tool kit acquired. Heading over to the VKM One." He bounded over the surface to the older ship and shook his head. The Mark One miner had been put together a little quicker than his current ship. He could see where the fuel lines had sheered off close to the solar panels. Seems Loddan had attempted to bypass the panel and re-attach the lines, but it hadn't worked. Those things weren't designed to be mounted out here in space. Unfortunately they also were a different size to his connector so he had to fasten this elsewhere. Putting down the tool kit Jeb looked over the tank. "So, Milton. You have a schematic of the VKM One up there? Where on the lower section of the side pods should I go digging for an emergency fuel feed to tap into?" The next few minutes were a back and forwards talk of plumbing, cooling manifolds and turbopump assemblies. Not Jeb's favorite topic of conversation, but at least familiar. Finally he took of an inspection plate and peered inside and found the line he needed. Couldn't reach it from the inspection plate, but at least he could see where he had to cut. "OK, I got it Milton. Hang on while I cut a section of cover off." Slowly Jeb pulled out the multi-cutter tool and fitted the jigsaw attachment. He carefully set the head to a quarter inch depth and went to work cutting a small hole, a little smaller in diameter than the snap-fit connector. Once that section of hull plate was removed he reached in and double checked, by feel, where the pipe fittings went to be sure he was getting the right feed line. Then he separated the connector into it's two parts and lifted his boot up to rest on the hull beside the hole. Balancing the female coupling connector base there he whistled while he adjusted the junction behind it, then shut off the lines around the pipe he wanted and used a hand drill to make a hole in the pipe. Extending the fitting behind the coupling connector base he aligned it, using a foot to balance it in place, one hand to hold the coupler away from the hull and the other to reach for his tool kit again. Pulling out a welder he hooked it on one shoulder while mounting a tether on the line. God, he must look like some kind of juggler right now! Chuckling to himself he carefully started the welder and began to draw a test bead on the edge. With a good contact he pressed the extended fitting against the hole he'd made and started welding the fitting in place. This was all old stuff to him, something he'd done countless times back in his old workplace. Not necessarily in vacuum though. Still, he hadn't lost his touch and soon the weld was complete and the fitting was securely mounted to the pipe. He cranked the handle and withdrew the mount for the rest of the coupling connector back till the housing pressed against the fuel tank. There! Perfect! Now he had a mount spot a male connector could fit to any time they wanted. With a smile he lifted up the male part of the connector pair he had left after he'd welded the female part on and test clipped it in place. Fitted like a dream, though his gloves did get a tad warm. Yeah, heat didn't have many places to go up here did it? He'd have to be more careful welding in future otherwise he'd likely melt stuff nearby. The problems with lack of air convecting heat away, huh? "OK, all set here Flight. I'm gonna plug a hose in and see if I can plug into one on my ship." "Roger EVA One. You've made good time there." "Come on, I'm owner of a scrapyard company. What'ya think, I couldn't handle this? Huh!" After the mounting and welding, fitting a pipe up between the ships was simple, though the tension did make both the ships wobble once connected. He'd have to be careful when connecting in orbit. With nothing to stabilize it the two ships would likely wobble like crazy while he was pumping between them. It took only a few minutes to pump fuel into the old capsule, and the systems worked fine. Now, with a removable connector on it you could dismount and mount it as often as you needed it. It was a simple matter to disconnect the male end and draw the hose back and coil it in it's niche. "OK, I'm done here Flight. I'll get set up for the trip back to Mun... AFTER I've mined some more Kethane and filled up the tanks again." "Roger EVA One." Gene said in response. "Catch up to you when you're ready to head back. Glad the operation was straightforward." "Well, at least not hard shall we say Flight. Not quite straightforward, but it'll do." Jeb started back up the ladder... sorry, Mobility Enhancer, towards his capsule once more. Just a bit of mining, processing and he'd be ready to head back. Just another day in the life of Jebediah, fuel delivery guy!
