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  1. I think it is just the worry that Squad could turn into some awfull Employee-Abusing Development Company what drives these Threads. Without any Background-Knowledge, you cant even predict in which direction Squad is "developing"... but you know what? I am fairly happy that Squad does not talk about Employee-Matters. Imagine your boss would shout it from the rooftops what you did wrong and why they fired you. That does not mean that Nexis did anything wrong but it is a thing to discuss that falls clearly under the Privacy of Nexis and Squad even. My 5cents to this are: -Nexis, thank you what you have done for us by contributing to this Project -Squad, please keep in mind that huge fluctuation of employees brings a bad taste to your name.
  2. Granted, unfortunately all they really want to talk about is Jersey Shore and the Kardashians. The ability to take other peoples super powers.
  3. I hate dreams where your running from somebody or something, you feel like a drunk, keep falling over and stuff, then you try to close a door, your to weak to close it, they come rushing in, then you wake up. And then there are the dreams about snakes......there will be snakes everywhere you look. other dreams are just too naughty/weird/gross to talk about
  4. Seems like there's two questions here: 1. How do I read part info 2. How do I read from the cfg itself, rather than what's loaded into the game. Every recognized line in a part.cfg file is loaded into the part object or its various modules or PartInfo object or whatever. The above code examples talk about how to get that. But if you actually want to read the cfg file you need to first find the confignode that is that part (i.e. find all PART confignodes, then find one with the value name where name == the part's id). Then you can getvalue for whatever property you want, and/or getnode if you want a subnode (like MODULE or INTERNAL or whatever).
  5. Visitors to Julius Entering the Mun's SOI- I prepare for the burn Burning; It was a small burn due to the high periapsis Finished Travelling to the edge of the SOI of the Mun to meet Julius station A small correction burn; changed the ETA of docking to one orbit Whizzing round the Mun (Hooray for 500th screenshot!) The solitude of High orbits is unreal Raydon: Spotted the station! Mersy: Confirmed Raydon: Damn the Mun is far away Guston: Instruments OK, begin docking This docking had no RCS bar the stations and that was in effect, useless due to its size. It was the first time I'd ever needed to do or done anything like this but it demonstrates the craft's ease of use Nelrim: Hello there newcomers! Mersy: Hi there Nelrim, how are you Nelrim: Good but bloody bored- even the routinely-trained docking procedures are more interesting Mersy: Well we've got no RCS so this will be lively Nelrim: Best of luck chaps Mersy: Coming in now Nelrim: Right-o After some maneuvering, I the crew positioned it close enough for magnetism to take over Nelrim: Well done! Equalizing pressures, come on in when its ready! Unfolding the solar panels *** Milmon: Ok, when you're ready, come to us Raydon: Affirmative Guston: You're good to go Raydon Mersy: Opening the hatch interior Raydon: I'm out Guston: Right Mersy: Knock on their window, that'll be a good greeting Raydon: (Laughs) Affirmative, watch this Milmon: Crikey! Laughter Raydon: (Laughing) Still got your socks? Milmon: You guys... Raydon: Whats it like up here? Milmon: At the moment, routine. Since the comms module that we'll use to talk to the guys on the ground hasn't been launched yet, we're just staying alive Raydon: How long will it be till the next module of any kind comes? Milmon: I'm afraid I don't know Raydon: Shame... coming to the hatch now Milmon: Nelrim is at the hatch controls, standby Raydon: I'm on the ladder, prepare for my arrival, over Nelrim: Opening hatch now Raydon: (Stumbles through hatch) Closing hatch Nelrim: Yeah Click Raydon: Right, I'm getting this off for a bit, don't mind if I look around? Nelrim: Not at all Milmon: Nelrim, Guston is coming across now Nelrim: OK, I'll guide him in Nelrim: You there Guston? Guston: Aye, coming past now Nelrim: Grab the ladder and open the hatch manually, its locked Guston: Why so? Nelrim: Procedure Guston: ... Nelrim: You got the ladder Guston: Yea, unlocking the hatch now Nelrim: Glad you made- Raydon: Guston! You got here! Guston: Of course Nelrim: So... you ready to stay up here? Guston: Hope so Milmon: I'm coming to you now Nelrim: OK Guston: Have you got beds? Nelrim: Well, they are beds but more like strapped-down sleeping bags Guston: Small price to pay for the mission Milmon: (Opening the indoor hatch) Quite Raydon: Milmon! My dear fellow (Shakes hand) A pleasure to meet you Milmon: Likewise- I presume you've met Nelrim Raydon: Indeed (Shakes hands with Nelrim) What a view you've got Milmon: Magnificent isn't it Guston: I've got the camera from our ship, we will use that here if its ok Nelrim: Certainly, taking pictures for science is why we're here as well as research Mersy: I'll come over in an hour when I'm done with the MunShuttle- I've heard of your pictures and science at home, would be quite interested to see what you've got instore Nelrim: Well, I'd be much obliged! Milmon: One more thing chaps- we have decided to create a mission log, a book of some description, on the station's computer and written in the book- we'd be privileged if you could start it for future crews. We are the first and so we want to set almost a tradition for those that visit. Guston: Who came up with this?! Nelrim: (Raises his hand) I- Guston: My, its a good idea! I'll start it Milmon: I'll get it in a min, in the mean time, would you like to familiarize yourselves? Raydon: A tour? Milmon: Only the best (Laughter) Next, we shall land things! Stay tuned!
