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  1. Have you ever wanted to exit the game at the end of a hard day's rocket science but felt that using the menu option lacked a little pizzaz? is the F4 button on your keyboard a little sticky from fast food? Would you rather operate your game through arcane unexplained magic rather than the provided perfectly working options? Behold the Kraken Nuclear Option, a device which uses ??? to put your application to sleep tonight. The controls are simple: Load one (1) qualified computer technician into the device's control mechanism. Suspend the device on clamps above your least favourite launch site Activate Action Group 1 This was originally something I made to test the idea of docking together segments for a ring station, but then I discovered its fatal consequences to the instance of the game currently running. While I have submitted this over to the devs for bug reporting, I'm also kind of curious as to whether anyone out there has a machine or setup of the game capable of handling whatever happens when you undock the one port holding this together, so I figured I'd throw this out here in case anyone is amused by it/wants to play around with it and see if their copy of the game runs it. Have fun all of ye: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cNBhrL-JJ8m0Ox-1_fKoBxzRv4dKOOYX/view?usp=sharing
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