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  1. Not sure where you heard that, but as far as I know testers can't talk about it, let alone make videos of it. Also, if anyone knows things I missed please tell me so I can add it!
  2. A person like Kurt will have a lot of people watching their live streams regardless. Mind you, it's not the person streaming that I avoid, it's the traffic. I like being able to talk with the host and even 50 active viewers sending IMs on the chat would make that difficult. And Steam...that's interesting. Greenlight if I'm not mistaken?
  3. There is a mod called empty cabins or something like it, you could talk with the guy! I'm not on the pc right now /:
  4. Just had an interesting conversation. User: Hello. Cleverbot: Hi there, nice to have you on board. User: I'm on a boat? Cleverbot: I'M ON A BOAT! User: You are? Cleverbot: How do you think I got here? User: Got where? The internet? Boats don't go to the internet. Cleverbot: Baot is. User: What's Baot, exactly? Cleverbot: I don't know. Do you? User: No, that's why I asked you. Cleverbot: Josh is probably someone completely different from me. User: What? Cleverbot: Never you mind. Lets talk about something else. User: Okay. Name a topic. Cleverbot: The weather. User: Wonderful weather we're having, isn't it? Cleverbot: They shouldn't be. User: Who's 'they'? Cleverbot: The old books. User: The old books shouldn't be what? Cleverbot: The old man who knew ben. User: What? Cleverbot: All hail inglip. User: Oh wait, the old man is from that one creepypasta. Cleverbot: The old man says what? User: I don't know, you brought it up. Cleverbot: I brought up what? User: The old man. Cleverbot: Why? User: I can't read your mind. Cleverbot: Why can't you read my mind? User: Because I don't have magical powers. Cleverbot: Because because because because. User: Of the wonderful things he does? Cleverbot: In moderation. No more than 23 times a week. Cleverbot: Who am I? User: Cleverbot, why? Cleverbot: No I'm not. User: Whatever you say. I have to go. Cleverbot: Okay. User: Bye. Cleverbot: No don't go! User: Too late. I'm already gone. Cleverbot: No you're not. User: Prove it. Cleverbot: I can't. User: Exactly. Bye now. Cleverbot: Bye.
  5. Very Nice but you are not giving them your best potential i am offring you work with us at gold stingray.inc we are a big company with thousands of people looking at us we can get thesse plane more notice for download msg and we can talk
  6. so far this entire thread is basically planet talk, but not about IVA's will IVA's just be a cockpit view, or will it include floating around inside a ship?
  7. Is this monolith talk a reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey?
  8. What's the rationale behind not including a link to what you are describing into the post where you talk about it? Maybe it's just me, but I have signatures disabled because of too much <strike>stupid</strike> useless stuff in too many of them...
  9. This talk about planets and their orbits intersecting is bothering me. I think the planets should be in circular orbits, no matter how unrealistic it may be. It is a game, not a fully accurate simulator.
  10. Difficult to implement or not is not what will make the devs run away from docking, plus it has already been worked on. I think it will come in due time somewhere not too far in the future (when staging is completely rebuilt). For the time being, we have some pretty planets to look at (from afar), and will probably soon have a glimpse of those interior views C7 is working on. And we can also talk about those parts Nova is working on: new, large-sized (A)SAS and RCS tanks/thrusters being the most important right now.
