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As you can see here when designing a small craft or probe its impossible to tell if your winglets, thrusters or little gadgets are aligned properly. The size of these markers should scale with the size of the craft or part cause tbh they seem too big sometimes even when working with big rockets (IMO). If people don't like that maybe make the scaling of these markers a bar in the settings window?
- 2
- improvement
- quality of life
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Purtroppo non posso programmare, ma penso che qualcuno che trova interessante la mia idea potrebbe rilasciare la mod a cui sto pensando. La mod riguarda (come probabilmente avrai già letto) sui fluidi: un sistema che cambia il modo in cui funzionano le stive di carico e parti simili, ora se metti una stiva di carico in un aereo e ci metti delle parti avranno resistenza, sollevare... e quindi comportarsi come se fossero fuori, la mod dovrebbe risolvere questo problema e migliorare la fisica dell'acqua, come rendere inutili le prese d'aria sott'acqua, aggiungere alcune prese d'acqua con i motori ad acqua... sarebbe anche bello farlo così che nelle stive di carico non si vede acqua (sott'acqua) se sono chiuse, ma se si aprono si riempiono d'acqua e cambiano assetto e riempimento d'acqua. Sarebbe anche bello rendere più pericolosa l'esplorazione subacquea, aggiungendo la pressione dell'acqua che cambia con la profondità e facendo anche in modo che i kerbal subacquei indossino sempre una tuta intera. So che è piuttosto difficile da creare, ma sarei davvero felice di vedere un mod come questo essere rilasciato Qui lascio un'idea delle aggiunte della mod, dimmi se pensi che siano buone o meno Miglioramenti: Le baie di carico possono essere riempite d'acqua se vengono aperte sott'acqua e cambiano galleggiabilità, anche le baie di carico sono impermeabili quando sono chiuse La pressione aumenta sott'acqua, i cordoli e le parti possono essere distrutti se portati sott'acqua due ali staccate una di fronte all'altra si comportano come nella vita reale, non producono doppia portanza e resistenza, e un velivolo dietro l'altro ottiene la turbolenza tutte le parti aerodinamiche si comportano sott'acqua come farebbero in IRL (più controllo con le superfici di controllo) Parti: Cisterne di zavorra (Mk1, Mk2 e Mk3) Prese d'acqua Pompe dell'acqua Motori subacquei radiali Regolari motori subacquei Pozzetto resistente alla pressione Parti che resistono a forti urti (ad esempio potrebbero essere utilizzate per siluri lanciati dall'aria) Varie: Migliore visione subacquea I kerbal possono nuotare sott'acqua I Kerbals hanno bisogno di bombole di ossigeno per andare sott'acqua con l'EVA Do you think this could be cool?
- Fluid
- Underwater
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Unlike KSP 1, the VAB has no door/view to the outside, so it’s harder to orient craft correctly (at least for me)… ex: Sometimes it is helpful to pre-incline a rocket/probe slightly in the pro-grade (E/90°) direction to help it find its’ way to orbit, but without knowing which way is which, you have to guess, then reload VAB if guessing wrong (and this has its’ own problems which I’ll post about separately). Adding: Updated to v0.1.1 on Thursday
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- v0.1.1
- Suggestion
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Improved Tree Engine Placement // v1.4.0 License: CC BY-NC 4.0 The scope of this mod is to improve the order in which you unlock engines in the community tech tree. It does this by splitting the rocketry line into a lifter line and an efficient propulsion line, into which go booster engines and vacuum-optimized engines respectively. Nuclear and fusion propulsion lines are shifted up a row. Inspiration has come from the recently released BetterEarlyTree mod, which I quite enjoyed, as well as Unkerballed Start, where I liked the separation of rocketry lines. The logic behind the ordering is that you unlock engines following their diameter, i.e. you get 1.25m ones before 1.875 and so on. That logic fails though as you get into mods that add very similar engines, taking the mainsail and the mastodon as an example. Therefore, they have been ordered following a rough comparison in deltav and thrust. As of v1.4, most of the 0.625m parts have been moved around for a more sensible progression, since they always felt in the wrong place, and would suffer from underuse. However I am still unsure of the exact ordering that should be kept. No pics no clicks, so here we go: Since this is my first official mod, feedback is very welcome, especially on my module manager patches, but also on general balance or further mod implementation. Notes: The icons are based on the Terrier, the Harrier and Tharsis engines, the latter two being from cryogenic engines. Supported: Stock ReStock+ CryoEngines Near Future Launch Vehicles Near Future Spacecraft Dependencies: (not bundled) Community Tech Tree Module Manager Optional (recommended): Better Early Tree Dowload: SpaceDock GitHub
A search bar in the craft browser.
