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  1. I have been playing kerbal for a good 8 months now. Love the progress they made in the start of career mode. Even as the game is now, it is incredible. Every patch seems to make it better and better. My thoughts and concerns though are about the rate at which patches come out and the content in them and the overall gameplay ability. I am sure I will get alot of negative feedback from posting this, but I feel I must speek my mind. 1. Yes the Squad team is limited. So I'm not expecting HUUGE patches every month. But look at the last patch, I believe it was around 70 MB in data, which took around 3-4 months. Yes it was an awsome leap and added much more to the game, but other companies add 1-3 GB of data in the same time with the same size team. Look at overkill and payday 2. 2. I dont feel the devs, although they do a great job, deserve a break as many have said in the forums after every big patch. They are living on the money that we have payed as kind of a stock in them making the finished product they promised to deliver. I don't know about you guys but no boss in any job i have ever had has said, "you did that last job great, take the next week off with pay!" 3. I feel too much has gone into honestly what i see as stupid junk. I read for weeks in the weekly about how the astronouat complex was getting redone. All it ended up being was a nice pic in the background that gets blurred out cause of astronaut selection. So why even bother. How about putting purpose to the stats of the pilots rather than a background picture that noone will notice anyways. 4. BIG ONE. OLDER SYSTEMS. I have a system that meets all the requirements for this game, yet like tonight had to reload 20 + times in i would say 3 hours because of crashes while reworking and launching my ship. I would rework, save, try to send to launch pad, game crashes. Reload select launch pad , select ship and crew, and say launch, ship messes up getting into orbit, if i stick around and watch it crash into the ground, or hit revert to anything,, game crashes. ( I am running no mods, have 4 gigs of ram, 2.4 GHZ processor, win 7 32 bit) According to squad that should be no problem. The ship I am trying to get up is my interplanetary shuttle. It has around 580 parts I am guessing, so nothing too insane. many of the parts are struts. Yes my comp is a good at least 7 years old, but if they say a comp with what ever specs as minimum can run it, then it should be able to run without crashing. Lagging is one thing, but to reload ever 5 minutes is another. AS I said at the begining I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this game, I just feel like things are a bit misprioritized at squad, I see more advertising than development for an alpha game (If i am wrong, look at the kerbal weekly and see how much was done for development than someone going here or there to talk about the game). I see more work on background graphics than gameplay. Gameplay is what us gamers want, the pretty graphics in the end to touch up are a nice detail, but overall we (or well at least I) dont care. My final note is that at the rate i see this game progressing, it will be at least 2+ years before 1.0 comes out, please someone tell me im wrong but be able to justify reason i am wrong behind it.
  2. And the result will be nothing like you'd expect from Special Relativity. SR deals specifically with a Minkowski metric. Near the event horizon, the metric is going to look very different. The line element in polar coordinates in SR looks like ds² = dt² - dr² - r²(dθ² + sin²θ dƲ). In the exterior of the BH, it's (1-rs/r)dt² - 1/(1-rs/r)dr² - r²(dθ² + sin²θ dƲ). When you are far from the event horizon, r >> rs, the two are very similar and you can talk about effects of Special Relativity on a ship in orbit. But for r only slightly above rs you have to discard all of your SR notions and deal with General Relativity directly. Kepler's laws break down way before you reach event horizon. In fact, there are no stable orbits bellow 3rs. So you can be a full diameter away from event horizon, and Kepler's Laws are already completely useless.
  3. By the way, concerning a possible RemoteTech/kOS compatibility, I think Cilph and Kevin really need to talk, they don't use each other's mod I guess so they don't understand what to do to make both work. Cilph is waiting for a contact, here is the post : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56399-0-22-Remote-Tech-2-Build-those-satellite-networks!?p=756045&viewfull=1#post756045. I suggested him a few work-arounds already but he doesn't seem quite interested in a cheap solution. Maybe Kevin would have better ideas ! I know he already has a lot of work on kOS but if he could try to do it that would be great ! I know he likes to add features in each update, and that is a quite demanded one.
  4. 4/10 The thing to do is instead of the same group of people posting over and over, slow down and let other people have a turn. That way it isn't always the same people over and over again. I'll be watching, so no side conversations. Instead talk about where you've seen someone before.
