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  1. All this talk of impossible annoyed me so I went ahead and landed a pure SRB lander. ;D Completely stock, no CFG edits: Arch is in the lower left portion of this photo: It landed completely intact but on its side(this took many quick-loads to accomplish). Now I need to decide if I'll try again from my save, end the mission for the stats, or try to continue onward. :/ Edit: Apparently I'm near the arch. :> Edit_2: To save and try more drastic measures for righting my craft or to try again... Edit_3: Got it!!! Without having to try for another landing! -will work on getting it back to kerbin tomorrow (will 4 SRBs be enough? O.o) Here's the file if anyone wants it: [ATTACH]32760[/ATTACH] (it's just a really old design of mine with an SRB lander slapped on top) Edit_4: Here's the strategy I used: 1) Rounded off Munar orbit at ~100k m altitude 2) When over where I wanted to land I performed a retrograde burn until I was falling straight down 3) Ejected the liquid stage when my transition to a straight fall was complete (~70-80k m altitude) 4) As you can tell by one of my pics, I originally intended to use the 4 outside SRBs to decelerate. This didn't work out (too powerful) so I ended up switching them around mid-fall 5) I brute forced the exact altitude to engage the landing SRB (turned out to be roughly 7,150m altitude)
  2. 0.17 is almost here I have gathered up plenty of information and said by Nova a few days ago i can now tell u that these planets im about to show u are official! Here is a picture of the new planets. What they look like.. And were there positions are in the Kerbal System. I did not draw/make this picture... this was taken by Nova so this is 100% real 0.17 screenshot form him Except the pictures of the planets i out in. [ATTACH=CONFIG]32410[/ATTACH] Feel free to talk about these new planets. How u will get to them and etc.... Click on the Picture to see it better
  3. I did not set an order. I am willing to help with completing orders. I talked to the CEO and he has not replied whether I can help or not. He asked me what i specialize in and I said cargo rockets, Mun landers and simple orbiters. We did that over PM and he still has not replied with a Yes or no. Can you maybe talk to him.
  4. I need to talk to Cardboard about reusing one (or three) of the Kosmos panels in the future. The LK array is perfect for smallsats, but the Kosmos short/long are great for larger deployments. I've recalculated the power output with some guesswork, but it's strictly in terms of the Kerbal universe. Relative size of the panel to the average craft it would appear on, with the assumption that an ion engine capable of outputting 48kn uses 2.4 energy/second (this is close to thobewill's engines, I think). It's pretty much BS in terms of science, but that's the fun part. LK arrays should provide no more than .42/second Short panel should provide no more than 1.2/second Long panel 1.6/second. The Xlong panel, if we go by this scheme should provide something around 3/second. So far in my experience, the Dynavolt panels and Dani's panels are both the most attractive and most balanced sets. The MMI panel is perfect in terms of weight/size vs output. I sort of landed on just making a few types of lateral panels for my set. The reconfigured probekit panels have been acting as a stand-in for the time being.
  5. You're referring to what's in the part.cfg right? All the panels I use have the // in front of those lines of text which tell me that the code doesn't access them. I've been wondering the same thing for quite some time now, thanks for summing it all up nhnifong (you seem to post a lot of stuff relevant to my issues/interests ) *I personally use powertech because it came with Mechanical Mouse Industries, but I don't think its the best of things to use. *I'll probably give the others a shot sometime down the road when class isn't so hectic (that'll never happen). I had actually posted a similar thread to this asking if anyone knew how to edit the part.cfg of a panel to work with powertech, I think the answer will appear somewhere in here after some time. I think that we should elect an ambassador (my vote goes to nhnifong) to talk to the creators of the several well known*power mods to collaborate and make a single power mod. There'd probably be a lot of butting of heads amongst them, but for the users I think that a grand 0.17 release would be so greatly appreciated.
  6. Well we're in the final phases of bugtesting the plugin. We've got most of the bugs worked out. I'll talk to Kreuzung to see if he's willing to release tonight. Here are some screenshots of the aircraft carrier I'm working on to hold you over until then. Enjoy! =D [ATTACH=CONFIG]32567[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]32568[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]32569[/ATTACH] Elevators to hangar [ATTACH=CONFIG]32570[/ATTACH] The hangar is quite spacious. Those planes are ~20m long, 15m wide, and 12m tall. [ATTACH=CONFIG]32571[/ATTACH] Boat Bay with elevator leading to hangar
  7. Hey everyone! I'm carlmora18, also known as Carl! I've been lurking on the forums for a while now, even replied to threads here and there, so I thought it was time to formally introduce myself to the rest of you fine folks! I've been into KSP since .14, and played the demo until the monthly living bills let off and I could spend a little money and get it. Then these guys put out the EVA update and I was floored. I've been into NASA and space exploration for a years - ever since I visited the Kennedy Space Center when I was 16 (now 24). It's fun to actually plan out a series of missions as I would imagine NASA would do and to then design the rockets to carry them out! I started watching YouTube tutorials and really got into Scott Manly and Kurtjmacs videos! Scott is pretty much my idol as far as understanding how rocket design and astrophysics work, plus you really can't beat that awesome accent and occasional nerdy humor. They have actually inspired me to make my own videos of KSP with commentary. I only have two videos so far, but it's the first time I've put myself out there on youtube and the first time I've heard my voice on there. Kinda helped me break out of my introvert shell so I want to thank Kerbal Space Program, its developers and it's awesome community for helping me with that. Anyway! Done ranting, I hope to get to know many of you and talk some rocketry over this games life time (which will be INFINITE).