Guest posted a topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
Squad should add a search bar in the VAB and SPH to facilitate looking for craft. -
Do you hate it when your craft is tugging along on SAS and you want to correct the course a bit? You touch pitch controls and it gets all wobbly. There is a simple solution to your problem: SAS should not control the control input, but work via the TRIM settings. You control input would be combined with the TRIM and you would have perfect controls even with SAS activated. Better yet: Allow the TRIM settings to be kept when leaving SAS (maybe with a modifier key or so) and move your craft from SAS to full manual control without even the slightest bump. Why we should do this? Because usually it is done like that. Your input is combined with stabilisation/trim. If it is still unclear what I mean exactly, move down three posts. User OHARA does explain it better!
- 34 replies
- 15
- get rid of wobble
- improvement
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Artificial Intelligence: Can we redesign the world? So I have thought about how AI systems are become so much more powerful and complex. So along those lines could computer system AI become self learning enough like google DEEPMIND project to improve just about everything? : Antivirus software with DEEPMIND rooted together so that another computer system could repeatedly attempt to hack with various viruses, then after such a point the Antivirus software with DEEPMIND becomes aware of creating a defense or destroying the virus as soon as detected. Redesign the virus attacking computer to become aware that it has still not found a route of taking control of the device, as this cause the DEEPMIND system would be added to the virus computer to make that happen. As well as come up with combinations of the current viruses to learn and then create more complex viruses of it's own to unlimited possibilities. This in turn could maybe help some networks get an antivirus software that would be incredibly unbeatable. "Antivirus software" is a relative term as to what software it would actually be called, would be up to the designer of course. DEEPMIND self learning AI could possibly learn the capabilities of the current computer system the AI is working in then calculate all kinds of different computer technology improvements. For example the move from HDD to Solid State Drives, seem to be a great step. Of my own curiosity would multiple flash drives being so small, be converted together easily enough to make like say a 40-500 Terabyte Solid State Hard Drive of sorts? This might be the ultimate kicker if two computers are running DEEPMIND and they both begin communication with each other, in an effort to improve their AI. Would it be possible for the DEEPMIND AI on each machine to learn to create just about anything. Such as a biological organism 3D printer for lack of a better term, in which case tissue of a person could be sampled to create a whole new organ within hours. This is just another thought of no evidence or research yet. With such efficient ways to have computers redesign various capabilities of current technology, I believe I read that the DEEPMIND AI developed a way to reduce cooling cost of googles systems by 40%. Along with all those aspects imagine the future designs this system could create for Aerospace, Rocket design, Possibly another way to enter space in a vehicle made to take flight and at a distance predetermined to quickly speed up the the Earth's atmosphere. Although if such technology becomes available likely this won't be a issue. Alien technology UFO you may think of in this case to explore space more quickly than we have ever before. These are just various comments on possibly some ways DEEPMIND AI could help advance the world. In no way do I say these are feasible or close to even happening at this point. With an Artificial Intelligence system and nano-technology and creative ingenuity, seems like most anything is possible perhaps probable. Just some interesting thoughts in my opinion. Have a great day. Thanks, for reading
Anyone, using a standard asparagus set up with 2-3 vertically stacked tanks, tried putting a fuel line from top most center tank back out into the top most outer tanks? It allows ALL engines to keep burning if ANY tank has fuel, and you can still detach in standard asparagus to jettison mass if you have enough thrust.
- 17 replies