  5. Well, I'm up to 5 now. Jebediah was the first one .... isn't he always? It was a simple mission to orbit the mun and come back .... I forgot to deploy the solar panels, so now he is in a highly elliptical orbit (ok, so I had other problems as well) around Kerbin with half a tank of fuel and no energy. Lesson learned ... put a few OX-SAT panels on each ship. Soon after Bill went to the Mun to land on it, I mean why not, Jeb's mission went so well what could possibly go wrong ... I added a few cheap solar panels in case I forgot to deploy the main one's after all. Well he's sitting on the Mun in an undamaged craft .... and no fuel. The 2 unmanned rescue attempts were able to land within 2k of him ... well, if you include crashing as landing. Lesson learned LTP, oh yeah and more fuel. So I got to Jool in an unmanned probe, we wont talk about not realizing a certain moon has an atmosphere and getting too far into it for my nukes to get out. Although I did get a lot of science before I crashed. So I figured why not send a manned mission there (not to land, just to look around and scan) and have twice the fuel that my probe had. Well I had a lot of trouble getting there and had to burn way to long even for nukes. Anyway, got there saw Jool and left so I'd have enough fuel to get back ...... Bob, Bobsey, and Mattop are now in orbit around the sun with no fuel. Lesson learned don't over estimate my fuel economy. Well, I plan on rescuing them in the next day or so and unmanned mission are so boring ... so I'll probably be up to 10 stranded Kerbals by Wednesday.
  6. Granted, we can't talk anywhere. I wish to have a free conversation thread, just one PLZ PLZ
  7. I tend to do like eliteshadow, mission is named after target, Duna mission 2 is funny as it never was an Duna mission 1 except in WAB, this was during the evolution of the modular science lander and it caused an redesign. Then I rename dropped probes after purpose. Duna north pole rover, it became Duna north pole probe with an probe sign after the wheels broke Tylo is the great killer for me, Eve is pretty gentle even an fail to reach orbit result in an suborbital jump and a kerbal who hibernate for a year while drawing full pay. Any fail on Tylo result in an high speed impact. Now lets talk about accurate landings on Tylo. Even mechjeb tend to miss by 10 km or more, even if dropped from 1000 km orbit with an lander with TWR>2 all the way.
  8. @CAPFlyer : maybe you should spend some time on the #kspmodders irc channel before telling me that I did not get input first, because "that" idea comes from chats I had with other modders. @NathanKell We talked before, I know you want the mods to work and keep it easy. don't worry. Same for Starwaster, you keep helping users on the thread I read so I know you mean well. @regex last version had Final working fine since only one DLL did the work I'll revert the subdirectory thing. I'll name the DLL with version number, that code is too nice to trash it and it Even if it is indeed unlikely there will be a lot more realease. Just let me catch Majiir on IRC to talk with him.
  9. I am not really sure as I don't develop mods, but I think there are two easy things to do which will make everything work, but are maybe not very beautiful. 1-Do what you said : provide information to any other mod requesting for that. These mods will then be able to implement some things by themselves (like controls blocking). For details, I think anything could possibly be useful like : is there a line of sight connection ? What is its length ? Should controls be blocked right now ? etc... 2-Make every feature optional. If a mod needs a feature shut, it will be easy to do so. kOS for example would need command blocking shut so that key events are not duplicated anymore, and it could use your data to block the controls itself ("if RemoteTechFound() && remoteTech.shouldControlsBeBlocked() then block()" in kOS code) ! Obviously I provided pseudo-code here, members shouldn't be named that long. For you it's just a matter of conditions (if we can block controls, then handle controls; else don't touch them !), it would require a bit of configuration for users (knowing they have to shut things down) but it would be documented and at least it will work. If someone finds a more elegant solution it could be better but I think mine is not that bad. What do you think ? The very best would be to talk directly to the kOS major developer, he could tell you what he needs exactly.
  10. Bravo! A very original take on hinges. I can only imagine the work it was to get everything working right . One minor point, but did you know that the last engine placed in the SPH is the first that flames out? So just take the central one out and in again, and you will get that nice flameout warning you talk about at all times. Weird rule not everyone knows about. Rune. Now you do!
