Hello everybody, it's me, NotAgain, again.
After gettoing somewhat of a positive reaction to quite a number of my pictures, I've decided to share a selection of the best with you. I probably won't update this as much as my mission report (check my signature for the link), but I'll try and keep it at least weekly. So, without further ado, have some pictures, you wonderful people.
Grace - VII looks fantastic during launch on an Etoh Heavy.
Korabl 14 witnesses a sunrise in orbit of Kerbin.
The Sentinel Scientific Orbiter silhouetted against, you guessed it, Sentinel.
A Munar arch. If you look closely at the base of the arch, you can make out the speck that is the Blue Anchor - Firedance VI Munar Roving Vehicle. Bill Kerman's standing on top of the arch.
The crew of Oligarch 0D, Metkosmos' first crewed Munar mission, on EVA as they leave the Munar SOI, heading home.