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  1. Current Version : 1.8.x Download : SpaceDoc Green Skull Suit was always my favorite suit texture in KSP, Unfortunately, the main developer of the textures didn't update them for a long time. With addition of MKS, And a DLC that gives you new suit, this texture pack really needed some work. So, Here you have it guys, new Suit pack, in two different flavors for your kerbals, if you have the DLC, using texture replacer, you can switch to futuristic suit and have a glorious full set of suites for all MKS variations !!! This mod needs Texture Replacer !!!! Here are some samples for taste, you can find the full gallery link bellow Full Gallery Link License : MIT
  2. Current Version : 1.8.x Download : SpaceDoc , GitHub Source : GitHub We are all familiar with the ORIGINAL bulb plugin, the main developer didn't update the mod for long time and different people are maintaining it. Here are some issues with the original code, the developer was using complex code to handle color change on light, and emissive color for the material. How ever, it had issues with the editor, in other words, the emissive color wouldn't show up in some cases. Also, he would only change one light and one emissive color. The code is rewritten using a template from very old plugin (Module Surface Light). The way this plugin is handling the events was much more flexible and made the code lots smaller and easier. So, I took it on myself, to rewrite the bulb code using this template, at the same time, fixing the issues with emissive color change and made it so that no matter how many lights and emissive objects we have, it will behave properly on all of them. Also, added two attributes to the module, these two are multipliers for the emissive color, they work hand in hand in the math formula, so with playing with the numbers, combined with the colors, you can achieve very nice effects on your light objects. the License for original Bulb is GPLv3 the License for Module Surface Light is Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
  3. CURRENT VERSION : I always liked the idea of box sat or the cube mods, but, for me, those two were not the thing I was looking for. Basically, what I wanted was an easier system to make cube walls for a satellite. Not only that, but having internal nodes to attach different parts to it would be nice. Unfortunately, no one did it, that the case until I saw a video on youtube and the person (Felborn aka bob fitch) had done something amazing and that was, adding few nodes to an existing stock part! That was when I decided to go for this idea, now, here you have it, a mod that adds only two parts, one as the satellite frame with built in electric charge and SAS, and one as the wall to cover it up and make it a real cube. The frame has 26 sets of internal nodes that are attachable on every 6 directions. Using B9 Part Switch as an optional mod side by side this mod, you will get a nice little addition in your GUI's menu to toggle those nodes on/off for ease of access. Also, the wall is designed so that when it snap attached to a node, it would still have another stack node toward the outside, making it easier to attach engines to the wall if need to. License : Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License DOWNLOAD the MOD from SPACEDOCK B9PartSwitch change Log :
  4. I've been given @N3h3mia's blessings to officially support his excellent collection of Science Mods for KSP 1.x as he is currently unable to find the time to continue these. Please raise bug reports for this build to myself and not to N3h3mia. [ ] Official Thread (out-of-date)- overview and tutorial videos Micha's Development Thread- continued revision history, source code, bug reports, feature requests, help and support, ... NOTICE: This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin. Download links Updated to 0.9.1 on 2020.06.10 NOTE: If upgrading from earlier than 0.7.1, there is a slightly changed file format. It will update automatically from an earlier version, but you won't be able to revert. Please take a backup of your saves before installing. GitHub SpaceDock CurseForge On CKAN as "Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science" Changes from 0.9.0 (Full Changelog) Significantly nerfed science payout for all experiments.Fix experiments automatically starting if there are insufficient crew in the Lab. (No longer creates a KAC alarm unless the experiment is actually running). Fix experiments not pausing when crew leaves the Lab. Fix "Finalize" not showing the experiment abbreviation. Kemini: Fix being unable to Move and Finalize an experiment if the Lab does not also have storage as is the case with the HGR SoyJuice pods. Kemini: Fix multiple experiments accruing Lab Time from all Labs. Known Issues Reporting new issues If running with mods, try to reproduce the issue without any mods. Please supply steps on how to reproduce the issue. Attach your log file (KSP.log, found in the KSP game directory) and optionally a save-game which can be used to reproduce the issue. Ideally raise the bug report on the GitHub tracker. Mod Incompatibilitiers Kerbalism: Reports of NEOS (specifically, KEES), contracts unable to be completed when Kerbalism is installed. Fixed by Kerbalism team - use Kerbalism 3.0 or later. General The "interior overlay" is not displayed properly for parts which have an IVA. Overview This set of mods consists of 3 main components: Kemini Research Program (KRP) - early-game orbital science experiments for the Mk1 command pod. requires ModuleManager compatible with a range of third-party command pods. Kerbal Environment Effects Study (KEES) - mid-game orbital science experiments for your first orbital stations. requires KIS recommends K2 / Corvus or similar 2-Kerbal pods Orbital Station Science (OSS) (Was: OMS/KLS) - end-game experiments for large long-duration stations, requiring heavy lifters and significant station infrastructure. The basic premise is that experiments are run in "Labs". Labs, Lab Equipment, and Experiments are launched separately. Equipment must be installed into the correct lab, and Experiments can only be run on certain Equipment. KRP and KEES are simpler variants with some/all of the equipment/labs pre-integrated. Once an Experiment has been installed, it can be "Run", which will take some time. The idea is not to time-warp to completion, but to run the experiments in the background while performing other missions. When done, an Experiment can be "Finalized" and must then be returned to Kerbin. Quick Tutorials NB: From v0.7 onwards, this set of mods also has in-game KSPedia entries showing basic usage. Kemini Research Program Kerbal Environmental Effects Study Orbital Station Science
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