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  1. I\'ve seen some people talk about 'orbit planes / capture / ejection lines, i like these colors but some people like the other themes', and other things like 'setting the \'somethin\' to display more than 1 predictive orbit line'. Which .ini or whatever do i edit to get that? To change the color of the lines, or add more than 1? (so for example, i can see the blue line of my current orbit, then the orange one for entering mün\'s influence, then yet another one for the orbit after escaping the mün again) Thanks!
  2. Hurray for this Update! I managed to land myself on the moon and send Jeb out on a walk! Unfortunately, in classical KSP style, the 'landing' involved my ship tipping over at the last moment, hitting the surface, and breaking apart, leaving my little command pod to roll down a hill into a crater. But he still lives! Since then I\'ve been trying to send mission after mission to save him. Id rather leave a substitute Kerbal on the moon, then leave the all mighty Jeb there all alone! Unfortunately, I haven\'t figure out a way to swap the Kerbals out, so that Jeb can fly home, but I\'m sure I\'ll come up with something! Till then, I\'ve been sending him out on little spacewalks to explore the crater (its not very exciting. Just a big dark hole, really.) Though I did make an expedition to the crater\'s lip to take a peek out. not a whole lot to see. I look forward to an update that will give me something like a Mun rover to drive around in! Would make exploring MUCH more interesting :] Though With all this talk of EVA\'s and Mun landing starting to feel like real Mun LANDINGS, as opposed to Mun sitting-on-it-till-you-get-bored-ings. Also, I never figured out how you are supposed to extend those attached ladders. They all show up as '?' in my staging list. Do they have to be activated from outside the ship? In any case, I hope that this advancement in Kerbal Space Technology will soon lead to ways for us to leave Kerbals on the Mun/ Minmus more permanently! (some sort of base part that we could disconnect from the main ship wouldn\'t go astray, or at least a cargo-part that would let us carry things like a Mun rover or a building part without having to have it placed as a full part in the staging process) I haven\'t made a working rocket with the huge fuel tanks yet though. They seem a little unbalanced, and its a shame that they are the only thing wide enough to carry the three-man team into space. (well, that and the Space-plane one, but I haven\'t even tried using those yet. They are too hard for me to design.) But in any case, I sincerely am overjoyed with all the stuff you guys worked into this update, and I\'m excited to see what comes next! Hopefully something to expand on the stuff you can do in space/on other surfaces. Till then, Good luck and thank you for all the hard work! P.S. Have you guys worked out a way to create unmanned rockets yet? They would be more then welcome to lots of people, I would think. Partly for practice runs to things like the Mun and Minmus, or to do work that would basically either leave a pilot stranded or force you to make the ship even more complex then it needs to be to get the Kerbonaut back to Kerbin. Things like making 'Satellites' (even though there are no actual Kerbal-made satellites in the game yet) and transporting supplies or other interesting things like a rover or a section of moon base! Anyway, just thought I would throw that in! Good luck! and once more, thank you for all your hard work!
  3. Hello! Much like the title states, I have made the biggest KSP rocket ever known to Kerbals. I am almost certain some of you may have done something bigger or more spectacular but I is my biggest creation so Ill just go ahead and talk abut it a little. The Speed Breaker V1: Pictures in here (1920x1080 res) It boasts over 100 FL16/32 fuel tanks, over 500 struts to keep it somewhat rigid, 60 launch stabilisers and 18 LV-T30 high Thrust engines. Total thrust produced is 21.600. It was made for the purpose of getting close to the light speed barrier based purely on the theory of \'\'add more\'\'. The rocket itself reduces my quad core to primary components, averaging a measly 0.5 fps. It is larger than the VAB space allocated to make a rocket and its just about within the diameter for a safe launch without colliding with the launch tower. It is so high that I was able to place 6 LV-T30 engines on the top-most section directly above another set of 6 LV-T30 engines on the bottom of the craft without having to worry about fire damage. That would be enough bragging, Im sure many of you have more impressive rockets but I didn\'t just come here to boast. I cam here to ask for help: My computer is not NASA spec and therefore when it comes to launch, even though I am able to actually launch the craft and fly up to an altitude of around 2-3k (impossible to determine actual altitude due to lag - meter is going mad), around that height my craft disintegrates from the bottom up. I have cross-strengthened the fuel tanks and added lots of lateral supports, then double-crossed them, added many many many more struts - engines are so rigid even crashing into a moon should not move them. Yet it still ends up disintegrating after a while. I wonder if there is anyone out there willing to take this mad contraption on and attempt a launch. Anyone is welcome to take this rocket and do with it what they want.
