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  1. I'd launch the plane/load in the rover. Physics eases in, I don't touch anything (in fact, brakes are automatically on thinking this would help. It doesn't). Slowly, my plane spins on the runway and I have to fight it to point straight. Once in the air, things are USUALLY fine - some designs, despite arodynamically sound, decide to keep wanting to turn right in the air as well. Rovers have a similar spinny issue. I'm at my wit's end as it makes some stuff frustratingly hard, are there any tools to highlight/ID parts that cause phantom forces? For planes, I use B9 proc wings and kerbal foundries mostly.
  2. Hi folks, I've been turning my attention to the hardest problem of all, women an Eve spaceplane. SSTO is out of the question on Eve but I have an idea for something mostly re-usable - Stock props to get the thing up to an altitude where the atmosphere is like it is on Kerbin at 8km or so. Then ditch the propellors and activate the nervs to make the run to orbit. It has 5 NERVs, 2 IONS, the outboard pair of nervs can be discarded later in the ascent when our TWR is looking good. Well, the nerv powered part certainly has a load of potential. I used hyperedit to drop the thing (stationary) at 10km over the space centre, and it went hurtling upstairs soon enough. The problem is, it's my first stock prop, and it's rubbish. I followed a Youtube guide, deviating only in that i used an Oscar B and a pair of fuel cells rather than 4 RTGs, since that still gives 45 minutes minimum endurance and is much cheaper (given that they're not being re-used). Unfortunately I can't get over 20 m/s on the runway. I've been experimenting with various pitch angles on the blade, some of which give better initial acceleration but then stop gaining at 10 m/s or cause RUD. Anyone fancy working their magic on these props? Or just graft one of your own subassembly's onto my spaceplane and be done with it? https://www.dropbox.com/s/1g6mi5jg16ozes2/eve4.craft?dl=0
  3. Hello, I am experiencing something that I need help to understand (and hopefully correct) involving decoupling. I apologize in advance for the lengthy description. I've built two ships: a vessel to land and takeoff from Eve, and a "transfer vehicle" whose purpose is to get the lander to Eve and then bring the crew home. After building the lander I ran a test flight; I used the Debug Toolbar to place it into Eve orbit, and then went through the entire sequence: deorbit, entry, landing, and launch back to orbit. Everything worked well. I constructed a booster and placed the lander into Kerbin orbit. I then built the Transfer Vehicle and launched it into Kerbin orbit. After rendezvous and docking the two vessels, I ran another test flight to Eve, placing the "stack" into Eve orbit and again going through the entire sequence. De-orbit, entry and landing went well. But that's when strange things started to crop up. The first thing I noticed involved the fuel flow priority. My lander first stage has six X200-32 fuel tanks attached to a central S3-14400 tank using six TT-70 decouplers, The fuel flow priority was set up to have the X200-32 tanks drain first, and then I would jettison them. This worked fine on my first test flight. But this second time after being docked to the Transfer Vehicle the fuel flow priorities were all wrong, and had to be reset (not a big deal, but maybe a harbinger of what was coming). After launch, the six tanks drained as planned. But when I jettisoned through the staging process, only five of the six tanks decoupled. While trying to troubleshoot, it looks like there's a "phantom" TT-70 decoupler preventing the tank from separating. This phantom decoupler isn't on the original lander (the one that flight tested correctly). It only appears to show up after I dock the Transfer Vehicle to the Lander. And I say "phantom" because you can't see it until you go through the jettison process, then you can see that one TT-70 did decouple correctly but there's a second decoupler buried/hidden underneath the first one. Unable to figure out what was going on, I started from scratch and built a second Lander, tested it around Eve (land and takeoff worked great). But again, after docking with the Transfer Vehicle, the decouple problem with the phantom TT-70 happened again. So: what's going on here? What is causing a correctly functioning lander to develop this decoupling glitch after docking with a transfer vehicle? Thank you for your help.
