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Found 4 results

  1. This is the Really Really Really Deep Basement. Inspiration was from Really Really Really Tall Building. Here's how this is gonna go. 1. No having floors that send you back up, or far down. 2. No floors that trap you. 3. Floors don't have to(and should not) be related to the previous floor. 4. Don't be ridiculing other floors. This is how we start! I will say floor -1. Next person -2. Then -3, and so on. Let's begin! Floor -1: As you walk down here into the first basement, you see that there are 100+ doors. You try them all, but only one works. It leads to a hallway lit by neon signs. These signs all read 'Hooray, you wasted your time!' You continue to the next floor in anger...
  2. If I understand what this part of the forum is about, one thing that would be REALLY helpful is being able to type the name of a craft into a seachbar, and KSP showing you the craft with that name. That would be very helpful, since I make a lot of stuff (Specifically cranes), and I can (almost) always remember the name of the crane, but it takes me a while to find it. Being able to just search for a specific thing, instead of having to scroll and search for it, would make playing KSP a lot easier. Well, maybe not a LOT, but it would be nice anyway.
  3. can i add some costume parts or mods on ksp demo?
  4. What if KSP made it possible to use Sandbox universe2 style of creating Solar systems and then using that as your world to live in, you can choose everything. Or better yet, making ksp allow files that can be made in sandbox universe or other programs, then importing it into the save file and run it as the map of the solar system. Obviously it would be heavy on the game, but having terrain deformation would be cool too! What are your thoughts? (P.S. CAN'T WAIT FOR 1.1)
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