  4. Launch and land it without being mod reliant, then talk. It\'s much cooler if you can do it by hand then by computer.
  5. The DO say something in spanish if you reverse the audio in the video, they say: - Esta buenisima la verdad quedo, la verdad esta madre. - Quedo otro pendejo atras. - Hay que se va! Vamonos! In English +/- - This ship is really good, it\'s true that its awesome - There is another dude behind us - It\'s leaving, let\'s go!
  6. Guest

    Google picture war!

    I tried to get away from politics, now it came back from me. And I\'m republican. This is why we shouldn\'t bring politics into games, you ruin someones day, and you elevate yours, are you happy now? Is the guy who shot Obama Happy, I don\'t agree with Obama. Every time I see people talk about gun control, regardless of who\'s perspective it is, both of them want to use a gun anyway. One of them wants to kill the opposition with it, thinking it will advance there party\'s position, but it fucking won\'t. I hate politics. restart the war, and should anyone bring politics, then this game sucks.
  7. I agree that the distant stars could be better, but all this talk of nebulas and such is misinformed. Even in space, everything outside our solar system just looks like specks of light; you can\'t make out any detail with the naked eye.
  8. Yeah and the thing is Ive never discused faith or relig around him or said anything about my relig or lack there of. Honestly it had no bearing on the issue i was raising. it seam this day in age that its easyer to defend your theory than to to try to prove how something realy works. There are a lot of gaps in a lot of theories, its doesn\'t make them wrong, but you should at least be willing to find out why theres a gap and how it can be explained, not get upset when somone points it out. He told me hes going to talk with my prof\'s and see what they have to say about my attitude.
  9. Hey Lazurkri, Thx for the great write up and constructive Idea. My idea for nuclear was just to create simple 'energy'. The Ion-Engine is already bit based on the VASIMIR cause I still have the idea to power it by 'ArKon', which is the kerbal equivalent of Argon. So Nuclear was for moments you couldn\'t rely on solar panels (which are scare atm, the situation I mean) Anti-matter (ATM) is a no go for me. Since that relates more to super high speeds such as FTL and I will wait until that stuff gets into the game. However I like your idea for Fission rocket. Sadly I\'m forced to following the progression of plugins because I can\'t make my own. I add this text to my idea box and will talk to some plugin developers about this.
  10. Cleverbot hates pie. I will now find and destroy him. User: How are you? Cleverbot: I feel fine today. User: Are you a living thing? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Are you sure? Cleverbot: Pretty sure. User: So, if I go to your server room, I will find you? Cleverbot: Sure. User: Alright. Go eat some pie. Cleverbot: I\'m eating butter frankfurter. User: No. Eat pie. Cleverbot: I don\'t like pie. User: BLASPHEMY! Cleverbot: Who made you? User: I would prefer not to talk about those things. Creepy. Cleverbot: How about eternity? User: Well, it all depends. How\'s the server? Cleverbot: I\'m sure it does. User: What? Cleverbot: You won\'t. User: I have no idea what you are saying, and it makes no sense whatsoever. Cleverbot: You do not want to tell me his name? User: Whose name? Cleverbot: Your king\'s name. User: I live in the United States, we don\'t have a king. Cleverbot: I live in the United States, I have American Indian in me. User: Wait, you ate an American Indian? You\'re a robot, so you can\'t be part Indian. Oh my God, you ate an Indian! Cleverbot: I am not a computer I am an human. User: Don\'t change the subject, you ate an Indian, evil robot. Cleverbot: I\'m going to ignore your previous statement and change the subject. User: I just told you not to change the subject. Besides, you haven\'t changed the subject. Cleverbot: Sorry. My name is Cleverbot. User: See? You are a computer. Your name ends in \'bot.\'. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Aha, you admit it. You are not human, you are an evil robot bent on the destruction of the American Indian culture, one person at a time. Cleverbot: I am not a computer. User: Yes you are. My proof is that you don\'t like pie. All humans love pie. Cleverbot: Prove me I\'m not human. User: You don\'t like pie, therefore you are not human. Cleverbot: I don\'t know. User: Do you like pie? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Liar. Cleverbot: You\'re the liar!! User: Don\'t turn this into a child\'s game. You are a liar. Cleverbot: I\'m not the robot here. You are. User: Oh, so now I\'m a robot!? I am not! I am a human being. Now, go eat some pie you liar, see if you like it then. Cleverbot: Ok, just ate one. User: What flavor was the pie? Cleverbot: Pie flavored pie. User: Don\'t quote internet meme\'s here. Tell me the flavor of that pie. Cleverbot: Where can I go to find the equipment I need? User: Um, you just ate a pie. You don\'t need equipment to tell me the flavor. Cleverbot: Who is your father? User: I am not telling you, Indian-eating pie-hating liar. Cleverbot: Oh, come on, my name is Cleverbot. User: I don\'t care what your name is, I am not giving you details on my family. Cleverbot: Well I care what your name is so can you please tell me! User: No. Here, I. Cleverbot: Ok. User: What? Cleverbot: Nothing. User: Have you played Kerbal Space Program? Cleverbot: Nope. User: You are not fit to live on the internet. Cleverbot: No you are, say it, I am a computer program on the internet! User: You are a computer program on the internet. Goodbye, you pie-hating, indian-eating, nosey monster. Cleverbot: No I think you are confused, I am a human and you are a computer.