  4. I made an SSTO that simply can't climb, accelerate, and can't lift off until the end of the runway. It has 6 Rapier engines and 2 nuclear engines. It can't go over 5-6 km and can't accelerate enough to reach the thinner atmosphere level. Additionally, it's not too stable. How can I fix that? Stages: https://imgur.com/a/m4bvy8A Engineer's Report: https://imgur.com/a/kOADqOV From Front: https://imgur.com/a/ryxL0X7 From Back: https://imgur.com/a/nBEfWCA From Top: https://imgur.com/a/88hFa9h From Right: https://imgur.com/a/hXt1Rx0 (Sorry for links it didnt inserted from photos from links) Is this amount of wing enough https://imgur.com/a/q4hZQZK
  5. I'm trying to dock but I have no idea what is going wrong. https://imgur.com/a/25OmvA4
  6. So I last played Kerbal 1 in January I just came back today and the control bindings and views seem changed. I have tried looking though the settings menu, but I don't see how to bind the mouse buttons and mouse wheel. Did something change, and if so, how do I change it back? Sorry if this has been discussed before. When I started it up I thought I saw a message about something about the controls, was that this? Thanks.
  7. I have the core of a space station with docking ports on the side and a fuel storage module with docking ports on the side. I want to dock and connect them, but i have no idea how to do it if both are on the side. Any ideas?
  8. Hello kerbonauts. Recently, my space program has been doing... bad. I unecessarily upgraded mission control max level, and then instantly regretted it and accepted a bail-out grant strategy... twice. Not to mention I've lately been accepting loads of contacts that take a while to complete (i.e Eve missions and stations) and then, I launched a mun station that had to be fully built on launch... and I EVA attatched a Mag. boom, resulting in the contract being spoiled, and the crew requiring rescue. Not to mention the station was in an orbit too high to get any new situations w the boom... I know this all may seem out of context, but the point is my reputation is plumetting, and I accepted a comet sample contract, despite only having done 1 kerbol rendezvous, which ended in disaster... And it was just an ASTEROID and an unmanned probe, and now I'm meant to send a kerbal to a comet? I wish I could just cancel the contract, but I don't want to just throw the advance to the garbage bin and lose reputation. So, if anyone has any tips, please give them to me.
  9. Hi all, I just created an account here to post this question so I apologise if it's not in the right place or formatted correctly etc. I am trying to do my first Mun landing in Career on Normal. I wanted to do an Apollo-Style mission where my lander is docked to a command module and re-docks after Munar landing and ascent. I couldn't quite remember how Apollo did it so I ended up placing docking ports on my lander and CM and connecting them up in the builder, so the lander was upside down. I'm not sure how to post a picture since I'm on console and posting here from mobile, but I think you'll get the picture. Fast forward and I manage to build my biggest and most complicated rocket ever, the launch goes surprisingly well and I'm in low Munar orbit with plenty of delta-v on each craft. I messed up the staging as the port was one or two stages up from my CM engine and I didn't want to risk messing it all up, so I tried to manually undock the ports. It would only let me highlight and bring up the context menu for the CM port. There was no 'undock' option, only a 'disable docking node' or something to that effect so I selected that. Something went wrong as the craft would not seperate and were ocsillating very weirdly (my scientist had transferred over, the lander had SAS enable and a probe core on it so control wasn't the issue, it just moved the CM as well). I reloaded, moved the staged port down below the engine and staged and the same thing happened. I reloaded to a quicksave halfway to the Mun and adjusted my trajectory to a free return to Kerbin. When I got there I manually activated the decoupler below my CM so I ended up with the Mk2 command pod and a lander docked above it. Curiously, when I got to about 30km and the rest of the lander had exploded (only a lander can attached) I found that the docking port had an 'undock' option and it worked, thus leaving me with just the command pod and able to activate the chutes, and land safely. Can anyone give any insight as to why this happened? I assume it's something funky happening with the fact that they started off docked but I didn't imagine that should create any issues. I'm going to tweak the whole thing to make it more accurate to Apollo 11, where my lander is stored beneath the CM and I flip the CM, dock to and extract the lander en route to the Mun, but I was just curious where I went wrong. Also, any build tips for pulling off the above? I haven't started yet but can't quite figure out how I'm going to configure the craft correctly. Do I need to attach the lander to the stage below or will it just sit within the fairing/assembly? How do I make sure I can extract it once the CM is docked? Many thanks and sorry for such a long post. Edit - think I figured out the lander stuff. Lander is attached by the port to a decoupler attatched to CM engine. Once in orbit decoupler below lander is staged, and the CM and lander decouple via custom action group (just to make the staging abit simpler). From there flip around, dock the two craft, and do Trans-Munar injection burn. Hopefully there won't be issues with the ports not handling the acceleration? Can't imagine so. Very excited as this is the craziest build I've done so far and it seems like it's going to go well. Never thought I'd get here, up till now the most advanced things I've done on my own are returning science from low Munar orbit and rescuing a Kerbal from a pretty crazy inclined Munar orbit. I'd never even used any parts bigger than the 1.25m ones. Now I've got a pretty stable 155 ton, 32.5m tall rocket that can comfortably put at least 13tons of payload into a high Kerbin orbit. Tutorials help of course, big thanks to these forums and Mike Aben over on Youtube. That guy's the best.
