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  1. Moderators warning! Talk of having pirated the game might get you in a bad, bad spot.... Not advisable.... But even less so is to actually do it, that's just evil... KSP is made by a tiny company based on Mexico, they are just big enough to manage with what they have, and some of the crew isn't even hired as full time Piracy on KSP is basically robbing your brother or similar.... Squad is not a large corporation with millions to invest on risk.... This is actually their first and only title, and the no-DRM policy serves as a model of honest design and thoughtfulness What you did was honest, no doubt - in the spirit of not punishing honesty, i will not burn this thread down (just yet, still other mods might) Btw - there's no such thing as a pirated copy of the game... It has no DRM, so you could only download it legitimally by logging in with a valid store account.... After that, the game is delivered in .zip format, no installers, no messy what-did-i-just-put-in-my-pc nonsense... Unzip, play.... If you have an account with a proper purchase, then your installation is valid.... The problem here is not as much the pirated copy as it is the pirate distribution source Some users have been able to report these foul sources to whoever does the hosting and get them taken down... This is a very noble thing to do, if at all possible Please, spread the word - KSP is built on the philosophy of "make money to make games, don't make games to make money" And get better friends, really.... Cheers!
  2. With all this talk about a straight flying rocket: I ask because I think it's what's attributing to the erratic behavior of my rocket, I try and launch at a very, very slight incline until I past the first layer of atmo, light blue, and then for each layer curve more into a circular orbit. I've got this down and am now able to nail a near perfect equatorial Kerban orbit every time. Thing is, if I push my rocket too much in terms of angle, it will lost control and lean way too far despite disabling SAS and counter steer, it will lean back the other way and go out of control. I have to cut engines and prematurely eject the stage, and then parachute into the ocean. I can't make up all that delta V.
  3. We'll probably colonize the Moon in this century if not Mars, but we'll soon have web servers in an Earth orbit and possibly on the Moon. Talk about information at the speed of light! Someone's bound to invent a "get across the solar system quick, easy, and cheap" method of space travel, and that will surely get us on Mars pretty quick. I don't know about transferring energy through beams. It's probably being developed, but that will make space colonies grow much faster. In the distant future, humans will become very diverse in culture. They will overcome most challenges that the Universe does. However, they will face many more risks than ever before. Probability can predict the probability of a race's survival, but it cannot accurately predict how far it will prosper.
  4. Hi, Welcome to Science & Spaceflight, a place to discuss all things pertaining to science and general geekdom. This is much like The Lounge, except there is a bit of a topic of sorts. KSP talk is allowed, as long as it's founded in geeky and/or scientific notions... Otherwise, it probably goes in General Discussion. Goes without saying, no spam and postcount-padding allowed here, or anywhere for that matter. All usual forum rules apply. So, that's about it I think. Come on in and let loose your inner nerd! Cheers
  5. Update on my previous post: the Munar Reconnaissance Platform I talked about is now in Low Munar Orbit, with its first crew of 3 Kerbalnauts! •Functional telescope, possible using the fixed camera mod and Probododyne kit: EDIT to new posters: read carefully the OP; we're supposed to talk about our stations, how they're built, what we use them for, etc..., not just post screenshots.
  6. First of all, what do you need Python for? Second of all, it isn't hard to google a basic modeling tutorial. Third of all, all the KSP modding tutorials are mostly out dated now, and I wouldn't recomend using them. Go on youtube and look up a basic modeling tutorial. Find out how to UV unwrap. Show me a model, then we can talk about getting it in to KSP.
  7. If you want to talk about this Papa_Joe, you can do so in Off-Topic, this subject is old, done to death and wont achieve much, everyone knows docking is a planned feature eventually and that a few docking mods now exist. Moving thread
  8. How could you guys talk about compression at a time like this. I've got a fever and the only prescription is the Kosmos update. I would get it in the mail on a Jaz disk and comb thrift stores looking for a Jaz drive if it came down to it.