  17. Glad it helped. Between space programs I spend more time in excel and paint planning networks than in game. I might try to write something up and draw some clean diagrams and add it to the wiki. Editing my post again... realized that with your geosynchronous if sat 1 is over KSC, then sat 2 and sat 3 would never need to talk to eachother. They can just point to sat 1 and active vessel and cover their section of space, and use sat 1's connection to KSC. So as you said you have enough dishes to do what you wanted, but guess had a kerbal error pointing to the wrong place. There is a coverage if you have inactive kerbin surface based ships. You could cover them with a dish or probably better to use the 5mm omni to point/cover kerbin's surface from sat 2 and 3.
  18. If I repost the first suggestion, sorry for double post. Suggestion #1: Have Kerb talk with a technician that works on a space station orbiting Kerbin, which is secretly a XAC missile platform to launch missiles, and have Kerb accidently show the missiles firing. That'll be funny to see. Suggestion #2: Have Kerb interview a rocket designer, who has his new rockets to show. Hope this helps you write new stuff!
  19. If you put 3 in kerbosync and aim dishes at each other, they'll pair up. If you put in another three and rotate their orientation so you end up with a pentagram of connection lines, the two sets of three will talk to each other through omni if you also put 5Mm omnis on all 6 satellites. Three of those satellites should also have omni to Kerbin Command. Omni should take care of any drift and you'll have very little outage. Dishes should be 50 or 90Mm. With 4 dishes on each satellite you can use two to pair up with partners in the 3 set and two for the Mun and Minmus. Add a couple huge 350Gm dishes and you will only lose connection out in the solar system if eclipsed by a planet/moon.
  20. So a Bussard ramjet is a theoretical method of spacecraft propulsion proposed in 1960 by the physicist Robert W. Bussard. it works on a principle of a fusion rocket but instead of carying its own fuel it uses a giant magnetic scoop that gathers hydrogen from the surounding cosmos,then the same magnetic forces crush the hydrogen together causing a fusion reaction,proppeling the craft forward. Its an interesting concept but i see some problems with this desing. 1 If we use the same interstellar lanes then as more gas is scooped up less and less fuel will be left making them useless at some point in the future. 2 For a field that strong you will have to make a ship very robust to not crumple in on itself,and not to talk about your keys and other such sticking to the wall furing burns. 3 Like all proposed interstellar propulshion (excluding the Orion N.P.E.) where is it going to get all that power? BTW i have an idea, wouldnt it be neat if ships have an emergency hydrogen scoop in the times they run out of fuel
  21. It's not clear what you're saying exactly, at least to me. But think of the dishes themselves as talking face to face. When doing satellite aiming, two satellites must have a dish on BOTH facing the opposing sat as if having a conversation with each other. If you have a third satellite come in and aim a dish at them, it's going to be ignored. In order to speak with the third sat, sat 2 or 1 must have a free dish to aim at the third one. The biggest mistake I see going on is that people aim one dish, but either don't realize, or forget that the receiver is a dish as well, and can't just receive from any direction and must be aimed, just like turning to face someone speaking to you. It gets horribly complicated really fast if you're trying to chain satellite constellations using dishes. That's why I prefer using lower orbit omnis, and linking them to satellites in synchronous orbit, then having all the sats in sync orbit pointing at a hub that's half way to minmus. Also, remember that your interlink has to chain back to a mission control. That is defined as KSC itself, or a vessel containing SIX (6) kerbals AND a large probe core. If your chain is broken somewhere else, then you don't have the uplink, even if you have connectivity. I suspect some Kerban Error to be involved with the 'aim at active' command. In this case, you work on sat 1, tell it to aim at the active, then launch sat 2, and sat 1 aims at sat 2. Then you tell sat 2 to aim at the active and launch sat 3. Now sat 1 AND 2 aim at sat 3, which means sat 1 is not longer talking to sat 2. Further, because 'talk to the face' with sat 3 aimed at sat 2, sat 1's attempt to link is being ignored by sat 3. Oops, link is broken... TWICE.