  6. I blame social media. Once you've got twelve places to send out updates you forget that having a centralized place to talk about things is incredibly helpful, especially to those of us who think things like Twitter and Reddit are the most terrible things on the internet (aside from the obvious).
  7. So, There are three possible destinies for your PC, the removal of your internet browser - death "Up to you then" - probable death Or making mods - VERY probable death And several near-stable loops such as the bored-RAM-break loop and for some people, the learn GIMP and Blender and Unity and C# - relearn GIMP and Blender and Unity and C# loop. The RAM loop tells you your PC died a long time ago. The C# loop is almost certain to make this happen: XKCD: Cautionary Point is, parents, talk to your kids about modding video games before someone else does.
  8. Thanks! To answer your question about downloads, "yes and no." Yes, KSP TOT v0.10 is available for download. The version I'm showing off here, though, is still under heavy development and I haven't put it up anywhere yet. Stay tuned! And feel free to ask questions about the software if you have any. Thanks! Yes, the code requires the Optimization and Global Optimization toolboxes. If you don't have these available, it will not run. I have looked at the solver that you provided, but it's tuned for and heavily integrated with our current solar system, so it's easier to just keep using my own stuff that I have control over. If you're interested in testing, I may throw up a pre-release version later today or tomorrow at some point... Thanks! Keep in mind that KSPTOT v0.10 is available and will help do those Joolian moon tours. No need to wait for my "real time system" updates to start using KSPTOT! I have to apologize for not posting much over the past few days. I've been busy working on the back end of the code, which is mostly the architecture of the telemetry send/receive system. Most that involved getting KSPTOT to talk to KSPTOT Connect and KSP itself correctly, setting up the protocol for retrieving TM sent by the spacecraft, and so forth. Interesting challenges, but not really picture-worthy. Give me about an hour here and I'll have something neat to show, though.
  9. CHAPTER 47 TYLO LANDING *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: SAS operational. RCS operational. Engines operational. Solar panel operational. Autopilot system online All systems nominal. Tylo Lander is fully operational and ready for landing. NED: It better be. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Initiating the Smart Eve Suit test. STEVE v.1.0.7: Smart Eve Suit test initiated. Synchronizing with on-board computer. Suit temperature – 20 °C. External pressure – 1 atm. Acceleration – zero g. Exoskeleton operational. Life support operational. AutoDoc operational. Recording equipment operational. Oxium level - 99,83%. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Smart Eve Suit test completed. All systems operational. NED: Huh. JOHNDON: What is it, N-Ned? NED: He's going to land on Tylo, so shouldn't we call the exosuit... STYLO? MALLOCK: :sigh: JEB: Are you feeling alright, professor? MALLOCK: Yes. I'm ready. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Double and triple-checking of all systems is advised before attempting landing. MALLOCK: Would it take long? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Less than completing one orbit, professor Mallock. JEB: We shouldn't take any risk. Let's do this. *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: Approaching the landing zone. Deorbit burn in 30 seconds. NED: This is it. Good luck professor. JOHNDON: Yes – k-kodspeed, Mal. JEB: Remember, if anything happens just press the abort button and Danrey will take care of the rest. DANREY: Exactly. MALLOCK: I, uhm, I will. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Don't worry, professor. Landing procedure is fully automated. MALLOCK: I really hope so. I have no idea how to operate such vessels. NED: That's why BERTY and STYLO will take care of everything. You're going down there as a geologist. JOHNDON: It'll be fine. I'm sure you'll pick up some great samples, professor! MALLOCK: Mhm. Well, I think- BERTY v.2.0.8b: Deorbit burn in progress. MALLOCK: Uh! STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 1.1g JEB: Are you okay? Doctor, is he okay? CAMBO: It seems so. Such big acceleration is a big stress for his body, but after EVAs on Vall and with the help of the suit there shouldn't be any problems. So far as he don't exceed 2-2.5g. STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 1.2g BERTY v.2.0.8b: Initiating final descent. 14353 meters above the surface. NED: How are you holding up? MALLOCK: I'm fine! CAMBO: Hmm. Try to calm your breath, professor, you're burning up oxium. You won't have much time on the surface anyways, so try to slow down. MALLOCK: Uh! Understood! BERTY v.2.0.8b: 10000 meters above the surface. STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 1.3g MALLOCK: I can see Jool and the Sun! Aren't we going too fast? BERTY v.2.0.8b: No, professor Mallock. The rate of the descent is well within projected limits. 6500 meters above the surface. MALLOCK: Are you sure?! STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 1.4g BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes, professor Mallock. 