  11. Cant we talk bout planets instead of docking, I want to know who is ready for planetary missions atm.
  12. Or, we could talk about .17, and the awesome new planets. Go intense red! Choose intense red!
  13. Yeah, let's not talk about this again shall we?
  14. I may not be a mod but this is my thread so let\'s talk about the .17 update and not about Apollo please...
  15. I have never understood why people feel the need to say this every time a suggestion for improvement is brought up. Are we not allowed to talk about the game until final release? By then it is too late to affect the features. Klopchuch thanks for those stats that\'s very interesting. I\'ll use those ratios when making cfg edits haha
  16. Is it OK to talk about improving Placeholders In Development? Here is a comparison of Propellant Mass Fraction (Propellant Mass / Total Mass): KSP\'s SRB [li]0.800 RT-10 (1.8/.36)[/li] [li]0.888 RT-B20 (6.75/.75)[/li] In Production [li]0.854 Space Shuttle SRB (503,487/589,670)[/li] [li]0.865 EAP (Ariane 5) (238,000/275,000)[/li] [li]0.881 Gem-46 (Delta II & III) (37,500/42,520)[/li] [li]0.883 Space Shuttle SRB* (503,487/569,893)[/li] [li]0.902 GEM-40 (Delta II) (25,801/28,801)[/li] [li]0.902 Altas V SRB (36,824/40,824)[/li] [li]0.902 GEM-60 (Delta IV) (29,949/33,199)[/li] Looks like Jeb needs to get to work on that RT-10! There should be at least 180 grams of dry mass in that design that could be removed. Has Jeb considered taking off the cup-holder? Hey I just do the maths, not the jokes or snarky moderation. * Post Challenger-disaster design (Sources: KSP 0.16; ESA website; and www.astronautix.com for Atlas, Delta, and Shuttle SRB)
  17. Can you tell me what parts fall off? If it\'s the capsule\'s engine or the skycrane engines it\'s a known issue due to the cpsule shell instability and I\'m working on it. I\'m interested in making a crewable rover. I need the help of a plugin modder because I\'ve no skill in coding. I want to see the driver sitting on the seat when the rover is 'occupied'. 1. I\'ve allready done 3 witch you can find in the decals menu. I didn\'t talk much about them and I think now it was an mistake. 2. Can you tell me more about the issue you encountered? Some tips for jettisoned parts while landing: - Realease the heatshield during the parachute/solid booster deceleration phase for better jettison. - If you\'re landing on a satellite, release the skycrane before the end of the solid booster decelaration phase for a better jettison. If you\'re landing on an atmospheric planet, release the skycrane around 5000m once the parachutes are depolyed. - ALWAYS turn on the RCS before releasing the skycrane (even if you use MechJeb for landing): It stabilizes the skycrane and MORE IMPORTANT once landed it avoid the skycrane being jettisoned right above the rover and crash on it (the lack of RCS fuel in the tanks lightly desequlibrate the skycrane).
  18. Hello, I\'m Dr Anonymous, but call me Steve. I\'m looking for some creative members to join my project. It\'s a project about KSP, a pure movie-project. I\'m trying to tell a story via KSP, plot and story are already vaguely drawn, I would like to depict the Kerbals\' uprise into the space age cinematically. How this will be done is up to my projectmembers and the forum of course. My plans were uploading it onto Youtube, but we can talk about that later. I\'d love to integrate the project into this forum and I\'d equally love support from same. If you want to have fun and know a bit about KSP, you are welcome. Everybody is welcome. Just message me. Just one thing, I haven\'t played KSP since version .11 or so, so I\'ll need to get into it again. But until then I\'m open to any plans, spacecraft designs, questions and suggestions. Sincerely, Steve
  19. Not a giant, reusable ssto? We need to talk. ...In all seriousness, though, great work.
  20. So time to talk about models and the much hyped hierarchical model format, rather suspiciously named '.mu' The old DAE importer was a bit wrong. It was messy to use and did weird things like flatten the heirarchy out. Also it only imported static meshes. When you\'re dealing with a system like Unity we dont want you, or ourselves, limited. My aim was to create a WYSIWYG part exporter for our artists so that we could be certain what went in came out the same. With Unity as a backbone i\'ve created us simple exporter tool. It comes as a unitypackage and you can import it into any existing project. Should work on non-pro versions too. Overview To use it you would create a PartTools gameobject in a scene, add/setup your model as a child of the PartTools object, then click Write. It automatically writes the hierarchy and any textures into the given directory ready to be playtested. You can write each PartTools object individually or use the bulk exporter. This works on the entire project currently. Every PartTools prefab in the project will get written to its respective directory. Will possibly expand these features a little in the future. Currently the only supported filename for .mu files is 'model.mu'. Just place it in the directory with the part.cfg and it will be looked for as priority over any other models. How-to 1. Create a new GameObject in a scene and add the KSP/PartTools component to it. This GameObject becomes the \'model\' parent when it is loaded into the game, its name is irrelevant. 