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  1. Not guaranteed. Who knows, maybe their just messing with us. Please, talk to us!
  2. I hope that Squad doesn't decide to stop talking to the community because some whiny idiots in r/gaming decided to complain about not being Squad's bosses because they bought one game. Dear Squad, We don't hate you. Please talk to us?
  3. It says under the forum name what goes where. Like: General Discussion(110 Viewing) Anything and everything about Kerbal Space Program. or General Add-on Affairs(6 Viewing) A General Discussion Place for Talk of All User-Made Things
  4. Actually, most SF universes have explanations that more or less sense in their lore, it's just that it rarely shows up in the visuals. Let me take Star Trek for example: One of the primary ship weapons in ST is the 'photon torpedo'. The lore says that it is powered by a small warp drive and moves at FTL speeds. However, watching any episode where they fire them they appear to be moving at a few hundred Km/h at most (basically at a same relative speed as an AA missile fired from a fighter plane). Also, in a few episodes during a battle scene, the crew members talk about ranges of several thousand kilometers or more but the visuals show the ships dogfighting at a range that seems less than a few kilometers. So, you can rationalize it by imagining that the battle does take place over ranges of thousands of kilometers and you are being shown a 'simulation' with ship sizes greatly exaggerated and visual and audio effects added so it would be more visually exciting and more easily understood... or something...
  5. I'm in High School- I should talk to my Planetary Exploration teacher about this, I have no idea why it never occurred to me to do so
  6. Well, there are a couple of problems. For space exploration, you want a high Isp engine. For space combat, you want a high thrust engine. An ion drive can reach up to around 210,000 seconds Isp, but you'll be lucky to get a miserable 10,000 newtons out of each engine (while a single Saturn V F1 engine can easily do more than seven million newtons). Maybe an ion drive can give you a much higher delta V, but it doesn't help you in combat if it takes a few months to accelerate up to speed. But the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about is the fact that anything a space fighter can do, a missile or drone can do better. For many reasons. Like the fact the drone can use accelerations that will turn a human pilot into a thin layer of red goo covering the back wall of the crew cabin. And the fact that the fighter has to carry fuel to delta V to transit to rapidly the target, delta V to match velocity with the target, delta V to transit back to the mothership, and delta V to match velocity with the mothership. A missile just has to carry fuel to delta V to transit rapidly to the target, period, because the missile does not have to come back home. If manned fighter only carried that little fuel, you'd soon run out of pilots. There are more reasons here: http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/spacegunexotic.php#id--Space_Fighters *Having said that* I know that space fighters are too irresistibly romantic for science fiction writers and fans to avoid. So please carry on with what you were doing.
  7. I need to talk to you as well. Shame I'm barely on while you're awake. Um, I'll PM you now, and wake up around 3-4AM CST which is 8-9AM UTC. So yea, sending PM now..
  8. Isn't that small black ring beneath the decoupler and the ASAS a SAS unit? As for the rest, I think she'll work it out. She likes to experiment. And we still talk about how she wants to do stuff. She told me this morning that after she learns to dock, she plans to put a docking port on each stage and de-orbit debris so that her near-Kerbin space won't end up as cluttered as mine. Actually, shortly after her orbital success, she put some landing gear on it, took it out to the pad to try it out... and was disappointed to find out that the demo's landing gear don't reach past the end of the engine bell. So she's looking forward to "better" landing gear, too. The "improvement" that immediately occurred to me was to ensure that the radial decouplers fire after the four tanks/engines around the core and before the engine on the bottom of the core. But hey, she made it work. I'm sure she'll try to make the design even better.
  9. I think You guys overreacting, there are still regular dev-blogs and what is the point of making streams before is anything new to show ? There was long dev-talk only few weeks ago and everything has been told, so let this guys do their job peacefully and be patient .