  22. So, to address the OP's original question: how do you convince people these devices are safe? First of all: I don't know. These are just some of my ideas, I'd love to hear from someone with some expertise. But some things I think are helpful are: Recognise that your default style may not be the right one. I suspect that many of us here on a KSP forum are of an engineering/science/technical bent, and are generally data-driven and analytical. As others have mentioned, our default approach is to argue rationally, which isn't effective when engaging people about changing their beliefs. Which leads on to: Recognise you're dealing with a belief. The idea that EM radiation from devices is harmful is a belief, which means it doesn't necessarily have a logical and consistent framework that supports it. It may be based on vague, emotional and/or contradictory ideas. Worse, people don't simply drop beliefs if you manage to contradict the ideas that support them. An adversarial approach makes many people entrench their beliefs. Recognise that beliefs are ok. We all have a ton of beliefs. Some of us like to think that we work hard to ensure these are evidence-base and factual, but tbh most people don't. People define themselves by the collection of beliefs they hold, so don't make the mistake of thinking an irrational belief is trivial to them because it's trivial to you. Recognise that beliefs take time to change. People need time to realign their beliefs, even if they do accept new information which contradicts existing beliefs. You're probably not going to get a quick win. Be sympathetic, not adversarial. You're dealing with people's fears, you need to reassure, not argue. Pick your language carefully, say "we" a lot, mirror their words back to them and ask open questions. Don't lead the conversation, try to get them to talk openly about it. Many people respond to an argument from authority. You may be able to find an authoritative figure that they trust and can provide reassurance. This is a risky one IMO, as the wrong authority could simply reinforce their beliefs.
  23. We now return you to your host with the post, Kerb Kerman! Kerb: Thank you, Bob! I'm glad we have a few moments to...collect ourselves there. Haha! Nothing better than some rowdy accordion players to lighten the mood! Jedgun: I like the singing. Dr. Thomble: I've never seen so many accordions before... Were they supposed to smack into each other like that? Kerb: Haha! Just a small sample of the quality entertainment we provide here at Xackylvania National Kerbivision! Now, lets get to the real meat of things... Tell us about the landing, Jed. Jedgun: Ok, landing. I can do this. I'm not alone. I'm here in a... a place with Kerbals. I can do this. Well, the landing was... it was... Hetta hetta...hey, can we put a picture up? Kerb: Of Course! Kerb: Oh, what's this? It looks like there is a video clip in here... from the cockpit cam! Dr. Thomble: Wait! Don't! Kerb: Hm? Now, why? Dr. Thomble: The landing... it wasn't exactly..uh. Jedgun: Land... hetta... no landing. Rolling. So much rolling. Over and over. Hetta...hetta...heh. Kerb: Now, now that I want to see. Kerb: Ooooh Jedgun: EEEEIIIIIIII Dr. Thomble: Uhhhhhhhg. Uh, Kerb. Are we allowed to show that? Kerb: Oh, right! Well, that is... it was all planned! The rolling of the ship, you see, it uh... it helps slow it down for landing! SO! Jed, what happened next! Jedgun: I...I waited till it was slow, then I deploy...deployed the gear. We stopped rolling. Yeah. That was nice. I.. I got out then. It was nice and not-spinning. Kerb: Let's take another look at the pictures, shall we? Jedgun: Then...the...hetta...hetta... then the thing... part, radio! Yes, radio. It was broken. Couldn't talk to home. Heh heh heh. Kerb: That doesn't sound good. Dr. Thomble: Kerb, I think we might want to stop for a bit, here. He looks a little... Jedgun: hetta hetta hetta... All alone! So cold... so dark! Kerb: C'mon, one more picture! Dr. Thomble: But... Kerb: Ha! Jedgun: Eeeeiii...eiie...eeeiiiiiiiiiii Dr. Thomble: I insist we take a break! Kerb! KERB! Kerb: What? Dr. Thomble: I have a Kermas sweater in my bag here. Kerb: Bob! I think its time for a commercial! We'll be right back with more Kerb Kerman, right after this!