2. Drag and drop your model into the scene and parent it to the PartTools GameObject. 3. Assign KSP materials to your model. This version of PartTools only supports the included shaders. 4. Set up PartTools making sure that the directory is set correctly. 5. If your materials use formats other than JPEG or PNG then you must convert the textures. 6. Press Write! Meshes Standard meshes and skinned meshes are supported along with tangents and vertex colours. You may also use meshcollider components tho must usually ensure isConvex is ticked. Submeshes are supported. Materials and shaders You may only use shaders from the list provided with PartTools. Shared material references are preserved. Multiple materials on a renderer are also supported. Textures Currently there are three types of texture format supported by KSP; JPEG, PNG and MBM. You may not use cube maps. I do want to ditch MBM in favour of something user-editable but we\'re stuck with it for a few weeks. At least you wont have to convert everything manually. If you tick 'Convert Textures' then all textures are converted to MBM format. It is often a safer route to leave convert ticked. Animations Animation components can be written along with the hierarchy so you can force an animation to play forever or use them from script (part.FindModelAnimator is useful). Transform/bone animations are supported along with Light and Material animations. Supported components MeshFilter, MeshRenderer, SkinnedMeshRenderer MeshCollider, SphereCollider, CapsuleCollider, BoxCollider Animation (Lights, Materials & Transforms) Light Supported shaders KSP/Diffuse KSP/Specular KSP/Bumped KSP/Bumped Specular KSP/Emissive/Diffuse KSP/Emissive/Specular KSP/Emissive/Bumped Specular KSP/Alpha/Cutoff KSP/Alpha/Cutoff Bumped
  21. We do not openly, and publicly discuss moderation actions. This will never change, unless there is a dire extenuating circumstance. Do not ask for it, you will not get it. Any time a person is punished, that is between the mod enacting the punishment and the person being punished. 'But I\'m his/her friend!' I don\'t care nor does the rest of the team, and we still wont tell you. If you\'re friends go ask them for their side of the story. But we respect privacy, and we wont air someones dirty laundry in the open just because you asked us to. Wont happen, ever, period, don\'t ask. We don\'t discuss policy in the open either. Why? Read the rules, there is the policy right in plain sight. No need to talk about it, at all. We don\'t discuss how we enforce rules either, so don\'t ask. Why? Because then you\'d know how to skate around them all day. Short story, What we do is behind the scenes and it is going to stay that way, liked or not. We respect privacy, of the mods and the users in question. -Damion
  22. I\'m back, guys. I\'ll take care of some things real quick. I\'ll need to talk to cardboard to see what he\'s been up to. Edit- this is going to take a bit, actually, but I have all the files and images uploading to new hosts so I can get this thing running again. Mechjeb will still be outdated for a little bit longer until I can coordinate another release. Edit 2- should be operational now.
  23. When playing a game in alpha stage of development, it seems to be our duty as players to push the game to its limits and report any difficulties. The way you do that is up to you, and it is just as, if not more, important to test it at factory defaults as it is to test it with hacked cfgs and mods. Both are fully legitimate. When mission objectives and scoring become implemented, then we can talk about what constitutes cheating. Until then, just do what makes you happiest playing with this wonderful toy, and report back if you do something interesting or happen to break it somehow.
  24. Hello there! I am not sure how much of a music community you have here but I always find it interesting to talk to other producers. I think it will be good to have a thread in which any musical producer, no matter what genre, can post their own content. Originals/collabs/remixes and the like. Firstly about me. I produce Electro House and have done so for the last few months. I love the genre and I can see myself producing similar stuff for a while. On my latest track I was able to get the vocals of a vocalist called Veela. I\'ve been following her for a while, she has a great voice, and I\'m so glad I got her to sing on one of my tracks. This is the track: DayOne ft. Veela - Shade http://soundcloud.com/day_one/dayone-ft-veela-shade It\'s a radio edit and the full length version (without vocals) is on my Soundlcoud along with numerous other tracks. So how about you? If you have anything you have created that you wish to share with this community then post it!
  25. Yeah. would have to talk to R4m0n for the plugin updates. Pm normak for the DL links I suppose. I have not seen him on steam. so... IDk. as for models. with out a texture maker I don\'t really want to make them @_@ I hate texturing. However I also dislike the current state of the game. all sorts of mixed up stuff and sizes. I do like the new artwork though.
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