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Found 2 results

  1. Does anyone know how/if you can replace the default sun texture in 1.3.x? A few releases ago I was able to edit an asset file to get this... I've tried editing the sharedassets10.asset file (which I "think" is the right one) but I'm not having any luck. I'm thinking I just need the right editor, maybe the one's I've tried (UAE, UAV) aren't compatible with the newest version of Unity? I've also tried various sunflare mods (which are all awesome!) but the flares are still superimposed on top of the default sun texture. Or maybe there's a way to create a ghost in Scatterer that blocks the default sun, but I haven't figured it out yet. Seems the default sun texture always has priority. Anyway, thoughts and suggestions very much appreciated, thanks!!! -S
  2. I want to use some of the KSP assets, mostly the models for a few rocket parts and fairings, as well as the a model of the kerbals. Are these assets compatible for use in these animation suites? (also, will Squad let me use the assets, this particular animation isn't going to be monetized or earn money in any way)
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