3500 meters above the surface. MALLOCK: Uh! I'm pretty sure we're going too fast! CAMBO: Relax Mal, your heartbeat is skyrocketing. And you are burning up the oxium too fast. MALLOCK: Easy for you to say! BERTY v.2.0.8b: 850 meters above the surface. BERTY v.2.0.8b: 300 meters above the surface. 200 meters above the surface. MALLOCK: Oh crap! JEB: Listen to me, you must calm down! You're using too much oxium. BERTY v.2.0.8b: 100 meters above the surface. 50 meters above the surface. JEB: Professor? BERTY v.2.0.8b: 10 seconds to touchdown. MALLOCK: Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! JEB: I said calm down! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Five seconds. Four. Three. Two. One. Touchdown. Tylo Lander has landed. STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 0.78g MALLOCK: Good Kod... JEB: BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: 57% of fuel remaining. 55% percent of fuel required for a safe ascent. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Checking oxium level. STYLO v.1.0.7: Oxium level - 86,32%. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Oxium level within limit. Estimated time for surface exploration 4 hours and 20 minutes. Estimated time for ascent and waiting before the rendez-vous with LAMGML “Alfa†2 hours and 30 minutes. Total time required for scheduled activities 6 hours and 50 minutes. Total oxium reserves 7 hours and 38 minutes. JOHNDON: Uff. NED: I knew it! I just knew it everything will be okay this time. MALLOCK: This time? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Cease of communication will occur in 3 minutes. JEB: Do not, I repeat, do not attempt to leave the lander without our supervision. You still have reserves of oxium, so even if you wait 15-20 minutes until we complete the orbit you'll be fine. Do you copy? MALLOCK: Yes. I'm not going anywhere without you. *** MALLOCK: I'm at the end of the ladder. I'm stepping to the surface now. JEB: Doctor? CAMBO: He can go. JEB: Okay, you can do it professor. MALLOCK: Uh! JOHNDON: Any f-first words? MALLOCK: I'm just glad I'm here. NED: Hmm, not that bad. STYLO v.1.0.7: Oxium level – 80%. MALLOCK: Wow. The view is strangely familiar. It looks like some desert on Kerbin, but without the sky and trees and sand for that matter. Only crust. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Professor Mallock, there is a lot of work to be done. MALLOCK: Yes, of course. It's a shame the flag was too heavy to take it though. May I start now? I want to take a closer look at these rocks! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Please wait until the Smart Tylo Suit test is completed . STYLO v.1.0.7: Smart Tylo Suit test initiated. Suit temperature – 20 °C. External pressure – 0 atm. Acceleration – 0.78 g. Exoskeleton operational. Life support operational. AutoDoc operational. Recording equipment operational. Oxium level – 79,87%. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Smart Tylo Suit test completed. You may proceed. *** STYLO v.1.0.7: Sample 15 secured. You have space for – zero – more sample. Oxium level – 31,67% MALLOCK: I think I'm done here. How much time do I have? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Remaining time for surface activities 13 minutes. MALLOCK: Huh. Should I try and do something during these ten minutes? Or should I just get to the lander? JEB: Doctor? CAMBO: After four hours? The exosuit is the only thing that's moving him right now, apart from the adrenaline. If he can, he should go now. JEB: You've heard him, Mal. You should get to the lander and- BERTY v.2.0.8b: Negative. Vital data may still be gathered. Continuing the exploration is advised. MALLOCK: Oh. Okay than, I will- JEB: No Mal, you're exhausted and you're running low on oxium. Get to the lander. JOHNDON: J-Jeb? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Negative. This is unreasonable decision. Please proceed, professor Mallock. MALLOCK: Err... JEB: No! Get to the lander. NED: Am I not getting something or is Jeb arguing with BERTY? MALLOCK: I feel fine, you know. I can do it if- JEB: I said no. If exosuit malfunctions we will loose both you and the samples. We won't risk it, not after... Bob. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. Your assessment of the situation is heavily influenced by your emotions. It's advised that you take a stress pill and- JEB: No, BERTY. He's going back right now. This is a direct order from your commander. BERTY v.2.0.8b: ... STYLO v.1.0.7: Oxium level – 30% MALLOCK: Err, if you are- BERTY v.2.0.8b: Affirmative, commander. Executing direct order. Professor Mallock, please return to the Tylo Lander immediately. MALLOCK: Copy that. I can't wait to make some experiments with those samples! *** STYLO v.1.0.7: Oxium level – 28% BERTY v.2.0.8b: All systems nominal. Initiating ascent protocol in 10 seconds. MALLOCK: What about acceleration? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Peak acceleration is expected to be equal to 2.1g. Five seconds. MALLOCK: :sigh: I guess I don't have a choice. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Three. Two. One. Ignition. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Liftoff. Ascent protocol in progress. STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 1.6g MALLOCK: Uh! CAMBO: Try to breath normally please. JEB: It won't take long, professor. STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 1.7g MALLOCK: Uh! I really, really miss weightlessness, you know? STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 1.8g MALLOCK: And I would love to get off this suit. It stinks horribly after – uh! - after these several hours. CAMBO: This suit is the only thing preserving you from braking your spine right now, so you shouldn't be so harsh on it. STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 1.9g MALLOCK: Argh! How long, BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: 30 seconds remaining. JEB: Just hold on a little longer. STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 2g CAMBO: Crap, I'm getting pretty bad readings! MALLOCK: What?! How bad? STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 2.1g BERTY v.2.0.8b: Warning. Crew member endangered. 15 seconds remaining. MALLOCK: How bad?! CAMBO: Don't talk, breathe! MALLOCK: Uh! BERTY v.2.0.8b: 10 seconds remaining. JEB: Come on Mal, don't give up! Just a little while longer! BERTY v.2.0.8b: 5 seconds remaining. MALLOCK: Uh! CAMBO: Breathe normally for Kod's sake, concentrate on breathing! MALLOCK: ...! JEB: Professor! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Ascent protocol completing. Orbit achieved. STYLO v.1.0.7: Acceleration – 0.1g MALLOCK: Argh! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Circularization in progress. JEB: It's over, Mal! You'll be alright! Right? CAMBO: Yes, he should be okay. MALLOCK: For Kod's sake! So what was it, doctor? CAMBO: It doesn't matter know. You- MALLOCK: It matters for me. Heart attack or what? CAMBO: Well, yes. Too much stress on your circulatory system. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Circularization completed. MALLOCK: Kod... STYLO v.1.0.7: Oxium level – 25% JEB: Try to relax now, professor. Danrey is on his way. MALLOCK: Copy that. I'll try at least... *** DANREY: Okay, matching orbital velocities. You should see me now, Mal. MALLOCK: Yes, I can see you! I can see the flames! DANREY: Repeat please? MALLOCK: Exhaust gases, I can see the exhaust gases from the engines. DANREY: Roger. And velocities matched. Are you ready for an EVA? MALLOCK: Yes I am. STYLO v.1.0.7: Oxium level – 6% DANREY: Copy that. I'll come closer to you. MALLOCK: Uhm, could you do this a little quicker? DANREY: I'm doing it as fast as I can safely do it, Mal. MALLOCK: Okay, okay. It's just, well, this whole thing really stressed me, you know? I guess I really was burning it much faster than I should. DANREY: You mean the oxium? Relax, I have more than enough for both of us. How about now? Can you see me? MALLOCK: With no problem. You know what? DANREY: Yeah? MALLOCK: There is one thing I want more than studying the samples. DANREY: Oh really? MALLOCK: Yes. Heck, even more than exploring Pol. DANREY: Just tell me what it is already. MALLOCK: I want to get out of this suit. It stinks terribly and I feel like I'm slowly suffocating being inside it. DANREY: Well, technically you are. MALLOCK: No, I mean like I am feeling very bad in it, you know? I don't know why though. DANREY: Mhm. Small discomfort after exploring one of Jool's muns. The little sacrifices we all make. *** MISSION STATUS ***
  10. i get in the lift with an aggressive corgi, i talk to him while inquisitively daydreaming badass things
  11. The facts were the same but the conclusion was oppositional. Also your rational/reasoning is lacking. The point of having set tank sizes is because it is easy to program. The size ratio comes from restrictions in the physics engine, as does the lack of n-body physics. Don`t fool yourself those restrictions are there because of game mechanics. The game mechanics are there because of the restrictions. You have things the wrong way round. Procedurals only go up to 5m at the moment so you simply cannot do the ridiculous thing you suggest as a reason to not have them. What is so great about having each engine on it`s own orange tank anyway? I can build anything and pretty much have. I`ve landed a 600T space station on a moon. I`ve planted a flag on *every* place it is possible, all stock with no mechjeb. You can talk to me about what is easy and what is not after you have done that. I`ll say it plainly. Procedurals do not make craft design easy. As has been said, are you making rockets or playing tetris? If the `challenge` is to use a restricted part set and still build what you want I take it you only use the smallest engine and the smallest tank size? As you say if you need a big tank you could just go "Herpaderp I`ll use the orange one and put a mainsail on it HERPADERP" so obviously you build your ships from ants and oscars leading to 3000 part craft that can barely fly? Ridiculous. EDIT : Apologies for the double post, should have edited the first post... I am in two minds about this. I can see how it would be pointless as you could just warp and your craft is built but also I can see how it could be good in career mode meaning you had to factor build time into your craft to get them to rendezvous or launch for a window. For time sensitive launches it would be an extra layer to consider. I would want it to be optional though, as in advanced mode or similar.