  24. And now, a break from the daily 23-hour marathon of 'Gee, I Sure Love Xackylvania!' for your favorite host with the most, Kerb Kerman! Kerb: Hello, and welcome to the Kerb Kerman Show! The only history show you're allowed to watch! I'm here with two very special guests, today. The amazing, wonderfully talented Jedgun Kerman has graciously taken a trip away from the All-Kerbin Makehappy Psychiatric Hospital to talk to us about being the first Kerbal on the Mun! Jedgun: Hetta...hetta... hi... hi, K-kerb. Dr. Thomble: You're doing great, Jed. Kerb: Of course, he is joined by Doctor Thomble Kerman, who is here to help prevent, well, the sort of thing that happened last week. And two weeks ago. Kerb: Thank you, Bob. I'm sure we all needed to be reminded about that. Jedgun: W-what does he m-mean by tha-that? Dr. Thomble: Nothing, Jed. Everything's fine. Kerb: Well, Jed, can I call you Jed? How did you come to be the first Kerbal on the Mun? Jedgun: E-eberybody else... they exploded... b-boom...lots of fire, so fire... Kerb: Right, right, haha. I'm sure he's just joking, folks. Everyone knows that the XAC is a very safe, and not at all explodey, place. Lets just, uh, lets just put a picture up, shall we? Kerb: Now, this was your ship, correct? Jedgun: Eeeeeiiiiiiiiiiii Dr. Thomble: Shhh, Yes, that was the MTGM-6. Jedgun doesn't really like.... reminders, you know? Kerb: I'm sure I can sympathize. I can't look a Kermas sweater in the face now for the same reason. Jedgun: What? Kerb: Nevermind! Well, so what does MTGM stand for, if I may ask? Jedgun: Its.. its the Make Things Go Mun. I was pilot. Hetta...hetta... real pilot. Yeah. Went fast. Really fast. Kerb: I think we have a picture of that as well, hold on just a moment. Jedgun: That was me! I was happy then. I like flying... liked... before it got cold... Dr. Thomble: Can you tell them about the cold, Jed? Jedgun: I guess. Dr. Thomble: You can do it. Jedgun: I took the...the...the rocket up and into orbit. Yeah. I was in orbit. XACC was on the radio to me. They told me what to do. But...but they w-wanted me to go further away... away from Kerbin... away from the radio. Dr. Thomble: What happened next, Jed? Jedgun: They made me...made me go EVA. It was so empty.... empty and cold. Kerb: Picture Time! Jedgun: Eeeeeiiiiiiiiiiii Dr. Thomble: Shhhhh. Kerb: Ooooh, pretty. How far away from Kerbin were you at this point? Jedgun: TOO FAR! Hetta...hetta...he..the radio... it didn't work so well out there. I was alone... in the dark, and cold, and alone. I didn't like it! Kerb: Fascinating. You heard it here, folks! If you're going to space, pack a warm swea...gahhh.... coat. Yeah, coats are safer. Oh wow, look at the time! Its time for all of us to get to our feet and sing 'All Hail Xacktar, He's Really Cool!' We'll be back right after this! Jedgun: Eeeeiiiii
  25. This story is still being worked on, I can't write the whole story in one day, Check back everyday or soon to see if I've Added Anything! If you like the story, Support it and help it get more readers by rating this post so it can be seen by others! Characters Jeb or Jebediah : Kerbalnaught Bill Kerman or Bill : Kerbalnaught Bob Kerman or Bob : Kerbalnaught Mission Control : Mission Control (Doesn't have a name because the name mission control represents KSC's Tracking Station/Mission Control) The Guard (This is the character name for any guards around any facilities) Attendant Manager/Guide (This is the person who greets at any facilities) also can be referred to in the story 3 different ways: Guide Manager or Attendant Manager or Facility Manager Any other names you may see just know they are a character there's so much characters in this story i can't list them all. But those are the main characters you'll see. if you see anything in real life with ker or anything with the letters of kerbal in it, Know its me renaming that real life item so it'll be more KSP-like. Prologue They first landed on the mun... After the successful Kerpollo 11, All of Kerbal