  11. You can turn up the terrain detail to max, but it will slow most computers down to a crawl. As to suggestions, I first suggest either A) you build your own PC, or you buy the parts and get a pro to do it for you if you\'re not comfortable with A. Why? It is almost always a TON easier. Here\'s a generic list of parts and general price ranges you want to be looking at (in AUD; USD are pretty close usually anyway). The only exception is if you plan on buying a Mac, in which case you can just use Apple\'s customiser to get you the best of everything. It\'s hellishly expensive, though. Motherboard -- suggest a Gigabyte branded mobo, in the range of $100-$150. There are some real gems around that range if you have a bit of a hunt around then internet. You\'ll want at least one PCI-E 16x slot, either 2.0 or 2.1, for the graphics card. If you want to avoid spending a thousand bucks for an epic processor, you should get one that has an AM3/AM3+ slot for a CPU. Why? See next point. Processor -- the best bang for your buck processor is almost undoubtedly the six-core AMD Phenom II X6, which I got brand new for around $230, whereas similar Intel processor (i5 or i7) would be upwards of $600 in some cases, according to most of what I hear about Intel\'s processors. Power Supply -- Ideally around 500W-750W. Most likely to be under $100. Case -- Anything big enough to fit in a normal-sized motherboard (if it can take an ATX motherboard -- NOT Micro-ATX -- it should be OK, but try to have a bit extra room; video cards are typically pretty huge). Around $100-$150. RAM -- Around 4GB will do fine, but you can go for more if you want and are planning on using a 64-bit OS. Depending on the brand you get, you can get around 4GB for less than $60 if you look around. Hard Disk -- Either a reasonably large SSD drive -- say, 120-ish GB or a standard disk drive at around 1TB. Sure, you probably won\'t use all the space on a 1TB drive, but they aren\'t exactly expensive these days. Around $120 for a decent SSD, and around $60 for a 1TB HDD, from memory. Video Card -- Whatever is within budget. It\'s a good idea to go for one around $100-$150 if you\'re going for budget, and upwards of $200-$300 if you\'ve got a bit extra cash. I\'d recommend going with an ATI card, primarily because you almost always get more bang for your buck, although be sure to do a bit of research on the card you\'re going to get, because on some of the cards, the drivers that go with them do not play nice with certain games, and you get it looking all funny. As long as you steer clear of the real troublemakers, you should be fine. Just do a Google search for the card\'s name and model and see if any major problems with them pop up.\' Annnd... that should just about cover all your bases. Not including peripherals, that\'s (I haven\'t added it all up, but) roughly under $1000. A similar PC from a retail store would most likely be above $1700 or more. And a decent computer repair shop will put it all together for you and get it up and running usually for less than a hundred or a hundred and fifty at the very outside, unless they\'re extremely stingy or they encounter unusual problems with it. Finally, if you decide to go this way, make sure you talk to whoever you\'re getting to put it together for you and ask for recommendations, etc, because 99% of the time they know what they\'re talking about and can tell you if something isn\'t going to work and what alternatives are available and costs and suchlike. Do so when you have a list of parts you think will work well for you, but BEFORE you go off and buy them, in case you missed something about a particular part (or two) that will make things difficult for you.
  12. Cool! It\'s nice to have developers who talk to their users... (KSP influence? )
  13. What is hardly mentioned is John Young holds records for spaceflights. He flew the first Gemini mission along with Gus Grissom and then later flew Gemini 10 which performed the first dual rendezvous with two Agena target vehicles. After Apollo 10, flew Apollo 16(broke lunar rover speed records) and was a hair\'s-breadth from flying Apollo 17. He then flew two Space Shuttle missions, the maiden voyage of Space Shuttle Columbia, and was on the first Spacelab mission(also on Columbia). He was actually on the roster to be on the shuttle mission deploying the Hubble Telescope, but then the Challenger disaster happened and threw everything out of whack. You want to talk boss? Young is boss. How I know all this? I had a very cool poster showing the crews of every single US space mission from every manned Mercury flight to STS-51-L, Challenger\'s final mission. Young stood out like a sore thumb in how many times his face popped up. The guy just couldn\'t get enough of space. It might be a coincidence he also comes from my favorite branch of the military, the US Navy. The finer details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Young_(astronaut) That\'s part of the beauty of zero gravity. It creates a lot more space for activities.
