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  1. Okay, I have googled, and I have searched the forum, yet found no answer. Here's what it is: I play only sandbox, and I build funny little ships that I fly to the Mun, mostly. When I set up my return trajectory, I can see where it will hit Kerbin. But Kerbin will, of course, keep rotating. So I often end up burning huge amounts of ∆v in a last-minute course alteration just so that I can hit an ocean. If I don't use such huge amounts to first circularize and then set up a nice reentry. I can build my craft so that I'll be lugging quite enough ∆v for all of that. But I don't wanna. I don't need to hit an ocean. I know I can land on land, no worries. I know it was once undesirable to hit an ocean, if memory serves. But I am of the firm conviction that spacecraft that don't have landing gear go in the water. That's how I roll. Or splash and bob, as the case may be. So. What part of the game have I totally missed learning about? What mod did I not find? What is the trick? From what I understand, the Apollo spacecraft didn't exactly first circularize and then set up reentry. But were put on the right trajectory, right from the Moon. And even came down near the right aircraft carrier. If those pinkskins could do it, I'm sure the Kerbals should be able to, also. Problem is how to get me able to do it, also. I'm sure it's elemental, trivial, everybody knows about it. I suspect there might be something in the game I just have failed to learn about, inexcusable as that may be. So, as humiliating as this may be for me. Please somebody explain to me how I can aim for an ocean from the Mun. Thanks.
  2. Nothing to see here. Move along. Maybe go install "Trajectories" and, in map view, zoom out.
  3. Hi All, I recently installed the most recent Kerbal Plus and Waypoint Manger mods and when i tried to splash down on Kerbin in the most basic rocket, i went straight through the surface of the water,parachute and all, and continued descending until i hit the ocean floor. Once i hit the ocean floor it acted as though i had landed on land. I have tried with each mod removed from the game data folder individually, with the same results. When i remove both i can again splash down. Any ideas on why these new mods made my water disappear on Kerbin? Thanks
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