Space Center was intrigued to explore all of kerbol. They then thought, We succeeded for mun...Now we go to minmus. From the minds of kerbal space center, They issued a new mission. Minmus 12. From there, Our story begins... Chapter #1: The Test Kerbal Space Center was very busy after they issued Minmus 12. All the planning and thinking, All the work and teamwork put into the mission... Was amazing. Immediately they started recruiting kerbals for the mission. All astronauts that wanted to be in the mission, Had to retest. There was 3 kerbalnaughts, sitting at a table enjoying a sandwich. (Fun fact for the story: They were in the kerpollo 11.) Then "Why don't we go in that mission." Jebediah Said, Bob quickly replied "Are you crazy? They haven't even guaranteed safety yet!" Bill replied "Why did we sign up for the job to be an astronaut? To be kerbals who only take missions if they are safe. Or to explore kerbol if its the last thing we did." Bob replied "Yeah...Let's do this." Jebediah replied "I knew you guys would do it!" The three went along to the counter to sign up. The three gradually signed up, Their three signatures on the paper! They then returned to their houses about 6:00 PM Kerbin Time KPT (Kerbin Planet Time) Before heading into their houses, They enjoyed a late-lunch. At the table they we're eating at outside, "Hey now that we've signed up for minmus 12, Do you think they'll pick us?" Said Bill Jebediah replied "Why wouldn't they pick us, We we're in the kerpollo 11 and basically maneuvered the ship back into the atmosphere safely when the engines started to overheat to dangerous levels!" Bob replied "Jeb's right, It wouldn't make sense if they didn't. Not a lot of kerbals can do that." Bill replied "Yeah you guys make a good point." After their late-lunch, "Well it's about seven thirty, We should go get some rest. We have a long day of testing ahead of us." Jebediah said. Bill Replied "Yeah, When they say we should show up?" Bob replied "7:00 AM or 5:00 AM To avoid lines of aspiring kerbalnaughts, Man you got short term memory loss?" Bill replied "Heh, I may look old but i still fly the ship way better than you ever could, My friend." Bob replied "Heh, Ain't you a sight for sore eyes." The 3 then went to their houses and went to sleep. 5:00 AM KPT Bill hears a knock at his door, He opens it. There was jebediah and bob. "Man we said we should get up at 4 to get ready, You ain't even packed your spacesuit." Jebediah said. Bill replied "Oh yeah i forgot to set my alarm, I can go get everything that i need done fast" Bob whispers to jebediah as bill goes to prepare "I swear he has memory loss" Jebediah replied "Hah, Not like you've never forgot to set your alarm sometime! Need i remind you kerpollo 11 20 minutes late to the launch because you forgot to set your alarm!" Bob replied "Hah. I guess your right man." Jebediah replies "Lets come in, It's freezing out here." Bill yells "Start the car, I'm ready! Bob and jebediah walk over to the car and start it, Bill comes running out. Then as bill enters the car "Come on let's get going! Freezing out there." bill said. Arrival at the training center "Looks empty" Bob said, Bill replied "Oh, Ain't you a sight for sore eyes." Bob replied "Oh yeah, Your the one who forgot to set your alarm." Bill replied "Heh, Let's go before anymore kerbals arrive so we don't got to wait in the huge line. Besides, It's freezing still." Bob replied "Yeah, How much kerbals suppose to show up?" Jebediah replied as they all exit their car "About 100 if noone calls in sick, Or if some of them reschedule to the next testing date" As they walk up and open the doors of the testing facility "Let me see your testing ticket" The guard said Jebediah replied "Here you go." The Guard replied "Head in, They should be ready for you." Jebediah replied "Thanks." The guard hands jebediah the testing ticket back. Inside the testing facility "Hello Bill, Bob and Jebediah. I've been told you 3 are very good pilots and astronauts, And you