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Hello, everyone! I have been wondering, what's the cheapest thing, that can go to orbit. I have tried a few designs myself, but I want to compare them to others. The challenge is to spend the least funds to go to LKO (low kerbin orbit). It must be at least a bit over 70 km on periapsis. Recovering parts doesn't count. I would like the vesels to be from 1.11, but other versions are accepted. There will be two main ctegories: modded and stock. Stock: 1. 690 by Dvader 2. 1171 by camacju 3. 4. 5. Modded: 1. 310 by Jokpau Gaming 2. 1137 by jimmymcgoochie 3. 4. 5. You need to post a picture of your craft in VAB/SPH, in flight and in orbit with periapsis shown. Craft files would be appreciated too! No cheats, of course. I will edit this post to add winners and explain something, if it's not clear yet. Good luck!
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The KSC is broke! Nobody knows how accounting made such an avoidable mistake, but somehow, spending has gone out of control and the Kerbals are in deep financial trouble. With investors pulling out, manufacturers cutting supply, and the constant pressure of continuous scientific advancement, the KSC will need a grand mission and an affordable price. The challenge- Launch a crewed mission to at least LKO, or another celestial body, in science or career mode, and gather science for as low of a price as you can. The rules- No alt+f12, HyperEdit, MechJeb autopilot (though MechJeb for information is okay), no part mods or physic-altering mods. You may not mine and process ore for fuel, and then recover that fuel for extra profit. Any fuel mined must be used. Visual and informative mods are always welcome. You are allowed to Start a new science/career save, and give yourself Max-Facility or Max-Progression or Max-Tech Tree, so you have access to all parts and unrestricted building limits. All science must be recovered. Scoring- The equation for scoring is P=(V-R)/S, where V= the price in the VAB or SPH, R=the recovered price, S= the science gathered, and P=your score, in funds per science. For example, if my rocket costs 80,000 funds in the VAB and I recover 20,000 funds and 100 science, I do P=(80,000-20,000)/100, and get P=600 funds per science, or a score of 600. Video/Pics of important parts of your mission is a requirement. You must also include a shot or picture of your craft in the VAB, and of your recovered science and funds upon landing and craft recovery. My run with a scientific version of my SSTO “Burnley” got me: (76799 - 73655) / 177 = 17.76 funds per science. Leaderboard: 1- @camacju= 0.04 funds / science 2- @DRAG0Nmon= 17.76 funds / science
Here at Victory Aerospace, the guy in charge of the money thought it would be a smart idea to waste it at the slot machine. Because of him we hardly have any money to build a space craft. We can't come up with a design for a cheap enough rocket so we asked other space programs to help us out. CHALLENGE: Launch a rocket that cost less than 7000 funds to a specific location RULES: All engines are allowed No cheats (infinite fuel or low/no gravity) Must use stock parts Making history and breaking grounds parts are allowed. RANKS: Basic contract: Fly a satellite into a low Kerbin orbit Appreciated contract: Fly a Kerbal in to a low Kerbin orbit and return him alive Basic Lunar contract: Fly a Kerbal into space, get an encounter with the Mun, and return him/her safely Advanced Luner contract: Land a Kerbal on Minmus and return him safely Victory appreciation contract: Impress me Good luck and have fun with the challenge!