  9. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34032[/ATTACH] Shown here is the "clean" configuration without optional S.I.D.E. pods. Yeah, we know it looks mean. Don't worry, it doesn't bite... Just don't get too close. People with anxiety, heart conditions, high blood pressure or incontinence should not ride in the RAT. May cause extreme excitement. Serious or even fatal side effects have been reported when operating a RAT rover. Before starting or riding in a RAT talk to your doctor to see if you are healthy enough for exciting activity. "RAT" and "DEMV" are trademarks of Bobcat Ind., all rights reserved
  10. I was trying to get a MapSat out to Duna today. I made it very close on the first try. I got excited when I saw I could slingshot off Ike and save myself some time (since I'm using a nuclear reactor and ion engine, fuel is "free"). However, I quickly learned that one should zoom WAAAY in and closely examine the encounter orbits. My teacher? Hearing my probe slam into Ike instead of harmlessly whizzing by! My second try was much more successful. Note about the engine and "free" fuel - yea, it was hard to get it up there. 300+ ton launch vehicle, intermediate stage about 80 tons. The actual probe? 25! Not much on the probe except for the nuclear reactor, ion engine, and battery... but holey smokes that was heavy. Taking off of Kerbin, there's a spot where I have about 20 seconds before I hit apoapsis while still in a ballistic arc. I catch even about there, and only then start pushing it out ahead of me and gaining orbital velocity. Talk about cutting it close! Not to mention, a single ion engine pushing 25 tons is... slow. Like, really slow. (about 1m/sec ÃŽâ€v) So, here are some screenies. I realize the 4x NERVA is quite heavy - but as I can get up there with those tanks half-full, those will get me quickly into solar orbit. They are also used (half their fuel goes there...) on the last stage of my ascent, where they have full efficiency (specific impulse of 1100) The two heavy-lifting stages and SRBs return safely to Kerbin via parachute. The payload nose fairing free-falls back. The nuclear engines nacelles go with me to solar orbit, and are abandoned usually during the mid-course correction to the destination orbital body. The probe does not return (though it does have indefinite delta-V, it's just slow - I could always drop it into the sun or whatnot I suppose). I know, "eeew MechJeb! Do it yourself!" - I'd be perfectly happy to, provided we had a guidance computer. It's unreasonable to expect one to fly to another planet by the seat of your pants... Now that is a huge rocket. 128 parts. Important stats courtesy of Kerbal Engineer Redux. Note that S5 and S3 are detachment stages that use little retro-boosters to help ensure damage-free staging. Coasting to apoapsis. Note the fairing is gone - exposing the ISA MapSat and MechJeb. Successful orbit! Got the apsides I wanted and the inclination couldn't be better - I could correct that with RCS, even. Note the before-and-after mass and long time-to-MECO. This is a heavy payload! The final stage, from Duna's perspective. I have no idea why the coupler sockets are missing from the previous stage. Oh well? The RCS is super useful. You can turn it without, but it feels like a slug.
  11. This game is extremely frustrating, and very hard. But after struggling with it for a while, you won't believe how rewarding it is to finally get something to work. The struggle is part of the fun. Don't be alarmed that so many players talk about the math so much on the forum; it's just one style of playing. You will be more efficient if you do the math, but you can get by without it, too.
  12. What is the heading talk in the first line of the how to use section: How to use these values? Using these values for interplanetary flight is no more complicated than obtaining them: Place your ship in a circular, 0° inclination parking orbit around your planet/moon of origin. For a destination in a higher orbit, make this orbit at a 90° heading; for a lower destination, go for 270°. ----------------- 270 heading orbit is a retograde orbit, is it not? When do you burn in a prograde orbit to get to eve? The only real question that matters is how to get there in the lowest delta v.