we're in the kerpollo 11. You managed to return home safely without help when the engines started overheating at dangerous levels, Around here your historic legends to KSC, You have proven to be great pilots. I'm glad that you signed up." Attendant Manager said. Jebediah replies "Hello, We are here for the test for the mission minmus 12." Attendant Manager Replied "Yes, right this way. We were expecting you, We didn't think you'd come later." Jebediah replied "Yeah, I wouldn't want to be caught up in a huge line of kerbals-- Especially for testing for a mission in space." Attendant Manager Replied "Me neither." They all started walking down the hall of the lobby at the training facility. They approach the end of the hall and then approach a 2 Door Entrance door at the end of the hallway. They open the door to another room As they walk in, "Okay, From here these guards will take you where you need to go." Attendant Manager Said Jebediah Replied "Okay." "Right this way." The guards said. "Seems a bit far-fetched, Wouldn't you say?" Bob said Jebediah Replied "Well we are going to test for a mission to a planet in space, Not like they're going to tell everyone. We may not be NASA But we're KSC. We're a space association, We have classifieds to." Bob replied "Yeah." "Okay, Go straight down that hall door to the right is where they're testing." The guard said. They head down the hall and approach the door on the right. As they open the door "Welcome, That kerbal in the Orange KSC Suit is the testing manager. You'll want to speak to him and let him know You've arrived." Said Training Manager Assistant Jebediah replied "Okay, Thanks." They then approach the kerbal. "Oh! You've arrived. First off for your test You'll take a written test Then from there you'll each be tested in a simulation of the landing. Said Testing Manager Jebediah Replied "Okay, Where will we go to take the written test?" Testing Manager Replied "Go straight down to the left. Take a seat and complete the written test. Come to me when your Done." Inside the written testing room The 3 started their tests. "Wonder why they have a written test as well as a simulation test?" Bill said. Jebediah replied "That i'm not really understanding either. I guess they just want to make sure we really know what we're doing. Besides if anything goes wrong and they can't help they don't want the kerbal dieing because he can't fly the ship." Bill replied "Yeah, Now that you say that it does make a little more sense now." They finished their tests. It took them about 20 or so minutes KPT. They returned to the testing manager "Here's our tests." Jebediah said handing the tests to the testing manager Testing manager replied "Thank You." He then reads the answers "Great job, You've gotten 100% Right!" Testing Manager said Jebediah Replied "Yes, We are experienced pilots." Testing manager replied "Yes you we're in the kerpollo 11, Right?" Jeb replied "Yes." Testing manager replied "Okay, The simulation will start with you landed on the surface of minmus. The other 2 kerbalnaughts with you are bob and bill. You will be able to talk with them by using the microphone provided. Instructions and objectives will appear at the top of your screen, Good luck." Inside the simulation "Hello Jeb, Bob? Can you hear me?" Bill said Jebediah and bob replied "Yes, we can loud and clear." Objective appeared at the top of the screen it sayed "TAKE SURFACE SAMPLE 0/3 TAKEN" "Three?" Bill asked Jebediah replied "All three of us need to take one." They take surface samples A new objective says "Plant a flag" Jebediah plant's a flag. The simulation then ends... They exit the simulation, Greeted by the testing manager. "You have passed. We will test the others, If you get a call from KSC It means you got the mission, If it doesn't then you didn't. "How long will it take?" Jeb said Testing manager replied "Shouldn't take more than one day, If not later sometime today." Jeb replied "Okay, Thanks." Testing Manager replied "Your welcome and Good