  10. She finally did it! I told my eight-year-old daughter she could get a full version of Kerbal Space Program if she stuck with it long enough to get a rocket into orbit. I'd help her as much as I could, and answer any questions she might have, but I wouldn't build her rocket or fly it for her. She worked at it for a while, but got distracted by a Disney game she got for Christmas. I thought I might have missed my window to get her interested. Last night, she came running up to me. "Dad! Dad! Dad! Come look!" -- and she took me to the computer and proudly moused over the periapsis and apoapsis in the map view. Both were higher than 70,000 meters over Kerbin. She didn't have enough fuel to get back, but she couldn't have been any more pleased with herself. Grinning from ear to ear and just beaming with happiness. She had done it. So, first thing this morning, I set her up with a store account and got her her own copy of KSP. We'll download a full copy of the game when I get home. Thank you, devs, for the opportunity to share spaceflight with my daughter in such a way that she can see why it's so interesting and so much fun to me, even though she's eight. And you should hear her talk about technical issues surrounding spaceflight with her friends! ("I was going to turn retrograde and land, but I ran out of fuel. It doesn't matter, though; Jebediah looks pretty happy anyway.")
  11. No mods are allowed, because then EVERY participant would have to get the mod and 70 percent of people do not want to add more mods. Maybe we could talk to hawk and do another thread but with mods? Like, talk in here about what mods we could use for the new thread he could make and only those mods can be used nothing else, and this thread would be strictly vanilla?
  12. I've gotten the impression from the dev chats that there won't be a campaign. Career mode isn't a campaign, and almost every time I've heard them talk about career mode or achievements, they've emphasized that they're not talking about anything like a campaign.
  13. Seriously, people, this is effectively a thread posted for people to talk about how they jerk-off (give or take). But please, keep your fetishes to their own Forum.
  14. SQUAD totally should talk to NASA about getting official "Approved by NASA" sticker. How cool would that be? And NASA could show KSP demo to visitors at their science fairs. A real rocket scientist helping you build your first rocket, and put it in orbit? Woohoooo!
  15. so out of curiosity what is this site you talk of? it it http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/index.php ? happy launching
  16. 40k is my 2nd favorite sci fi series I just love the darkness. who ever designed the Maus deserves hero of socialist labor for helping the Soviets ending the war early.but if we want to talk about unstoppable tanks well the Maus cant penetrate this tank anywhere from the front.
  17. True. I'm rather good a KSP but orbiter, well let's not talk about the dead guys. The user below me understands basic rocket scince.
  18. Neither of these are valid. You can't say, "You are traveling at high fraction of c". You can only say, "You are traveling at high fraction of c relative to ..." And the rest of the universe travels at very different speeds. Now, what you can say is that you are traveling at high fraction of c relative to nearby stars. The stars within a few hundred light years, id est, all the visible ones, are not going to be moving very fast relative to each other, in general. So you can take their average velocity and measure speed relative to that. (Or the interstellar medium, which should be moving about as fast.) In that case you can say that if you are traveling at high fraction of c relative to these, they move at high fraction of c relative to you. And since these are going to be the only objects you see beside your ship, we can now talk about what sort of an effect this has on what you are going to see. So that's the answer to the OP's question. It's not the fact that you're moving at high fraction of c that changes how things look. It's the fact these particular objects you look at are rushing by you at high fraction of c that makes them look that way. And that's an absolute regardless of your chosen frame of reference. So there is no contradiction with speed of light being a constant.
  19. I was building a sat/probe/launcher for Duna and then noticed that Jool is coming up slightly before Duna and had the "bright" idea to double the mission to both. The sat/probe has ~10k dV (ion) attached to a nuclear inserter (~6k dV). I actually redesigned the inserter to give it more oomph specifically for Jool but now you guys are giving me second thoughts. I totally like the idea of multiple cores for Jool and already have a design in my head for how I can further adapt the inserter to have a bunch of probe/sats peel off from side mounts. My probe/sat design weighs ~0.9t currently and I thought I seemed fine but maybe I should add moar solar panels (serves me right for testing the thing around Kerbin and not further away from the sun *facepalm*) ... but that would propabbly mean redesigning the probe/sat completely to be able to fit extra panels ... or I could just like go with a bunch of totally "expendable" probes. Like a MIRV, only less dangerous (or more... depending on which Kerbal you talk to). I think I can fit 12 onto my inserter, shoot them off into multiple trajectories once I get to Jool and go for the fire, forget, hope and pray approach... I mean since I have never been to Jool, might as well see what happens and let it be a surprise. Anyway thanks for the ideas and tips. PS> I totally love Kaku. He reminds me of my university Philosophy prof, he always looks like he knows something that no-one else does... (which he does) ... and enjoys the fact that he does.