  13. Since the previous one was abandoned due to lack of time of the original poster, I am here to make a new one. I have got conformation that I can make this new one from misterspork. Anyway, enough talk, lets get down to the good stuff. Feel free to make suggestions about organization and what plugins I should add as I might not get them all. This is currently a Work In Progress (many, many plugins too add) and I will be updating regularly (or as close to as possible). Credit to the makers and contributors of these plugins as well as some of the pictures. [01/10/12 15:23 GMT] Updated RemoteTech. [30/09/12 08:17 GMT] Updated Re-Entry Heat & Modular Multiwheels. [29/09/12 21:04 GMT] Updated Protractor to 2.2.1. [29/09/12 16:17 GMT] Added Romfarer Lazor System. [29/09/12 07:27 GMT] Updated Protractor & added ISA MapSat. [28/09/12 16:39 GMT] Added Dock Clamp, Electronic Power Standards and Dammed Robotics. [27/09/12 21:12 GMT] Added ORDA, Re-Entry Plugin, DEMA and IPT Calculator. Edited AdamKSP and Kerbal Engineer Redux. [27/09/12 15:37 GMT] Updated Kerbal Engineer Redux. New plugin batch coming later. [27/09/12 05:55 GMT] Added Aviation Lights & Updated Kerbal Engineer Redux & Protractor. [26/09/12 17:55 GMT] I've added pictures to the plugin sections and have organized the plugins in alphabetical order. I'm going to be adding a new batch of plugins in a few hours hopefully. Also, thread officially opened to the public. [25/09/12 19:22 GMT] I've added the groundwork for the start of the thread and I am currently working on adding the plugins to the list. I will sort all the plugins into alphabetical order soon. Updated MechJeb and added a few more plugins to the list. Plugins: AdamKSP Description: The plugin shows phase angles and ejection angles of all planets/moons based on what body your ship is orbiting. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: 0.6 Changelog: Added: Shows lines on map which are connecting your orbit and selected Planet / Moon orbit in the same time. Thread Link: AdamKSP Aviation Lights Description: A plugin that adds new, different kinds of lights to put on your spacecraft. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: 1.0 Changelog: Initial Release (License added) Thread Link: Aviation Lights Bigtrak KSP Edition Description: A mod that adds "scaled up toys" to the game. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.16 Latest Version: 0.30 Changelog: This version comes with just a Bigtrak model that is a Cart/Command Pod. The new Liltrak 2 Kerbal Rover Tweaked version of Tosh's 1.33 Cart Plugin Thread Link: Bigtrak KSP Edition BobCat DEMV Description: BobCat is a group that are currently making Duna manned rovers to explore the planet with. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: -NONE- Changelog: -NONE- Glass is not transparent. Thread Link: DEMV Dammed Robotics Description: A plugin pack with lots of different and new parts like claws and doorhinges. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.16 Latest Version: 1.2.1 Changelog: 0.16 compatibility patch. Thread Link: Dammed Robotics Electronic Power Standards Description: This plugin wants to be different from the rest of the electrical ones, by being more easy to understand than the others. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: 0.3 Changelog: KSP 0.17 compatible. Rewrote Source user management, users now take demanded power and intelligently find the best source of power. New battery management by sources. Added PowerNodes. Lots and lots of bugfixes. Thread Link: EPS Inter-Planetary Transfer Calculator Description: Want to know the phase angels required to reach other bodies in the solar system? Look no more. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: 0.1.1 Changelog: Added new part, courtesy of PrincessJane. Added temporary solution to the "Being in the sun crashes plugin" bug. -NONE- (I will add them myself at a later date unless the OP posts any as I'm not that good at photos). Thread Link: IPT Calculator ISA MapSat Description: Want to map all the planets? This is the plugin for you, which even comes with an anomaly detector. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: 3.3.0 Changelog: Rewrote maphandling completely to be dynamic. 17 and future content like planet should work without manual updating on my end. Enhanced the beam/drawing. Gave the wiki a workover and renamed it KerbalPedia since it's not really a wiki. Fixed the icon tooltip. Fixed the icon positioning after reports of issues on some resolutions. Renamed artefacts to anomalies. Enabled one more notch of timewarp increasing mapping capability up to max 50x timewarp. Some performance tweaks. There is a bug when occasionally not all ksc markers show up, this code is up for planned changes anyway. Thread Link: ISA MapSat Kerbal Engineer Redux Description: A plugin that lets you look at useful statistics of your rocket ships with a part stuck onto it. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: Changelog: Extra part containing just the Build Engineer without the Flight Engineer. Fixed: A completely different bug in the Build Engineer. Delta-V is only calculated for engines and fuel tanks within the same stage. Can click through the window in the Build Engineer. (Very annoying I know) The Build Engineer does not seem to activate for dragging around on first load. (Have to click a button for it to work). Thread Link: Kerbal Engineer Redux MechJeb Description: It can be used for a range of things, from data, to various different autopilots that do different things for you. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: 1.9.3 Changelog: Extra-fixes for KSP 0.17 compatibility, including configuration saving/loading, LOW/HIGH warp support and the landing AP location picker. Finally improved the menu opening time. Fixed vessel activation problems. Unlocked 100k time warp. Added mechjeb.setLanding() to Autom8. (Probably) Fixed the sync problem in Autom8. Fixed some problems with ObjectToLua. Added "Angle to Prograde/Retrograde" to Orbital Information. Added a Phase Angle Table. Fixed light initialization problem in the AR202 part. "Transfer to" button now displays time away from injection point as well as delta-v; The TGT+/- in rendezvous mode now points correctly at the target; Fixed bug with Pod 2.0 without the landing legs; Fixed problem with Landing Autopilot in Kerbol orbit; Stopped the Ascent Autopilot from closing the window on completion; Added Surface/Current TWR to Vessel Information; Fixed an issue where a ship would separate just after coming out of warp (Was in high warp, now at warp 0) and then trying to set warp 0 again. Sepratrons now ignored in auto-staging. Thread Link: MechJeb Orbital Rendezvous and Docking Assistant Description: A feature that many of the players wanted, docking, now comes in a plugin that helps you to do just that. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.16 Latest Version: -NONE- Changelog: -NONE- If you want to connect more than 2 ships, use one central mothership that holds all the docking targets and give one docking system to each one of your ships that are supposed to dock to the mothership. Follow these rules: A ship should not have more than one docking system. If a ship has a docking system, it should not have any docking targets and then you'll be fine. That's just a limitation in this version, I know how to make it work but I just didn't have time to implement it. In certain conditions weird things happen when you try to go to warp. Like the docked ships just floating apart, or one ship being teleported 200m away. I'm still working on it, but the quick workaround is to Quicksave (F5) and Quickload (hold F9) before going to warp. The docking part will currently not restore it's position correctly if you leave the docked ships alone (eg. go back to the space center) and then come back after they have drifted apart too far. I'm working on that one too. Orbit predictions are way off. Impact simulation is not very accurate. Automated docking only useable with small ships Thread Link: ORDA Protractor - Planet/Moon Rendez. Mod Description: Another mod to help you with interplanetary travel that shows the phase angle, eject angle and Delta-V required to get to the various different planets in 0.17. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: 2.2.1 Changelog: New: Line drawn for closest approach. EXPERIMENTAL! Click on the number in the "closest" column to activate. For now, only works with current orbit. Fixed adjusted angles sometimes showing negative values. Thread Link: Protractor Re-Entry Heat Module & Mk-1 Pod Heat Shields Description: Another thing the fans wanted, is re-entry and here is a plugin for just that as well as heat shields. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: Changelog: Improved logic controlling when plasma trail effects are displayed. Improved "explodieness" of re-entering debris. Fixed a bug that prevented plasma trail effects from being displayed in some circumstances. A few other minor bug fixes. Thread Link: Re-Entry & Heat Shields RemoteTech Description: This plugin allows you to construct vast relay networks of communication satellites and remotely control unmanned Vessels. It also lets you control Debris and create whole secondary Vessels that you launch from a mothership and decouple later in flight. It even allows those secondary Vessels to be crewable (Think apollo missions). Your RemoteControlled Vessels need a command station to control them, Mission Control at Kerbal Space Center (KSC) is your first command station, with a omnidirectional antenna with a signal range of 5.000 km. But your RemoteControlled Vessels might not always be in the sky above KSC or might be more than 5.000 km away. For your first missions it might be a good idea to have them be manned, that way, your crew has control and you can switch it over to remote control at will. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: 0.35 Changelog: Applied the 0.17 compatibility fixes developed by community members. Fixed an exploit that could give zero delay at interplanetary distances. Fixed the buggy throttle controls introduced in 0.17. Engines attached directly to the decoupler that controllable Debris is decoupled from break once focus is switched away from and back to the Debris. RemoteSAS doesn't have ASAS functionality emidiately after decouple and activation of Debris. You have to exit to a far away Vessel or the tracking station and then return to make it initialize. SAS' attitude control does work right from decouple though. Unmanned Vessels that have a crewcapacity of more than zero are not able to be remotely controlled unless they have crew on board. Renaming a Vessel in the settings utility only works for loaded Vessels, unloaded Vessels don't keep their edited name and revert upon next load. Great distances cause great bugs: The visual signal path is not completely drawn and at very high time acceleration the relay path can be miscalculated to allow connections that shouldn't be allowed due to range restrictions. Thread Link: RemoteTech Romfarer Lazor System Description: Adds lasers and various different functions for different kinds, although one kind of laser still zaps things. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.17 Latest Version: Beta 8 Changelog: Lazor System is NOW 0.17 compatible! Added a lot of celestial body parameters to target info, when a celestial body is targeted. Enjoy checking out the new planets parameters. Added a bunch of new parameters including: dynamic pressure, time to ap and pe, orbital period, etc. KPS system gets an infusion of map locations from the Kerbin Geographic And Science Society. I also added some latitude/longitude displays to the add and edit popup menues. And it is also possible to view/add/edit with both decimal and sexagesimal number formats. New tab, Modules: This marks the start of the process of integrating other devices with LazorSystem. To that end i have added a lazor guided missile and bomb which will work by itself, and receive lazor guidance when used on a vessel with lazor system installed. Target Cam updated with crew and fuel displays. I also added a expand button to make the window bigger. LazorVision now has an option to enable night-vision and invert-ision on the main camera. I also added an option to display global (NSEWUD), local (FBLRUD) axis and a graphical velocity indicator. Added a new wobble controller to lazor guided flight, if you can optimize the pid control under "advanced options", please let me know the numbers. Added "up"/"down" buttons to tractor beam hover and lift systems. Also added a max power slider to the system. Adjusted the range of all tractor beams. The effective range is now 1000m and max range is 5000m. The power output will decrease linearly between effective and max range. Example: at 3000m the force output will be 12,5N per beam, as opposed to 25N per beam at 1000m. Adjusted afterburner output on liquid engines. It should no longer increase the efficiency of the engines. It is now possible to add a kps location based on where the lead lazor would hit the planet. Thread Link: Lazor System TouhouTorpedo's Modular Multiwheels Description: A plugin that makes you able to make a cart of your own shape. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.16+ Latest Version: -NONE- Changelog: Initial Release Thread Link: Modular Multiwheels Warp Clamp Description: Another one of those docking mods to join parts/rockets together in space. KSP Update Compatible With: 0.16 Latest Version: 0.4 Changelog: Vessels shouldn't spontaneously explode anymore, tested repeatedly, but may still do so anyway. Added a new part with the 1 meter docking port from the BACE pack. Thank you NovaSilisko. Still more kajiggering in the hopes of the clamps stable, fingers crossed. May explode after very long warps. (Most likely fixed in v0.4) May dettach after exiting and returning to the game. (Most likely fixed in v0.4) Thread Link: Docking Clamp
  14. Yup, please read the rules, talk of piracy is not allowed here, be it about KSP or anything else. Thread closed. EDIT: Well, after re-reading the rules myself, my previous decision is kind of wrong, since this thread is more about "people who pirate". Re-opening, but I will be watching this closely. However, as RC1062 said, there's not much more than "DRMs are a pain for customers, pirates manage to break them anyway".