  8. Just a place to talk about KSP
  9. The purpose of the arches and munoliths is to provide endless speculation, entertainment and talk, over the most trivial of content. This thread being a case in point. Other game devs must be weeping over this. The WOW devs come to mind.
  10. They are the sort of Easter Egg developers put into games, especially early on when a lot of real content has yet to appear. Same as the monoliths, they are there simply to give people something to stumble across, talk about, and go out and search for. They take much less work than proper game content, so they can be added early and cheaply:- they are very cost-effective content for the benefit of early purchasers!
  11. This is the third 0.17 discussion thread. Thread Rules: 1. Talk about 0.17 only! 2. No talking about other updates or stuff that will never be implemented! 3. No arguments! Keep this thread newbie-friendly, so if we get lots of pages and a newbie comes with a new question, don't shout at them, answer politely. Last one was getting really big so its time for a new one. Link to the old post http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/16723-UNOFFICIAL-FANMADE-0-17-Discussion-Thread-2
  12. Switch subjects for a bit. lets talk about engines. Since rockets aren't necessarily based around the 1m standard anymore, we need a better diveristy of engines. The thing is, we already have a lot of models in the pack, with some overlap. So i think there will be some shuffling of engine sizes in the next version, to cover things better. It may break some old designs.. but things have changed pretty radically since .16, so I think thats okay.' Here's what I have planned Lander-class engines The Odin service module (4 nozzles/built structure) The descent and ascent stages of the Thor lander 1 meter engines (from weakest to heaviest) RMA (the small lander-style engine, useful for orbiting and heavy landers) K2-X - Upper stage engine, highly efficient in vacuum GG-M4 - the quad-engine, slightly enlarged and used as a 1m heavy lifter NERVA and Aerospike remain as specialty engines 1.75M engines SPS-10 (now 20) - the other small "1m" engine - now much larger, for use on an Apollo-style CSM (roughly a 2m analogue) Twin Bertha Lite M-50 (used to be 1m, slightly enlarged and aimed ay being used with a 5x plate adapter on 5m stages, or as an upper stage on 1.75/2m rockets. Medium Bertha - The heavy lifting "single" nozzle engine in this range. 2m engines Bearcat Tr-engine - lightweight lifting engine Large bertha - upscaled to 2m, now the biggest and most powerful single-nozzle engine in the pack Energia-style Quad engine - Heavy lifter/1st stage engine for 2m 3m engines 5x beatcat "SLS" engine pack - more efficient than 4x800 4x-800 - Same as always, big, loud and powerful. 5m engines The Matriarch/Omni-Bertha - how she was always meant to be experienced. Truly frightening New Adapter plate, 5x 2m engines (think Saturn V) Was pondering a place for the single bearcat engine, but I am not sure there is room for another engine. Thoughts?
  13. Hello everyone, I started a new series about KSP! And this isnt for you all to subscribe to me, I just want to know what I can do better and what I do good. Episode 1 is pretty simple. KIND OF a tutorial for newbies. (Not 100% but it is KIND OF) So guys, tell me what you all think. Episode 1 > This is Episode 2, I really like doing this since I already got 117 views from episode 1! But It was a little late so sorry if I didn't talk too much. It will be better in the next episode! No mods were used and no mods might be used in the future...
  14. I would use Bandicam, when it gets close to 10 minutes I pause the video for a few seconds don't talk and record more, so it acts like there was no delay.
  15. So I've been using the map to check up on my trajectories etc. and after getting the hang of it, it all seems pretty easy. Is there a way I can do this without looking at the map? Are there information i can use that will allow me to try and do it without the map, for a little more challenge or is that crazy talk? If there is, some guidance to the right info and gadgets would be appreciated!
  16. Possibly. I need to talk with the ZO2 person (people?) about integrating support for this. (It would require a change in their code, as well as a slight change in mine) I'm still thinking about how to detect other modules that support my interface... Going to have a change in the IFuelSource interface to support this (changing FuelType from an int to a String is the current diff for that...)
  17. DRM doesn't help games. A small group like Squad simply doesn't have the time or money to waste only to hear some pirates cracked it hours after release. At least he bought his own copy and is spreading the KSP name. Eventually the friends who are just copying it might just gain enough interest to go ahead and purchase their own key. In the end he may be "hurting" the devs, but the poeple who aren't paying may have not paid anyways but will at least talk about the game to their friends.
  18. Dave Thompson here, Good news is, the boys down in engineering assure me it's a two stage rocket design, however they also informed me I shouldn't be talking about these rockets as apparently the ships panels contain large amounts of asbestos, ha! ...and they're telling me I ought to stop making these announcements. Now that gave me an idea... make more announcements! I pay the bills around here, I can talk about these designs all damn day!
  19. Ok I'm a noob and I'm trying to get into modding ksp, I created a blender .dae file and imported it into Unity. Can someone that knows talk over skype or im and go step by step for me it would be much appicated. Thank you!
  20. That's crazy talk! I don't even know what Photoshop is! What is it, something you put in salad dressing!? That has nothing to do with images! BAH! *runs away*
  21. I've heard talk about a lava planet, but have seen no pictures to confirm this. are any images of this lava planet available?
  22. Post merged from Lets Talk About the new Kerbal System! since its purpose is also to discuss the planets. As a note, please use the spoiler tag when posting several images to avoid finger injuries due to scrolling down the page
  23. As we all know my last thread i had put-in the wrong url for the pictures. so here are the pictures for real this time. feel free to talk and say anyhting about the new planets.
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