  11. KSC - Gene Kerbin "Boost that signal! We need to see and hear what is going on." Gene was frantic, inwardly. Externally he spoke clearly and with conviction so as to not allow any panic or create an atmosphere for stupid mistakes. Outwardly, he was a rock. Inwardly, he was very, very worried for his friends in space. "On it Gene!" Jo-Jo replied and cranked it to 11. The tracking screen went from full on static to a static laced screen but with contacts on it. "I've got something!" Milby at Tracking piped up. "I think it is our boys!" "Jo-Jo, see if you can get them on the Com." Gene "Right, Gene!" Jo-Jo said and raced to KapCom station. Pulling on his headset he quickly keyed his mic. "Beagle Flight, this is KapCom. Come in Beagle Flight." Kerbin Orbit - Beagle Flight - Reentry track Jeb shut Beagle II's crew hatch and settled down into the second control seat next to Bob. "We are on our way, Bob!" As the cabin filled with air, Jeb noticed Bob rubbing his coin. "Yeah I think that is a good idea buddy. No one has performed reentry like this before." "I'd kiss it if I could right now, Jeb." Bob grinned and put his lucky coin back in his suit pocket. "pssstrtsark! Come in Beagle Flight." Jo-Jo's voice filled their helmet, heavily laced wit static. "Jo-Jo!" Bob and Jeb replied at the same time. They both laughed and Jeb motioned to Bob. "This is your ship, Bob. Answer for the Flight." Bob nodded and keyed his mic. "KapCom, This is Beagle Flight. We read you." What came back sounded like total pandemonium with Jo-Jo yelling to be heard over it. "Beagle Flight, what's your status?" Bob checked his scopes quickly. "We are on reentry and about to lose contact. We are on course for landing near the KSC." Jeb flipped a switch. "Releasing Beagle I. Thanks Baby!" "Roger <squark ssst sssst>ght. Talk to you in <ssssssttt>" Then the signal got lost in the static as the flames of reentry washed around Beagle II. Jeb was checking the readouts. "Things are going to be happening quickly now, Bob." "Ssspstt!ight, do you read?" Jo-Jo's voice can back after the flames died down. "Roger KapCom. We're coming home guys" Bod radioed back. "I'm going to have a beer when we get down." Bob said. "Just one?" Jeb said. "I'm have as many as I can drink then pass out for a bit." The capsule touched down with a thud. The parachute was cut and drifted free. Jeb peered out the window and saw several vehicles all ready. Many of the military. "It may be a bit for the beer, Bob." As the boys were climbing out of the capsule the found themselves surrounded by Kerbs in green and those Kerbs had weapons. "Umm..." Jeb said while raising his hands. "We come in peace?" Bob tried real hard to not laugh. Suddenly, Gene pushed through the wall of green and guns and walked over to Jeb and Bob. He gave both of them a hug (a man hug) and thrust a beer into their hands. "Welcome home, boys! I'll hold them off long enough for you to finish your beers." He said with a wink and turned and started yelling for the Kerb in charge of the troops. Jeb and Bob clinked beer cans together. yes, it was good to be home. Beagle Flight continues.
  12. Chapter 4 To the Heavens...Errr...Maybe (Fred and a group of students surround Jeb who is in a bed.) Fred: Jeb…Jeb wake up…Jeb! Jeb: murmph Fred: Here is the result of long termed exposure to Nitrous Oxide. Jeb: Waaaawwawawawawwwaaaa Fred: Jeb you need to wake up.( to the students) You may be dismissed. Jeb: (suddenly) Wait! Where am I? Fred: Jeb you are still at the Infirmary. We need to get you home. Jeb: Give me a minute to get some more sleep. Fred: Jeb we need to go now. Your flight rocket is in the last steps of construction. Jeb: What! We need to go now.