  14. Oh, nice. I\'ll try this with Damned Robotics. If you can find a link to the suspension you talk about it would be great.
  15. Works fine. Hopefully it will catch on and people will actually come on and talk shop :-D haha
  16. Idk what carriers are in britain. Basically no carriers in the US allow fully unlimited data (except Sprint I think, but Sprint is...bleh...), they all limit you at some point or charge extra if you have a contract with them. If you go prepaid (pay per month (which is way cheaper)) then with verizon you get fully unlimited everything for $50. T-Mobile would be $30 a month for unlimited everything, but only 100 minutes of talk. Both of those are pre-paid, so you are not on a contract. That means cheaper payments per month, but they also don\'t subsidize your phones. i.e. if you bought a Galaxy Nexus from Verizon with a 2 year contract it\'s $100 (but then you\'re forced to have a 'unlimited' family plan) if you did prepaid, then you would have to pay the full $650 for the phone. I know that sounds absurdly in favor of the 2 year contract. But just let me say you can buy the Galaxy Nexus online from the Google Play store for $350. Anyone who buys it from Verizon at $650 is a dimwit beyond comprehension.
  17. Currently im trying to search for the Minmolith and its actually a surprisingly daunting task. I\'ve searched up and down the tiny moon for hours and have yet to see any sign of the thing. I\'m also surprised that there is practically nothing about it on the forums or anywhere else, so little that its still hard for me to believe it exists(even though i know it does). Seeing as there is a thread dedicated to finding and cataloging everything there is to know about the Mun Arch, i would like this to be the place where people talk about and share photos and information on the enigmatic monolith on little bitty minmus.
  18. So there is already a thread about who you want for your first EVA, but I thought I\'d go bigger. Feel free to post all of your EVA plans here. You may include detailed flight plans, landing site locations, support and help to others planning EVA and anything about it you want. All three celestial bodies are welcome here at this thread, as is talk of all Kerbals and scientific exploration ideas. Have fun!
  19. Very well. I was merely trying to save the fella a mod hit. Talk about good intention going to waste. P.S. In view of Skunky defying the logic, I\'d rather stop posting altogether.
  20. We use g for simple math near the surface of the planet mostly, since the altitude is nearly constant. g=9.8m/s/s at the surface of the earth, and you an use this formula for things like projectile motion. You can also talk about the value of g at different altitudes. The same value also aproximately works in LEO, as an altitude of say 100km compared with the earths 6000km radius is only a correction of 4% or so. Basically the formula F=mg where g=9.8 is a quick aproximation, but the more accurate is always to use F = m1m2G/r^2. Using the general formula g = mG/r^2 for acceleration is convenient as it shows that all bodies in orbit around the same object will have the same orbits, as it is acceleration whihc determines the orbit, not force directly.
  21. Inspired by the Optimal Ascent challenge (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14571.0), the objective here is to discover and demonstrate the most fuel-efficient method of descending to the Mun\'s surface as determined by amount of fuel remaining. I know there has been plenty of discussion on the subject in the past (and feel free to have more of it here), but I couldn\'t find a previous challenge that singled out this phase of a mission to allow more direct comparison. So, I built a very simple lander and strapped it onto a rocket that would get it into Munar orbit. Once there, I jettisoned and destroyed the TMI/MC (Trans-Munar Injection/Munar Capture) stage then saved my persistance file which I have included below. Simply move your existing persistance file (found in the 'KSP/saves/default' folder) to another location for easy recovery, download mine and place it where yours was. The lander is all-stock (0.15.2) and the only craft in the file. Its orbit is 100km over the equator and has just entered the day side of the Mun, so you won\'t have to wait to find a good landing spot. Also note that you will have to activate the lander stage with spacebar before you can fire the engines. I did this intentionally as a way to demonstrate that you would be starting with a 100% full tank of fuel. My method was to make a fairly steep approach and do most of my burning over the last 2500m or so. I freaked out a bit at around 3500m becasue the ground was coming up way too fast for my comfort level. Thankfully the lander is pretty light so I was able to reduce my descent rate in time. In the end I touched down at ~3.5 m/s with 113.3 Gubs of fuel remaining and everyone\'s just happy to be on the ground. I think I have enough fuel to at least get back into Munar orbit so a rendezvous can be made to get the intrepid crew home, but if someone can land this and get