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Found 2 results

  1. As of April 12 (2:29 PM, EST) - Most importantly (since it was addressed in Patch #2)... One of my ships teleported to underneath the VAB during construction This has only happened one time, but it happened after Ctrl+Z (undo) Speaking of Ctrl+Z - I also had an Assembly disappear completely following an Undo. To be specific, the parts didn't just erase - they appeared to be invisible. Certain VAB part icons still appeared around the invisible craft (i.e. small 4-way direction/compass circle icon) Almost all new bugs tho are related to orbital mechanics the the new Maneuver UI Maneuver Mode - new, predicted orbit line not showing at times (image below) Maneuver Mode - Burn Time Meter stuck (while in mid-burn pointing at target) No screenshot of this, but it happened twice while en route to Eve, specifically, while attempting to circularize within Eve's SOI Switching between Map View and (Auto) Orbit Flight View sometimes causes parts to shift out-of-place No luck saving/loading game. Only resolvable by reverting back to a previous save or deleting/restarting ship May or may not be new: - I noticed that my Kerbal Pilots go into PANIC MODE whenever I time warp in orbit. (i.e. flailing arms around and screaming) - While in VAB, I'm frequently unable to expand Stage Info Menu (on right hand side), and view the estimated effectiveness of stages while in different SOIs. To be clear, before Patch 2, I almost never had an issue being able to expand a Stage View, click on an engine, and view my TWR on various planet (atmos & vac)
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