(Jumps out of bed) Fred: Good you’re ready. It will take us a while to get out of the building. Jeb: Why? Fred: That press you brought here, they are crowded all the exits. The helicopter is ready, so if you can get out you should. Jeb: Come on, there can’t be that many reporters. Let’s go. (Fred and Jeb leave the room. Outside Jeb is swarmed by reporters.) Fred: (Mockingly) Oh there can’t be that many reporters. (Scene Change: KSI helicopter landing) Bob: Jeb your back finally. How’d the tests go. Jeb: I don’t know how did they go Fred. Fred: Well, I am here to officially announce that Jebba… Jeb: Urrg Fred: (clears throat) I mean Jeb has been cleared off all charges and is cleared to fly. Gene: Good. Good. Okay, Jeb you need to go down to the Kerbonaut Complexand get fitted with your flight suit. Fred you need to go with him. Fred: Roger that. Come on Jeb. Gene: Bill you will act as Capcom for this flight. Bill: Okey-dokey Bob: What will I do? Gene: I need you Bob to help David operate the CCTV cameras. Bob: Cool. Gene: We need to get down to the Mission Control building. (Scene Change Mission Control) Gene (Flight Director): Good morning team. I would like to congratulate all of you on the successful simulation with the Zeus-LS. Today we will be flying the Zeus-1. Remember our primary goal is to keep Jeb safe on his ride into the heavens. Bill Kerman will be CAPCOM on today’s flight. This is still a test but it will be an active test. This is also our first launch with a count down. I all hope you received the countdown pamphlet. Bill(CAPCOM): What is that Jeb? Okay, yep, gotcha. Jeb wants to know if you added his 79 page amendment to it. Gene(Flight Director): 79 Page amendment! What for? Bill(CAPCOM): He says it will make the launch more dramatic. It mostly has to do with David’s CCTV cameras David(CCTV Specialist) Tell him I already have enough to deal with, without him. I also deal with giving the feed to the Media. Bill(CAPCOM): He Jeb David says he has enough to deal with. Jeb(Zeus-1): I thought they wanted the launch to appeal to the public to get more funding. Bill(CAPCOM): Jeb is wondering about the programs funding. Gene(Flight Director): Tell him we can talk about this later. Bill (CAPCOM) : Jeb stop talking, because Gene looks a bit annoyed. Jeb (Zeus-1) : I’ll stop talking…………..FOR NOW!!!! Bill(CAPCOM): Jeb is good. Gene(Flight Director): Copy, we are beginning countdown now. T- 3:00 till liftoff of Zeus-1. David begin transmitting feed from ground camera. David(CCTV specialist): Ground Camera is up and clear. Dale you are clear to begin transmission. Dale(Telemetry/communication officer): Transmitting to twenty different media outlets. Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative): The VAB has cleared the Zeus-1 rocket for lift off. Gene (Flight Director): Copy, T- 2:45 till launch. Clock is still holding steady. Roger (Rotational Control Officer): Can I get a conformation regarding the SAS and rotational vectors test. Gene (Flight Director) : I was hoping you could get those in at T- 2:00. Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative): Zeus- 1 has reached the pad. They will begin refueling on your mark. Gene (Flight Director) : Are the communication lines set up. T-2:20 Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative) : The pad is saying they have the lines up. Gene (Flight Director): We need to make a quick check of communications with the capsule Dale. Dale (Telemetry/communication officer): CAPCOM are you ready for tests. Bill (CAPCOM): What kinds of tests. An endurance test, a strength test, or a speed test. Dale (Telemetry/communication officer): The communication tests with the capsule. Bill (CAPCOM): uhh, Roger, I will begin on your mark. Dale (Telemetry/communication officer): Testing in 3…2…1…test Bill (CAPCOM) : Testing testing 1 2 3. Can you read me Zeus-1 Jeb (Zeus-1): I read you loud and clear. How long do I have till lift off. Bill (CAPCOM): You have about 2 minutes. Roger (Rotational Control Officer): Wait what, I need to run tests. CAPCOM tell Zeus-1 to check his instrument displays. Bill (CAPCOM): Hey Zeus-1, I need you to check your instrument display for rotational checks. Jeb (Zeus-1) : Copy, the sensors are currently reading 0 for all vectors. Roger (Rotational Control Officer): Testing Y in 3…2…1…good X in 3…2…1…good Rotation in 3…2…1…solid. We are go for launch. Gene (Flight Control) : Communication can we get the readings from the capsule. Dale (Telemetry/Communications officer): Yes, it seems all readings are good. Gene (Flight Director): That’s good. T-1:30 Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative): Pad is waiting for orders to refuel. Gene (Flight Director): Franklin are you ready for the refueling. Franklin (Fuel Officer): Pad has my permission to begin refueling now that the equipment has been tested. Jeb (Zeus-1): Wait did he just say their