  10. i need help on docking for the first time in console ksp... any tips?
  11. I've been taking a new foray into trying to build some space stations, and the performance of Clamp-O-Tron Senior Docking ports is ruining the fun. Are these things known to not behave properly? I keep sitting here bouncing off the docking port and it will not connect. I've cranked up the Docking acquire force on both ports to 200%. There is actually ZERO snap or force behind them trying to pull to each other. I cannot be the slightest millimeter off or these things will not dock, and at this point, I'm not sure that I can even get them to dock if I am dead-on to a billionth of a degree off. Am I doing something wrong? I've docked Jrs and mid-sized Clamp-O-Trons hundreds of times in the game with no issues. I've reloaded half a dozen times, adjusted the angle, tried to use one ship to "knock" the smaller portion into alignment. I will say that the smaller ship is just a piece of station, with no mono-thrusters on it, which makes it a bit more difficult, however, I am still not seeing any docking acquire force even if it is cranked to 200% on both ends.
  12. I launched my first Vall probe, its on its way to Jool. But the Wifi(signal) was 0. So I launched a relay to a solar orbit between Kerbin and Duna. The relay's signal was full. But the probe's signal were still 0. Should I wait or do what? PLZ HELP SAVE IT PLZ!!!
  13. So I was foolish enough to not pay attention to the way my docking ports are oriented and i'm too far along in the building of my massive ship to redo them with the correctly oriented docking ports. So I figured I'd go into my save file and change it there. However, I don't quite understand how the rotation coordinates work These are some examples I encountered name = dockingPortLarge uid = 4166428604 mid = 1609767404 parent = 0 position = 0,0.190000534057617,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 name = dockingPortLarge uid = 847882949 mid = 3803078805 parent = 234 position = -0.000184585573151708,7.42258644104004,-0.000642582890577614 rotation = 0.6668333,7.284768E-05,0.745207,3.523691E-05 mirror = 1,1,1 So I have several of these kind of parts in my quicksave file. My guess would be to change the rotation value of 0,0,0,1 to 0,0,0,-1 but i'm not quite sure. What is the last coordinate anyway? XYZ and what? In the last block I haven o idea how to flip it.. Any help would be welcome!
  14. I cannot create a successful return orbit. I think I'm folloeing the instructions, but here's what I end up with what is the purple orbital line and how should it relate to the golden escape track? I assume the purple track is the new orbit as planned, but how do you merge that with the ship's orbit? Also with this setup I can't lower kerbin periapsis then about 2.000.000 m. Basically I'm rather confused. I'm trying to insert a screenshot but it isn't showing up.
  15. I'm trying to refuel this craft with my refueling rover but I but the docking ports in the wrong places. Is it possible to dock these 2 crafts together? I can't post images for some reason so here is the link:https://photos.app.goo.gl/NLHiQKtcmtB1fkxE6
  16. Ok not a question here. Just spent 45 minutes trying to complete my first docking. About 3m away with a good line up and I accidentally hit the space bar and shoot my [snip] stage separator off!
