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Found 6 results

  1. There are a few pretty old threads about specific launches, but I figured a catch-all like the SpaceX and Blue Origin threads might be in order (I also changed my Proton launch thread to be generic Russian launches). Saying that, tonight is a double-header with a Soyuz launch, AND a ULA launch.
  2. Yes, it has (pretty) accurate staging. Mods: Waterfall EVE ReStock Reentry Particle Effects Renewed Tundra's Space Center Hope you like it!
  3. The date is February 20, 1962. NASA is about to launch the first American into orbit, John Glenn. In this mission you will be recreating the Mercury-Atlas 6 flight, which brought John Glenn into orbit and back. It includes some realism, with some things that actually happened during the 3-orbit mission. Operated by NASA as part of Project Mercury, it was the fifth human spaceflight, preceded by Soviet orbital flights Vostok 1 and 2 and American sub-orbital flights Mercury-Redstone 3 and 4. I think I did a pretty good job at recreating the mission using the mission builder, and I hope you will enjoy playing it! Below are some images from the mission: Mercury-Atlas 6 on the launch pad, with the Friendship 7 capsule. Shortly after launch, when you are told to start pitching and what orbit you need to get into. Separation of the Atlas booster engines. Shortly after you get into orbit, and have to decouple from the Atlas. Image of Friendship 7 in Orbit. A problem happens during the beginning of Orbit 2 (like the real mission). The Retro-burn after 3 orbits. Re-entry. About to splashdown, with the KSC in the distance. Also, most of the mission parts are automated (like when you launch, fire retros, separate from Atlas, etc.). So just do what Gene tells you to in the Mission and if anyone finds problems, I will make updates that will fix them. Enjoy! Download Links: KerbalX, Mediafire, Steam Workshop
  4. Still not survivable. The shuttle, especially in the early days, had huge “black zones,” where any kind of failure requiring an abort would be LOCV, either due to reentry stress on the orbiter or lack of thrust/control. Remember, at launch the boosters gave 90% of the stack’s thrust, until the orbiter/ET combo could accelerate itself, even “shutting off” the boosters would be LOCV. The pilot/commander on those first few flights of Columbia pretty much knew if anything went wrong while the boosters were burning they were boned. Oddly enough, that part never changed with “operational” flights.
  5. ULA Posted a link to the SDASM's Flickr album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sdasmarchives/albums/72157649485000247 I posted a few of the ones I really liked but the album is HUGE so enjoy.
  6. I would like to share with you all a little mod that I working on. The MOD contains: Orion+Service Module, parachutes for Orion, Extensible Docking Port, a Petal decoupler, Altair Lander and a MMSEV. The MMSEV's model and textures are from Nasas 3D's Sharing. I only worked on a little things here and there. Now im correcting some bugs and working on better textures to be more Stockalike Hope you enjoy!
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