refueling my rocket. Bill (CAPCOM) Yes Jeb, If you want to fly you are going to need fuel. Jeb (Zeus-1): But that means I am sitting on top of a b..b..b.bo.bom..bom…BOMB! Bill (CAPCOM): Booster what is the current success ratio with this Booster Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative): Jefferson put the fail rate at 30%. Bill (CAPCOM) : Jeb the explosives under you are perfectly safe. Jeb (Zeus-1): Whatever you say Bill Gene (Flight Director): T-1:00 and 20 seconds till Weather check. David go to Watertower cam David (CCTV specialist): Copy. Bill (CAPCOM) : How are you doing in there Jeb. Jeb (Zeus-1) : Well there is little room to move. I can kind of move the throttle. If someone rips off the hatch I am going to flow out like champagne. Fred (Biologist) : CAPCOM ask Jeb if he feels hot. Bill (CAPCOM): The Biologist wants to know if you feel hot. Jeb (Zeus-1) : You know, now that you ask that it is getting kind of hot in here. Gene (Flight Director): Fred does that change any of the plans for the launch? Fred (Biologist): No, but I need it for the data. Gene (Flight Control): That is good. We need the Weather check. Dale (Telemetry/communication Officer): No wind and it is sunny and clear. Gene (Flight Director): Stan does that mess up your department. Stan (Range Officer): No, baring the weather the range is clear we are go for launch. Gene (Flight Control) : T-0:30. We need to go through the Go/no go checks. Health Fred (Biologist): Go for launch Gene (Flight Director): Rot Roger (Rot control officer): Go Gene (Flight Director): Pad Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative): Zeus-1 is fueled. Pad is cleared. We are go for launch. Gene (Flight Director): Communications Dale (Telemetry/communication officer): Lines are open we are go for launch. Gene(Flight Director): CAPCOM and Zeus-1 Bill(CAPCOM): Are you ready Jeb. Jeb (Zeus-1): I just want to get of the explosive. Bill (CAPCOM): We are ready for launch. Gene(Flight Dirctor): T-0:15 all systems are go. Bill Kerman will be doing the countdown in 3…2…1… Bill (CAPCOM): Launch in 10…9…8…7…All systems are go…5…4...3…2…1…Ignition. See you later Zeus-1 (Alarm flashes on Dale’s desk) Dale (Telemetry/communication officer): Parachute has deployed! Roger quickly roll west! Roger (ROT control Officer): Copy. Jeb (Zeus-1):Something is happening to the capsule. Bill (CAPCOM) : Your parachute has deployed we are ripping the capsule off right now. Dale (Telemetry/communications officer): SRB has detached. Flying towards the pad. Stan (RO) : I have no communication with the Booster, but it is on a safe path at the pad. Fred (Biologist): Jebs heart rate is up 50%. He is safe though. Bill (CAPCOM): How you feeling Jeb. Jeb (Zeus-1) That was awesome. Dale (Telemetry/communications officer): Capsule has landed safely. Booster has crashed. Gene (Flight Director): CAPCOM you need to tell Jeb to get out of his capsule and collect a surface sample. Bill (CAPCOM): You just barely survived, but we need you to do the experiments. Jeb (Zeus-1): Okay, Crew Report #0001JEB the scientists couldnot stage my capsule right, so I am on the launch pad. Bill (CAPCOM): Now you need to get out Jeb. Jeb (Zeus-1): I am opening the hatch now. It appears there are signs of intelligent life. Oh wait. Bill (CAPCOM): Collect a surface sample, a log, and plant the flag. Then you can back into the capsule. Jeb (EVA-1): Copy. Jeb (EVA1): What is this stuff I am picking up. It is like partially flesh or something. Log #0002JEB I appear to have lost an important part of my ship. Bill (CAPCOM): Now plant the beacon/flag. Jeb (EVA1): Okay. Bill(CAPCOM): Seriously Jeb, uhhh get back to the ship. Jeb(Zeus-1): I am back in the ship awaiting recovery. Gene (Flight Control): I am declaring this mission a partial success. Debreifing in five minutes. Jeb (Zeus-1): Does anyone want to help me out of my suit. Gene (Flight Director): There is your job Bob. Bob: Wait what!?! -Author's Notes- Sorry about the lack of updates, but AP US History got in the way of me writing this chapter. School must always come before KSP, except when I am bored.
  13. Lol true but it would be good for all groups involved to get popularity up. I have attempted to recruit some friends into KSP and they talk about how cool contests would be.