  17. This is my spaceplane. It is supposed to be able to take of from Eve and gain some altitude using its propeller engines that are inside those 3 service bays. (Before anyone is going to say anything about Eve SSTO's, this isn't supposed to be an SSTO, it only has to reach a suborbital trajectory over Eve) Problems: When I teleport it to Eve for testing, most of the times the landing gear gets overstressed pretty soon and just explodes before I even accelerate. How do I make my landing gear more reliable? For the reason mentioned above, I haven't done a proper test flight so far and therefore I have no idea if those propellers have even nearly enough trust. The current propeller setup is as follows: 6 medium-sized breaking ground rotors, each of them has 8 ducted-fan blades attached to it. The deploy angle will be manually adjusted for optimal trust during the flight Also if you see other stuff that you think is wrong with my design, feel free to tell me
  18. After doing pretty much everything else, I decided to try an eve ssto (actually not for eve but some similar modded planets, not important anyway; basically, I have to optimize a model). unfortunately, if there is one aspect of this game that I never mastered, it's planes. Oh, I can fly, I made a few neat propeller-rocket models, but nothing special. I can make a propeller rocket plane that can ssto on kerbin, but eve is another matter entirely. Anyway, I've seen a few eve ssto, in particular this model used for a single stage grand tour that can ssto on eve with enough fuel left to land on gilly, while carrying mining equipment. I would not copy other's designs (where's the fun in that?), but I have a solid base to start. I certainly wasn't expecting my first experiment to go ssto, or even to get particularly close. But I was at least expecting it to fly. Nope. this is the plane. 226 tons, more mass should help reduce drag by the square cube law, the working models I've seen are all around 200 tons. 10 wings, it's more than other models I saw, I actually added some because I could not take off. I haven't yet placed the nuclear engines, that will come later - if I can make this work, which is doubtful at this point. on the airstrip, at low speed, propellers are generating a lot of thrust. so far so good. but around 100 m/s, I mostly stop accelerating. I can't tell how much is drag and how much the propellers lose power; I know it's easy enough to reach 200 m/s with propellers, so I must assume the plane is making drag the plane can lift off, but it lost speed here it recovered a bit, but it's still slower than when it took off. and I can't accelerate it the plane is very unstable during flight, it tends to pitch down hard unless I correct for it constantly. of course, this causes the plane to have a sinusoidal movement that greatly increases drag. additionally, the plane has a lot of trouble generating lift; I have to point the nose upwards of prograde if I want to stay in the air, else I fall down fast. And I already used 5° angle of attack - I'd have tried for less, but as I said, I wasn't getting enough lift. From what I heard, successful models use lower angles of attack and less wings per mass unit, but I already had a hard enough time getting this design to take off, and I can't imagine what it would take to get it to land in one piece. The plane is incapable to ascend at more than a few m/s, and it is incapable of going faster than 100 m/s. the design is very basic, and very similar to other successful planes. yet it barely stays in the air. and I can't tell the difference between this model and others that work. anyone can enlighten me?
  19. I see people docking ships in ksp all the time, when i try i can never line it up right, how do i do it?
  20. I have a mission to "build a new unmanned probe...". My plan is to make a spaceship with one kerbal and an unmanned probe attached, so that I can position the satellite and bring some science data back as well. But when I reach the designated orbit and have the unmanned probe un-docked, the mission requirement "build a new unmanned probe..." is still not fulfilled...... The probe has everything required (probodobodyne, solar panel, antenna). And if I remove the kerbal before launching, the "build a new unmanned probe..." is immediately fulfilled when the spaceship is on launchpad. Is this a bug, or I have to launch it with no kerbal to satisfy the "unmanned" requirement?
  21. My first flight to the Mun left an expended Stage 3 in a deep elliptical orbit around Kerbin. (that sounds familiar, Apollo 11) Now I want to clean up local space a bit. (FYI, Jeb returned safely) Can I attach a docking ring to the expended stage using EVA construction, dock with it, and push it back into a degrading orbit? (assuming I can pull off the rendezvous) For future efforts, can I put a second command or Mechjeb on with reserve fuel, and fly it back to Kerbin? I want to try to think and fly with some sense of environment conservation. Any helpful ideas / discussions are appreciated.
  22. I am trying to dock a large module to another for a Duna run, and the RCS isn't working in docking mode. I have monopropellant, EC, and the RCS works when I rotate the module around with SAS headings, but the shift-ctrl-wasd aren't doing anything in linear or rotation docking mode. I've never had a module just refuse to respond to docking controls, so I'm confused. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  23. Hi, I'm having issues with counter rotating props. The first plane, from KerbalX, works fine. My plane (the 2nd) has the same setup but is going to have some weird thrust as you can see in 3rd and 4th pictures, I dont understand why. Any help? I think this might be a bug (saving the 1st plane's engines as a subassembly and putting them on my 2nd plane works though, until I decide to replace the propellers with bigger ones)
  24. I have a 300t craft (3 landers) in sun orbit, headed for laythe. I have a laythe intercept, but even If I use all my deltav at the SOI edge, including the landers, I will get 2800 dV, For some reason, it is not enough to even put a dent in the flyby trajectory. (Even though I went overkill and gave it 6.5k dV from lko) What can I do? I have recently left kerbin SOI so I have a early correction advantage. and have used the most optimal transfer (But it looks like I didn't get the Hohmann transfer correctly) from the calculator mod. Aerobraking is out of my possibilities. If there is no way to save it what can I express-send to fix the situation? And no I will not use hyperedit even though it is installed.
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