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  1. Do you talk about the MEM? For now, you cannot do EVA with it because there's no hatch yet. I'll add it in the next update in september. The rover is an un-manned probe so there isn't any kerbonaut in it. If you really want some, you can edit the part file.
  2. http://www.twitch.tv/kurtjmac/b/328128129?t=205m55s watch from this point to here the talk between the Devs and Kurt.
  3. Dell Inspiron 1525s are a good little laptop, as old as mine is she still has decent bang for the buck. But yeah, other than adding RAM or a larger hard drive, for the most part laptops cannot be upgraded due to strict limits of size, temperature, and power consumption. You should talk to a local computer shop. Most areas have a couple of little one and two man computer specialists that can custom build you the best value for your money, resulting in a system without the bloatware of the name brand builds and with far superior performance. Though if you don't want to wait for a custom build, just make absolutely certain it has at least an Intel I3. Walmart in particular is still actively unloading AMD Semprons and Pentium Dual Core machines that are in fact leftover old systems that didn't sell yet because of the economic crash in 2008. They'll be no advantage over what you have now, so hold out for that I3 or I5 powered machine. Also, if you can find one within your budget, try to get an NVidia GPU that supports PhysX. Kerbal takes advantage of PhysX for physics processing, having a GPU that supports it will make a tremendous performance boost.
  4. Here you are: http://fr.twitch.tv/kurtjmac/b/328128129 (edit: I was ninja'd, but this link will get you directly to the video) The interesting part starts at 3 hours or so, I believe, and lasts till the end of the video. A reminder, though, for everyone who would watch it: DO NOT talk about anything that is not related to 0.17, as Damion warned in the previous thread.
  5. This is the second 0.17 discussion thread. Thread Rules: 1. Talk about 0.17 only! 2. No talking about other updates or stuff that will never be implemented! 3. No arguments! Keep this thread newbie-friendly, so if we get lots of pages and a newbie comes with a new question, don't shout at them, answer politely. Link to Official 0.17 Update features: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/15757-KSP-0-17-Update Here is an album that Novasilisko (The KSP developer) posted about the planets and his interplanetary mission. http://imgur.com/a/clX81
  6. Also hoping for a transcript of the KSP stuff, as with the dev chat a while back (currently a sticky thread) Some cool stuff though by the looks. Eve looks great, awesome to see the colour tones of Charr toned down (that is the Mars-like planet right?) Also, the physical model of Kerbol is epic to see! Ive been waiting to see that intergrated since very early on playing KSP Also hoping to see a transcript up at some point, not sure how likely that is however, but it would be great to read everything which was said (like with the Dev talk sticky in this section, from quite some time ago) But yeh its great to see all this new stuff for 0.17, Eve looks great! Its good to see Charr (thats the mars planet yet?) has had its colour tones dialed down a little. And Im very excited to see the physical body for Kerbol now, Ive been wanting to check out the actual physical body of the start since the start of my time playing KSP!
  7. Sbowyer28


    G'day Not much for Talk or Help, But This is your local Derpin Engineer, Happy Derpin
  8. Took a long time to make this. The shuttle really is an incredibly complex machine. The main problems I faced were balance issues. I'm attaching a huge craft to the side of a rocket or fuel tank, so obviously there are going to be some balance issues. After experimenting with SRBs a little, I scrapped them deeming them too complicated to add to an already complex project. So instead, the orbiter is attached to the side of a rocket. Another thing about balance is that as the external fuel tank uses fuel, the weight balance changes, meaning we have to change the net force on the craft. Normally, I'd reduce the power on the rocket the shuttle is riding on. However, this is Kerbal and we can't do that, so instead there are side mounted rockets that are ejected as the external fuel tank uses fuel. I think I was able to get it balanced without making it too complex. All right, enough talk. Here she is: The back, showing the rockets that will be discarded. So the point of this was to show that you can make a simple orbiter in Kerbal Space Program without resorting to ridiculously huge contraptions. I might post a video later.
  9. Not sure where you heard that, but as far as I know testers can't talk about it, let alone make videos of it. Also, if anyone knows things I missed please tell me so I can add it!
  10. A person like Kurt will have a lot of people watching their live streams regardless. Mind you, it's not the person streaming that I avoid, it's the traffic. I like being able to talk with the host and even 50 active viewers sending IMs on the chat would make that difficult. And Steam...that's interesting. Greenlight if I'm not mistaken?