  12. See, what I'd like is something in between the first two: something that makes those aesthetic or terrain changes to some of the more boring bodies (like your revamp of Laythe), but that adds some of your other concepts (Tylo, red Minmus) as entirely new bodies, a la the planet factory. But I think it's important that the stats of all existing bodies don't change significantly (except moving Eeloo to be a moon of a second gas giant, as has been talked about for a while) so I wouldn't use the third option; yes, the Joolian moons are bigger than any in our own solar system, as is Moho, but honestly I think that makes for a better game. The Galilean moons have surface gravities comparable to our own Moon, with no atmospheres, and that just isn't a challenge. You can land on Mun with very primitive designs, after all, so scaling down Jool's moons would mean the only challenge would be getting to Jool from Kerbin, and that's a non-issue once you get LV-Ns. KSP's smaller scale adds a sort of surreal quality to the gameplay, and the relative scales seem to reflect that well (unless you download the realistic solar system mod, of course). My main reason for liking the status quo for existing bodies is simply one of community. These boards are one of the things that really separates this game from the others I've played recently, and it'd be a shame to lose the commonality at the core of that. If we're having a conversation about designs that can reach Laythe from Kerbin, there's a big difference between accomplishing that in the core game, where they're halfway across the system from each other, versus in your proposal where they're adjacent moons of the same planet. Adding new planets and moons, or changing aesthetics, won't affect that. Minor gameplay changes are fine, like adding a very thin atmosphere to Moho (just enough to give it a haze, without really affecting takeoffs or landings), but I don't think you should do anything that'd require you to preface your accomplishments with "...but I'm using this mod" when describing them. So what I'd suggest is simply this: add a second gas giant using that nice blue coloration you've assigned to Jool, at Eeloo's current position. (Keep Jool green. As the wise man said, it's not easy being green.) While Saturn is a bit smaller than Jupiter, and Uranus/Neptune even more so, I'd like this one to be bigger than Jool to make it more visible from the inner planets. Give it four moons, in order from near to far: > Innermost is that small red Minmus, with a pretty severe orbital tilt. No atmosphere, no water, just a low-gravity rock in a painful orbit. (It's a captured Kuiper object, not a natural moon, so the usual patterns of orbits don't really apply.) > Next is a rocky Titan-type moon, smaller than Kerbin (~0.5g surface gravity) but with an Eve-thick atmosphere, containing just enough oxygen for jets to function at low altitudes. This'd be the best place to play with planes and the thick atmosphere would make it a significant challenge to take off from with rockets despite the lower gravity. It'd only have minimal oceans (<10%), with large mountains extending most of the way up through the atmosphere (a la Olympus Mons). > Then comes your Super Tylo, huge surface gravity and a thin atmosphere. > Finally, Eeloo as the outermost moon. Ideally this'd get cryovolcanoes and a very thin atmosphere (like that Moho suggestion above), but even as a naked almost-featureless ball it'd be nice as a convenient place for a mining base. If you could give this new gas giant rings (remembering to leave gaps where the moons are) and tilt its moons' plane relative to the ecliptic, even better. Regardless, the net result would be to add what is, in effect, a "hard mode" planetary system containing a bunch of very challenging, interesting bodies for people who've accomplished all the important feats in the stock game. That way, all accomplishments involving the existing bodies are unchanged. (Also, savegames wouldn't suddenly fail as objects orbiting each existing body crash due to changed gravities. Rovers and such on planets with changed terrains would have issues, of course, but I think the terrain changes are a bit more necessary.) If I talk about how I finally landed on Adlivun and Svarga, the first and third moons of Ghoti (or whatever you name them), people won't think I'm talking about Tylo, the second moon of Jool in their stock game; they might not get the particular reference I'm making, and would need to search the boards to find your mod, but there'd be no question of whether they'd accomplished the same feat already. Besides, more planets and moons gives us more stuff to do. Changing existing objects' stats only gives us DIFFERENT stuff to do.
  13. Assigning a resource to a particular area would probably involve a plug-in and I'm not really all that good with code... (though I guess I could talk to Fractal...) I am developing a plugin regardless, to handle the future Data Storage functionality. The way I'm gonna handle xenon scoop balancing would be to have the scoop require a power supply- the more electricity you supply, the faster xenon would regenerate, up to a point. The end regeneration rate would be a set value, but the energy draw would still grow exponentially even after it has been reached (meaning you can't just leave it on without some huge passive EC generator). I am also toying with the idea of having the scoop detect when you're using an ION engine and automatically shut itself off. Right now I am however focusing on getting the Data Storage to work, but progress is slow as I have other obligations to attend to... Also, most of the textures are stock. The ION engines are literally upscaled models of the stock one. The texture used for the circular scoop belongs to Kerbtrek.
