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Found 5 results

  1. Hey Y'all! Many past players have used all sorts of means to simulate airships in KSP, from jet engines to control surface spamming to landing gear glitches and even awesome mods like HooliganLabs. Since the game will calculate lift on an aerodynamic body regardless of how it's occluded (unless it's inside a fairing/cargo bay), we can build a helicopter that sure looks a whole heck of a lot like an airship using the new DLC parts. To this end, I've got another entry into the stock airship category: The Kindenburg utilizes two R7000 Turboshaft engines with 16 medium helicopter blades each, mounted to counter-rotate inside the wing-only section of the envelope. Outside the envelope along the sides, there are two electric rotors with duct blades which will provide our forward thrust. The lift engines are fed by liquid fuel and intake air, while the rotors and reaction wheels are run by the lift engine alternators along with a pair of fuel cells. The crew capacity is 10: 2 in the lander can, and 8 in the upside-down modules. Hanging the passenger modules upside-down was mainly for aesthetic reasons, as I found it to be the best and easiest way to make a good looking passenger module for an airship. I hear bats love to travel in this thing. Action Groups: AG1) Toggle lift engines power and fuel cells AG2) Toggle forward engines AG3) Toggle ladder Flying the thing can be a little tricky. The lift engines are mapped to the main throttle via RPM limit, and a throttle level of 1/2 corresponds to roughly neutral buoyancy. When taking off, it's best to do so with a little forward velocity for stability. Start out by hitting AG1 and releasing the breaks, then hit AG2 to start moving forward. Set your autopilot to prograde lock. Once you pick up speed, throttle up to ~1/2 thrust and you'll be off the ground. Don't try to gain altitude too quickly, otherwise you'll pitch up too far, flip out, and crash. Keep your nose close to the horizon and rely primarily on yaw for steering, bumping the throttle up and down from neutral buoyancy for pitch. Yaw works better for steering while at low speeds, but at higher speeds rolling is preferable. I've gotten it up to ~60 m/s at sea level, but you can probably push it beyond this. When landing, shut off the forward engines and deploy the gear. The massive drag of the fairings will slow you down, so drop the throttle slightly to descend and touchdown, then reapply the breaks. Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Jamie_Logan/Kindenburg Gallery: OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed this, please check out my last post too (also an unconventional vehicle novelty):
  2. Hey everyone! Today, I've got another replica to show off! Red Bull Stratos was a high altitude diving project involving Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner. On 14 October 2012, Baumgartner flew approximately 39 kilometres (24 mi) into the stratosphere over New Mexico, United States, in a helium balloon before free falling in a pressure suit and then parachuting to Earth. The total jump, from leaving the capsule to landing on the ground, lasted approximately ten minutes. While the free fall was initially expected to last between five and six minutes, Baumgartner deployed his parachute after 4 minutes and 19 seconds. Reaching 1,357.64 km/h (843.6 mph)—Mach 1.25—Baumgartner broke the sound barrier on his descent, becoming the first human to do so without any form of engine power. Measurements show Baumgartner also broke two other world records. With a final altitude of 38,969 m (127,851 ft; 24 mi), Baumgartner broke the unofficial record for the highest manned balloon flight of 37,640 m (123,491 ft) previously set by Nick Piantanida. He also broke the record for the highest altitude jump, set in 1960 by USAF Colonel Joseph Kittinger, who was Baumgartner's mentor and capsule communicator at mission control. (from Wikipedia) My replica utilizes some tricks to make the balloon work, since stock buoyancy isn't a thing (yet). The "balloon" section is made mostly of fairings, except for the midsection which uses the structural tube parts to make for an internal section where aerodynamic forces aren't ignored (like they are inside fairings). Inside those tubes are two counter-rotating sets of propellers which will provide our lift to simulate buoyancy. The rotors are powered by fuel cells which are fed by a single small tank with enough gas to get you a few kilometers up before the jump. Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/Jamie_Logan/Red-Bull-Stratos When flying: Set your SAS to radial out, press action group 1 to power up the rotors and fuel cells, then throttle up to 100% and stage. EVA and hit spacebar once you reach ~9 km. Don't forget to open your parachute. Enjoy! Gallery: I hope you liked it! Here is my last post:
  3. If one simple part could be added to stock KSP to dramatically improve gameplay, it would be stock balloon tanks. Characteristics: Spherical 10:1 propellant to structure ratio Two varieties (LO and LF); no bipropellant tanks Ideally procedural/scalable; if not, then four sizes (tiny, small, large, and extra large) Only a single attachment node Low impact tolerance (~3 m/s), low heat tolerance (~1000K) Same skin as the ROUND-8 for the LO variety; zero-saturation grey skin for the LF variety Stock currently lacks any options for LO-only tanks, even though it does have options for LF-only tanks. Adding an option to have a tank with only LO makes a lot of sense. Plus, for any stages designed to operate completely outside of the atmosphere, having balloon tanks with a better propellant fraction than the rest of the stock tanks would mean a wider range of lander designs and transfer stages. However, the low impact tolerance and large cross-sectional area of these tanks would necessitate their inclusion in a fairing for ascents from Kerbin. You could also build more real-life-analogue stages and landers, since numerous real-world vehicles use spherical tanks.
  4. Hot Air Balloon The Hot Air Balloon is a craft build that I have not yet landed, its a very slow process and I may attempt to travel to the Island at a later date. The Balloon has 8 Whiplash Engines and some Large Reaction Wheels for control and lift for the Balloon. It actually looks nice when ascending with the engine exhaust I just didn't show it in the Video so the Balloon looked more realistic in flight. Special Note: The Video is very deceiving, 8 Whiplash Engines lift the Balloon, although it will looks like they will cook the Kerbals in the basket it will fly, oh don't worry about those Kerbals, their Suits are very High Tech, they remain very comfortable and enjoy the ride. Craft File: Hot Air Balloon Parts: 981 Mass: 57.552t Height: 26.7m Width: 12.7m Length: 12.7m Operation: Engage RCS & SAS, Apply Full Throttle, Press Space bar to Ignite Whiplash Engines, After Engines run about 10 seconds press Space bar again to release the Craft. Pressing the Space bar once again will Ignite the Puff Engines then one last press of the Space bar will release an additional remote, I did this for better views of the Basket and Kerbals. Action Groups 1- Toggle Whiplash Engines 2- Toggle Puff Engines 3- Toggle Ladders 4- Toggle Door
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