  11. I know this is probably old-hat to most of you, but I haven't been able to take a photo (screenshot, picture, whatever you wish to call it). Can someone talk me through the process. I'm not sure if it's a settings thing, or something with my computer, but just let me know, using small words as apparently I'm an idiot in this regard, how to go from seeing something you want to photograph, to having a picture in a file which I could share with all of you. Thanks
  12. There is a mod called empty cabins or something like it, you could talk with the guy! I'm not on the pc right now /:
  13. Hello everyone, I started a new series about KSP! And this isnt for you all to subscribe to me, I just want to know what I can do better and what I do good. Episode 1 is pretty simple. KIND OF a tutorial for newbies. (Not 100% but it is KIND OF) So guys, tell me what you all think. Episode 1 > This is Episode 2, I really like doing this since I already got 117 views from episode 1! But It was a little late so sorry if I didn't talk too much. It will be better in the next episode! No mods were used and no mods might be used in the future...
  14. Just had an interesting conversation. User: Hello. Cleverbot: Hi there, nice to have you on board. User: I'm on a boat? Cleverbot: I'M ON A BOAT! User: You are? Cleverbot: How do you think I got here? User: Got where? The internet? Boats don't go to the internet. Cleverbot: Baot is. User: What's Baot, exactly? Cleverbot: I don't know. Do you? User: No, that's why I asked you. Cleverbot: Josh is probably someone completely different from me. User: What? Cleverbot: Never you mind. Lets talk about something else. User: Okay. Name a topic. Cleverbot: The weather. User: Wonderful weather we're having, isn't it? Cleverbot: They shouldn't be. User: Who's 'they'? Cleverbot: The old books. User: The old books shouldn't be what? Cleverbot: The old man who knew ben. User: What? Cleverbot: All hail inglip. User: Oh wait, the old man is from that one creepypasta. Cleverbot: The old man says what? User: I don't know, you brought it up. Cleverbot: I brought up what? User: The old man. Cleverbot: Why? User: I can't read your mind. Cleverbot: Why can't you read my mind? User: Because I don't have magical powers. Cleverbot: Because because because because. User: Of the wonderful things he does? Cleverbot: In moderation. No more than 23 times a week. Cleverbot: Who am I? User: Cleverbot, why? Cleverbot: No I'm not. User: Whatever you say. I have to go. Cleverbot: Okay. User: Bye. Cleverbot: No don't go! User: Too late. I'm already gone. Cleverbot: No you're not. User: Prove it. Cleverbot: I can't. User: Exactly. Bye now. Cleverbot: Bye.
  15. Very Nice but you are not giving them your best potential i am offring you work with us at gold stingray.inc we are a big company with thousands of people looking at us we can get thesse plane more notice for download msg and we can talk
  16. so far this entire thread is basically planet talk, but not about IVA's will IVA's just be a cockpit view, or will it include floating around inside a ship?
  17. Is this monolith talk a reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey?
  18. What's the rationale behind not including a link to what you are describing into the post where you talk about it? Maybe it's just me, but I have signatures disabled because of too much <strike>stupid</strike> useless stuff in too many of them...
  19. This talk about planets and their orbits intersecting is bothering me. I think the planets should be in circular orbits, no matter how unrealistic it may be. It is a game, not a fully accurate simulator.
  20. Difficult to implement or not is not what will make the devs run away from docking, plus it has already been worked on. I think it will come in due time somewhere not too far in the future (when staging is completely rebuilt). For the time being, we have some pretty planets to look at (from afar), and will probably soon have a glimpse of those interior views C7 is working on. And we can also talk about those parts Nova is working on: new, large-sized (A)SAS and RCS tanks/thrusters being the most important right now.
  21. Cant we talk bout planets instead of docking, I want to know who is ready for planetary missions atm.
  22. Or, we could talk about .17, and the awesome new planets. Go intense red! Choose intense red!
  23. Yeah, let's not talk about this again shall we?
  24. I may not be a mod but this is my thread so let\'s talk about the .17 update and not about Apollo please...
  25. I have never understood why people feel the need to say this every time a suggestion for improvement is brought up. Are we not allowed to talk about the game until final release? By then it is too late to affect the features. Klopchuch thanks for those stats that\'s very interesting. I\'ll use those ratios when making cfg edits haha
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