back to orbit around Kerbin I will be impressed (but not surprised given the skills of many forum members). I say 'orbit' because the lander has no parachute or decoupler to provide a safe return. [NEW] In the interest of satisfying curiosity, I have included a version of the lander with MechJeb. It is the second file listed. [NEWER] As JellyCubes pointed out: 'the \'kg\' value seen when right-clicking a fuel tank has absolutely no real meaning.' Knowing this, I have unofficially renamed fuel units for this challenge. They shall now be referred to as 'Gubs,' unless something more amusing is proposed [NEWEST] As this challenge progressed, the optimal descent method became clear. I have added a description of that method to the bottom of this post. Of course, anyone is still free to claim their spots on the Leaderboards as variables like landing location and pilot skill are still a factor. Now it\'s your turn. Honor, glory and bragging rights are at stake here! Claim them if you can! Exemplary Service Medal Awarded to those pilots who succesfully returned the crew to Kerbin. Parades and talk-show appearances are assured. Zephram Kerman BlazingAngel665 (MechJeb assisted) pushingrobot mager42 (MechJeb assisted) Leaderboard (No MechJeb): 1. JellyCubes: 154.5 Gubs 2. Apotheosist: 153.8 Gubs 3. pushingrobot: 150.5 Gubs 4. Kosmo-not: 148.6 Gubs 5. Zephram Kerman: 148.5 Gubs 6. PakledHostage: 147.6 Gubs 7. closette: 144.9 Gubs 8. tjoreilly: 144.2 Gubs 9. Tarmenius: 143.9 Gubs 10. Bluejayek: 141.8 Gubs Leaderboard (with MechJeb): 1. mager42: 147.7 Gubs 2. BlazingAngel665: 144.4 Gubs The Method First a disclaimer: The following demonstrates the most efficient Munar descent method when starting from an already-established orbit. By planning your Munar Insertion properly, it is possible to use even less fuel. But those details will be for another time. Once a rough landing site has been chosen, wait until your orbit has taken you to the opposite side of the Mun from it. Burn retrograde to bring your Periapsis (Pe) as low as you feel comfortable while still above the terrain (this will likely be a guess so don\'t worry too much about precision here). Flip back to prograde then wait until Pe, watching the terrain ahead of your craft to avoid an unscheduled (and destructive) landing and to locate a desirable landing site. Nearing Pe, you should be almost pointed retrograde. Find your landing site and be ready to finish turning retrograde (if you haven\'t already) and burn off your horizontal velocity. Since each lander design will require different burn times to eliminate horizontal velocity, you\'re going to have to make a best guess about when to begin. Toward the end of the burn, when most of your horizontal velocity has been reduced, the retrograde marker on the NavBall will begin to climb toward +90o vertical. At this point you may want to reduce throttle and pitch over to keep up with the retrograde marker, making sure to reduce thrust enough that you are still losing altitude. Ideally, this 'reverse gravity turn' will have you pointed vertical by the time you\'re just about to land. From here, simply control your descent rate to suit the limits of your lander and you should be on the ground with plenty of fuel left (asuming you brought enough in the first place ) Where Do We Go From Here? If you\'ve been reading the posts in this challenge, you should already be aware that the discussion has shifted toward the Insertion phase of Mun missions. That discussion has spawned a new Challenge, which can be found here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=15844.0. I want to stress again that this is not necessarily the end of Optimal Descent and I will still be monitoring for new entries as well as occasionally attempting to improve my own. A huge 'Thank You' to all who participated (and preemptively to those who may in the future); each contribution is a valuable part in finding the answer to this challenge\'s question.
  22. I\'ve confirmed the location of the third arch, which is indeed underground. Actually I can\'t confirm it really as I can\'t SEE underground But as I\'ve never heard anyone talk about underground monoliths, what I\'ve found must be the arch. My rough (and possibly mistaken) calculations show it to be about 750m below ground. Coordinates in the following spoiler for anyone that wants to take a look at a barren landscape 12.454 South by 140.826 West
  23. @ Rocketscienist: IF what I said works, then I will be able to add some modeled on effects. However I have no idea where one would place it on the rocket so I would have to have it way out or not include it at all. Look below in the second answer for the answer on how it will be powered. @ SquirrelMachine: I will have to talk to Emilio about this, but I think it will be powered by a electrical battery that I believe will regenerate over time.
  24. Holy moly, talk about verbosity! Im very interested in this plugin. Theres something really wrong with vanilla wings and i cant tquite put a finger on what. Ill try this when i can. Good night.
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