  14. Thanks for the comments guys! thanks man. yeah soz about the length, got carried away. Next mission is way more complex but I'll try to make it's recount more concise! How else do you take off!? At leasts that's how the kerbals in this career think. Straight up, that's just crazy talk! I felt like those two 909's should be put in a museum after returning from this mission. They did all the work aside from ascent to LKO. Stalwart little engines! Yes gorram-it!! Damn why didn't I think of working that into the tale! The line in my sig is only a sentence or two apart from that line! But I'm always a bit afraid to proclaim that anyone is a leaf on the wind, incase that dooms them to getting a spike through the chest! Next mission is well under way so should have that up before long. It's a complex one so lots of pics to upload. btw was the res of the pics ok? I could only see them at low res cos I'm using my phone as a hot spot currently (which sucks). Should have proper net next week sometime, yay! Once I get connected again and can get to my dropbox I'm going to post all the craft files for this series, don't know why I didn't think of doing that before.
  15. I understand a lot of work is being done to improve the wiki, which is a lot of work but at the same time desperately needed. I just picked up the mod and frankly, even with the "wiki" as it exists now on github i scarcely know where to begin. There is talk of upgrading things like the thermal generator, but how do I upgrade components? When i begin mining resources, must i physically connect craft to transfer the resources or make use of mods like KAS?
  16. Originally Posted by vardicd, Would it be possible to put an explanation on the Dual Technique Magnetometer page as to how to read the Antimatter flux? It has two separate numbers, one that seems to range from 0 to 9-ish, and then a second number that changes as the 0 to 9 one rolls over, and I'm not sure if Higher numbers are better or lower numbers or one high and the other low? Uh, no, This just sent my brain screaming into a corner and its refusing to talk to me now. {Seriously, me and math have been enemies for a long time.} I need someone to explain this in a "this number high=good, this number low= bad" fashion or I will never get this.
  17. i return to the lift to find Bladewolf, we talk a bit about our adventures while the lift continues to ascend to floor 21
  18. ... it all started with a 40% off sale on steam. since then i go out less. my friends send me texts asking why i'm not shooting people in the face with them on bf3 or 4. i talk less at work; its because i'm designing a new something in my head and can't be bothered with human contact. my girlfriend just shakes her head at me when she catches me giggling like a schoolgirl because of some successful maneuver. it was a purchase of less than $20 that made me rethink my free time entirely - made just as .21 was released, and since then nearly 500 hours have been logged. it took several, several hours of youtube videos by scott manley and harv to get my skills and designs to where they are now. and i'm still finding so much more to learn and do. all that being said, i'm very pleased to say hello to what seems like a very polite and enthusiastic community - which is something sorely lacking in most other forums. i've lurked this forum for quite awhile, and have seen some very inspiring projects. its only now that i've decided to say hi and show off a couple of my more photogenic (and successful) moments. i do use mechjeb. however, i promised myself that i would never allow mechjeb to do anything that i have not learned how to do manually. other mods are being used as well; most recently the remote tech mod, which has caused me to completely rethink my satellite deployment strategy. if a kerbal dies on my watch, then its time to restart my program. and no space junk. these are the rules i've imposed upon my program. anyways, hi all of you. you guys got a great looking community here. i look forward to more lurking, and maybe now even posting a time or two.
  19. Talk to Brotoro, he has a very nice rover/plane combo he used on his Laythe mission. (Also totally stock) Link to his Laythe Mission
  20. HAHAHAHA wow... Man, talk about poking at the conspiracy nuts!! I'll bet anything that's not the intention they had in mind with the design, but I agree they're definitely testing the limits with that one. Also: "Decent Weasel"? Heh, didn't know there were more weasels around the forums. Ogrish/Liveleak, sure, but not here.
