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Found 2 results

  1. OK I am in the middle of making a large electric submarine on the PS4 and thanks to some very helpful advice I've managed to get it moving at a blitzing 1.5 m/s utilizing the heavy rotors and elevon 4 I think? The one with pointy ends on both sides in a kind of slanted square shape (if that helps at all). The sub itself is easy but during my now 10 to 12 hours worth of experimentations some of the parts for the propeller have been doing some very wierd things like flipping mirrored and unmirrored constantly while underway which kills off all thrust. Experienced Kerbal lords and ladies of the sea I humbly ask what parts have worked for you (other than jets) and how do you fashion your water whipping propellers to dominate the wet parts of Kerbin?
  2. Hello all. I have tried searching the forums to see if anyone had already done this, but could not find anything. I like to see how realistic the physics of KSP are for things that were not it's original purpose. I have "Breaking Ground" and work within KSP 1.9.1. I had fun proving that "Down Force" works with KSP and that with Rotor based wheels you can drive up to the VAB, drive up to vertical and then use "Down Force" to hold you to the wall as you drive up to the top and and over the edge. To park on the roof. Now I am exploring underwater and after getting ballast tanks configed right to get within mm/s of neutral buoyancy for my subs, I wanted to be able to have my Kerbals walk around on the bottom without immediately bobbing up to the surface. Obviously with their helmets on. So I gave them an extra inventory slot and used the deployed science mystery goo config as a basis for a weight belt. I used a scaled down structural part as a mesh and set (after some experimentation) the mass to 90kg. This lets them sink gracefully and walk around as if they were on land. they can jump roughly as high as on land but come down slightly slower or swim if you go in a direction. I have a deloyed science cabinet next to my airlocks and have them equip the weight belt when they exit but are still holding on. When they return they just put it back in the cabinet before entering. Also if you click on the weight belt as if they were going to place it somewhere but don't. They loose the mass and float up. So you can use that to get up things if you need to. So, Has anyone else done this.?
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