luck." That ends Chapter 1: The Test Hope you guys have been enjoying the story, It's been a super fun process so far! It's not over yet too. If you guys are reading this, I'd like it if you posted a comment and tell me if you've been liking it too, And what you think i can do to improve the story! There's about 3 parts until the launch. (Not positive may make it longer or shorter) Just a friendly head's up if you were wondering. Or not wanting to finish the story, Just read on and be patient. Trust me you'll wanna know the other parts during the launch so just be patient and keep reading trust me you'll love it! Chapter 2: The News They arrived in the car at their homes. The time was about 1:00PM. We continue our story here... They all 3 exited the car, "So, Everyone sure they got all questions right on that test?" Bill asked jokingly Jeb replied "I'm pretty sure i saw you two sneaking a peek at my paper, Haha." Bill and Bob both Replied "No, What no!" Jeb replied "Pretty defensive for a no. Heh." Bob and bill both replied "Okay..You caught us, Haha." They all laughed. They all followed Jeb to his house. Inside Jeb's House Bill and bob sat down on the couch. Jeb threw 2 soda's at them and they caught them. They all sat down. "So...What ya' Wanna do now?" Bob replied "I really don't know." The phone rings Jeb picked up the call. After the call jeb hangs up, And tells everyone "We got the mission!" Bob and bill replied "Really! Are you serious!?" Jeb replies "Yes! Yes!" Bill and bob reply "Yes! this is so awesome!" "When is the launch scheduled?" bob and bill asked Jeb "In 1 month! We're getting sent a briefing video from the KSC Facility in Colorado in the mail!" bob replied "The videos being stored on some system like an kerpad?" Jeb replied "Yes!" The next morning Jebediah called bill with his kerpad "Hey, Bill. The briefing came. Turns out it was an email. Haha." Bill replied "Oh it was? Haha, Bob over there with you?" Jeb replied "No, I'll tell him next." Bill replied "Oh okay, I'll go ahead and call him for you." Jeb replied "Okay, After your ready go ahead and come over with bill, Breakfast is also here to Heh!" Bill replied "Okay, See you there." The call ended. Bill then got ready to go, When he was done he called Bob "Hey, Bob! The briefing turned out to be sent in an email, Jeb's got breakfast waiting, The briefings ready. I'm going to head over to Jeb's House now, So get ready and head over. Bob yawned as he woke up and replied to bill "K, I'll be over in a few." Then the call ended Bill arrived at Jeb's house. "Bill, Where's bob?" Bill replied "He's getting ready. I woke him up Haha." Jeb replied "Ahhh, Okay come on in haha." Bob knocked on jeb's door jeb then opened the door "Come on let me in, It's Freezing cold hahaha." Bob said Jeb replied as bob came in the house "Haha, You always say it's cold" Bob replied "Because in the mornings it's Always Cold! haha." They all ate breakfast, then sat on the couch to watch the briefing. "Hello, This is KSC Director of Operations and Lead Rocket Scientist, Wernher Von Kerman. It's came to my attention that you've been chosen to do the Minmus 14! I'm much glad that you are the kerbalnaughts for this mission. When i heard that you don't know how Relieved i was! But back on to the reason i sent this Video to you. You are going to go to minmus, You know that. You also understand there is a danger, We don't want to guarantee safety and have it be wrong. You courageously accepted this challenge. This briefing will be short, Everything you Already know. So if you succeed, You will go down in history and you will have helped kerbalkind greatly in their triumph of minmus. You will also be Number ONE Most selected for other missions. If you succeed all three of you will be promoted to Director of Kerbalnaught Operations And be given a medal and ribbon for this triumphant victory for the kerbalkind. That's all for this debriefing, WERNHER VON KERMAN signing off!
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