  14. http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/b/475669170 Maxmaps doing some early career mode with Spootyman and tanuki_chau. Not much actual dev talk, but a couple of hints. Found it in the KSPTV profile, under past broadcasts.
  15. False, would you like that if thread get flooded by a talk about the fact that the moon landing was a hoax? The user below me have broken the article 2.2 once or more.
  16. Probably the backup plan, if the entire TDRS constellation dropped out, would be "come home immediately"… assuming everybody wasn't dead. You could still use ground transmitters to talk to them however. The bigger problem is the "Kepler syndrome" (i.e., an orbital debris cascade). My son asked me while watching the movie "would this happen?", and I had to answer with a firm "No, but…". Yes, you can get to a state where the debris multiply rapidly (exponentially)… and that's a serious concern... but that doesn't mean anything like instantly. The movie seems to imply everything going to kibbles and bits in a single orbital period or so - not even the right order of magnitude. An orbital debris cascade would take many multiples (as in "hundreds" or more like "thousands") of the orbital period. And it wouldn't change spacecraft communication in the least… not unless such a debris cascade in LEO would impact Geo-sync orbit, which is where the multiple (yes, they have back-ups) TDR Satellites are located. Another significant goof here is if the debris stream (from a recent break-up) encountered the shuttle one orbit #1, the chances are incredibly remote that it would encounter it on orbit #2, #3, etc. After all, if the break-up was in the same orbit as the shuttle, it wouldn't have a velocity relative to it… and if it was in a different orbit than the shuttle, they only intersect in two places. So unless you have the break-up event occur in an orbit inclined to the shuttles, but with an identical period, this is not a regularly once-an-orbit repeating phenomenon. Still bigger problem? Given the likely encounter speeds, they literally never would have seen it coming. Let's say they had a relative encounter speed around 5 kps… if you were lucky enough to see it at a distance of a mile (think about this… given the size of the chunks, do you think you'd spot them at a distance of a mile?), you'd have 0.3 seconds from catching a glimpse to impact. No chance… especially since anything on-coming to you at those speeds would have nearly zero drift velocity across your field of view. Yeah, the fire in space bit bothered me - because while you *do* get fires in space (Mir had some *serious* issues in this regard), they do not apparently look like that. But, hey, it will visually give the viewer the idea of "danger from fire". At least they didn't resort to "hearing explosions in space". I appreciated that. -- Brian Davis
  17. Granted, the furries take over the forum I wish people to keep of bringing the subject up (more you talk about it, more bronies get hype)
  18. 10/10 Why u no talk 'bout nothing else?
  19. Octavia don't talk in the show... so false. The user below have heard Lyra talk.
  20. I like this. However in its current form it kills my performance due to the endless stream of debug logging. I built a version without it and it works great though Now, I'm interested to contribute to this. First off, with this mod the engine sounds continue playing in the pause menu. I'll try to figure out how to stop that from happening. Secondly, I'm (later on) going to see if I can make this talk to FAR in some way, to get the density and speed of sound from there (way more accurate). I'll post updates if I manage any of these
  21. 9/10 meh i know there is a OC wiki mr plample wont talk,.
  22. Finally its out now for 0.22 Good work and thanks a lot! Good decission to keep out the delay until there is an automated control. Too much difficult to control anything with only just 2 seconds delay. Not to talk about several minutes delay
  23. As you see,I'm back to this awesomely incredible game I'm now working on planes,and thought is it possible to use drogue parachute like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4f/SAAF-BAE_Hawk-Drogue_parachute-001.ogv ^ Wikipedia owns it I tried this several times,but plane tips over.I know,to use parachute like that you must line up com,what is pretty hard to do with planes! Any ideas? By the way,I know that parachutes cut off when you hit the ground,so let's talk about situation while you're still in air,and you need to slow down the plane
  24. Yep. Hey, maybe you can talk to the Kethane guys for cross-compatibility like showing Kethane deposits on the SCANsat maps... And I like the new "unofficial" logo... But maybe have the plane inside the square? or even maybe a satellite thing... Something like this Though it does bring Kethane to mind...
  25. Are there any mods out ther thad add new planets or even better new solar systems? Is it even possible to make mods like that or would that alert game too much? I tried to google them but I couldn't find any. I heard some talk about planet factory mod but couldn't find any link to actual information about it. Thanks in advance for your help.
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