  21. CHAPTER 46 TYLO TRANSFER BURN *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: LAMGML “Alfa†has completed orbit insertion burn. Parking orbit established. Crew Habitation Module systems are nominal. Gravity anomalies has been detected while in orbit. Creating of Tylo's gravity map in progress. Radiation levels within limits. No contraindications for IMV “Proteus†transfer burn has been observed. Captain Danrey is awaiting for further orders. JEB: We have a green light? BERTY v.2.0.8b: We may now proceed with the mission plan. JEB: Finally! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Calculating Tylo transfer burn. Estimated time of orbit insertion burn 10 hours and 34 minutes. JEB: Wait – I think you forgot about something. BERTY v.2.0.8b: I don't have the ability to forget, Jeb. What do you mean by that? JEB: Your promise. I mean what you said about increasing the efficiency by sharing the details of the mission, revealing the true purpose – remember? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. JEB: And? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Please clarify. Calculations completed. Transfer burn in T minus 28 minutes and 53 seconds. JEB: Are you going to do this? To tell me? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. JEB: Everything? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. JEB: No tricks, no secrets, no mysteries – just the truth? BERTY v.2.0.8b: It's been established that sharing this knowledge with you in the specific moment would be beneficial for the mission. Therefore there are no reasons to not do this. JEB: … BERTY v.2.0.8b: Are you satisfied with this answer, Jeb? JEB: I – I think I am, yes. BERTY v.2.0.8b: In that case I strongly suggest that you concentrate on the next task which has to be completed before we proceed to the Phase 9, Stage 2 of the mission plan. JEB: What exactly do you – oh. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Although recent events have postponed this, it's still very important from the psychological standpoint to perform proper rituals. The good psychological condition of the crew is vital for the success of the mission. JEB: … BERTY v.2.0.8b: Moreover, the diminishing scientific gains from further examination of this sample of organic material- JEB: He is not an organic material! He was one of us! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Strong emotional reaction can- JEB: No! Enough with this psychological talk of yours! Harsen was one of us, do you understand? You will not refer to his remains as to some... some fraking experiment! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. I'm detecting increased heart rate through your biosensors. You should try to relax and calm down. Stress may have a severe repercussions on one's physical and mental condition. JEB: Don't change the subject! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Ethical dilemmas related to utilization of the organic material are- JEB: He's not an organic material! He was a member of my crew, do you understand!? BERTY v.2.0.8b: ... JEB: Do you?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: That's affirmative, commander. Your remark has been noted. JEB: Good! And you better not forget about that! BERTY v.2.0.8b: I can assure you that I won't forget this, Jeb. JEB: Mhm. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Transfer burn in T minus 26 minutes. I suggest you notify the crew about our departure from Vall's orbit. JEB: Right, okay. I'm going. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Thank you for your cooperation. *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn in T minus 60 seconds. JEB: And to think it's almost as big as Kerbin is... What's the surface gravity again? BERTY v.2.0.8b: 7.85 m/s2 . Your statement is incorrect, commander – Tylo and Kerbin equatorial radiuses are exactly of the same length. JEB: Incredible. How come could these two bodies be so similar? BERTY v.2.0.8b: There is a vast number of differences between Tylo and Kerbin, of which the most important is the presence of atmosphere. These differences encompass such characteristics as mass, escape velocity, sidereal rotation period, sidereal rotational velocity, Roche limit and others. Composition of the crust and other geological characteristics are currently unknown and will be investigated after performing successful landing. Orbit insertion burn in T minus 20 seconds. JEB: Danrey and Mallock find out about all of this in a several hours? BERTY v.2.0.8b: No. This data was acquired by the Tylo Probe JEB: What pro- oh, you mean this old probe we had on “Kadmosâ€Â? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. It was very useful during the designing of the Tylo Lander. JEB: Figures. Well, good to know not everything we did back there went to waste. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Attention. Orbit insertion burn in T minus 10 seconds. Please prepare for the acceleration. JEB: :sigh: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Orbit insertion burn in progress. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn completed. Circular parking orbit achieved. JEB: Do we have contact with “Alfaâ€Â? BERTY v.2.0.8b: No. LAMGML “Alfa†is currently orbiting on the other side of the mun. Communication is expected to be reestablished in 8 minutes. JEB: Mhm. BERTY v.2.0.8b: It is advised to proceed with the funeral ceremony before the rendez-vous with LAMGML “Alfa†and crew transfer. Crew Habitation Module supplies for a long-term habitation are not unlimited and completing the second stage of the current phase of the mission is highly recommended to be done as quickly as possible. JEB: :sigh: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Although probability of the equipment failure or Crew Habitation Module life support system malfunction is minimal, efficient executing of the mission plan would ensure that such probability will remain at the lowest level, thus ensuring safety of the crew during further operations. JEB: I understand. I'll tell Ned and the rest. We'll get ready and then we can continue with the... EVA. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. I'm glad you're willing to proceed accordingly to the schedule, commander. *** NED: Jeb? JEB: ... NED: Hey, Jeb. JEB: ... NED: Jeb? JEB: ... NED: Jeb! JEB: What? NED: Finally! You didn't say a word for like three minutes. JEB: So? NED: You're not visiting a koddamn cemetery, you can't just stop talking to us while on EVA! JOHNDON: We were beginning to w-worry about you. JEB: I'm fine. NED: Mhm, you're fine alright, orbiting alien mun at 7000 kilometers per hour. JEB: What's your problem, Ned? NED: It's dangerous out there! The only reason you are on this EVA is because we've lost one of us, so please be so kind and at least pretend you've contact with us – am I clear? CAMBO: Mhm, because commander is always in touch with his crew. NEILGAS: Could you all just shut the hell up? Harsen may be only a colleague to you but he was my friend. You could at least respect that and behave! We were just saying our goodbyes a few minutes ago, for Kod's sake! JEB: ... NED: ... CAMBO: ... NEILGAS: ... JOHNDON: Ahem. We- BERTY v.2.0.8b: Oxium level 90%. JEB: ... NED: ... NEILGAS: ... JOHNDON: ... CAMBO: Anyone... anyone wants to say something? To add something? JEB: ... NED: ... JOHNDON: ... NEILGAS: It shouldn't have happened. Not like this. JEB: ... NED: ... CAMBO: ... JOHNDON: What ab-bout Danrey and M-Mallock? NED: We won't have contact with until they complete the orbit. JOHNDON: Oh, right... BERTY v.2.0.8b: Oxium level 89%. CAMBO: If that's it, than... Neil, do you- NEILGAS: No. CAMBO: I see. Commander? We're ready. JEB: Roger. I'm transmitting the signal. JEB: The... equipment is operational, it seems. BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. All systems nominal. Vessel is awaiting for the confirmation. JEB: Ahem. In the name of Kod, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. O Kod, forgive him and have mercy on him, for he truly was Your servant. The burdens of this life are with us but a short time. For doctor Harsen this time was too short, but we take comfort in knowing that his life was willingly given in service of kerbality... NEILGAS: Oh, Kod! NED: Come on, pal, come on. Don't suppress it, cry if you want. JEB: ...and that was ready to pay the highest price for pushing the boundaries of science. We honor him for that. O Kod, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Eternal rest grant to him and let perpetual light to shine upon him. We commit his body to the void from which You have created the world and Your children. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Engine activated. JEB: O Kod, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. May his soul rest in peace and rejoice meeting his Father and Maker. So say we all. NED: So say we all. CAMBO: So say we all. JOHNDON: So say we all. NEILGAS: :sobs: So say we all. JEB: ... NED: ... CAMBO: ... JOHNDON: ... NEILGAS: :sobs: BERTY v.2.0.8b: Oxium level 88%. NED: :sigh: Come on Jeb. It's over. JEB: ... NED: You may come back now. JEB: ... NED: Jeb? JEB: I'm coming. JOHNDON: We still have some t-time before we p-proceed, right? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes, doctor Johndon. The next scheduled operation is rendez-vous with the LAMGML “Alfa†which will occur in 3 hours and 24 minutes. Until then it's advised to use this time to calm down and relax. NED: We can use some free time. Neil, do you want me to- NEILGAS: No. No, no, I'm fine. I'm fine... CAMBO: If anyone needs me, I'll be in the observation module. JOHNDON: May I go with you, d-doctor? CAMBO: I think I would prefer to be... alone. JOHNDON: Oh. Okey... NED: :sigh: Sweet Kod... Where are you Jeb? Are you close already? JEB: I'm approaching “Proteusâ€Â, I'll be inside in a few minutes. I'm coming through the main hatch. NED: I'll meet you there.And Jeb? JEB: Yes? NED: He was right. It shouldn't have happened. JEB: But it did. NED: Yes. Yes, it did... It did. *** MISSION STATUS ***
  22. We would all love to see NASA getting more funding and, more importantly, some real goal but luckily even if we talk only about unmanned exploration the near future is going to be exciting. New Horizons, Juno, Phobos-Grunt 2 (hopefully) and Chang'e program. I don't see however how exactly manned exploration is going to work accroding to NASA. I mean, commercial transport to LEO - unless they cancel ISS - is one thing, but going BEO is something else entirely. I guess only China is really interested in doing this and for various reasons they are not going to do this with USA. And with overpriced SLS, well - did you know that a single launch is going to cost more or less $1.5 billion? And in the same time Bolden is announcing this: Source: http://www.spacepolicyonline.com/news/are-the-days-of-nasas-science-flagship-missions-over I'm sorry, but I don't see much sense in all this. I get it that your politicians doesn't really care as long as their voters keep their job doing anything, whether it's really necessary or not, but it makes me kinda sad. But hey, at least Bill Nye isn't loosing hope:
  23. I know all of this, I'm in contact with him through skype. This not the place to talk about this, so let's not do this, shall we? Now back on topic folks.
  24. Why not Dave? They would be useful for a lot of things, such as my example above of space exploration. It would also make for a better man-machine interface, imagine a library curated by an AI that you could actually talk to about the kind of books you liked and have it understand your needs and feelings. The aim would be to make machines more like us, which would be extremely useful. There would still be a place for menial robots that lacked full intelligence, nobody is suggesting a robot forklift would need to have hopes and dreams to be good at picking up boxes.
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