  20. ...he's started asking about where some of these other planets are in the Kerbal system. You know, ones that don't exist in the game anywhere but he insists are out there. I figured I share the names and basic characteristics with you guys, in case any of you ever happens to come across any of them. Let's see...first, there's Arde (ar-DEE) and Binbin. Binbin is yellow and Arde is red. There is some confusion as to which one is supposed to be the planet and which is the moon. Then again, he thinks Ike is a planet. It's somewhere past the orbit of Eeloo Then there's Orkinee. It's way far away. Seriously. Like, I drew the rest of the system for him with straight lines between the orbital lanes; Orkinee was past the orbit of Binbin and the line was very long and not straight. So I guess it's seriously far away... There's another planet called Arkin. It's black. That's all I know. He doesn't talk about that one much. Your guess is as good as mine whether or not it has anything to do with Alan Arkin... Anyway, y'all be on the look out for those. (Just thought I'd share that with y'all. Mainly in case the developers are looking for names for any up and coming spheres in the Kerbol system).
  21. Any of you play Team Fortress 2? If not, go play it, its free. Anyway, I got a neat idea to create a Kerbal Pyro in Tf2, and i've gotten a few lines along "Go home Jeb, you're drunk" from more than a few people. I still need to name the Bubble Pipe and the Sight for Sore eyes, get creative! Feel free to add me on steam if you'd like to play some TF2 with me, or just talk about Kerbal Space Program, i'm around alot!
  22. I will check your ship out tomorrow(after 12h) Do you use any mods beside B9 in that ship? Ok Pinolallo I tried to check your plane but it uses some mods which I don't so I didn't check it but I saw that it uses 364 parts in it. REALLY?! 364?! For what reason you have so.. many parts in it? in older KSP versions that would be limit of game itself now it is bigger I think but still.. I have descent computer but such plane would start to lag me out when we talk about physics frame rate and if you warp such plane and then dewarp just wait for trouble.. I had dewarp problems on stock game with no mods when I make something ~200 parts that would be most complex and biggest what I do. So I suggest you to try and make that plane with 2X less parts you know.. like change fuel tanks with bigger alternatives, instead of bunch of small wing parts use bigger ones and so on.. This game has problems when part count goes boom and that does not depend on mods. And as Taverius said it is likely because of how velocity is calculated on parts. Maybe just try to use step down dewarp? Like you go for 50X then less, less up to 0 not just 50X and full stop, and I bet that when you try even 2X physics acceleration your ship just wobble out of control into parts.
  23. It's a particularity difficult to navigate area. If it's more difficult than anywhere else I have no idea though. [edit] Yeah, as others have said, does not appear more difficult than anywhere else, it's just more people talk about it.
  24. the ideas were to basically give a loan to start up a business and eventually get the money back from the business that is the main principal of my ideas that is what I really wanted to talk about was the principle, besides employing more people by creating businesses allows money to flow which is what any economy needs "the flow of money"
  25. I feel a little let down by the community managers. 1) The Streams per se didn't start the DLC affairs. 2) There are 3, I repeat, 3 new dev blogs 3) The stram doesn't need to be 2 hours long. A 10 minute Stream would be fine. just the community feels listend to. 4) If the community managers are too busy, maybe squad should get a 3rd community manager, just for the streams + video promotion? Resume: Don't look back in anger START OVER EDIT: Stuff to talk about: - New game database (what changed, why the overhaul,..) - flag planting (talk about what Harv wrote in his blog, + show some live stuff) - get clara in stream (to welcome her, ask her how she likes do be dev, what she is doing, + telling her that er IVA's look great) - wheels ( show the pics, tell us more,...) - answer some questions (what is possibly going to be in 0.20, how much of mining is still comming,...) - there is SO MUCH STUFF to show EDIT II: I DISAGREE. KSP started as a community. It grew with the community. It should stay with the community. Plus: New players from steam are joining the community -> forum servers get high loads
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