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Lowell XT A cheap, light and fast sports car inspired by the Japanese mid-engined 2+2 sports cars of the mid 1980’s. After two years, the XT has been redesigned. You can find the link to the old one at the end of this text. Back in 1984 Lowell wanted to compete with the cheap Japanese sports cars that had flooded the market. Instead of designing one themselves they decided to buy a design from a well known designer. It was cheap to produce with a low part count and had an excellent low drag. The XT showing it's typical wedge shape. The Lowell XT was launched in February 1985 to the global market, only three days after the Subaru XT. Subaru immediately sued Lowell because the shape of the two cars had too much in common, also the name XT was a problem. This was settled out of court but costed Lowell a lot of money, and they also payed the press a lot to keep the case silent. Part of the agreement was that Subaru would name the XT Alcyone for the local market. In return Lowell agreed to redesign the front and drop the hidden headlamps in favor of a more standard design. On the left the 1987 XT, on the right the 1985 XT. It was determined the designer had stolen the design through corporate espionage. When the police came to arrest him, he had commited harakiri. The Lowell XT was an immediate success due to its low cost and excellent performance, it could hit 336 km/h which was unheard of at the time. However there were complaints as well. The ride height was more akin to a sedan and the springs and shocks were too soft, comparable with a sedan as well. To prevent tipping over a set of tires was used with less grip, resulting in relatively poor cornering and stopping power. The complaints were heard and in 1986 the design team started with modifications. The ride height was lowered, also the wheelbase increased. Springs and shocks were set to max. The roof was redesigned using lighter materials, this lowered the center of mass. The hood was replaced with one using less parts. The front was redesigned, making it lighter and giving it a more modern look. The rear lights were replaced with lighter versions. The interior received a lighter floor plate. The fuel tanks, engine and Boost Flap were lowered and drag reduced. Wheels were set at a camber of 3 degrees. Downforce was set to zero. The changes were dramatic. Mass dropped from 6.81t to 5.59t. Part count dropped from 114 to 94. Max speed increased from 336 km/h to 396 km/h. Max sustained G in corners increased from 2.1 to 3.0. Features stayed the same: 2x Juno jet engines. Brake lights. Boost Flap. Stock parts. Lowell XT 1985 Lowell XT 1987
Skills are free. Fuel is not. All craft are stock unless noted otherwise. Subassemblies Exploration Colonisation
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Check out my new plane, it can't get out of the atmosphere but can go to the north pole and back (in some hours of flight) It has 55000 DeltaV and 12Tons of mass, it uses only 22570 funds This is the dowload link for the .craft file
It is 2018 on Kerbin and space travel is all the rage, but the planet Kerbin has reached a predicament, they have mined out almost all usable resources needed to make space craft. And due to debris exploding, crashing into Jool or being stuck in a ridiculously bizarre Kerboliocentric orbit they can't get much for salvage. They have already scrapped everything in orbit and salvaged the most they could from interplanetary bases. However there is still hope, on the recent mission to Eeloo named "PARTY BUS Mk 50" they met a strange race of creatures whom they invited aboard for drinks. They exchanged phone numbers and departed. Right now on Kerbin Jeb has phoned the aliens and outlined their predicament, they can't get ore back from other planets because they cant reach their interplanetary bases. And the aliens agree to help, on the condition that they land on Gilly and return. Jeb asks them why they can't just help out a friend and the aliens just respond with a vague gurgling sound before hanging up. The KSP has now decided their obvious course of action, build the lightest, cheapest craft to be able go to gilly, land and then return. Or else they'll just have to settle with kerbin. Rules 1 Any form of craft is allowed, space plane, rocket or something that I haven't even heard of. 2. Any method of control is considered fine, except for command seats. 3. Must be a single launch. 4. Mechjeb is allowed All mods except for hyper edit and part mods are allowed Scoring Everyone starts with 10 points, just as in golf the lowest score wins, yes negative scores are possible Score= (10+Weight of craft at launch(in tons)+(Price/1000))-(Bonus points.) Bonus opportunities. Kerbifest destiny: Do the mission manned, conserve that weight to make room for your kerbal! 20 points Nuclear option: Use NERV engines to transit to gilly or to transit back, conserve weight elsewhere. 30 points Prehistoric: Use a mammoth engine to help you escape the atmosphere, slim down everything else. 250 points. Horned beast: Use a Rhino engine to assist your escape from the atmosphere, slim down everything else. 150 points. Aerodynamic: Do not utilize parachutes for reentry, conserve weight to pack room for a slow down stage. 50 points. Techno-phobia: Do not utilize mechjeb. 50 points. Electrophobia: Do not utilize ion engines. 30 points Vertabrate: Do not utilize spider or ant engines. 30 points Huff-Puff: Do not utilize Puff mono propellant engines 30 points. Twitchy: Do not utilize twitch engines. 30 points Sparky: Do not utilize spark engines. 20 points Aerophobia: Do not utilize air breathing engines 100 points. More to come. SCOREBOARD None so far... Will you be the first?