  15. Get to another planet in real time, then we'll talk. (or come up with a solution that allows time-warping)
  16. Please talk about 0.18 not about how much the game costs please, Even though this is my thread, you are lucky I can't delete this post because I would since it's off topic (I am not a moderator so I can't delete posts)
  17. Oh right, I forgot that you added the stock cockpits XD my bad lol. Didn't somebody talk about doing the internal spaces though? It would be great to have ones that match, but as you said, it would definitely be time consuming.
  18. for the N-ship/N-symmetry problem, talk to CYBUTEK, he managed to hammer it out on ENgineer
  19. Presenting my first stock SSTO, the Daedalus K (Clever boffins at the hangar derived it from the not so very stock Daedalus for participation in the K-Prize). For the flight it contained a few non stock but K-prize legal parts (Mechjeb, Flood lights). All wings, tanks and thrusters are stock. (Attached craft file is without the lights and mechjeb for ease of loading) I had to give the landing a second go as I botched the approach on the first attempt. Thats why the fuel tanks are wrongly displayed as full in the staging. Theyre empty though, as you can see in the weight vessel information from mechjeb. Otherwise, fairly uneventful flight. Pictures: http://tinyurl.com/8h6kjs3 (flickr) Improvements can definitely be made (both to the craft and the pilot) as for the moment I can't do much more than get up there and go down again. Fitting in a trip round the mun would be nice Zero mathematics were performed during the creation of this vehicle (because maths .. ugh!) so I'm sure the delta-V or whatever the crazy engineering boffins like to talk about is way the heck off. (Version 0.17)
  20. All right, statements like this have brought me out of my lurking. As everyone knows by now, docking, in itself, is easy to implement (Erkle did it in half an hour, or so I've heard). So why doesn't Squad include docking? Well, why do you want docking? You probably want docking for doing Gemini-style missions, or streamlining getting to other places, or rescuing lander vehicles, or landing your ascent stage back on Kerbin. Here's the thing. Docking without a working IVA means that every time you want to get a Kerman to a docked ship, you have to EVA, then move to the other ship, then enter. If you have a working IVA, then you just walk the Kerman to the docked ship. So Squad needs to finish the IVAs first. Additionally, you would probably want to launch two spacecraft together, so you don't have to do silly things like launch one spacecraft, move it 500 meters off, launch your launch vehicle, then move your spacecraft onto your launch vehicle and dock with it on the launch pad. This requires an upgraded staging system and an upgraded VAB, because the VAB determines staging by creating a tree from the command module, and if you have two command modules, you get a mess by this method. So Squad needs to finish the VAB first. Also, fuel transfer. However, this could probably be done with docking, so I won't talk about how hard or easy it is.
  21. Getting online now. Just need to find a hotkey for push to talk.
  22. Thanx Also I can try to talk to Pelf if you want to turn his aeroshell into a working heatshield for this pack.
  23. Can you please elaborate? Are you saying that NASA is currently training astronauts to go to Mars? Anyway, I second Phoenix's sentiment. I can't stand when people talk about space exploration as though it's "pointless" and such.
  24. I want to join, but i talk in spanish, my voice in english isnt very good
  25. this sounds fun, when my real internet is back ill jump to the talk
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